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Applying the Johari Window model to analyze the organizational culture and communication of
Starbucks. The Johari Window model is a tool that helps people understand their relationship with
themselves and others by dividing their personality into four quadrants: open, blind, hidden, and
unknown (Bates, 2023).


- Customer-oriented culture. - Lack of diversity and inclusion.

- High-quality products and services. - Environmental impact of packaging.
- Innovative and creative brand image. - Employee turnover and burnout.
- Social responsibility and ethical sourcing. - Competition from other coffee chains.
(Starbucks, 2023) (Haymora, 2023)


- Internal conflicts and politics. - Future market trends and opportunities.

- Strategic goals and plans. - Potential crises and threats.
- Trade secrets and patents. - New product ideas and innovations.
- Employee satisfaction and motivation. - Customer preferences and feedback.

What information did you rely on to complete this exercise?

Rely on the definition and the theory of Johari Window. I have relied on information from web search
results that I obtained using the search queries “STARBUCKS” and “STARBUCKS JOHARI
WINDOW”. I also use my knowledge and logic to create examples and explain the purpose of the
exercise. I have consulted sources of information on google.

Did you check the company's website?

Based on Starbucks website and customer reviews on social networking platforms such as google,
facebook and basic company information such as services and products are displayed to users. Users
and companies will easily exchange information with each other because this is the open area of Johari

What about its social media pages?

Based on the description, a social media page would primarily be located in the "Open/Free Area" of
the Johari model, as it represents information known to both the company and others. However,
depending on the content shared, certain aspects may also fall into the "Hidden/Facade Area" if the
company chooses not to disclose certain company information publicly.

How did each type of information source help you determine the reputation of the brand?
Customer Reviews: Customer feedback and testimonials provide firsthand experiences of individuals
with a brand. Positive reviews indicate satisfied customers and can enhance the brand's reputation,
while negative reviews may raise concerns about aspects like quality or customer service (Raitaluoto,

Professional Reviews and Ratings: Expert evaluations and ratings from credible sources offer an
independent assessment of a brand's products or services. These reviews assess factors such as
performance, design, usability, and value for money, providing insights into the brand's reputation
from a knowledgeable standpoint (Pooja & Upadhyaya, 2022).

Social Media and Online Discussions: Platforms like social media and online forums reflect public
sentiment toward a brand. Monitoring mentions, comments, and conversations can offer real-time
feedback and opinions from a diverse range of individuals, aiding in assessing the brand's reputation

Media Coverage: News articles, press releases, and media attention shape public perception of a brand.
Positive coverage can enhance reputation, while negative or controversial stories may have a
detrimental effect. Analyzing the tone and frequency of media coverage provides insights into how the
brand is perceived by journalists and the general public (Carroll, 2014).

Industry Reports and Studies: Reports, market research, and studies often contain data on brand
reputation, customer satisfaction, market share, and other relevant metrics (Quantilope, 2023). These
sources offer a comprehensive and data-driven view of how the brand is perceived within its industry
and among consumers.

Company Websites and Official Communications: The brand's official website, press releases, and
other communications reveal its values, initiatives, and messaging. Clear and consistent
communication that aligns with customer expectations and addresses concerns can contribute to a
positive reputation.


Bates, C. (2023) The johari window model: With personal examples and exercises, SkillPacks.
Available at: (Accessed: 05 June 2023).

Carroll, C.E. (2014) How the mass media influence perceptions of corporate reputation: Exploring
agenda-setting effects within business news coverage, Available at:
utation_Exploring_Agenda_Setting_Effects_Within_Business_News_Coverage (Accessed: 05 June

Dinh, A.V. (2022) Bí Quyết Thành Công Của Thương Hiệu Starbucks, Digital Learning. Available at: (Accessed: 05 June 2023).

Leadgle (2022) Bí quyết Starbucks quản lý khách hàng khiến thế giới phải ‘thán phục’, Phần mềm
quản lý nhà hàng, quán cafe, quán ăn CUKCUK.VN. Available at: (Accessed: 05 June 2023).

Pooja, K. and Upadhyaya, P. (2022) What makes an online review credible? A systematic review of the
literature and Future Research Directions - Management Review Quarterly, SpringerLink. Available
at: (Accessed: 05 June 2023).

Quantilope (2023) 8 types of market research studies and how to use them, quantilope I The Consumer
Intelligence Platform for Consumer Research. Available at: (Accessed: 05 June

The Johari Window (2023) MindTools. Available at: (Accessed: 05 June 2023).

Starbucks Coffee: Đánh Giá Starbucks Coffee (2023) Available at: (Accessed: 05 June 2023).

Raitaluoto, T. (2023) The benefits of using customer reviews and testimonials on landing pages,
Markettailor. Available at:
(Accessed: 05 June 2023).

Setting the future of digital and social media marketing research: Perspectives and Research
Propositions (2020) International Journal of Information Management. Available at: (Accessed: 05 June 2023).

Stories to nurture the limitless possibilities of human connection (2023) Starbucks Stories. Available
at: (Accessed: 05 June 2023).

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