Cytec Solutions 2013 25

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Solvent Extraction, Mineral Processing and Alumina Processing

Rejection of Pyrite: Challenges and Sustainable Chemical Solutions

Mineral ore samples from South America were used to evaluate the application of selective collectors and polymeric
depressants. The feed grades of the ores are listed in Table 1.

Table 1: Feed Grades of the Mineral Ores Used in the Evaluation of Selective Collectors.

Ore Copper content, % Iron content, % Molybdenum content, ppm

Ore-1 0.74 2.1 98
Ore-2 0.33 4.73 107
Ore-3 1.05 4.40 300

Experimental Procedure
Laboratory flotation tests were conducted to simulate 1) just calculation of the metallurgical balance, and therefore the
the Rougher stage and 2) the different stages of the plant metallurgical recoveries, for each test. The conditions for the
(open cycle test). The flotation products were collected and laboratory tests with the different mineral ores are described
analysed for copper, iron and molybdenum using atomic in Table 2.
absorption analysis. These mass balance results allowed the

Table 2: Laboratory Test Conditions for Each of the Ores

Conditions Ore-1 Ore-2 Ore-3

Machine Agitair L500 Denver Wemco
pH 10.5 9.5 9.5
% Solids 34 34 30
Flotation time (min) 10 15 12
Grinding 30% + 100#Ty 20% + 100 #Ty 20% +65#Ty

Note that with Ore-3, when the standard collector was used, the cleaning stage for the other collectors tested with Ore-3
typical conditions for the cleaning stage were used (lime was (final pH=8.7).
added) and the pH was 11.5. However, lime was not added in

Results and Discussion

The study with Ore-1 demonstrated the difference in isopropyl ethylthionocarbamate (IPETC) and a structurally
the selectivity for iron for the different types of selective modified thionocarbamate (SMTC).
collectors: dithiophosphate (DTP),


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