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MATERIAL SCIENCE provides students with an understanding of material science and

engineering which emphasizes on atomic and crystal structure, material properties and
behavior including material classification and its application in the engineering field. The
topic also covers the processes of metal work used to produce engineering components
and apply basic principles of material testing and processing through practical.


Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:-

1. Organize appropriately experiments in groups according to the Standard Operating

2. Demonstrate ability to work in team to complete assigned task during practical work



Conduct experiment on metallographic analysis, Vickers hardness test,
impact testing and heat treatment. Determine the principles of good
practice for measuring experimental data for each experiment.

RTA : Recommended Time Allocation

The course is assessed through coursework.

i. Practical Tasks – 5%
ii. Report – 5%











1. Conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times in the laboratory.
2. Follow all written and verbal instructions carefully. If you do not understand a
direction or part of a procedure, ASK YOUR LECTURER BEFORE PROCEEDING
3. Never work alone in the laboratory. No student may work in the laboratory without
the presence of the Lecturer.
4. When first entering a laboratory, do not touch any equipment, chemicals, or other
materials in the laboratory area until you are instructed to do so.
5. Perform only those experiments authorized by your Lecturer. Carefully follow all
instructions, both written and oral. Unauthorized experiments are not allowed.
6. Do not eat food, drink beverages, or chew gum in the laboratory.
7. Be prepared for your work in the laboratory. Read all procedures thoroughly before
entering the laboratory. Always work in a well-ventilated area.
8. Observe good housekeeping practices. Work areas should be kept clean and tidy at
all times.
9. Be alert and proceed with caution at all times in the laboratory. Notify the Lecturer
immediately of any unsafe conditions you observe.
10. Labels and equipment instructions must be read carefully before use. Set up and
use the equipment as directed by your Lecturer.
11. Know the locations and operating procedures of all safety equipment including: first
aid kit(s), and fire extinguisher. Know where the fire alarm and the exits are located.
12. Dress properly during a laboratory activity. Long hair, dangling jewelery, and loose
or baggy clothing are a hazard in the laboratory. Long hair must be tied back, and
dangling jewelry and baggy clothing must be secured. Shoes must completely cover
the foot.
13. Report any accident (spill, breakage, etc.) or injury (cut, burn, etc.) to the lecturer

1. Format
Score Description
5 A lab title is specific and clearly present at the beginning of the lab
report, have report writing skill and all content criteria
4 have minimum 3 of report writing skill and all content criteria
1 report without title / have all content criteria but do not have report
writing skill

2. Outcomes
& equipment

Score Description
5 List all the required equipment complete with diagram Purpose of lab is
clearly identified or understood
3 Purpose of lab is not clearly identified or understood and List all the
required equipment
1 report without objective and not all the required equipment is listed

3. Theory

Score Description
10 Good explanation and related to the title and objective to be achieved
8 Good explanation and related to the title
6 Only explain the basic theory
0 report without theory

4. Procedures

Score Description
15 List all the required procedures accurately
10 List all the required procedures
5 Not all the required procedures is listed
0 report without list of procedures

5. Result/Data

Score Description
20 Collected quantitative data is well presented in a table. Qualitative data
may be given if necessary
10 Miss one portion of the required result but key points are highlighted and
5 All data is present, but shown in a format that may be confusing or

0 report without observations data

6. Discussion

Score Description

25 Demonstrate excellent explanation and discussion related to theory and

20 Demonstrate good discussion and explanation related to the theory and
15 Demonstrate good discussion related to the theory
10 Demonstrate satisfactory discussion related to theory
5 Discussion out of topic
0 report without discussion

7. Conclusion

Score Description
Able to conclude clearly and concisely to statement of goal. Thoroughly
15 explain all points.
Able to make conclusion. Majority of points covered in depth. Some
12 points glossed over.
9 Weak conclusion
6 Wrong conclusion
3 No conclusion
0 report without conclusion

8. References
Score Description
5 Student is able to list >3 the valid references
1 Student is able to list <3 the valid references
0 report without references




i. State clearly the experiment outcome(s).

i. Any theory related to experiment must be explained clearly with diagram,
figures and etc.
ii. Include graph, formulas and figures (if any) related to experiment theory.


i. Brief explanation of equipments.
ii. Draw and label the equipments.


i. List down and explain any safety precautions that apply during experiment.

i. Write in passive sentences about all the steps taken during the experiment.
ii. Draw and label any related figures if necessary.

i. Data tabulation with units
ii. Data processing (plotting graph, calculation to obtain the results of the

i. Discuss or answers given questions.
ii. Discuss comparison between theory and data collection


i. Conclusion based on experiment data / ouput.
ii. If there is anything about your experiment that you think could be improved
upon, provide suggestions for doing so.

i. Books, articles, or journals.





1.0 Experiment outcomes

At the end of the lab session students should be able:

i) To organize and prepare the metallographic sample for microstructures

2.0 Theory

Metallography consists of the study of the constitution and structure of metals and
alloys. Much can be learned through specimen examination with the naked eye, but
more refined techniques require magnification and preparation of the material's surface.
Optical microscopy is sufficient for general purpose examination; advanced examination
and research laboratories often contain electron microscopes (SEM and TEM), x-ray
and electron diffractometers and possibly other scanning devices.

Incorrect techniques in preparing a sample may result in altering the true microstructure
and will most likely lead to erroneous conclusions. It necessarily follows that the
microstructure should not be altered. Hot or cold working can occur during the specimen
preparation process if the metallurgist is not careful. Expertise at the methods employed
to produce high-quality metallographic samples requires training and practice. The basic
techniques can be learned through patient persistence in a matter of hours.
Metallographic sample preparation involves step-by-step processes which are
sectioning, mounting, course & fine grinding, polishing, and etching.

3.0 Apparatus/Equipments

i) Mild steel;
ii) Bakelite powder;
iii) Silicon spray;
iv) Diamond polishing compound;
v) Nital solution (echant) and Alcohol solution;
vi) Specimen mounting press machine;
vii) Pre-grinder;
viii)Universal polisher;
ix) Ultrasonic cleaner;
x) Fume hood.

4.0 Safety Precautions

i) A normal laboratory precaution is applied;

ii) Safety glasses must be worn when grinding, polishing and etching operation;
iii) Always wear acid resistant gloves when etching.

5.0 Procedures

5.1 Sectioning (Cutting)

5.1.1 Using an abrasive cut-off machine, cut out the three different metals
into a manageable size (e.g. 5mm x 5mm x 5mm).
5.2 Hot mounting;
5.2.1 On main screen, entering working parameters actuated by pushing
menu buttons as below:
i. Temperature setting : 230oC
ii. Waiting time : 2 minutes
iii. Cooling time : 5 minutes
iv. Preheat temperature : 50oC
5.2.2 By turning anticlockwise and holding up, remove the lock nut
5.2.3 Turn the pressure release knob to clockwise direction and raise the
hydraulic cylinder ram by moving pump handle up and down
direction to apply hydraulic pressure.
5.2.4 Spray thin film of silicon on lower ram surface.
5.2.5 Place the sample on lower ram surface.
5.2.6 Open the pressure release knob by turning anticlockwise direction
and bring down the ram of the cylinder to bottom position.
5.2.7 Fill required Bakelite powder into the ram.
5.2.8 Replace the lock nut assembly to clockwise direction and close the
5.2.9 Turn the pressure release knob clockwise and apply the pressure
by moving pump handle up and down direction. Pressure can be
read in pressure gauge.
5.2.10 Press “ON” button on metallographic specimen mounting press. As
soon as the button pressed, heating cycle will start.
5.2.11 During heating time, reapply pump handle to reach required

5.2.12 After heating time is over, alarm indicates the completion of heating
cycle. Later, waiting time is actuated. Alarm indicates after ending
each process.
5.2.13 Cooling cycle will starts after waiting time. After alarm indicates for
ending of cooling time, complete mounting process is over.
5.2.14 Turn the pressure release knob anticlockwise and release
pressure. Loosen lock nut buy turning it anticlockwise.
5.2.15 Turn pressure release knob clockwise. Using pump handle up and
down, lift the ram and take out the specimen from mould cavity.

5.2.16 In order to inserting new specimen, clean the ram first. Repeat step
5.3 Course grinding;
5.3.1 Turn the Motor On, then the water. Adjusts the flow to obtain a good
film of water. Too much water will cause a spray when it contacts
the sample.
5.3.2 Beginning with the 180 grit belt and using both hands to hold the
specimen, carefully place the sample face onto the exposed area of
the belt being careful not to contact the rotating surface with a
sharp edge of the specimen or your hand.
5.3.3 Applying moderate pressure evenly, move the sample left-and-right
across the belt surface to obtain uniform grinding. Use both hands
to hold the specimen.
5.3.4 Lift the sample from the wheel periodically to determine the
progress of grinding but do not rotate the sample. The 180 grit
stage is complete when all the lines scratched in by the grinder are
parallel on the specimen surface. If any line or scratch is not in the
same direction as the other lines, continue grinding until all of the
lines are parallel.
5.3.5 When all of the sample's scratches are parallel, carefully wash all of
the debris from sample using tap water and dry the specimen
immediately using a paper towel or pressurized air to avoid
5.3.6 Wash the specimen. Proceed to the 240 grit stage with the
scratches oriented approximately perpendicular to the intended
grinding direction and repeat steps 5.3.3 through 5.3.6.
5.3.7 When the 180 grit stage is complete, you're ready to move on to the
fine grinding station.
5.4 Fine grinding;
5.4.1 Rinse the specimen.
5.4.2 Manual fine grinding is performed by drawing the specimens in one
direction across the surface of the water lubricated abrasive paper
(Back to front is recommended). Use of backward and forward
motion is less desirable because there is a tendency to rock the
sample, producing a curved rather than a flat surface.
5.4.3 Begin with the lowest grade abrasive paper (800 grit) and proceed
to the highest (1200 grit).
5.4.4 To monitor progress, each fine grinding step should be performed in
a direction off-angle with respect to the previous step.

5.4.5 Fine grinding should be continued until the previous stage's

scratches are gone, using a few extra strokes to assure complete

scratch removal.
5.4.6 Sufficient water must be applied to provide lubrication and flush
away the removal products. Too much water will result in a
hydroplaning action where the sample rides on a film of water,
thereby reducing the effectiveness of the abrasive. Use the valve at
the top of the roll-grinder to increase and decrease the quantity of
water needed or desired.
5.4.7 The specimen should be carefully rinsed after each step of fine
grinding; debris from one step must not contaminate the next step!
Rinse the specimen very thoroughly before proceeding to polishing.
Using ultrasonic cleaner to rinse the specimen is recommended
5.5 Polishing;
5.5.1 Safety goggles must be worn when using the Polishers!
5.5.2 Make sure your specimen and hands have been thoroughly
cleaned before Polishing!
5.5.3 Polishing operation begin with the 6-micron, nylon cloth polishing
5.5.4 Turn the water on adjusting to less than one drop per second.
5.5.5 Apply a small amount of the aluminum oxide abrasive solution to
the polishing cloth.
5.5.6 When polishing the specimen, hold it with both hands, apply a
moderate amount of pressure, and don't let it go. The Rough
Polishing Stages (6 microns) should take between 1 and 2 minutes
5.5.7 Proceed to the Final Polishing Station (1 micron) when all of the
marks are removed at the 6 micron stage.
5.5.8 Hold the specimen with both hands and apply a SMALL amount of
pressure. The Final Polishing Stage (1-micron) should take
between 1/2 and 1 minute.
5.5.9 Before proceeding to Etching, wash and dry both the specimen and
your hands thoroughly then rinse the specimen with distilled water.
5.6 Etching;
5.6.1 Always wear acid resistant gloves when etching!
5.6.2 Place the specimen on the table under the Fume Hood with the
polished surface up.
5.6.3 Turn on the Fume Hood.
5.6.4 Without touching the specimen surface, clean the surface with
alcohol and let it dry using the hot air gun.
5.6.5 Using the Eye-Dropper, apply a few drops of Etchant to the
specimen surface covering the entire metallic surface of the
5.6.6 After about 20 to 30 seconds, rinse the Etchant into the sink with
water and quickly rinse the specimen with alcohol, but do not touch
the surface!
5.6.7 Use the Hot Air Gun to dry the sample.
5.6.8 If the specimen has many scratches and marks return to the fine
grinding and go back through the necessary steps.

6.0 Result/Data

Observation on the surface finish changes during the grinding operation (please
state the ranges between 1 [very coarse] to 4 [very fine] :

Grade of abrasive paper (grit)

120 180 240 800 1200


7.0 Discussion

8.0 Conclusion

9.0 References

Fakhrul Razi Ahmadun, Chuah Teong Guan, Mohd Halim Shah Ismail. (2005).
Safety: Principal & Practices in the Laboratory, UPM Press.

William F. Smith.(1990). Principle of Material Science and Engineering.

Singapore: McGraw-Hill.

Callister,W.D.,Material Science and Engineering an Introduction


1.0 Experiment outcomes

At the end of the lab session students should be able:

i) Determine and compare the hardness of various materials using Vickers

2.0 Theory

Hardness is the resistance of a material to localized deformation. The term can apply to
deformation from indentation, scratching, cutting or bending. In metals, ceramics and
most polymers, the deformation considered is plastic deformation of the surface. There
are a large variety of methods used for determining the hardness of a substance.
Vickers hardness test is a precise test method in static load penetration tests. The
indenter for Vickers hardness test shall be of diamond and regular tetragonal pyramid
whose included angle of opposing prismatic planes is 1360 .The indenter is penetrated
into the surface of specimens under certain test forces, retained for specified period of
time and then removed. Measure and average the two diagonals of the indention. The
hardness value is obtained by inferring from related table or by the following formula.

Vickers hardness is symbolized by the average pressure (kgf/mm 2) borne by the

superficial area of indention and calculated by the following:

HV = 1.8544 . F/d2
In the formula,

HV = Symbol of Vickers hardness (kgf/mm2)

F = Load applied to the indenter (kgf)
d = Average of two diagonals of indention (mm)

3.0 Apparatus/Equipments

ii) Vickers hardness testing machine.

iii) Steel specimen.

4.0 Safety Precautions

i) The tester must be operated strictly according to the procedures.

ii) All the parts and electrical elements shall not be dismantled and regulated
at will. Please don’t hesitate to contact the lecturer in case of any problem.

5.0 Procedures

i. Prepare the test specimen.

ii. Select the suitable test force.
iii. Set the test force and select the test force retaining time.
iv. Turn power switch on.
v. Clean the specimen and place on the test anvil.
vi. Turn handle to make the axis of object lens aligned with the axis of the
test anvil.

vii. Turn the elevating handle to raise the test anvil together with the specimen
until the surface of the specimen can be seen clearly by observing through
viii. Turn the handle and rotation head to make the axis of indenter is aligned
with the axis of the test anvil.
ix. Press “start’’ key on the control panel to start the test.
x. Record data in Table 1.(Each specimen shall be tested at least on three
different points and their hardness values shall be converted by the
average of the lengths of diagonals of the three indentations)

6.0 Result/Data

Table 1

specimen Length of the impression Average Real range Hardness,

diagonals in the of the impression HV
photograph, Vickers diagonals d, Vickers
method (d1,d2) [mm] method (d) [mm]

steel d1 d2 d


7.0 Discussion


8.0 Conclusion


9.0 References

Fakhrul Razi Ahmadun, Chuah Teong Guan, Mohd Halim Shah Ismail. (2005).
Safety: Principal & Practices in the Laboratory, UPM Press.

William F. Smith.(1990). Principle of Material Science and Engineering.

Singapore: McGraw-Hill

Callister,W.D.,Material Science and Engineering an Introduction


1.0 Experiment outcomes

At the end of the lab session students should be able to organize and learn the
method of impact testing process and measure the energy absorbing
characteristics of metal.

2.0 Theory

The ability of a metal to deform plastically and to absorb energy in the process
before fracture is termed toughness. The emphasis of this definition should be
placed on the ability to absorb energy before fracture. Recall that ductility is a
measure of how much something deforms plastically before fracture, but just
because a material is ductile does make it tough. The key to toughness is a good
combination of strength and ductility. A material with high strength and high
ductility will have more toughness than a material with low strength and high
ductility. There are several variables that have a profound influence on the
toughness of a material which are strength rate (rate of loading), temperature
and notch effect.

There are several standard types of toughness test that generate data for
specific loading conditions and/or component design approaches. One of the
toughness properties is impact toughness. The impact toughness of the material
can be determined with a Charpy or Izod test. The two test use different
specimens and methods of holding the specimens, but both test make use of
pendulum-testing machine. For both test, the specimen is broken by a single
overload event due to the impact of the pendulum. A stop pointer is used to
record how far the pendulum swings back up after fracturing the specimen. The
impact toughness of a metal is determined by measuring the energy absorbed in
the fracture of the specimen. This is simply obtained by nothing the height at

which the pendulum is released and the height to which the pendulum swings
after it has struck the specimen. The height of the pendulum times the weight of
the pendulum produces the potential energy and the difference in potential
energy of the pendulum at start and the end of the test is equal to the absorbed

3.0 Apparatus/Equipments

i) Charpy Testing machine.

ii) Six specimens [Plain carbon steel (9 mm x 9 mm x 70 mm)]

4.0 Safety Precautions

4.1 A normal laboratory precaution is applied;

4.2 No one person may enter the heat treatment area without permission;
4.3 Use of impact test must under supervision;
4.4 Personal protective equipment is provided and must be used when

5.0 Procedures

5.1 Lift up the pendulum to the required height of the Charpy test and set
the stop pointer to the maximum capacity.
5.2 Release the pendulum and let it swing freely to record any zero error on the
test machine. To avoid accidents, ensure that the pendulum may be
swinging without any obstructions.
5.3 Place the Charpy specimen in the provided location. Charpy V-notch
specimen is placed across parallel jaws in the impact-testing machine.
5.4 Lift the pendulum and release it. Record the energy has been used to break
the specimen, as shown by the stop pointer.
5.5 Repeat steps (3) to (4) by using the other specimens.
5.6 Observations and the energy absorbed is recorded and tabulated. Plot the
Charpy values against tempering temperature on a graph paper.

6.0 Results/Data

Steel Energy absorbed (Joule)

7.0 Discussion

8.0 Conclusion

9.0 References

Fakhru’l Razi Ahmadun, Chuah Teong Guan, Mohd Halim Shah Ismail.
Safety:Principles & Practices in the Laboratory, UPM Press (2005)

William F.Smith.(1990). Principle of Materials Science and Engineering.


Callister,W.D.,Material Science and Engineering an Introduction


1.0 Experiment outcomes

At the end of the lab session students should be able to organize and learn the
method of steel heat treatment process by preparing the specimens treated as

b. Annealed steel from temperature at 870oC;

c. Normalised steel from temperature at 870oC; and
d. Quenched steel in an oil from temperature at 870oC.

2.0 Theory

Heat Treatment is the controlled heating and cooling of metals to alter their
physical (sometimes chemical) and mechanical properties without changing the
product shape. Heat treatment is sometimes done inadvertently due to
manufacturing processes that either heat or cool the metal such as welding or
forming. Heat Treatment is often associated with increasing the strength of
material, but it can also be used to alter certain manufacturability objectives such
as improve machining, improve formability, restore ductility after a cold working
operation. Thus it is a very enabling manufacturing process that can not only help
other manufacturing process, but can also improve product performance by
increasing strength or other desirable characteristics.

Steels are particularly suitable for heat treatment, since they respond well to heat
treatment and the commercial use of steels exceeds that of any other material.
Steels (and mostly other metals) consist of a microstructure of small crystals
called "grains" or crystallites. The nature of the grains (i.e. grain size and
composition) is one of the most effective factors that can determine the overall
mechanical behavior of the metal. Heat treatment provides an efficient way to
manipulate the properties of the metal by controlling rate of diffusion, and the rate
of cooling within the microstructure.

Heat treatment involves the use of heating or chilling, normally to extreme

temperatures, to achieve a desired result such as hardening or softening of a
material. Heat treatment techniques include annealing, case hardening,
precipitation strengthening, tempering and quenching.
3.0 Apparatus/Equipments

i) Nine specimens [Plain carbon steel (9 mm x 9 mm x 70 mm)]

ii) Furnace
iii) Cooling medium (e.g. water, oil, salt water)
iv) Container

4.0 Safety Precautions

4.1 A normal laboratory precaution is applied;

4.2 No one person may enter the heat treatment area without permission;
4.3 Use of heat treatment equipment / apparatus must under supervision;
4.4 Personal protective equipment is provided and must be used when

5.0 Procedures

5.1 Fill the cooling medium into a container.

5.2 Switch on the furnace and set the temperature to 870 oC. Use “fine”
adjuster to obtain an accurate desired temperature.
5.3 When the temperature of 870oC is achieved, carefully open the furnace
door and place all specimens inside the furnace. Close the door.
5.4 Heat all the specimens at 870oC for 1 hour.
5.5 Take one of the specimens from the furnace and rapidly immerse it into
cooling medium. Repeat for two other specimens. Close the door as
temperature goes back to 870oC and wait for two minutes. Be careful do
not touch the specimens before its cooled in the cooling medium.
5.6 Take one specimen from furnace and put it outside. Let the specimen cool
in the room temperature. Repeat for two other specimens.

5.7 Close the door as temperature goes back to 870oC and wait for two
minutes. Then switch off the furnace. Let the other specimens
remain inside the furnace.

6.0 Results/Data

Observation of the cooling rate specimen during the heat treatment process.
Please state the scale between 1 to 3 [1=slow,2=moderate,3=fast]

Specimens Cooling Rate

Number of procedure
One Two Three




7.0 Discussion


8.0 Conclusion


9.0 References

Fakhru’l Razi Ahmadun, Chuah Teong Guan, Mohd Halim Shah Ismail.
Safety:Principles & Practices in the Laboratory, UPM Press (2005)

William F.Smith.(1990). Principle of Materials Science and Engineering.


Callister,W.D.,Material Science and Engineering an Introduction

TITLE : Dye Penetrant Testing


At the end of this experiment, the student should be able to;

Applied the Non-destructive test method using Dye penetrant inspection (DPI), also
called liquid penetrant inspection (LPI), that is a widely applied and low-cost inspection
method used to locate surface-breaking defects in all non-porous materials (metals,
plastics, or ceramics). Penetrant may be applied to all non-ferrous materials, LPI is used
to detect casting and forging defects, cracks, and leaks in new products, and fatigue
cracks on in-service components


2.1 Can NO.1 cleaner

2.2 Can N0.2 penetrant
2.3 Can NO.3 developer
2.4 Object to be inspect (specimen)
2.5 Dry clean cloth


Dye penetrant testing examines the surface of an item (non-destructively) for surface-
breaking flaws, such as cracks. A liquid penetrant is applied to the surface and left to
soak. The liquid is drawn into any cracks via capillary action. The liquid is typically
brightly colored or a fluorescent (under UV light) dye. After the soak time has expired,
the excess penetrant is wiped from off and a developer is applied. The developer is
usually a dry white powder (for example chalk powder) suspension that is spayed on the
component. The developer is drawn out of the crack by reverse capillary action, resulting
in a colored indication on the surface that is broader than the actual flaw, and therefore,
much more visible. This technique can be used to detect surface flaws on essentially any
non-porous material.
Below are the main steps of Liquid Penetrant Inspection:
 Spray the Cleaner (no.1) to the test surface
This is to remove any dirt, paint, oil, grease or any loose scale that could either keep
penetrant out of a defect, or cause irrelevant or false indications. Then wipe dry the
surface with clean cloth.
4.2 Application of Penetrant:
 Spray the penetrant (no.2) to cover all areas to be inspected and leave it for 10-
30 minutes.
The penetrant is allowed time to soak into any flaws (generally 10 to 30 minutes).
The soak time mainly depends upon the material being testing and the size of flaws
sought. As expected, smaller flaws require a longer penetration time. Due to their
incompatible nature one must be careful not to apply visible red dye penetrant to a
sample that may later be inspected with fluorescent penetrant.
4.3 Excess Penetrant Removal:
 Clean off the No.2 penentrant with a lint-free cloth soaked with No.1 Cleaner.
When using solvent remover No.1 and lint-free cloth it is important to not spray the
solvent on the test surface directly, because this can the remove the penetrant from
the flaws. This process must be performed under controlled conditions so that all
penetrant on the surface is removed (background noise), but penetrant trapped in real
defects remains in place.
4.4 Application of Developer:
 Spray Developer (No.3) an even thin enough to provide transparency, as too
thick a layer will interfere with interpretation of fine cracks.
The developer draws penetrant from defects out onto the surface to form a visible
indication, a process similar to the action of blotting paper. Any colored stains indicate
the positions and types of defects on the surface under inspection.
4.5 Inspection:
 Inspect for surface cracks in natural daylight or articificial white light and interpret
according to established procedures.
Inspection of the test surface should take place after a 10 minute development time.
This time delay allows the blotting action to occur. The inspector may observe the
sample for indication formation when using visible dye, but this should not be done
when using fluorescent penetrant. Also of concern, if one waits too long after
development the indications may "bleed out" such that interpretation is hindered.


Identify the location and the shape of the crack on the surface of inspected area.

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