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2024.03.15 by Tomi Korean

한국의 밥상 Dining Table of Korea


밥과 김치는 한국 음식 중에서 가장 중요해요.

한국 사람들은 매일 밥과 김치를 먹어요.

밥은 주로 쌀로 만들어요. 김치는 배추나 무로 만들어요.

김치는 매워요. 하지만 건강에 좋아요.

한국의 밥상에는 국이나 다른 반찬도 있어요.

하지만 밥이랑 김치가 한국 사람들에게 가장 특별해요.

Read the article and try to come up with answers to the following questions in your mind.
📋 Read the Korean text and try to answer the following questions, before looking at the
English translation.

1. What are the two most important foods for Koreans?

2. What is kimchi made of?
3. What does kimchi taste like?


Word Pronunciation Meaning Word Pronunciation Meaning

밥 [bap] rice 상 [sang] table

밥상 [bap·sang] dining table 김치 [kim·chi] kimchi

한국 [han·guk] Korea 음식 [eum·sik] food

중에서 [jung·e·seo] among 가장 [ga·jang] most

중요하다 [jung·yo·ha·da] to be important 사람들 [sa·ram·deul] people

매일 [mae·il] every day 먹다 [meok·tta] to eat

주로 [ju·ro] mainly 쌀 [ssal] rice, rice gain

만들다 [man·deul·da] to make 배추 [bae·chu] cabbage

무 [mu] radish 맵다 [maep·tta] to be spicy

하지만 [ha·ji·man] but 건강 [geon·gang] health

좋다 [jo·ta] to be good 국 [guk] soup

다른 [da·reun] other 반찬 [ban·chan] side dish

있다 [it·tta] there is, to have 특별하다 [teuk·byeol·ha·da] to be special


Rice and kimchi are the most important in Korean food.

Koreans eat rice and kimchi every day.
Rice is mainly made from rice grains. Kimchi is made from cabbage or radish.
Kimchi is spicy. But it's good for your health.
There are also soups and other side dishes on a Korean dining table.
But rice and kimchi are the most special to Korean people.


밥상 (dining table)
The word "밥상" [bap·sang] is a compound noun in Korean, combining "밥" (bap, meaning
rice or meal) and "상" (sang, meaning table). It directly translates to "dining table" or
"meal table" in English.

은/는 (Topic Particle)

These are used to indicate the topic of the sentence, as seen in phrases like "밥과
김치는" (Rice and kimchi) and "한국 사람들은" (Korean people). The marker sets the topic
for what the sentence will discuss.

중에서 (among)
In Korean, "중에서" is used to specify a selection or a particular example from a group or
category. It's equivalent to "among" or "from within" in English. When you say "한국 음식
중에서" (among Korean food), you're singling out a part or an example from the broader
category of Korean food.

가장 (Superlative: the most)

This is used in Korean to form the superlative degree, similar to "the most" in English. For
example, in "가장 중요해요" (is the most important), "가장" modifies the adjective
"중요해요" (important) to express that something is at the highest level of importance.

을/를 (Object Particle)

They mark the object of the action, such as in "밥과 김치를 먹어요" (eat rice and kimchi).
The object particle tells us what is directly affected by the verb.

와/과 (Connective Particle: and)

This connects nouns or noun phrases, as in "밥과 김치" (rice and kimchi). It's similar to
"and" in English.
(이)랑 (Connective Particle)
This particle is used to connect nouns in a similar way to 와/과, indicating a conjunction
like "and" in English. "이랑" is more informal and commonly used in spoken Korean. In the
phrase "밥이랑 김치" (rice and kimchi), "이랑" connects the two nouns 'rice' and 'kimchi'.

(으)로 (Particle: with)

It's used to indicate a means or material, like "쌀로 만들어요" (made from rice) and
"배추나 무로 만들어요" (made with cabbage or radish). 로 is attached to nouns to
describe how something is done or what it's made of.

하지만 (Conjunction: but)

This means "but" and is used to contrast information or introduce a contrasting idea, as
in "김치는 매워요. 하지만 건강에 좋아요" (Kimchi is spicy. But it's good for health).

Descriptive Verbs/Adjectives (형용사)

In Korean, adjectives function like verbs. Examples are "중요해요" (is important), "매워요"
(is spicy), and "특별해요" (is special). They describe a state or quality and are conjugated
like verbs.

(이)나 (or)
In Korean, "이나" and "나" are particles used to indicate a choice or alternative between
two or more items or concepts. They are equivalent to "or" in English. For instance, in the
phrase "국이나 다른 반찬" (soup or other side dishes).
2024.03.015 by Tomi Korean

한국의 밥상 Dining Table of Korea


한국의 밥상에는 다양한 음식이 있어요. 그중에서 밥과 김치는 가장 중요한 음식이에요. 한국

사람들은 거의 매일 밥과 김치를 먹어요. 밥은 주로 쌀로 만들고, 김치는 배추나 무로 만들어요.

김치에 고춧가루를 넣어서 꽤 매워요. 하지만 아주 맛있고 건강에도 좋아요. 한국의 밥상에는

국이나 다른 반찬도 있어요. 한국 사람들은 여러 가지 국과 반찬을 밥과 함께 먹어요. 하지만 밥과

김치가 없으면 그 식사는 완전하지 않아요. 한국 사람들에게 밥이랑 김치는 정말 특별한

📋 Read the Korean text and try to answer the following questions, before looking at the
English translation.

1. How often do Koreans eat rice and kimchi?

2. Why is kimchi spicy?
3. Besides rice and kimchi, what other types of dishes are typically found on a Korean
dining table?


Word Pronunciation Meaning Word Pronunciation Meaning

다양하다 [da·yang·ha·da] to be various 그중 [geu·jung] among them

거의 [geo·ui] almost 고춧가루 [go·chut·ga·ru] chili powder

넣다 [neo·ta] to put, to add 꽤 [kkwae] quite

여러 가지 [yeo·reo ga·ji] various, several 함께 [ham·kke] together

없다 [eop·tta] there is no 완전하다 [wan·jeon·ha·da] to be complete

식사 [sik·sa] meal 정말 [jeong·mal] really, truly


On a Korean dining table, there are various dishes. Among them, rice and kimchi are the
most important. Koreans eat rice and kimchi almost every day. Rice is mainly made from
rice grains, and kimchi is made from cabbage or radish. Kimchi is quite spicy because
we add red pepper powder to kimchi. However, it's very delicious and good for health.
There are also soups and other side dishes on a Korean dining table. Koreans eat various
soups or side dishes together with rice. But if there is no rice and kimchi, then the meal
is not complete. Rice and kimchi are truly special foods for Koreans

은/는 (Topic Particle for emphasis and contrast)

In the phrase "한국의 밥상에는", the particle "는" is used for emphasis and contrast. This
construction is often employed in Korean when the speaker wants to highlight a
particular subject or setting, especially in comparison to others.

-(으)ㄴ (Adjective/Descriptive Verb Endings)

The words "다양한" (diverse), "중요한" (important), and "특별한" (special) are examples of
descriptive verbs (adjectives) used as modifiers. In each case, the "-ㄴ" ending is
attached to a stem, turning it into an adjective-like word that modifies a noun.

-아/어서 (Connective Ending: because, since)

The "아/어서" form, as seen in "고춧가루를 넣어서" (since we add red pepper powder), is
used to connect two clauses, where the first clause is the cause or reason for the
second. This form can convey meanings similar to "so," "because," or "since" in English.

If the verb stem ends in 'ㅏ' or 'ㅗ', "아서” is used.

For example, "가다" (to go) becomes "가아서," which is contracted to "가서".

For other vowels, "어서" is used.

For example, "넣다" (to put) becomes "넣어서".

거의, 주로, 아주, 꽤 (Adverbial Phrases)

They modify verbs. "거의 매일" (almost every day), "주로 쌀로" (mainly from rice), "아주
맛있고" (very delicious), “꽤 매워요” (is quite spicy).

(으)면 (Conditional)
"(으)면" is a conditional ending, used to express "if" or "when" in English. It's attached to
verbs and adjectives to create conditional sentences.

If the stem ends in a vowel, "면" is directly attached to the stem.

For example, 가다 (to go) becomes 가면 (if/when [someone] goes).

If the stem ends in a consonant, "으면" is attached.

For example, 읽다 (to read) becomes 읽으면 (if/when [someone] reads).

In the phrase "밥과 김치가 없으면," the word "없다" (there is no, to not have) ends in a
consonant. Therefore, the conditional suffix "-으면" is attached to form "없으면," meaning
"if there is no rice and kimchi."

1. 밥은 주로 무엇으로 만들어요?
What is rice primarily made of?

A) 국
B) 김치
C) 쌀

2. 무슨 재료가 김치를 맵게 해요?

What ingredient makes kimchi spicy?

A) 고춧가루
B) 배추
C) 무

3. 김치는 보통 맛이 어때요?
How does kimchi usually taste?

A) 달아요.
B) 써요.
C) 매워요.

4. 다음 중 밑줄 친 형용사가 틀리게 쓰인 것을 고르세요.

Choose the underlined adjective that is incorrectly used.

A) 가족이 저에게 가장 중요해요.

B) 김치가 너무 맵어요.
C) 제 취미는 조금 특별해요.

5. 잘못 짝지어진 단어를 고르세요.

Choose the word that is incorrectly paired.

A) 꽤 - a lot
B) 거의 - almost
C) 주로 - mainly

Answers 1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A

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