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Task 1

Study modes of AVT in PP Presentation (Slides 1-22) Choose three modes you would like to try
yourself as an AVT translator and find examples of these modes on the Internet (YouTube).
Comment on their sphere of usage, characteristic features, and the target audience.

Modes Examples Sphere of usage Characteristic features Target audience

Animation https:// This type of Includes both The target audience is translation is in great translation and mainly children, but due
f3UaaifZI3 demand, so it is widely scriptwriting features, to the widespread use
0? used for cinemas, as the translator of such translation, it
si=zV1vlD online streaming envisions silent can also be targeted at
eLOozjQp platforms, videos, etc. images. older audience

Double https:// Double versions are Such products include The target audience is
versions often used in cinemas, two or more languages people who don’t know
tMpRmIyK online streaming and can be called the language or people
FMY? platforms, and “multilingual who are learning a new
si=9pgXW educational websites. production” one

Surtitling https:// This mode of As a rule, it is The target audience is translation is transcribed or not only spectacular but
vlYRcDON commonly used for translated text also hearing-impaired
F1Y? musical projected over the people.
si=Cthusi performances, for stage or shown on the
WRrxfW2k example in opera or screen.
oA theatre

Task 2

Study oral language AVT procedures in PPP (Slides 26-41), and find one example of dubbing and
one example of revoicing (choose one form of voice-over, narration, free commentary,
simultaneous interpreting, audio description, karaoke singing or reciting). Comment on the
usage, characteristic features, and target audience.

Examples Sphere of usage Characteristic features Target audience

Dubbing https:// Widely used in cinema, You can't hear the These are movie especially if the film or source language in the and streaming
tTPE9cXze series is popular background because a platform viewers
8Q? new audio track is who are
si=8mk3P created. This mode is interested in
wLeg4aHF characterised by high quality sound and
wYU sound quality. are willing to pay
for it.
Revoicing https:// This mode of translation The goal of such a There are mainly
(free www.youtu is commonly used for translation is not so TV and streaming
commentary) high-profile events, such much its faithfulness platforms
live/ as award ceremonies, as its adaptation to the viewers who
vBxQLvUv3 various competitions or needs of the viewer. aren’t fluent in
U8? sport matches. One of the features is target language
si=vzxMZC the spontaneous tone.

Task 3

Watch the translation project FLEABAG, and find cases of all types of synchronization.
total lip synchrony
00:00:36 --00:00:38 00:00:36 --00:00:38
Just don't be yourself Просто не будь собою!

00:03:41 --00:03:45 00:03:41 --00:03:45

- No jokes. - Припини жарти
- Sorry, I can’t - Вибач, нічого з цим не зробиш

00:05:18 --00:06:02 00:05:18 --00:06:02

- Добре, як його звати? Як звати?
- Клер
- Що?
- Його звати Клер

00:07:05 --00:07:14 00:07:05 --00:07:14

Сільвія? От гімно

bilabial lip synchrony

00:01:59 --00:02:16 00:01:59 --00:02:16

Thank you. You really… Дякую. Ти дійсно… Дякую! І не грайся з нею
Thank you! Don’t play with it!

00:06:14 --00:07:00 00:06:14 --00:07:00

Speech of Cler

00:07:16 --00:07:33 00:07:16 --00:07:33

Speech of Cler

00:10:16 --00:10:17 00:10:16 --00:10:17

Talk of Fleabag and Belinda

short example
- God - Боже

00:11:43 --00:11:44 00:11:43 --00:11:44

- Promice? - Обіцяю

nucleus synchrony

00:00:43 --00:00:47 00:00:43 --00:00:47

F*ck yourself! Заради Бога!

00:10:40 --00:10:57 00:10:40 --00:10:57

- Це інфантильна дурість.
- Що?
- Ні-ні, це дискрімінація, нечесний розподіл успіху
- Чому ви погодилися?
- Інакше мене б назвали стервою

syllable synchrony

00:01:12 --00:01:25 00:01:12 --00:01:25

+ utterance synchrony

In this passage, both

coincide the speed and turn-
taking - a great example of
syllable and utterance

00:06:04 --00:06:10 00:06:04 --00:06:10

- Так, роздавай їжу, але ні з ким не розмовляй. І я на нього
не запала
- Звісно

00:08:56 --00:09:11 00:08:56 --00:09:11

Дякую, дякую всім. Тож, я хотіла сказати, що тут все як на лобі
написано, але в неї його немає

+ utterance synchrony

utterance synchrony

00:01:12 --00:01:25 00:01:12 --00:01:25

+ syllable synchrony

00:03:49 --00:04:08
Talk of Belinda
00:08:56 --00:09:11 00:08:56 --00:09:11
Дякую, дякую всім. Тож, я хотіла сказати, що тут все як на лобі
написано, але в неї його немає

+ syllable synchrony

voice synchrony

The voice actor fully conveys the character of fin called Cler (00:04:18 --00:04:40). I'm also very
impressed by the interpretation of Fleabag and Belinda's voices. Especially Belinda’s one, which
also conveyed syllable and utterance synchronies.

Task 4

Watch an Introduction to Audiovisual Translation featuring Jorge Díaz-Cintas

Make notes to answer the questions:

● Who is Jorge Díaz-Cintas?

Jorge Díaz-Cintas, originally from Spain, is a recognized expert in the field of audiovisual
translation (AVT). He studied in Spain and the UK. Jorge started his career in audiovisual
translation through teaching and working as an interpreter in the Parliament.

● What does he say about the recent changes in the industry?

Mr Jorge Díaz-Cintas mentions that the recent changes in the industry involve a content
explosion, particularly with numerous releases on stream platforms like Netflix, Amazon, and
Disney Plus, which require extensive subtitling and dubbing.

● What definition does he give to AVT?

AVT, according to Jorge, encompasses various practices such as dubbing, subtitling, screen
translation, multimedia localization, and media localization.

● How does dubbing verse subtitling?

Dubbing involves replacing the original dialogue with a translated version, while subtitling
involves displaying translated text at the bottom of the screen.

● What is Jorge's opinion about shortage of AVT translators?

Jorge expresses concern about the shortage of AVT translators, particularly in light of the
increasing demand for content translation.

● What type of person would AVT or subtitling suited to?

AVT or subtitling may be suited to individuals who are proficient in multiple languages, have a
keen understanding of cultural nuances, and possess excellent translation and linguistic skills.

● How someone can get started in this industry?

According to Jorge, to get started in the AVT industry, individuals can pursue training courses,
gain experience through internships or freelance projects, and stay updated with industry trends
and technologies.

● What skills are needed?

Such skills include:

1. proficiency in multiple languages

2. proficiency in translation
3. linguistic expertise
4. cultural sensitivity
5. technical skills for using translation tools and software
6. knowledge of cinema grammar

● What are the main challenges?

The main challenges in the AVT industry include meeting the high demand for content
translation, ensuring accuracy and cultural appropriateness in translations, adapting to new
technologies and workflows, and managing tight deadlines.

● What is Cinema grammar?

Cinema grammar refers to the language and techniques used in filmmaking to convey meaning
and emotion through visual and auditory elements.

● What are the challenges of subtitling?

Challenges of subtitling include condensing dialogue to fit within character limits, maintaining
readability and synchronicity with audio and visuals, and accurately conveying nuances and
cultural references in translations.

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