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18f LICDDNOi049


PRoGHRAM : BBA LLB (H) 4h yaa
& ,



Facutty ILS]
Quustion :-deplain ihe tond?4ions ant egiabration
trdi ficate to temmen tavde unda toi aga
+ yoocla y Road Atd, 2001 anc Apnned
AnAu -

Londtiens fox gtant tegiatatin-

A Puen
to negiatxatin undet Aaviaqa by Roocl
Act, 2.00+, the tentual
&unment t dndio made he
toeioge y Rcad Rulu,
Ca-iage 2011. hese suls elate to te
N emmon atnieu
geeods yoadi. he Rulas
Came unto te on 28th fobruuasty 201. Ho e the
Aondi tons! -

3he OPplicantsheuld peclute

emm &ttial Vahicles gi atenecdnhu tificadu
name an dgoni
nam 6 ADthe
an the
Aatien O n the name
a pattnet 0
PHepHit o tx dixtto, Gx a CotHatt+ lette r Uo
Ode tx tavying Out
funttionA Remmbn Ccwi,
fxm Hgitoted empany
4 he aAalicant shstulcd havz net Wouth b minimm
minimum lupLA
the pHp Hietox or
pattn x dinecte dn tae
applicartiong to tottificate
1egit ation Muicing ovice at a
the netwetth
highet ih,
o the
applicant b o ay
pHoptieto 0Patnu OM diecto hall 6e
Hupu udend arha.
2. n Caue tommen
tavntoy aMP epti edo s hip fixm o
pttuuhip Yoma, the DP Aiedou 0POetnu
Jheuwd ntt hav& been lathliated O
detegistad aetiu.
nyPhu on, uhe angage indends doijenggg.a. Sn the

huain t a Cemmen Canit, ahatt arpl 0 he.


x Nentdal udlficad Hrataton tor tavying

en he beuqineis Pommen lavt do h
e t eeing
he egteig authesit shall tant O Henu the totiticade
iabaken awtanin a pu-nteol 30 days att
TRecaiuing the appuicatin
. Reteivirg the fau pteifiecd
3 datiatyng. that the
Opplicant hau tompliecd uitd al
Aenat ieni equbtd te 9on egi atsasien
duty holdee e a
tificodt tegitnation neecs to
0Hetod the maint ain
andoctions n
OHegitH»i, updaed on a
quadly bai. Yhe dummaty tahe ntaiu QMe to b
Submi ted 0 the
egiekeing Outhsti
furetien 2 :- Dut-ibe the Jwiactiesten, Pauex and funttien ot
Totuayzlaim bunnl, undut aihuoy 1, 1989

Andulut he aminiatxasion ot the Railuways l n tmidad

he Raildoy, * i lomething
Cnty do
the Munning
the Railuot alto irclucdas
he funtioning t
bayonc hat
iau tine the o4 0 damoga #o ne goedu palienge
tNavuling the traîns, nsn- dettyay of he go eds

ah yHs, auilents Lautin q nwuis nd deth 04 the

P0Lengu au wU os ehe Rommenu pteple and

mang mOHe J8u

Ju acdici an
dhe ailuay tlaimu uibunal eusu all Authwiaclicton , peuend
and authod 04 dei eisable Jmmectiatel by any uA
&taima tomm uienu appointe od aunolut th a

pHeviditnt the Raildays Att which ae seladed to

1) he eponbilfty f the Haflu'ay Qodminigtsiatio nu aL

anfvu undo ehasten 1 f the Rai lways Act in
Hup daimg Heladed to

ompuNJatitn oA Jou, dytautien, damogi, deteionatiùn tv

non- dulfvuy animals eecl nHtute to O
Hailwa adminiabuatien fo tai0ge tailoN
ompeniation pauable tnclun 4t. 184 124 A 1e
Ralwy At the ulu mode thereunoluy ano
lams fo Htund foves 0
pat ahetyt 0 fo
AD Meund any egM h upact animau 0

g0o ols nt uutt d to a tahdas admi ntatatisn

Aavvdd by 9taiAday

ownitoial JuwiActfehfon oft the Benchas

he dovi doial wiAdíckon the vaiouu benchs the
Railutoy ctaims Yibunal epuevided n th e table. heloo
Bench Menitoxtal Twnlact tsion
Ahmedaba.ol bjaat, union levitoy biu
Bangalbe anat ah a
3. Bhopot Hacthya Praclauh. and thattigarh

A Bhuwanauhwa
Quetion 3: Labiliby taiu fou Piusn Bag0

Andu- dhe au law velading to he tatniage 9eocls hau utached

engfcletoable meouwie
s4 methedd
stintounatinal unlfoumiy
tontpettatten hucame mbe hi sicated, and ou
ontatta taviagu acame m0e
invlurd, 9eun me ndt -founod
itneceuay o xegulade the otivitos 0
inuHUrd nduth thepdiu
tdntH0.ctt and legialadivn tonde! Wau intxecluto
dfasi lid y the tatni Rule 1 Schedule T)
he Lasuin ii iasle
Jto damage dutain ed in the ovent
the death 8 Weunclrg a
Pa4senge 0any the
bedily eiwy Auffred
bedily puon, the aceident ühich
Laud the laMaqL o Autained
doeK alace n boaod the
aincnatt O in the ewue. of any the Opaatiens at
emba ang and li amba-thing
8he auiu à iable to dlamaq dutained
04 the duiutiê n. 0 o
the eunt
the eULN
sA, 0H
damag. to, any
uegixteted luggege oX any
goodA, the occtence
N onich
Laed he
damo4 0 Juutained tooK
N alate. duung
the aiage y aix.
2) the
ovi@ge bH aix wihin he meaing
Aompi4u dhe paied dwüng which he ot ub- stule ()
axe n
chawg o the avie, wh eth n
0X n ead an airouaft in the toue
an denoobr on
Jancling 0utgode an Qe0clno me in any
3&he ted s *he taniag des ntt 1tend t a
Anetiopey Aond, Jta Y hy upyexmecd tudsfole
n OzMed ue me. . Aueve Juth a tantage taku alare in
he peyemante a
tendrat fo avtioga by ai, fo
he Purpese deacting. eliu 1andhipmen, Ony damag
pxumec, ubei to pr lentray, hove been
he eult an 2uant whlch
etK plote dwurg he
Cavot og

Rule 19 taioge tt geed by adCotrie) a l e


e damage bccaiene d
dela dela in he tatiaga
ai Pauingeu, uggag ex geeos
Rule 30-) ehe taroiage u nst liable l he
hiu agni4 kauu
pev hat ha Qno
taken all
Detzsaymeawu to Qveid he
daman ¬x that it wa
impcutble t kim C them to tane
uth m20LULHLL

12th the taiage ebcs Gnd

uggag the
Jhe HevLL, ihe cdomag Ual DCc.tienecd taei i
a liabl
piletog t negigan
neplignte in 2he
handling he
ihe aiLnatt
tinnovgadien ancl hat, in aitxat+
all the Hepetis
aiptis, his
he and hs
Ogins hov tahen all
hetaua meot to Qvtid the
Rule 21:- the tauit pHev that the damage wal Catuacd
Lwa Caud
entfRentt kuted do by the
negligente the
putn the Cowtt may AOneate
the layui ohe tlp
uutten 4: - Ductbe Plote irg At on feDamogu
nolo awniage. a Gooobu , 1942.

Anau-Tlate o ftkingnelen onpomagss under Aaeiage

Gteecla y Air, 19 12 desctbed Mtoyuncdlo
Rule 33 4 8ehectule

333) n attien fo damages Ahatl be 60 ught, at he ogio

the elaimant damag, the dovtidoru
the utale. paelru, aithe bet0e the lowt sf the
clomicile the tayti en 0 i pinuaa plate
tuint4u , 04 whera hou a plate F busins&
th HOgh which the loH act hou been ma Ne e
efone the Loutt at the plare & detination.

2) In supaet damage tuulting fxom nhe death O

a pautnge, an atstbn may & busugt Sejore
One t h e lowet mentionec in Jub- uwe ( ) , 04 in the
deito 0 atade paty in which t dhe time t
y hthe
Occident he paaenge Aash h e pincipal and pemanent
Huidenre 0nd o om which the. taiel peratus sevou

fo the lavuioga pasgengens ot a, athe on iu

Bu0o aixCMaft va , n ansthe CaHie aftat pujuant
to a Aemmurcial ageement, and in which that
Aovni onduct+e buuind Aavia
Pauengens by a f>rem pyemißes deoueol 8u 60ne d
the taXniex itlt o y anethn late 0h
Which t hau a Lommbcial ageemend
9) fo he
pupodt at
(:)- Seub u l e

(0)"emmiciat agteement mant ann 9tment, gthey than

agentu 09een ent, macde betdaen lanivi an o

elattho to the ptvidion at thet eit& ttvite

paJl n9en

4pincipal and AUmanent sMuidence Means-1)e D

fiae d and peumanent abede t e paJlengen at "h e
ime h e accflerrt .
natfo nality oF 4he
paenpet thall net de the deleumining-tacto n #h
4 uuttens apHtceduve 2hall e gova-aeol by the laud
t dhe Aowd seiad He lase.

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