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25/4/24, 19:07 A 3 phase, star connected, 220 v (line to line), 7.

ine), 7.5 kW, 60 Hz, 6 pole induction drive has the following - brainly.…

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05/05/2023 • Physics • High School

answered • expert verified

A 3 phase, star connected, 220 v (line to line), 7.5 kW, 60 Hz, 6 pole induction drive has
the following constants per phase referred to the stator: R_1 = 0.294 Ohm R_2 = 0.144
Ohm. X_1 = 0.503 Ohm. X_2 = 0.209 Ohm. X_M = 13.25 Ohm. Sketch the speed torque
characteristic for this drive and for a slip of 2.0% calculate the rotor speed. The losses due
to friction, windage and core losses may be assumed constant at 403 W independent of
load Calculate the output power, torque and efficiency.




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25/4/24, 19:07 A 3 phase, star connected, 220 v (line to line), 7.5 kW, 60 Hz, 6 pole induction drive has the following - brainly.…

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The speed-torque characteristic can be sketched using the equation for torque T as a
function of slip s. For a slip of 2.0%, we can calculate the rotor speed as 1176 RPM. The
output power is 6459 W, the torque is 49.1 Nm, and the efficiency is 94.1%.

To sketch the speed-torque characteristic, we first need to calculate the synchronous

speed of the induction motor. The synchronous speed is given by:
n_sync = (120*f) / p
where f is the frequency, p is the number of poles, and n_sync is the synchronous speed
in RPM. Plugging in the values given:
n_sync = (120*60) / 6 = 1200 RPM
The torque-speed characteristic can be obtained using the following equation: 2/8
25/4/24, 19:07 A 3 phase, star connected, 220 v (line to line), 7.5 kW, 60 Hz, 6 pole induction drive has the following - brainly.…

T = (3V_ph^2R_2 / s) / [w_s*(R_1 + R_2/s)^2 + (X_1 + X_2)^2 + X_M^2]

where V_ph is the phase voltage, s is the slip, w_s is the synchronous speed in radians
per second, and T is the torque. We can plot this equation for various values of slip s to
obtain the speed-torque characteristic.

Assuming a slip of 2.0%, we can calculate the rotor speed as:

n_r = (1 - s) * n_sync = (1 - 0.02) * 1200 = 1176 RPM
The output power can be calculated as:
P_out = P_in - P_loss

where P_in is the input power and P_loss is the total loss in the motor. The input power is
given by:
P_in = 3V_phI*cos(phi)

where I is the current, V_ph is the phase voltage, and cos(phi) is the power factor. Since
the motor is assumed to be operating at rated conditions, we can assume a power factor
of 0.85. The current can be calculated as:
I = P_in / (3V_phcos(phi))
Plugging in the values:
I = 7500 / (32200.85) = 13.98 A

The input power can now be calculated as:

P_in = 322013.98*0.85 = 6862 W
The total loss in the motor is given as 403 W, so the output power is:
P_out = 6862 - 403 = 6459 W

Finally, the torque can be calculated as:

T = P_out / w_r = P_out / (2pin_r / 60)
Plugging in the values:
T = 6459 / (2pi1176 / 60) = 49.1 Nm

The efficiency can be calculated as:

eta = P_out / P_in
Plugging in the values:
eta = 6459 / 6862 = 0.941 or 94.1% 3/8
25/4/24, 19:07 A 3 phase, star connected, 220 v (line to line), 7.5 kW, 60 Hz, 6 pole induction drive has the following - brainly.…

To know more about speed-torque characteristic, please click on:


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25/4/24, 19:07 A 3 phase, star connected, 220 v (line to line), 7.5 kW, 60 Hz, 6 pole induction drive has the following - brainly.…

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25/4/24, 19:07 A 3 phase, star connected, 220 v (line to line), 7.5 kW, 60 Hz, 6 pole induction drive has the following - brainly.…

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25/4/24, 19:07 A 3 phase, star connected, 220 v (line to line), 7.5 kW, 60 Hz, 6 pole induction drive has the following - brainly.… 7/8
25/4/24, 19:07 A 3 phase, star connected, 220 v (line to line), 7.5 kW, 60 Hz, 6 pole induction drive has the following - brainly.…

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