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A Project Work

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the award of the degree of





MAY 2018
This is to certify that the thesis titled “DEVELOPMENT OF FRAMEWORK FOR
submitted by Akash Pushkar, CE13B070, to Indian Institute of Technology Madras, for
the award of the degree of Master of Technology in Civil Engineering is a bona fide record
of work carried out by her. The content of this report, in full or in parts, have not been
submitted to any other institute or University for the award of any degree or diploma.

I take this opportunity to express my sincere and profound sense of gratitude to my project

guide Dr. Koshy Varghese for giving me valuable guidance and encouragement during this

work. It is through his guidance that the project has gained structure. His foresight and

expertise have helped me make the right choices in the project. I am thoroughly indebted to

him for the amount of time they have spent in reviewing my analyses and updates. I consider

it a privilege to have worked under his guidance. I feel it as a great pleasure and honor to be

associated with him.

I am personally indebted to Dr. Koshy Varghese for inspiring me. For teaching me more than

academics. For giving me perspective on lateral thinking. He has not only helped me to learn

the technical aspects of the project but also the way of researching. It is all because of the

pleasant experience of working under with him that I am motivated to pursue research as my

career path.

I owe my sincere thanks to the faculty of the BTCM Division for their encouragement. The

best was made available for successfully completing the project work. I am thankful to Prof.

K Ramamurthy, Head of Department and Prof. Shiva Nagendra, EWRE Division for

providing me facility for conducting experiments. The project would not have been possible

without their support. I am thankful to Prof. Radhakrishna G. Pillai for support in setting up

the laboratory in EWRE division. I would also like to extend thanks to the staff of BTCM

division for helping in managing logistics for setting laboratory setup.

I would like to thank Madhu who helped in driving the project. I thank my friends Akash

Garg, Manish, Shivam, Divyansh, Ravi, Shubham, Shikhar, Manna and Vijayalaxmi for their

constant support, help and for being there for me in good and bad times and for being more

than just friends and lab mates.

Finally, I express my deep gratitude to my parents and my brother and sister without whose

love, blessings and constant support I would not have been able to reach this stage of my


- Akash Pushkar

Keywords: 3D reconstruction, point cloud, as-built, as-planned, progress estimate

Automated progress monitoring of on-going construction projects have been an area of

interest for researchers in the field of civil engineering. It is done using 3D point cloud as-

built and as-planned model. Advancements in the field of photogrammetry and computer

vision have made 3D reconstruction of buildings easy and affordable. But the high variability

of construction sites, in terms of lighting conditions, material appearance, etc. and error-

prone data collection techniques tend to make the reconstructed 3D model erroneous and

incorrect representation of the actual site. This eventually affecting the result of progress

estimation step. To overcome these limitations, this study presents a novel approach for

improving the results of 3D reconstruction of a construction site by employing two-step

process for the reconstruction as compared to the traditional approach. In the proposed

method, the first step is to obtain an as-built 3D model of the construction site using 3D

scanning techniques or photogrammetry in the form of point cloud data. In the second step,

the model is passed through pre-trained machine learning binary classification model for

identifying and removing erroneous data points in the captured point cloud. Erroneous points

are removed by identifying the correct building points. This processed as-built model is

compared with an as-planned model for progress estimation. Based on this, experiments are

carried out using commercially available stereo vision camera for 3D reconstruction.

Moreover this study, standardizing the methodogy of data collection at a construction site

using a testbed laboratory setup. It is used to generate data for benchmarking.

Acknowledgement ..................................................................................................................... 5
Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................... 11
List of Figures ........................................................................................................................... 13
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................ 15
Abbreviation and keywords ..................................................................................................... 17
CHAPTER 1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 19
1.1 Background................................................................................................................ 19
1.2 Scope of work ............................................................................................................ 23
1.3 Thesis organisation....................................................................................................24
CHAPTER 2. Literature review .................................................................................................. 27
2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................... 27
2.2 Data Acquisition ........................................................................................................ 27
2.2.1 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) ............................................................... 27
2.2.2 Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Geographical Information System (GIS)
2.2.3 Laser Scanning Technology ................................................................................ 30
2.2.4 Photogrammetry ................................................................................................ 31
2.2.5 Videogrammetry ................................................................................................ 34
2.3 Information retrieval ................................................................................................. 35
2.3.1 Data pre-processing ........................................................................................... 35
2.3.2 Knowledge Representation ................................................................................ 36
2.4 Progress estimation................................................................................................... 43
2.4.1 BIM registration ................................................................................................. 43
2.4.2 Progress estimation ........................................................................................... 44
2.5 Summary ................................................................................................................... 45
CHAPTER 3. Objective and Methodology ................................................................................ 47
3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................... 47
3.2 Problem Statement ................................................................................................... 47
3.3 Objective of the research .......................................................................................... 47
3.4 Methodology ............................................................................................................. 48
3.5 Data generation......................................................................................................... 49
3.6 Information retrieval ................................................................................................. 49
3.7 Feature Engineering .................................................................................................. 50
3.7.1 Spatial Features.................................................................................................. 50
3.7.2 Color Features ....................................................................................................52
3.8 Masonry recognition ................................................................................................. 53
3.8.1 Classifier training................................................................................................ 53
3.8.2 Support Vector Machine .................................................................................... 53
3.8.3 Masonry detection ............................................................................................. 55
3.9 Progress estimation................................................................................................... 55
3.9.1 SCAN to BIM registration ................................................................................... 55
3.9.2 Voxel-based comparison .................................................................................... 56
3.10 Evaluation .................................................................................................................. 56
3.10.1 Evaluation of SVM Classifier .............................................................................. 56
3.10.2 Evaluation of Progress Estimate ........................................................................ 57
3.11 Summary ................................................................................................................... 58
CHAPTER 4. Implementation using Test bed setup ................................................................. 61
4.1 Introduction............................................................................................................... 61
4.2 Design of the 3d/4d model ....................................................................................... 61
4.3 Automated Data Acquisition .................................................................................... 62
4.3.1 Data Collection System ...................................................................................... 62
4.3.2 Path planning for data collection ....................................................................... 64
4.3.3 Stereo Vision Technology................................................................................... 65
4.3.4 Data Collection Experiment (Setting of the experiment) .................................. 66
4.3.5 Information retrieval.......................................................................................... 73
4.4 Progress estimation................................................................................................... 73
4.5 Summary ................................................................................................................... 74
CHAPTER 5. Results and discussion ......................................................................................... 75
5.1 Introduction............................................................................................................... 75
5.2 Data acquisition and 3d reconstruction ....................................................................75
5.2.1 High Variability of color features ....................................................................... 75
5.2.2 Impact of lighting conditions ............................................................................. 76
5.2.3 Impact the distance between the camera and the object ................................ 77
5.3 Performance of the SVM classifier ............................................................................ 78
5.4 Performance of the progress estimation system ...................................................... 80
5.5 Summary ................................................................................................................... 85
CHAPTER 6. Conclusion and future works ............................................................................... 87
6.1 Introduction............................................................................................................... 87
6.2 Summary ................................................................................................................... 87
6.3 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 87
6.4 Contribution .............................................................................................................. 88
6.5 Future works ............................................................................................................. 89
CHAPTER 7. References ........................................................................................................... 91

Figure 1 Overview of integrated RFID and TLS system (Valero et al. 2012) ............................ 29
Figure 2 Principle of Laser scanning (Abellán et al. 2009) ....................................................... 31
Figure 3 3D reconstruction from 2D images ............................................................................ 33
Figure 4 Point cloud model using laser scan and photogrammetry (Shanbari et al. 2016) ....34
Figure 5 (a) Local representation (surface normal) (Rusinkiewicz 2004)(b) Global
representation (spherical harmonics) (Kazhdan et al. 2003) .................................................. 39
Figure 6 (a) Input mesh (b) library of objects to be recognized from (c) objects recognized . 40
Figure 7 Recognition using context (a) input point cloud, (b) Semantic network (c)
semantically segmented point cloud (d) object recognized point cloud (Tang et al. 2010) ... 42
Figure 8 Feature extracted from the point cloud (a) Normals (b) fast feature point histogram
descriptor ................................................................................................................................. 51
Figure 9 Linear SVM for binary classification ........................................................................... 54
Figure 10 SVM for linearly inseparable data............................................................................ 54
Figure 11 Proposed Methodology ........................................................................................... 58
Figure 12 Final as-planned 3D model ...................................................................................... 62
Figure 13 Data collection semi-automatic robot ..................................................................... 64
Figure 14 Zed camera used for data collection ....................................................................... 66
Figure 15 Different frames of video showing data collection ................................................. 70
Figure 16 As-planned model showing sections at which light intensity is measured ............. 71
Figure 17 various wall configuration used for validation of proposed methodology
representing various stage of construction of masonry wall .................................................. 73
Figure 18 Hue and Saturation plot for two datasets, collected under different conditions ... 76
Figure 19 Impact of light conditions on 3D reconstruction (a,b) Low light (c) High light........ 77
Figure 20 Variation of dimensional error with lighting condition and distance of object ...... 78
Figure 21 Sample as-built model configuration used as training dataset ............................... 78
Figure 22 Performance evaluation of SVM classifier ............................................................... 79
Figure 23 Performance evaluation of SVM classifier for different models – representing
various stages of masonry wall configuration ......................................................................... 80
Figure 24 Performance evaluation of the proposed methodology (built-up area percentage_
as-built area as reference) ....................................................................................................... 81
Figure 25 Performance evaluation of the proposed methodology (built-up area percentage_
as-planned area as reference) ................................................................................................. 82
Figure 26 Variation of percentage build for various methods and different configurations .. 84
Figure 27 Missing points in the data collected (a) Holes or pocket of no points in the as-built
model (b) Sides of the columns not registered in the 3D reconstruction ............................... 85
Table 1 Summary of present-day data acquisition technologies ............................................ 35
Table 2 List of experimental variables ..................................................................................... 67
Table 3 Variables considered and total iterations for each ..................................................... 70
Table 4 Value of the light intensity (lux) on the wall at different sections ............................. 72
Table 5 Summary of the lighting conditions (All values are in lux).......................................... 72
Table 6 Percentage build for various methods and different configurations ......................... 83
DoF Degrees of freedom

FOV Field of View


The present Construction industry is very dynamic industry given to the high variabilities in

term of developing technology, design and development processes. With advancement in

technology and change in user requirements, construction projects have become complex and

difficult. A number of variables have been identified as critical for the success of a

construction project. These factors have been divided into five different categories: human-

related factors, project-related factors, project procedures, project management actions and

external environment (Chan et al. 2004).

Different researchers have identified project management action as a key factor for the

success of the project (Jaselskis and Ashley 1991). Research suggests better management

tools can help to improve the management by assisting the infrastructure managers.

Furthermore, various variables in project management include adequate communication,

control mechanisms, feedback capabilities, troubleshooting, coordination effectiveness,

decision making effectiveness, monitoring, project organization structure, plan and schedule

followed, and related previous management experience. Summarizing, construction project

monitoring has evolved as a critical success factor for successful execution and completion of

a construction project.


According to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, monitoring and control “consists

of those processes required to track, review, and orchestrate the progress and performance of

a project; identify any areas in which changes to the plan are required; and initiate the

corresponding changes”. This involves inspection of the progress of the work and its

comparison with the plan of progress in order to realize the performance.

Traditional monitoring of construction projects has always been manually driven process

involving visual inspection and human judgment. Construction companies consider the work

of the work in progress as one the most tedious and challenging problem faced by project

managers. It is established that significant amount of an infrastructure project manager’s

work hours is spent in measuring, recording and analyzing the progress of work. These high

human dependencies make existing monitoring methods slow and inaccurate, reducing the

ability of infrastructure managers to monitor project performance indicators, including

schedule and cost. In building construction, the average duration of any construction activity

typically ranges in days. However, the average frequency of manual data collection and

reporting is monthly. These poor monitoring techniques are comprehended as one of the

reasons for cost and time overruns in construction projects (Zhang et al. 2009). Thus, the

importance of accurate and efficient progress monitoring have been reiterated by several

researchers. The time taken for identification of inconsistency between the as-built and as-

planned model is proportional to the cost overrun and increased difficulty in implementation

of the corrective measures in a project (Navon and Shpatnitsky 2005).

In the past decade, numerous construction companies and academicians have started

implementing digital imaging and photography for assisting the task of visual inspection

(Tsai et al. 2007). The onsite collection of images enables inspection from the confines of the

office thereby reducing the need for frequent on-site inspections. Although digital images

help in project monitoring most of the interpretation from these images is left to the project

managers. Thus there is need to develop automated techniques for analysis and interpretation

of the images collected.

Computer vision is the fields of study that aims to provide the computer with the

functionality of human vision and thereby identifying and interpreting different component
captured in a digital image. Similarly, another relevant field of study is photogrammetry. It

involves the application of photography in surveying and mapping of real-world objects. It

involves reconstruction of 3D models from 2D images. This two field together can help to

develop technology capable of automating of the task of construction progress monitoring. It

should be noted here that the application of computer vision and photogrammetry techniques

are limited to visual tasks only, thus restricted to visually evident stages of construction. It is

because of the nature of underlying data that is used in both the aforementioned fields of

study. Despite the above-mentioned limitations, these field of study can be used in partially

automating the process of progress monitoring, increasing the efficiency of the infrastructure

project managers.

Recent advancements in the field of reality capture technologies, like, 3D imaging, laser

scanning, in-situ sensing equipment, onboard instrumentation and electronic tagging, has

made data acquisition possible for automated progress estimation. Some construction

companies have begun to develop and implement technology for automated data collection

using barcodes, a Global positioning system (GPS), Radio-frequency identification (RFID)

tags, laser scanners, audio and video technologies (Navon and Sacks 2007). Cloud-based

remote-controlled cameras are implemented in application of remote monitoring of

construction progress (eg. Oxblue). Moreover, developments in the field of machine

learning and computer vision have made an analysis of the acquired data efficient. While the

impacts of these advancements are compelling, numerous challenges continue to persist. (De

Marco et al. 2009)(Lee et al. 2016) These challenges prevent them from maturing into

technologies that could be deployed to an on-going construction site for monitoring without

human intervention. It can be alleged that there are no practices which offer automated

analysis of construction data to estimate progress (Kopsida et al. 2015).

In the past, several automated methods of progress monitoring have been developed and

tested by researchers and practitioners to enable better monitoring. One noteworthy example

of automation in construction space is the adoption of Building Information Modelling

(BIM). In the last decade, many commercially available inspection software’s have been

developed such as Autodesk BIM 360, xBIM, Field 3D, LATISTA etc. These software’s are

very helpful from the point of document management but inspection is still manual, requiring

the infrastructure manager to navigate around the BIM model and inspecting the construction

visually at the same time. Thus, automated progress monitoring systems are need of the hour.

Automated progress monitoring can be divided into four steps: (1) Data acquisition, which is

capturing digital representation of as-built scenes, (2) information retrieval, this refers to

extraction of useful information from the data collected without loss of any information

required for accurate progress estimation, (3) progress estimation, this is a comparison

between as-built model and as-planned model in order to determine the state of progress, (4)

visualization of the results obtained via previous steps [4].

The goal of the study is to improve the result of progress estimate of a construction by

generating an improved 3D reconstruction of construction as compared to existing solutions.

The study is done considering the high variability in site conditions and data collection

techniques, the method should be robust to these variations for any given site. In addition to

this, the study also aims at developing a methodology for effective and efficient data

collection from a construction site. Thereby, standardizing the data collection process

implemented in building construction, improving the results of aforementioned automated


It should be noted that 3D reconstructed point cloud model is obtained using commercially

available stereo vision camera. The process of 3D registration of images to produce point
cloud is known to be error-prone, producing erroneous points with no correspondence in the

actual site (Fathi and Brilakis 2016)(McCoy et al. 2014). Thus, data pre-processing becomes

of paramount importance, involving outlier removal and noise filtering. But these pre-

processing methods are preliminary in nature and erroneous points continue to exist in the

point cloud data. Therefore, there is need to identify these error points.

In this study, we work to improve the results of progress estimate of construction calculated

by comparing as-built model, obtained using a commercially available stereo vision camera,

and as-planned model. The research employs machine learning techniques for processing and

refining 3D point cloud model before progress estimation is made. The processing involves

detection of the masonry followed by its distinction from erroneous points. This is done to

obtain a more accurate representation of the captured scene as compared to the output of 3D

reconstruction. Subsequently, this processed as-built model is used for progress estimation by

comparing it with the as-planned model.

This research proposes a novel method is proposed to classify between normal and erroneous

points using machine learning techniques. “Normal” class representing points which

correspond to constructed parts in the 3D point cloud model whereas “erroneous” class

represents points which have no correspondence or correspond to parts other than constructed

elements. In this method, a supervised binary classifier is built by training it over data

collected. This trained classifier is used for identifying masonry points and thereby removing

erroneous points from a point cloud, eventually producing better progress estimate.


The study is conducted for masonry activity of construction, though this can be easily

extended to other construction activities. Though this extension of work is limited only to

visually evident construction activities.

The data acquisition is done using the commercially available stereo camera. Thus the input

data, that is, 2D images or 3D point, used for analysis is obtained using imaging-based

devices. Ideally, the developed system should perform independently of the source or

technology used for collection of data. Thus, the performance of the system should be same

as that in the case of imaging devices when other devices like laser scanner etc. are used.

Since the laser scanners are very costly and require special expertise to operate, we have

confined this study to 2D images (with depth map) and photogrammetric point cloud data.


The thesis is organized into seven chapters. Each subchapter is further divided into the

further section. A brief explanation of various chapters in this thesis is given below.

· Chapter 1 Introduction

It introduces the general concepts of project management and develops on the

importance of the construction progress monitoring. It briefly explains the aim of the

study and defines the direction of the study.

· Chapter 2 Literature Review

This chapter provides an account of literature pertaining to the fields of automated

data acquisition, 3D reconstruction from a stereo pair of 2D images and data retrieval

from 3D point clouds. The section also elaborates on Scan-to-BIM registration and

comparison of two point clouds. Finally, it summarizes the research gaps established

in the literature.

· Chapter 3 Research objective and Methodology

This chapter discusses the aims and objectives of the study. It further discusses the

methodology proposed in order to achieve these aims and objectives. Since this is
very area of research, the chapter also establishes the problem statement being tackled

in the study.

· Chapter 4 Implementation using testbed setup

This chapter deals with the implementation of the proposed framework using a

laboratory testbed setup. The chapter is divided into the following section: (1) Design

of 3D/4D model, (2) Automated data acquisition, (3) Progress estimation.

· Chapter 5 Results and discussion

This chapter states the various results obtained in the study and the implications of

these study. It also discusses the analytical results of performance of the methodology

proposed. Besides this, various insights drawn from the data are discussed in detail

fashion in the following sub-sections. The results are divided into three categories:

(1) Performance of data acquisition/generation and 3D reconstruction, (2)

Performance of SVM classifier and (3) Performance of the progress estimation.

· Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future works

This chapter summarizes the study and results of the proposed methodology. It

documents the conclusion drawn from the study and contribution to the field of study.

Finally, future scope and work are discussed and various possible research paths are



This section provides a detailed account of automated construction progress monitoring,

build on the understanding of the concept developed in section 1. In the following section,

various technologies used for data acquisition and numerous algorithms and techniques used

in the analysis of the data acquired are discussed. It also discusses techniques of 3D

reconstruction, that is, 3D point generation from 2D images. In addition to this, a subsection

elaborates the research regarding the comparison of as-built and as-planned 3D Building

Information Model (BIM) model. And finally, research gaps found in the literature are



Practitioner and academicians have developed and implemented various technologies for

collection of data from a construction site. These technologies range from simple barcode to

highly complex imaging devices. Though in the recent past, laser scanning and

photogrammetry have become popular techniques for obtaining construction data in the form.

These techniques collect data in the form of the 3D point cloud, which has emerged as

important format after the advent of BIM 3D models in the construction process. The

following discusses the different data acquisition technologies in detailed fashion.

Current applications of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology in manufacturing,

retailing, and transportation and logistics industries rely on its capability to identify tagged

objects without requiring physical contact, line-of-sight, or clean environments. Thus, the

construction industry exploited this idea for inventory management and on-site material
tracking (Kasim et al. 2012; Song et al. 2006). The data collected using RFID is then

integrated with the BIM model (Wang and Love 2012). Using this, each component of the

building can be allotted a status - ordered, identified, checked, installed, delivered, protected,

snagged, fixed and completed (Froese 2010). This technology enables the project manager to

retrieve information by a simple scan of the RFID tag using a smartphone or a tablet. A

monitoring system has been developed for concrete pouring, storing and converting the data

collected during the process into information for quality and productivity control (Moon and

Yang 2010).

In order to save time, modern-day construction implements use of precast building

components for raising more and more buildings. The fabrication and installation of these

components can be managed and inspected by the means of RFID systems (Yin et al. 2009).

Active RFID tags are used for location of the objects and users as well as mapping of the

environment. RFID has been able to solve the problem of Indoor Location Sensing (ILS).

RFID based ILS solution is broadly classified into following categories, depending upon the

type of ILS method and possible scale of deployment of the solution: LANDMARC-based

solutions, triangulation-based ILS solutions, and building or zone level ILS solutions (Li and

Becerik-Gerber 2011).

A combination of RFID technology and terrestrial laser scanners (TLS) has been used to

generate 3D models of different objects and indoor spaces. In recent years, the problem of

generation of synthetic 3D models of different facilities has been tackled by many authors.

However, data acquired using laser scanning is an unstructured collection of millions of 3D

points, therefore providing a hindrance to the analysis of this data. In order to assist the

analysis, RFID systems are integrated with RFID systems. This is demonstrated in the figure

below (Valero et al. 2012).

Figure 1 Overview of integrated RFID and TLS system (Valero et al. 2012)

GIS is a computer-based system to collect, integrate, manipulate, analyze, store, and display

data in a spatially referenced environment, thereby assisting in analyzing data visually and

observing trends, patterns, and relationships that cannot be captured in case of tabular or

written form. On the other hand, GPS is a satellite-based navigation system made up of a

network of approximately 24 satellites, which were placed into orbit by the U.S.A. It circles

the earth twice a day in a very precise orbit and transmits signal information to earth where

GPS receivers take this information and use triangulation to calculate the user’s exact

location (Li et al. 2005).

In the construction industry, GPS and GIS technologies independently and their integration

has been implemented in the area of job site monitoring, onsite construction, site layout, and

development, etc. These help the project managers and decision-makers to analyze the

construction process efficiently. It helps to increase profits by providing information

regarding real-time locations of vehicles, status reports, drive speed and heading information,

navigation assistance, and collection of navigation routes. Despite the benefits, this

technology has many limitations, firstly, GPS requires clear ‘line of sight’ between the
orbiting satellite and antenna of the receiver. Therefore, it cannot be used indoors, as

anything that can block sunlight is known to block GPS signals. Secondly, the problem of

multi-path interference is an established problem caused due to bouncing of signals from

nearby objects. Thus, application of GPS and GIS are limited when it comes to indoor

constructions (Lange and Gilbert 1999).

This is present day’s one of the popular method of data acquisition for the purpose of

automated progress monitoring. Laser scanning helps in the development of as-built 3D

models of the building at any stage of the construction process. The data collected is accurate

and with less time consumption, in comparison to manual measurements and traditional

surveying techniques. When an object is scanned correctly using laser-based technologies,

model accuracy is known to have a low variance of 1/4” (6mm), or less (Shanbari et al.


The laser scanning technologies are based on two operating principles: Time of flight and

phase shift or phase comparison of the laser pulse. In the time of flight (ToF) scanning, 3D

coordinated of the surrounding environment is calculated based on the time taken by the laser

pulse in order to return the emitting device after it is reflected back from the object surface.

Using ToF scanning alongside current algorithms, the data is rendered at an accuracy with the

standard deviation in the range of millimeters. On the other hand, in phase comparison laser

scanning, the device emits a laser pulse after modulation by a harmonic wave. On the arrival

of the modulating beam after reflection from the object surface, the phase difference between

the outgoing and incoming pulse is calculated. This phase difference is, in turn, gives the 3D

coordinates of the surface. Phase comparison scanning has a higher accuracy (Böhler and

Marbs 2002).
Figure 2 Principle of Laser scanning (Abellán et al. 2009)

In the construction, industry laser has been successfully implemented to develop 3D point

cloud models. Automated progress control system has been developed requiring minimum

human intervention and input (Zhang and Arditi 2013). Despite the high accuracy of the laser

scanner, use of laser scanner is limited because of the high cost of the scanners, high

maintenance cost and requirement of skilled or trained user for operating scanner. Laser

scanned data have a discontinuity of spatial data and requires mixed-pixel restoration. (Klein

et al. 2012). In addition to this, slow warm-up time and regular need for sensor calibration put

the technology at back foot (Golparvar-Fard et al. 2015).

In comparison to laser scanning, imaging-based technologies provide a cheaper, portable and

low skill intensive solution to the problem of data acquisition in form of the 3D point cloud.

In photogrammetry deals with 3D reconstruction from two or more images, which involves,

identifying key points in images, selecting the common points; calculating the camera
parameters, camera positions, distortions; and finally reconstructing the 3D model by

intersecting the key feature points and adding the information from different images into one

(Mikhail et al. 2001). Advancements in the field of image processing and computer vision

have fully or partially automated these tasks (Tang et al. 2010).

The stitching of common feature points can be achieved through a different level of

automation. Manual stitching requires lesser images but needs a priori knowledge of the

scene. On the other hand, automated stitching reduces human intervention but introduces

stitching errors and noise (Remondino and El-Hakim 2006). After the features are described

and stitched together between images, camera parameter, position and viewing are calculated

based on the location of feature points in 3D space. Bundle adjustment method is employed

for simultaneous optimization of calculated structure and camera poses. Once the cameras

positions are calibrated for all images, the 3D coordinate of any point is obtained by

triangulation of same key point in two images obtained from different viewing angle (Klein

et al. 2012). Figure 2 maps the flowchart for 3D reconstruction from 2D images.
Figure 3 3D reconstruction from 2D images

Similar to laser scanning, accuracy of photogrammetric results depend on environmental and

site conditions. In case of automated stitching, result is affected by dynamic scenery, moving

objects and illumination (Sabry 2000). Other challenges include lack of corresponding pairs

of feature points for stitching 2D images. This is because under-construction building usually

have uniform texture and appearance and thus it is difficult to visually recognize features in a

given image. Moreover, urban construction sites are surrounded by building and cluttered

from inside which prevents required amount of data capturing. In addition, though the camera

has the drawback of lower geometric accuracy; flexibility to use and cost-effectiveness

makes them a favorable choice. Bohn & Teizer have explored advantages and challenges of

camera-based progress monitoring (Bohn and Teizer 2010). The efficacy of stereo vision

cameras to obtain as-built point cloud model using 2D images and depth map has been

studied and proved by various researchers. (Brilakis et al. 2011; Fathi and Brilakis 2011; Son

and Kim 2010). The problems of lack of feature points is obtained is solved by populating the
3D space with unique visual markers, thereby artificially increasing the key feature points.

Occlusions and limited views limitations are overcome by introducing planar constraints to

the modelling process (Sabry 2000).

Figure 4 Point cloud model using laser scan and photogrammetry (Shanbari et al. 2016)

Videogrammetry is technique of generating 3D point cloud from a video. It measures object

coordinated using two or more frames of video. The input to this is video captured over

camcorder instead of digital photos used in photogrammetry. Camcorders are capable of

capturing large number of frames in small time span stored sequentially. The sequential

nature of video facilitates the location and matching of key feature points (Zhu and Brilakis

2009). Thus, entire reconstruction from video requires minimal human intervention,

automating the process majorly (Serby et al. 2004; Tissainayagam and Suter 2005).

Technology for generation of 3D point cloud data from videos is in the early stage of

development. The results are susceptible to any changes in illumination, abrupt motion of

camcorder, corrupting the features extracted leading to failure of stitching of two frames

(Remondino and El-Hakim 2006). Table 1 summarizes the attributes of laser scanning

technology, photogrammetry, and videogrammetry.

Table 1 Summary of present-day data acquisition technologies

Parameters Laser scanner Photogrammetry Videogrammetry

Accuracy Millimeter Centimeter A few millimeters

Resolution Millions of points Hundreds of points Hundreds of points
Cost High Low Low
Required skill High Low Low
Portability Bulky Hand-held Hand-held
3D modeling Automatic Manual Automatic


The 3D point cloud obtained from the laser scanning or photogrammetry need to be

processed before it is compared with an as-planned BIM model. The 3D point cloud contains

points scattered unorderly throughout and it does not contain any object-oriented information,

as in BIM models. Therefore, these point cloud needs to be processed for object segmentation

and detection (Kopsida et al. 2015). This section discusses techniques of processing digital

images for 3D reconstruction, identification of construction objects and materials, and further

processing required for progress estimation stage.

The reconstructed models are highly corrupted with outliers and missing values because of

imperfect conditions in which scanning is done, for instance, the motion of the object,

multiple reflections, object occlusion, etc. Therefore, the output of the data acquisition step,

that is reconstructed point cloud model, needs to be processed and analyzed before feeding to

the next step of information retrieval and progress estimation. The standard tasks involved in

pre-processing of point cloud data are (1) Outlier removal, (2) Handling missing value and
(3) Reducing noise (or smoothening) of data (Pətrəucean et al. 2015). For large point clouds,

downsampling through voxelization is done, in order to reduce the computational time and


Outlier removal for point cloud is a non-trivial task because of following reasons:

geometrical discontinuities, no apriori knowledge of outlier distribution, and varying local

point density (Wang et al. 2013). Outlier removal methods in literature are mostly based on

local properties of points, popularly calculated using density-based approach (Breunig et al.

2000) and distance based approach (Knorr et al. 2000). Some of the local statistics are local

point density, nearest neighbor distance, eigenvalues of the local covariance matrix, etc.

(Papadimitriou et al. 2003). Wang, proposed connectivity-based and clustering approach

for detection of outliers (Wang et al. 2013). Similarly, the point cloud is processed for noise

smoothening, involving noise filtering and point update.

The processed as-built point cloud is to be compared to as-planned BIM model for progress

estimate. There are two ways to do the comparison: (1) convert the point cloud model in BIM

model (involving semantic segmentation and object recognition) and compare, (2) convert

the as-planned model to point cloud format and compare. In this paper, latter is adopted

progress estimation.

For the creation of as-built BIM model from the unstructured 3D point cloud, three types of

information are needed: (1) Information about the shape of the object, (2) Information about

the identity of the object, (3) Information about the relationship between objects (Tang et al.

2010). The following subsections discuss different algorithms from the field of computer

vision and photogrammetry for extraction of aforementioned knowledge from point cloud

data. Shape representation
Campbell et. al. discuss shape representation vividly in general (Campbell and Flynn 2001).

In the context of BIM models, shape representation is can be categorized into three different


1. Explicit versus implicit

Explicit representation involves describing shape in terms of points, lines, and

surfaces. It can be further classified by surface-based representation and volume-

based representation. Boundary representation (b-rep) is widely used surface-based

representation, in which shape of the object is described by the boundaries of the

object along with the relationship between these boundaries (Baumgart 1972). In case

of volumetric representation, shapes are described by solid geometries. A widely

known example of this is constructive solid geometry (CSG) technique, in which

complex shape is approximated by putting together simple volumes, like, spheres,

cuboids, cylinders, etc.(Lin and Chen 1988).

Though explicit representations can represent the geometry accurately required for as-

built modeling, it does not perform well in automatic segmentation and recognition of

building elements. Hence for practical usage in BIM modeling, implicit shape

representation is used. In this, instead of representation through surface shapes, it was

done by means of features, which are either derived from the data itself or from the

library of shape. Most of the implicit representations are non-parametric (Tang et al.


2. Parametric versus Non- parametric

In the parametric model, the shape of an object in the model is described by a small

number of parameter. For example, the shape of a column in the site, that is, cuboidal

in shape is represented by its length and breadth, its axis, its start point and its
endpoint. On the other hand, non-parametric shape representations do not require any

parameters. For example, for representation of the same column, it is by triangular

meshes (Kemper and Wallrath 1987).

3. Global versus Local

As the names suggest, global shape representation describes the objects entire shape.

For example, in order to represent an object, histogram of the surface normal could be

used (Horn and Ikeuchi 1984). Some of the other global features which can be used

are shaped distributions (Osada et al. 2002), spherical harmonics (Jia et al. 2007), etc.

For the application of global features, algorithm requires the object to be segmented

from the background and should be observed from all sides. This is rarely met in 3D

point data acquired from the construction site, therefore its application is highly

limited in construction.

On the other hand, local representation describes a small part of the object. Local

representations characterize properties of the object at different locations. The most

common types of local representations are in form of the surface normal and surface

curvature. Local representation assists in scene segmentation (Trucco and Fisher

1995). For example, in case of a wall, since it a planar surface, surface normal would

be same throughout and therefore points with the similar surface normal values can be

clustered together, thereby segmenting the point cloud.

Figure 5 (a) Local representation (surface normal) (Rusinkiewicz 2004)(b) Global

representation (spherical harmonics) (Kazhdan et al. 2003) Relationship modeling

Once the different segmented elements in a point cloud are represented by a shape, implicit

or explicit, these shapes are to be related for the creation of as-built BIM model. Moreover,

these relationships help to identify the classes of these shapes, for example, whether a cuboid

shape is a column or beam (Nüchter and Hertzberg 2008). The spatial relationship between

the geometric shapes, relevant to BIM, can be categorized in the following manner:

· Aggregation relationships (for example, object 1 is part of object 2)

· Topological relationships (for example, object 1 is connected to object 2)

· Directional relationships (for example, object 1 is perpendicular to object 2)

Relationship information is encoded in form of graphs (Fan et al. 1989). Object recognition

This step in the as-built modeling is very important, as this meaning to unordered 3D point

cloud data. After the point cloud is segmented in different geometric shapes and relationships

are established between these shapes, we need to classify these shapes into different classes

of construction elements. Thus, this upgrades a cuboid in the point cloud to a wall in as-build
BIM model. The approaches employed for object recognition in point cloud are: recognizing

using object instances, recognizing using object classes, recognizing using context and

recognizing using a priori knowledge.

‘Recognition using instances’ is one most employed and most successful technique for object

recognition. The entire recognition process can be divided into three steps. Firstly, shape

descriptors are computed for the object various possible objects and stored in the form of a

library which helps while classifying an object in a 3D scene. Secondly, in the point cloud,

shape descriptor is calculated for the geometric shape in question and the compared to the

shape descriptors computed in step 1. The most similar shape descriptor is chosen as the class

of the object. Thirdly, the two shapes, one from the point cloud and other from shape library

are aligned are validated using a percentage of overlapping. This technique is useful in

recognition of objects throughout the scene, whose shapes are known a priori. Examples of

such objects include machinery in process plants, pipes, valves, and I- beams (shown in the

figure below) (Tang et al. 2010)

Figure 6 (a) Input mesh (b) library of objects to be recognized from (c) objects recognized

Recognition using instances has a limitation as it is not able to handle shape variability in an

object. Therefore, recognition using classes is used. This is done by using shape descriptors

which are a representation of a respective class instead of a single instance of the object class.
A global descriptor method is used for recognition of objects class. This is similar to

recognition using instances, the only difference being that the geometric object segmented in

the point cloud is compared to all instances in a particular class (Kazhdan et al. 2003; Shilane

et al. 2004).

Though object recognition has seen an upheaval in terms of development in the recent

decades, research for the recognition of BIM object like walls, windows, doors etc., is still in

the elementary stage. Algorithms for BIM objects’ recognition, typically segments the scene

into planar or curved regions and then using the features derived from these segments,

recognition of an object is done (Rusu et al. 2008).

One of the challenges observed in recognition of BIM elements in point cloud data is lack of

distinctiveness of these elements. For example, on what parameters one should differentiate

between a column and a beam. Both are cuboidal in shape with planar surfaces. In order to

overcome this problem, researchers have developed techniques to exploit the information of a

spatial relationship between objects, thereby providing an additional layer to the process of

object recognition. These techniques are implemented by generating and assigning semantic

information to each of the geometric shapes in the point cloud (Cantzler et al. 2002). Thus,

instead of vanilla segmentation, the point cloud is segmented semantically using these

techniques. These semantic information are stored, like “floor is always diagonal to the wall

and door and parallel to the ceiling”. This process integrates the domain knowledge with the

object recognition techniques, facilitating recognition of BIM models.

Figure 7 Recognition using context (a) input point cloud, (b) Semantic network (c)

semantically segmented point cloud (d) object recognized point cloud (Tang et al. 2010)

Another approach for object recognition employs the usage of information from the as–

planned BIM model. The as-planned model is aligned with the point cloud, guiding the

process of assignment of a point to specific objects (Bosche and Haas 2008; Yue et al. 2007).

All the methods put together discussed in section to, help in the creation of the

as-built BIM model, with knowledge of construction objects represented in the point cloud.

In general, object recognition and as-built modeling is challenging due to various reasons: (a)

variation in the appearance of different objects in the different environment, (b) non-

distinctiveness between different object models, (c) lack of texture in indoor objects (Yang

and Tian 2010).


After the retrieval of information from the point cloud and generation as an as-built model,

next is to compare it with the as-planned and estimate the amount of progress. This is done

to decide the present state of work and update the schedule with information like ‘project is

behind schedule’, the project is ahead of schedule’, etc. The as-planned model used for

comparison with the as-built model is 4D BIM. The process of comparison of the two models

can be divided into two steps: (1) BIM registration, (2) Progress estimation.

The process of registration includes alignment of the as-built and as-planned model.

Researcher has done this alignment manually (Memon et al. 2006) and semi-automatically

(Bosché 2010; Golparvar-fard et al. 2011). In the semi-automated method, the user selects the

set of corresponding points in both the models, which is used to map the models together.

This is done in two steps: Course registration

Principal components analysis is a famous method for coarse registration. In this, the point

clouds are aligned by the main axes and the centroids of

their volumes. Since the main axis describes the whole volume, an overlap of at least

50% is required to achieve good results. Fine registration

For the purpose of fine registration, Iterative Closest Point Algorithm is popularly used. It

operates by computing hard correspondence between the two models.

Once the two models are closely aligned, next step is to estimate the progress.
After BIM registration, progress is computed by verifying the presence of an element in the

spatial location corresponding to the as-planned model. This is aggregated to calculate the

present progress (amount of construction complete). This computed in the following ways: Voxel-based comparison

In this step, the integrated as-planned and as-built model is voxelized, that is, division small

sized voxels. This is followed by a comparison of a voxel in an as-built model with the

corresponding voxel in the as-planned model and finally labeling of a respective voxel as

‘built’ or ‘not built’ (Golparvar-Fard et al. 2015).

For a voxel to be labeled as ‘built’, it should have corresponding built voxel in the as-planned

and it should have a number of point in the as-built voxel above a predefined threshold. This

predefined threshold can be both static and dynamic. Goparvar-Fard developed a dynamic

threshold support vector machine classifier performing with an accuracy of 82.89%. If the

voxel, fails any of the two information, it is classified as ‘not built’. Object-based comparison

Researcher has proposed, a comparison is means of objects. After the objects are recognized

in the point cloud, these recognized objects are compared with the expected objects in the as-

planned model. The number of a successful comparisons, which is, the element being found

in both models, is cumulatively added to get the number of objects created. Finally,

percentage built is calculated as a number of recognized objects to a number of expected

objects (Turkan et al. 2012).

Where, p = set of all objects in the as-planned model

ro = binary value of object in as-built model

eo = binary value of object in as-planned model

In order to model the comparison for the entire object, it can also be done partially completed

objects, in which, the above equation is the binary values are changed to a percentage. The

percentage here defines the percent of the element that has been built.


This chapter extensively discusses the work done in the field of automated progress

monitoring in the last decades. It focusses the work related to photogrammetry an applied

machine learning. In addition to, various techniques for analysis of point cloud data are

elaborated. The entire literature review is divided into three broad categories: Data

acquisition, Information retrieval, and Progress estimation. Various technologies and

techniques can be used for data acquisition. This includes RFID tags, GPS, Laser scanners,

photogrammetry, and videogrammetry. The result of the last three is in the form of the point

cloud. These represent the geometrical and material properties of the object scanned. The

point cloud stores information in the form of shape representation, relationship models, and

objects. This step converts the point cloud from group of points to as-built model with each

point having object-oriented meaning to it. This as-built model is used for progress

estimation. Progress is estimated by comparing the as-built with the as-planned, both

corresponding to the same stage of construction. In order to compare the two models, both

the registered together using coarse and fine registration. This can be done automatically

using techniques like PCA or manually in softwares like cloud compare.



This chapter discusses the aims and objectives of the study. It further discusses the

methodology proposed in order to achieve these aims and objectives. Since this is very area

of research, the chapter also establishes the problem statement being tackled in the study. The

following section discusses each of the aforementioned topics in detail.


The need for automated progress monitoring had been established in the previous chapter. In

order to perform automated progress monitoring, the 3D reconstruction of the as-built state of

construction is monumental. The two popular techniques for 3D reconstruction are laser

scanning and photogrammetry. Latter is established to cost-effective and easily

implementable in site. Therefore, 3D reconstruction through is photogrammetry is worthy of

exploration and development. But there is inconsistency and error in photogrammetric 3D

reconstruction. Moreover, there is no standard dataset to study process. Therefore, in this

study, we focus on the development of a framework for automated progress monitoring of a

construction using the photogrammetric technique. Construction of a masonry wall is

considered a a case study for the implantation of the framework developed.


The aim of the study is to develop a methodology for automated progress monitoring of a

construction project using stereo vision technology for data collection and photogrammetry

for 3D reconstruction. The aim of study is as follows:

· Perform feature engineering to obtain discriminating features for recognition of

masonry structure in a 3D point cloud obtained using photogrammetry. This features

should distinctively recognize a masonry data.

· Train a classifier using Support vector machine algorithm for point-wise and

contextual classification of 3D point data into ‘erroneous’ and ‘normal’

· Standardizing the methodology for data collection through ZED stereo camera for

least erroneous 3D reconstruction of the as-built model through testbed set up in the

lab (controlled environment). This is also relevant for developing a standard dataset

for masonry wall construction.

· Develop an automated system for progress estimation of construction using as-built

and as-planned model


In this research, we focus to improve the as-built model reconstruction accuracy. In addition

to, data pre-processing, the point cloud is subjected to supervised binary classification for

construction material detection. This detection method has two-fold advantages – First, it

eliminates the need to manually assign threshold values, which requires expertise. Second, it

enhances the ability to scale the method, as this can be easily re-implemented after re-

training. The proposed methodology excluding data acquisition and pre-processing (outlier

removal and noise smoothing), can be divided into four components: (1) Data generation, (2)

Feature Engineering, (3) masonry recognition using machine learning based supervised

classification, (4) progress estimation and evaluation. Each of the above components are

discussed in detail in the following sub-sections:


This is the first step in the proposed framework. The input to this method is point cloud data

and corresponding BIM model. The point cloud is annotated using BIM model as ground

truth. Instead of following the common strategy for point cloud labeling, which involves

over-segmenting the data and then assigning labels to segments. The data is annotated

pointwise, considering two-fold advantages – (1) to avoid inheritance of error from

segmentation step (2) to prevent classifier from learning hand-crafted rules of segmentation

algorithm, when used for training (Hackel et al. 2017).

3D annotation is done by manually comparing the point cloud model with the BIM model.

The two models are overlapped and annotation is done view-by-view. A view is fixed and in

this view, all the points lying within the boundary of BIM model, with a small tolerance

value, are marked as normal while the rest of the points are marked as erroneous. This

process is iteratively repeated for different views until all the possible views are covered. The

problem with this way of annotation is that, same points appear in different views, appearing

erroneous in one view and normal in another. To tackle this problem, a point is marked

normal if it appears normal from all possible views and erroneous if it appears as erroneous

from any possible view. Eventually, the point cloud is separated and labeled into two classes

– “normal” and “erroneous”.


The point cloud generated do not have meaning to the computer as they are the only group of

points spread across a three-dimensional space. Therefore, these point clouds need to be

converted to form that can understand by the computers. In this regard, feature engineering is

done on the point cloud. Features are chosen such that they distinctively represent the

underlying distribution (in this case a masonry wall). These features are used for classifier
training and masonry recognition. These steps are discussed in detail in the following



Performance of any machine algorithm is only as good as the ability of the features (or

parameters) used to distinctly define the underlying distribution. In this regard, we attempt to

learn a list of features which can be used to identify point corresponding to masonry in a

point cloud. Rashidi, realized three categories of construction materials depending upon

appearance and color features(Rashidi et al. 2016). Thus, discriminating features are learned

for masonry data through an iterative process of, feature extraction and feature selection. The

types of features learned are spatial and color, which are discussed below:

These features are used to model the geometrical properties, like angles, distances, and

angular variations, of masonry data. In a 3D point cloud, these features for a point in space is

calculated by considering the spatial arrangements of data points in the neighborhood. The

neighborhood can be assumed to spherical (Lee and Schenk 2002) or cylindrical (Filin and

Pfeifer 2005) with a fixed radius. The neighborhood can also be selected based on k-nearest

neighbor, depending on 3D-distance from the query point, where k ∈N (Linsen and Prautzsch

2001). For classification, spatial features were calculated for fixed radius spherical

neighborhood. In order to obtain appropriate and uniform features across different data

models, features are calculated at a fixed scale.

Neighboring points in a 3D model are known to be correlated and interdependent (Weinmann

et al. 2015). And therefore in order to capture this correlation, apart from individual features,

some of the features are obtained which take this interdependency into consideration. Some

of the features which are used are:

· Individual: Normal, local point density

· Contextual: Fast point feature histogram (FPFH) descriptor

FPFH descriptor is calculated in two steps: (1) for every point p, relationships are calculated

between the neighbor and the query point, this histogram is named as simplified point feature

histogram, SPFH. (2) In this step, for each of the query point, its nearest k neighbors are

found, and FPFH is calculated using equation (1)

Where, k = number of nearest neighbors to a query point,

wk = the distance between the query and the neighboring point.

Figure 8 Feature extracted from the point cloud (a) Normals (b) fast feature point

histogram descriptor
For the recognition of masonry, color values are very effective feature given its distinctive

bright red color. It serves as an effective indicator for differentiating masonry from rest of the

objects found on a construction site. However, it is worthy to note here that though the color

value for a given does not vary drastically in a given point cloud, it might vary significantly

when the same material is compared from two different point clouds, The color values are

obtained in the RGB space. Though these are most widely used color space, these RGB

values are susceptible to a high variation on exposure to the same object under different

illumination. And since illumination is an uncontrolled construction environment is ought to

vary, dealing with these variations is highly important to produce effective results. Therefore,

in this study, we have transformed the color space from RGB to HSI. It is compelling to

make this transformation because: (1) it is very intuitive as it is similar to the way in which

color is perceived by humans, (2) it separates the chrominance (color) and luminance

(intensity) information, which has proved to be advantageous in image processing

application. Hue (H) and Saturation (S) correspond to the color component of the RGB space,

whereas Intensity (I) represents the illuminance-dependent part. Therefore, hue and saturation

provide a good parameter for classifying masonry points from the rest. The color is changed

from RGB to HSI using following equations:


For the recognition of masonry in the point cloud, the pre-trained binary classifier is used.

The following subsections explain the details of the classification.

An SVM classifier is trained over a training dataset generated using the method explained in

data generation step. Instead of using voxel-based approach for training, a point-based

approach is used. Despite the computationally costly and time-consuming nature of point-

wise training, it is acceptable because: (1) it helps in improving recall values while detecting

concrete points, (2) training is a one-time process, to be done during the setting up of the

system. Hence, selection of the approach was done based on accuracy rather than

computational cost.

Since the classification boundary was non-linear, Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel was

used. The parameters C and γ are to be determined for RBF kernel SVM model. C is

regularization parameter and γ is kernel parameter (Son et al. 2012). In order to validate the

results obtained using the training set, an independent validation set is used, which was

obtained using a method similar to training data.

A Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a discriminative classifier formally defined by a

separating hyperplane. In other words, given labeled training data (supervised learning), the

algorithm outputs an optimal hyperplane which categorizes new examples. In two

dimensional space, this hyperplane is a line dividing a plane into two parts wherein each class

lay in either side. The figure bellows shows a linear SVM

Figure 9 Linear SVM for binary classification

But the data usually (and that in our case) do not have linearly separable boundaries.

Therefore, we need to transform the data so that they have a linear boundary. This is done by

transforming the data to higher dimensions by means of a mathematical function known as

kernels. The original space was called the input and the new space is called as a feature

space. The figure below shows the pictorial representation of transformation of data

Figure 10 SVM for linearly inseparable data

The classifier obtained in section 3.3.1 is used for detection of points corresponding to

masonry points in the post-processed point cloud. Features are extracted from the input 3D

point cloud data (different from the data used for classifier training) depending on which

classification is done. The point cloud is separated and classified as in two classes: “normal”

and “erroneous". The points classified as “erroneous” are removed from the point cloud as

they do not have any correspondence in the real world. They were mostly created due to the

inaccuracies in the data collection method and 3D reconstruction from the 2D images. The

point cloud obtained after removing the erroneous correctly represents the underlying real-

world structure/object (in this case that is masonry wall).

Note: It must be noted here that the points which are not captured during data collection are

still lost and not added by the method proposed. The method only removes the erroneous



The modified BIM model, that is model obtained after classification of points and removal of

erroneous is used for estimation of progress. For the estimation of the progress, firstly SCAN

to BIM registration is done, secondly, the voxel-based comparison is done. The system is

validated for different stages of construction of masonry wall. The following steps explain

the progress estimation in detail.

This is a step in which both the as-built model and as-planned model are overlapped. The

course registration is done manually by selecting 4 common points in both the models. This

was done using “cloud compare” software. Once both the point clouds are aligned, ICP
algorithm is used to attain the fine registration. The maximum root mean square (RMSE)

value for fine registration was set to 2 cm.

After the scan to bim registration, the 3d space containing both the models is discretized in

the voxel. For better results, the voxel is kept so small such that there is only one point per

voxel. Though it is computationally rich for the purpose of this study, it has been followed

during the comparison. Once we have the discretized models, voxel is marked as ‘built’ and

‘not-built’. Voxels which are occupied by one or more points from both as-planned and as-

built model are classified as built. And it classified as ‘not built’ if the voxel contains point

from the as-planned model but not from the as-built model. .

Built ; if voxel is occupied by as-planned and as-built model

Voxel =
Not built ; if voxel is occupied by as-planned model but not as-built model


This section discusses the metrics used for the performance evaluation of the methods

proposed in the study. The method is evaluated in two steps: First, the performance of the

classification performed by SVM and (2) performance of the system on the final value of the

progress estimate. These metrics to measure the aforementioned metrics are discussed below:

The test dataset was used for evaluating the performance of the SVM classifier. The test

dataset was created from the 4 million points collected distributed over 27 models. These

points were divided in the ratio of 80:20. The 20% share of the points were used as test data.

The division of the data points was done using stratified sampling.

For evaluating the performance of the system, two popular measures – Precision and recall

are used.
Where, TP represents true positives, a number of points that are correctly predicted,

belonging to the normal class, FP represents false positive, points which are predicted as

normal but are actually erroneous, FN represents false negative, points which are erroneous

but are predicted as normal.

The metric used for measuring the progress estimate is ’built-up area error percentage’

‘percentage build’.

’Built-up area error percentage is calculated as the ratio of the area estimated using the

methodology proposed and actual area of the model at that stage of construction. The actual

area can be calculated from the as-planned model and as-built model. Therefore, depending

on this we have two error percentage of the built-up area. Both the areas are calculated for the

same stage of construction. These are calculated as per equation below.

Percentage build is calculated as the ratio of the total area of the structure completed at a

given time in the as-built model to the total surface in the as-planned model. This result

produced using the proposed is validated by comparing the value with the human-produced

value. (Note: The human-produced value is obtained by manually calculating the value from

the as-built model and as-planned model, so that computer and human both have access to
same data. This is more justified because the entire study is about classifying the points

which are erroneous and appear in the point cloud and not about the points which do not

appear in the point cloud.

The figure below pictographically represents the proposed methodology

Figure 11 Proposed Methodology


This chapter discusses the aims and objectives of the study and methodology proposed in

order to achieve these objectives. The main objective of the study is to train a classifier in

order to classify between erroneous points and normal points in a 3D reconstruction. In

addition to this, develop a system to automatically estimate the progress of a construction

project. In order to do this, masonry data is collected. Data collection is discussed in detail in

the next chapter. The data collected is cleaned, pre-processed and labelled manually in order

to prepare it for implementing a supervised learning algorithm. But the point cloud cannot be

directly for training a classifier, therefore it is converted more meaningful representation.

This step is known as information retrieval. Information is abstracted using feature

engineering. Spatial and color data are extracted from the point cloud. This features are used

for training a SVM classifier and trained classifier is used for masonry recognition later.

One’s the point cloud model is processed by the SVM, it passed for progress estimation.

Progress is estimated by comparing it with as-planned model using voxel-based comparison

approach. Finally the metrics to evaluate the performance of the system are discussed. SVM

performance is evaluated by ‘Precision’ and ‘Recall’. Progress estimation’s performance is

evaluated by metric defined as ‘built-up area error percentage’ and ‘percentage build’.


This chapter deals with the implementation of the proposed framework using a laboratory

testbed setup. The chapter is divided into the following section: (1) Design of 3D/4D model,

(2) Automated data acquisition, (3) Progress estimation. Each of these topics is elaborated in

the following sections.


A 3D model was developed for the testbed setup. The activities of the project are defined. A

work schedule of these activities are then linked with the 3D model and a 4D model is


The 3D model is developed for masonry wall construction. Since only one model was

developed, it was important to capture different configuration of masonry walls, encountered

at a construction site. Therefore, a U-shaped wall configuration was developed with, column

at one corner and no column at another corner, a column in the middle of the wall and at one

of the ends. Moreover, two differently sized openings were left in the wall representative of

window/skylight openings. Figure 12 shows the 3D model

Figure 12 Final as-planned 3D model


A semi-automatic robotic system with 5 degrees of freedom (DOF) was fabricated for data

collection. This was done in order to simulate the motion of a moving robot (or rover)

proposed as one of the ways of automated data collection at construction sites. The 5 DoF of

the robot were as follows:

1. Axis 1: This axis moves the robot in the plane parallel to the floor (x-axis). This

translation motion is achieved by moving the robotic system manually. This is

possible by means of the hexagonal 6-wheelbase of the system.

2. Axis 2: This axis moves the robot in the plane parallel to the floor, perpendicular to

the axis 1 (y-axis). The motion along this axis is similar to that of the axis 1.
3. Axis 3: This axis moves the camera mounting station along the vertical perpendicular

to the ground (z-axis). The motion along this automatic with an allowable stroke

length of 2m (allowable height of 0.5m to 1.7m of the camera from the ground)

4. Axis 4: This axis controls the pitch of the camera mounting station and rotates the

camera in the planes perpendicular to the plane of axis 1 and axis 2 (Pitch of the

camera). The motion along this manual with an allowable limit from -90 to +90


5. Axis 5: This axis moves the camera mounting system in the plane parallel to the plane

of axis 1 and axis 2 (Yaw of the camera). This allowable movement along this is -45

to +45 degrees and achieved manually.

These are a minimum number of DOF necessary for capturing any construction site given the

geometrical constraints of the structure and maneuvering constraints of the robotic system.

The figure below shows the robotic system used.

Figure 13 Data collection semi-automatic robot

For a generation of a standardized dataset of a masonry construction is collected for a

predefined and controlled parameters values. One of the parameters studied in the research is

distance therefore for one iteration of the data capture distance from wall needs to be kept

constant. As a result, path planning becomes an important aspect of the data collection.

Another significant aspect which is monumental in the path planning is Field of View (FOV)

of the camera. The path is defined in 3D space such that every visually visible part is

captured and there are minimal rescanning of any area of construction. Rescanning is avoided
as it creates multiple depth maps of the same surface, therefore, affecting the 3D point model


Stereo vision cameras are passive capturing technology which works by comparing two

different images of the same area taken by two cameras placed at a separation of a few

inches. The algorithm is used for identifying common key points in the two images. The

distance is a pixel of these key points is computed. This distance is further used for

estimating the depth of the object from the camera. In this study, ZED camera is used for

reality capture and data acquisition. ZED camera Hardware

Zed camera, a 3D camera capable of capturing high-quality 3D images was used as hardware

for data collection. Low cost of the camera priced at USD 449.00/- makes it worth exploring


Based-on smartphone camera technology, the ZED camera is designed to be small,

lightweight, low cost, and still have high-quality output. The two cameras each have 4,416 x

1,242-pixel sensors in a 16 x 9 widescreen format. The optics allow 110 degrees field of

view. The cameras are spaced 120mm (4.7 inches) apart, which with the dense pixel video

gives usable stereo depth information from 1.5 to 20 m (5-65 ft). The unit itself measures 175

x 30 x 33 mm (6.89 x 1.18 x 1.3’’) and weighs 159 g (0.35 lb). The figure below shows the

zed camera.
Figure 14 Zed camera used for data collection ZED Software Development Kit

Stereolabs proprietary software: Zed Explorer and ZedFu are used for reality capture and

reality reconstruction, reconstruction. Zed Explorer records the video in Stereolab's SVO

format. This video is used for generating a point cloud of the object using the ZenFu API.

ZedFu uses videogrammetry and visual odometry techniques for the point generation from

the recorded SVO video file.

This section discusses the experiment carried out in a controlled environment for

understanding the 3D reconstruction of the masonry wall construction at different stages. In

addition to, it deals with identifying the dominant features for recognition of masonry in a

given construction. The experiment has a three-fold aim:

· To determine the distinctly representative features for masonry data and assess its

performance in progress estimation

· To identify the factors affecting the 3D reconstruction of an object, via a masonry


· To generate a standardized point cloud dataset for masonry construction, capturing

the impact of different parameters. These parameters are known to vary during reality

capture at a construction. Experimental Variables
In this experiment, a possible set of variables were identified which are involved in data

collection process. Variables were identified from the domains of stereo reconstruction,

camera (internal and external) parameters, construction site conditions and properties

(geometrical and visual) of construction elements. The variables identified were further

subdivided into following categories depending upon the scope of work: Independent

variables, controlled variables, and dependent variables.

Independent variables are those that are being studied in the experiment. These variables are

changed to see if causes any effect on the result. Controlled variables are variables which are

kept constant throughout the experiment by controlling them. Though everything other than

independent variables should be controlled and there should as much as possible. Though in

our study we identified the most prominent variables, which are most susceptible to change

and kept it unchanged. Dependent variables are what we recording to see whether it is

affected by the independent variable or not.

The different variables considered in the study are listed in the table below:

Table 2 List of experimental variables

Independent Variable Controlled Variable Dependent Variables

· Light Intensity · Brick masonry bond type – English · Geometrical features,
· Viewing direction of the bond like, normal, curvature,
camera · Shape of brick FPFH (Fast point feature
o Yaw · The dimension of brick (190mm * histogram)
o Pitch 90mm * 90mm) · Color features, like,
· The distance of camera · Color of brick Hue, saturation, and
from the wall · Type of brick used - Common burnt Intensity
clay brick
· Mortar joint thickness = 10mm

The independent variables were identified considering the conditions of data recording which

is largely characterized by the direction of view, a distance of capture and illumination

condition of the 3D space (Geusebroek et al. 2005). Each independent variables selected for

the study with their corresponding rational has been discussed below:
· Light Intensity

It is the amount of the light intensity reflected from the surface of the object to be

captured. This variable captures the variability in the construction sites in terms of

illumination of its different parts. It is monumental to study light conditions because

ZED camera is based on passive RGB stereo vision. It works similar to the way

human eyes works and captures the depth from the RGB images, unlike traditional

depth cameras/sensors which are based on Infrared (IR) technology. The lenses of

ZED camera has a built-in filter which blocks the IR light reaching the sensors from

the object. Thus, the result of the depth map estimation is affected by the illumination

of the object as appearance (that is RGB values) of an image are known to be affected

by the light intensity in which the object is seen (Jacobs et al. 1998; Ng et al. 2013).

This alteration in color appearance corresponding to the change in environmental

illumination conditions is known as ‘color constancy problem’(Barnard et al. 2002;

Kakumanu et al. 2007; Kuiaski et al. 2009).

· Viewing Direction (Yaw and Pitch of the camera )

Viewing direction can be defined as the combination yaw, pitch, and roll. Though in

case of lens/camera, since it is shaped circular, roll angle does not change image

property except changing the area captured. Therefore, viewing direction can be

represented by a combination of yaw and pitch.

Yaw is defined as the angle which the camera makes with the plane parallel to plane

of the object, that is, wall (plane perpendicular to plane containing axis 1 and axis 2,

as defined in subsection 4.3.1). Similarly, the pitch is the angle which the camera

makes with the plane parallel to object (that is a floor in our study formed by the

intersection of axis 1 and axis 2).

The importance of different viewing angle is motivated from the different datasets

collected for studying images in the past. SOIL-47: Surrey Object Image Library,

Columbia Image Object Library COIL-20 (Nene et al. 1996a) and COIL-100 (Nene et

al. 1996b), The Amsterdam Library of Object Images (Geusebroek et al. 2005) are

some of the successful datasets which iterate the importance of varied viewing

directions when collecting images of an object.

· Distance from the wall: It is defined as the perpendicular distance of the camera from

the wall. Various values of distances are used in data collection so as for capture the

variation in the image quality (therefore subsequent point cloud) as camera distance

increases or decreases. It is important as the pixel density of an area in captured data

(therefore point cloud density) decreases with the increase in the distance and vice

versa. And as properties extracted from the point cloud depends on the local point

density, it is important to capture a representative distribution of the local point

density possible.

The controlled variables are kept constant throughout the experiment despite the fact that

they are bound to change across construction sites. These controlled variables can divide into

two categories – category 1 that affects the local features and category 2 that does not affect

the local features of the point cloud. Category 1 includes bond type, the shape of bricks, the

dimension of the brick as changes in these parameters does not affect the local features of the

wall. Though it must be noted here that local features depend upon the size of neighborhood

selected and if the large neighborhood is used, then these features starts affecting the local

features. But for study, small neighborhood size is used so as overcome this limitation.

Moreover, small sizes are justified as the point obtained is densely populated and has enough

points to represent the underlying real-world properties. On the other hand, category 2

includes the type of bricks, the color of bricks etc. which must be studied when developing an
exhaustive dataset. But here, the study has been scoped to masonry and the methodology can

be implemented in other construction materials and structures. Procedure
The data is collected by varying each of the independent variables for different values. The

number of iterations and values selected for the experiment are given in the table below

Table 3 Variables considered and total iterations for each

Variable Number of values Actual values

Light Intensity 3 Low, High, Directed
Yaw 2 0, 15 degree (for distance = 170 only
yaw = zero is used )
Pitch 3 -10, 0, 15 degree
Distance from wall 2 110, 170mm
Total 27
(Note: For distance = 170mm only one yaw is used because at this point for scanning the as-

built only rotational sweep is done, and for both the yaw conditions, the same result is

obtained. Therefore, data is collected for only one yaw).

Figure showing snapshot of video of the data collection is shown below

Figure 15 Different frames of video showing data collection

The different light conditions used in the experiment were to cover different sight conditions

and a condition when the lighting device is mounted on the data acquisition system. The

profile of the high lighting condition is given in the figure and table below:

Figure 16 As-planned model showing sections at which light intensity is measured

The value of the light intensity at the intersection of different heights of the wall and the

above sections is given in table 3. These values are measured in lux and represent the lighting

profile of the surface of the wall.

Table 4 Value of the light intensity (lux) on the wall at different sections

No of bricks
20 17 16 8 0
height from floor

A 200 226 236.9 203 91.4

B 201.1 206.7 220.1 167.3 105.1
C 221 206 200 117 99.3
D 151 134 134 135 87
E 225 212 207 164 114
F 235 177 178 134 81
G 230 195 194 155 92.3
H 198 161 155 108 88
H' 221 211 219 168 127
I 253 246 250 184 129
J' 218 201 198 151 116
J 201 181 178 125 77
K 236 221 213 134 108
L 224 206 194 110 82.9
M 190 155 157 113 60.4
N 182 170 163 126 90.1
O 119 91 84 47 37
O' 147 130 120 108 69.7
P 216 260 273 164 94

Similarly, the light intensity profile was recorded for directed lighting and low lighting

conditions. Summary of these light conditions is tabulated below

Table 5 Summary of the lighting conditions (All values are in lux)

Lighting Condition High Light Low Light Directed Light

Max 273 58 155

Min 37 3.6 50
Average 162.0453 24.268421 93.0921053
Median 164 22 85.5
As a result of the previous subsection, a standard dataset is developed is obtained. This

dataset is in the .svo format. Using the ZedFu, proprietary software of Stereolabs, point cloud

data is obtained is from these files. Features are extracted from these point clouds as

explained in sub-section 3.3. Simultaneously, these points are manually classified as normal

and erroneous (as discussed in sub-section 3.1). The features extracted are used to train the

SVM classifier for binary classification between ‘normal’ and ‘erroneous’.


The section briefly discusses the dataset used for evaluating the performance of the

developed methodology. It uses the percentage build as the metric. The eight different stages

of construction of a masonry wall were used for the evaluation of the system. The 8 different

models representing 8 different stages of masonry wall construction were captured amassing

Figure 17 various wall configuration used for validation of proposed methodology

representing various stage of construction of masonry wall

0.8 million independent points. This data is also used as validation dataset for the SVM

classifier. The pictorial representation of the models of the validation dataset is shown in the

figure on the previous page.


This chapter discusses the implementation of the proposed methodology. It elaborates the

data acquisition process and analysis of the data collected. Firstly, the design of the 3D as-

planned model is discussed. The rationale behind different aspects of the wall configuration

chosen is explained. The next subsection details the automated data acquisition process. It

dwells into the details of data collection system, path planning for data collection and stereo

vision technology used. Zed stereo vision camera is used for data collection and ZedFu, the

proprietary software of Stereolabs is used for 3D reconstruction. The chapter also contains

subsection on data collection experiment in order to generate a standardized dataset for

masonry representation. This dataset is used for training the SVM classifier for recognizing

masonry in a given point cloud. The procedure followed to generate this dataset is discussed

in detail. One’s the data is generated techniques for information is retrieval is applied. Spatial

and color features are extracted from the point cloud data. Finally, percentage build is

calculated using the as-planned model.



This chapter states the various results obtained in the study and the implications of these

study. It also discusses the analytical results of performance of the methodology proposed.

Besides this, various insights drawn from the data are discussed in detail fashion in the

following sub-sections. The results are divided into three categories: (1) Performance of data

acquisition/generation and 3D reconstruction, (2) Performance of SVM classifier and (3)

Performance of the progress estimation. All these results are discussed in detail in the

following subsections.


This section discusses the performance of data acquisition system and 3D reconstruction

under different real-world conditions. It also throws an insight into the importance of

different features extracted from the point cloud dataset. The following sections elaborate the

results obtained.

Color features are observed as dominant while classification for the traditional. This result is

in coherence with the literature (Son and Kim 2010). This high variability makes the use of

machine learning an important as manually a threshold value can produce erroneous results.

And besides, the color distribution of normal and erroneous points is linearly inseparable.
Figure 18 Hue and Saturation plot for two datasets, collected under different conditions

ZED SDK software produces 3D point cloud and depth map of the scanned object by stereo

rectification and optimized stereo algorithm. The reconstruction is largely affected by the

state of lighting condition. From the experiment, it can concluded that the reconstruction is

poor in case of low lighting. Poor lighting reduces the accuracy of registration of consecutive

frames. Thus distortion and hole appear in the reconstructed model. Though, these also

appear in the case of bright light but it happens in amount as compared to low lights. These

results are similar to results produced in literature (Golparvar-Fard et al. 2011). This variation

is represented in the figure below.

Figure 19 Impact of light conditions on 3D reconstruction (a,b) Low light (c) High light

The dimensional error of the scanned model varies with the distance of capture device from

the object. As the distance, the resolution of the image captured decreases causing decrease in

the quality of image registration among consecutive frames. This eventually leads to error in

the 3D reconstruction. This error was quantified using a metric known as dimensional error.

Dimensional error is defined as ratio of difference of the dimension of the as-planned and as-

built model to the dimension of as-planned model. This is also varies with the change in the

lighting conditions. The variation of the dimensional error with different distance value and

lighting conditions is shown in figure below.

Figure 20 Variation of dimensional error with lighting condition and distance of object


The SVM classifier is trained using the training sample of nearly 3.2 million points

distributed over 27 different configuration of 4 parameters. These parameters represent

variation from the domain of lighting conditions and data collection method (viewing angle

and distance from the object). A sample configuration is shown in the figure below.

Figure 21 Sample as-built model configuration used as training dataset

The test dataset was used to evaluate the SVM classifier. The dataset was obtained from the

data collected. About 20% of the total data points collected (that is approximately 0.8 million

points) were used for validation. The evaluation metrics used were – Precision and recall (the

details of test data and evaluation metrics have been discussed in section 3).

Since the color feature have been determined as defining features for masonry wall, SVM

classifier was trained for two different feature space: (1) Spatial + Color feature space, (2)

Color feature space. The color feature space used in both the case was HSV. The precision

and recall values in both the cases are shown in the graphs below.

Figure 22 Performance evaluation of SVM classifier

As the “spatial + color” classifier performs better, it is used for the remaining steps of the

entire progress monitoring system. (Note: Whenever SVM classifier is mentioned it refers to

the ‘spatial + color’ classifier until mentioned otherwise).

For the validation of the performance of the SVM classifier, the validation dataset is used.

The validation dataset was collected and generated as discussed in section 4.4. The evaluation
metrics – precision and recall were calculated for all the models. These results are mentioned

in the figures below.

Figure 23 Performance evaluation of SVM classifier for different models – representing

various stages of masonry wall configuration


The estimation progress was calculated using the validation dataset (the attributes of this

dataset have been discussed in the previous sections). The metric used for evaluating the

performance of the system were – built-up area error percentage and percentage build. The

figure number 24 and 25 plots the performance of the proposed methodology. Figure number

24 compares the error percentage of the built area for the eight different wall configurations.

The error percentage is calculated by considering the as-built area as a reference.

Figure 24 Performance evaluation of the proposed methodology (built-up area

percentage_ as-built area as reference)

The error percentage in the above figure range from -3% to 12%, a negative value means that

proposed methodology overestimates the built-up area, thus it not able to remove all

erroneous points. This is attributed to the precision and recall values of the system. If these

values can be improved, the result will move closer to zero. This will produce better results.

Secondly, positive values indicate that proposed methodology underestimated the built-area,

this is attributed to the fact that during 3D reconstruction is perfect and has missing points in

the point cloud reconstructed. These values cause underestimation, as the method proposed

only operates on erroneous points (that is incorrectly registered) and does nothing to populate

the point cloud with the missing information. Therefore there is need to develop

methodologies to perform filling operations in the point clouds. One example of missing

points are shown in figure 27.

The figure number 25 compares the error percentage of the built area for the eight different

wall configurations. The error percentage is calculated by considering the as-planned area as

a reference.

Figure 25 Performance evaluation of the proposed methodology (built-up area

percentage_ as-planned area as reference)

The built area error percentage is always positive which indicates that the area calculated

using the proposed methodology is always less than the area of the as-planned model. This

happens because of the same problem in all the models. The sides of the columns are not

captured in the point cloud thus the inherent underestimation of the built-up area. Though,

this can overcome by capturing every corner of column during data collection. But this is not

done because it causes rescanning of the same surfaces producing g poor quality of point

cloud. This result opens the need to recognize objects ithe n point cloud and subsequently

population of the point cloud to produce better results.

Finally, the percentage build is used to evaluate the performance of the system. The results of

the percentage build for different wall configuration is tabulated below. It is calculated for the

as-planned model, using the manual method, using SCAN to BIM but without employing

SVM classifier in the process, and using proposed methodology (that is using SVM classifier

in the process).

Table 6 Percentage build for various methods and different configurations

Area of the as-built model (mm2) Percentage build(%)

Area of
Without Proposed As- Without Proposed
Config as- Manual Manual
SVM Methodol planned SVM Methodol
uration planned Method method
classifier ogy model classifier ogy

1 13271880 11821170 11363541 11343449 96.39% 85.86% 82.53% 82.39%

2 12262500 10811790 11025486 10924146 89.06% 78.53% 80.08% 79.34%

3 11721990 10271280 10365485 10178014 85.14% 74.60% 75.29% 73.92%

4 10519320 9068610 8756985 8603544 76.40% 65.87% 63.60% 62.49%

5 9517340 8421810 8554217 7905464 69.13% 61.17% 62.13% 57.42%

6 7871000 7345410 7632526 7598545 57.17% 53.35% 55.44% 55.19%

7 5882970 5240010 5523654 4621584 42.73% 38.06% 40.12% 33.57%

8 4450950 3807990 3541236 3445652 32.33% 27.66% 25.72% 25.03%

The result of the percentage (in table 5) is graphically represented in the figure below.

Figure 26 Variation of percentage build for various methods and different configurations

The results obtained in the Table 5 and figure 19 are explained as follows. The as-planned

model always has larger percentage build as compared to the other because of the missing

side surfaces of column in the as-built which causes this reduction in the value of percentage

build in the case of other methods which are based on calculation from as-built model. In the

cases, where ‘without SVM classifier’ method overestimate as compared to manual method,

the proposed methodology reduces the estimate and brings it closer to correct value. For
example in case of configuration 2, 5 and 6. Though sometimes it reduces it way below the

correct value. This incorrectly highlights the poor performance of the system, this low value

is because of the missing data in the as-built model and not because of the proposed

methodology. If this data can be repopulated, it will move the values to the correct value.

Example of this is configuration 4.

Figure 27 Missing points in the data collected (a) Holes or pocket of no points in the as-

built model (b) Sides of the columns not registered in the 3D reconstruction


This chapter discusses the results produces by the proposed methodology in comparison to

some of the existing methodologies and manual means. The data was collected for different

conditions, like lighting, viewing conditions etc. Impact of these variables on the quality of

the data collected was studied. It was established that the color is dominant when dealing

with masonry data due to vibrant bright red color. Impact of lighting conditions was also

studied on the 3D reconstruction, establishing that poor lighting has negative impact on the

quality of reconstruction. Performance of the SVM classifier was evaluated based on

Precision and Recall. Finally, performance of the progress estimation step was evaluated

using the 8 different configuration of the wall, representing 8 different of construction of

masonry wall. The proposed methodology is found to perform better than the regular method
but needs to be coupled with methodologies working on filling missing points in point cloud

data for better results. Conclusively, we can say that the proposed methodology produces

increment in the performance of the existing methods. Therefore, provides a unique and new

way to process data for automated progress monitoring.



This chapter summarizes the study and results of the proposed methodology. It documents

the conclusion drawn from the study and contribution to the field of study. Finally, future

scope and work are discussed and various possible research paths are identified.


This study was focused on broadly two aspects of automated progress monitoring: Firstly,

improving the quality of photogrammetric 3D reconstruction using the supervised machine

learning algorithm. Secondly, development of a system for automated progress estimation of

the construction project, implementing the result of the first aim in the process. The study

developed a methodology for collection of data from the site for benchmarking. The

standardized dataset was used for training of the supervised classifier. Stereo vision

technology was used for the collection of the data.


The study has presented a methodology for automated progress monitoring of a construction

project. It has also established a structured approach for collection of the standardized dataset

for benchmarking. Some of the noteworthy results of the study are listed below:

· Features for distinctively recognizing masonry in a point cloud data were explored

and finally, color and spatial features were found to be defining features.

· Using the spatial and color features, supervised SVM classifier was trained for

masonry recognition. The classifier performed with precision and recall value of 81%

and 83%.
· A standardized dataset containing 4 million points spread across 27 models was

collected in a laboratory controlled environment. This developed a benchmarked

dataset for a masonry wall.

· The trained classifier was used to process the raw point cloud and obtain meaningful

and modified as-built point cloud model.

· The as-built model and as-planned were used to calculate the progress estimate. The

built-up area was calculated by the system with the error ranging from -3.45% to

+11.80%. The error in the build percentage ranged from -1.84% to +4.49%.

· Despite poor performance for certain configuration, if coupled with missing points

repopulation algorithm, the proposed method can produce better results.

The Scan to BIM registration process was manual, which has scope to be automated.


The contribution of the study can be divided into three fields of study:

· Photogrammetry and applied machine learning – Development a novel method in

order to improve the output of the 3D reconstruction by implementing supervised

machine learning before the final result of reconstruction. This helps to remove the

erroneous points in the point which appear otherwise due to the influence of the

factors like, lighting conditions, viewing angle and distance of the camera from the


· Feature engineering – Extraction of features from a given point in order to represent a

given masonry wall. This can be extended to any other object.

· Construction automation – Development of the automated progress monitoring

system with the implementation of supervised machine learning for the creation of as-

built data.

This research was focused on the erroneous points which appear during 3D reconstruction.

But during the study, it was realized that in order to extract better results from the

methodology developed, it should be used with technologies and techniques capable of

repopulating points which are lost while data collection. This is necessary the result gets

affected by the missing data in a point cloud as it is considered to be not built by the system.

In this study, construction of masonry wall was used for implementation and evaluation of

the proposed methodology. In future, this must be extended to other construction materials

like concrete, timber, etc. and other construction structures, like, beam, ceiling, floor etc.

Moreover, from the aspect of machine learning, better-performing algorithms like Markov

random field, neural networks etc. needs to test and evaluated for the same task. A

comparative study of these algorithms will help to choose the best performing classifier for

the system. In addition to this, for better performance of the system other feature space like

texture should be explored alongside other spatial and color feature space.

Although stereo vision-based imaging was employed for the study, the proposed

methodology is expected to perform equally well irrespective of the technique used for data

collection, as long as inputs are in the form of 3D point cloud with color features. Moreover,

detection of construction material can help in case of occluded scenes, where the building is

to be separated from the rest of surrounding.


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