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Money, Wealth, Power, Happiness are the basic desire of an average
human. The how to attaining this point of satisfaction in life is the barrier
to many. Wealth creation and growth from a penny to billions is the
motivation behind the formation of HF. Harmony Financials measures its
success on the basis of the number of people whose financial situation
has undergone a positive transformation mentored by HF. HF was
therefore created with the utmost vision of developing the personal
finances of its members geared towards wealth creation and financial
security. This financial jewel of the AI age shall blend intellectual skill
capacity and advanced computer technologies to serve the market with
the fastest and most reliable financial services. Achieving this vision is
not a question of possibility but an achievement to be proud of.

Presentation of the organization

Harmony Financials is an internet financial organization (Fintech)
founded on 19th September 2021 at Dschang, Cameroon. It originally
started as a “NJANGI” house, and has grown to operate in providing
banking services.

HF motto: Transparency, Accountability & Prosperity (TAP). Harmony

Financials shall remain a reliable organization and execute its operations
with Discipline, Speed & Accuracy.

HF Mission: creating tomorrow’s wealth through financial simplicity and

Banking IT, with services fully accessible to all legal and Natural persons,
anytime & anywhere.

HF Vision: Building an environment where every person has access to

the magnificence of Banking IT, and opportunities of wealth creation
from anywhere at any time.

HF Goals:
 Mobilizing public savings
 Developing the personals finances of its users
 Simplifying financial services to the most basic level of
understanding and usage.
 Bringing financial services to everyone, in any location, at any
 Stimulating entrepreneurship activities in the economy

1. Problem to be solved
There are so many setbacks plaguing the financial sector of our
economy. So much such that many have giving up on using financial
institutions, financial development, and remain in contempt with
traditional systems of Money Management. HF brings to the market
solutions to key problems.

The problem of access to financial services: Visiting a financial

institution at their head office or branch has proven to be costly, time
consuming and boring. HF has therefore exploited the opportunities of
the computer and internet to serve the public with reliable, transparent,
quick & accurate financial services in its highest level of simplicity.
Irrespective of your location and at any time. With your PC or your
phone you can access your account details, make payments or receive,
request your bank statement, undergo a personal finance development
plan, anywhere & any time. HF is bringing financial services right to your

The problem of complexity in financial services. Many complain after

visiting our traditional financial institution about the complexity of
financial services and difficulty in understanding the service or terms of
service or how to access the service and worst be time/duration. To
solve this, HF has simplified financial services by introducing AI
technology in customer service, using the modest language, opening the
service policies & guidelines to all users, inserting a reliable
time/duration (minimizing time at its optimal level) on services. The goal
of this solution is to ensure time saving and 100% understanding of its
services to users, you just need to be able to read and write.
The problem of fraud by the banking staff. This is common among our
traditional financial institutions where some banking staff exploit the
financial ignorance of its clients and manipulate their accounts for their
personal use or interest. HF has provided its users with personal account
management and accessed by its staff in case of maintenance under
strict control. Accounts are personalized to every accountholder, data
recordings are automated (you don’t need accounting skills to manage
your account).

The problem of low incentive to public savings. Members of the general

public especially youths and low income earners barely save. People also
turn reluctant to visit a financial institution for account creation. Often
people think of saving, but the mere process of moving right to a
financial institution is a barrier. The complex documentation and
identification process, the mere idea of moving long distances,
inadequate orientation and information are the major disincentive to
public savings. Mobilizing public is one of the main objectives of HF. HF
financials has solved this problem by moving banking offices from
physical buildings to PCs and Mobile phones. HF has introduced wizard
services to simplify complexity in documentation and identification. HF
has introduced an aggressive advertisement system (making use of ads,
media houses & platforms, videos, agents), so everyone with a mobile
phone, TV, PC, even Radio must at least have access to financial
information and orientation. From your room, office, market, church,
leisure places, as long as you have access to internet HF is always at your
disposal for financial services anytime.

2. Product presentation.
HF offers many types of financial services.

Accepting deposit.
Current account
Saving account
Fixed account

System of payment
Financial consultancy
Personal finance development
Research and Investment appraisals

3. Market
Every member of the general public verified with proof of live and
mental stability, legal persons like registered businesses and
organizations, local financial unions & njangi unions. HF is a liberized
financial organization and has no restrictions to age, size, gender,
occupation, social group, location. For HF has in it’s believe system a the
idea of; if you can identify and use money accurately, then you can save.
The only exemptions from HF are mentally disabled & robotics.

4. Ownership and Capital structure

HF has a decentralized ownership structure i.e. HF is owned by no
individual or a particular group, rather ownership is in the hands of
members of the HF community. The HF financials community is made up
of HF investors, HF accountholders, HF partners, HF executive. In
simplicity, you automatically join HF ownership and board as long as you
fall under any of these categories. HF has no fixed capital, the capital of
HF is the value of the HF community. That is, the capital of HF increases
in proportion of an increase in the value of HF community.
The composition of the HF board is, the members of the HF community.
The power structure of the HF board is in the form of a pyramid, with
the most powerful at slim top and least powerful at the broad bottom.

5. Membership and rights

Becoming a member of the HF board is basically becoming a member of
HF community.
 You buy a bond and become an investor.
 You open an account and become an accountholder.
 You facilitate the transactions of HF and become a partner.
 You’re recruited into management and become and executive
6. HF Policies.

Account policies:
 To open an account, the person must show proof of live & mental
 Accounts management are strictly private to users, any attempt to
interfere into someone’s else account is considered as fraud, not
even by an HF staff. Except in situation of maintenance.
 Deposits and withdrawals in accounts is determined by the
account type.

Financial policies:
 There is no charge on accounts
 There are no shares so investors can invest through debentures
 Interest rates are not fixed, they are determined by market forces

HF community policies:
 Free entry and exit
 Right to participation in decision making
 No to intentional attempt of disruptions and violence
 No to sexual misconduct, harmful drugs and weapons
 Robotics and face accounts are considered to be fraud
 Right to presentation of ideas, complains, recommendations,
 Right to presentation of candidacy for the HF community

7. Opportunities at HF
Money compounding: users have the opportuning to compound the
values of their moneys.

Financial security: Users have the opportunity to attain some degree of

financial security. Savings in account serves as backup to any user,
because there are available resources to meet future needs.
Inverting: having capital is one thing and investing on the right thing is
another. HF updates its community frequently on trending investment
opportunities with high returns.
Time, & cost saving: time is one of the most important element of our
modern economies. Just the simple fact that users can access financial
services from their beds in a big advantage. That time, & cost of
preparing and moving to a banking branch, sitting on waiting list,
coupled with long bureaucracy has been saved and can be used for
other profitable things.

HF programs: HF runs programs to build and develop the personal

finances and wealth of its users. These programs are both generalized
and individualized. There are four primary programs set by HF as
financial development pillars; Dismantling the rat race, simplifying the
stock market operations, money compounding plans, opportunistic

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