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Identifying the Factors of Coping Mechanisms among Grade 11 Students of

St. Mary’s Academy of Guagua, Pampanga


A Research Title
Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School
St. Mary’s Academy of Guagua, Pampanga


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Practical Research 1




Cabantog, Potria Winet C.

Agustin, Jhonwa C.
Panlasigui, Therese Rhian E.
Alde, Hialeah A.
Marquez, Jorge C.
Reyes, Kim Czarina M.
Aldridge Lexaire Limin C.
Enriquez, Marcus Santino F.
Bautista, Maisie Janeen S.
Dimalanta, Jedd B.

March 2024



Grade 11 students at St. Mary's Academy Of Guagua, Pampanga, tend to use coping

mechanisms to manage their schoolwork and daily schedules. It has become normalized

due to its effectiveness. The researchers are inclined to assume that coping mechanisms

enable individuals to concentrate and function effectively. A student's mental and

psychological state can also contribute to this behaviorism since students cannot predict

how much schoolwork they will handle. Furthermore, the key objective of this research

is to gain valuable insight into how academic behavior is shaped and to develop

strategies that support student well-being. The coping mechanisms are objectively

neutral, meaning the Grade 11 Students can practice positive and negative coping


According to Buizza, Cela, Costa et al. (2022), Coping strategies and mental health in a

sample of students accessing a university counseling service, students have an

ineffective ability to cope with their struggles in life. Unlike adults, who are more
adaptable to their environment, younger people seek additional strategies to help them

unravel their problems. In addition, the study of Buizza, Cela, Costa et al. (2022) states

that there is a connection between maladaptive behavior and coping mechanisms like

avoidance and denial, which are firmly related to non-adaptive behaviorism, particularly

depression. Despite all the harmful repercussions, there is still an optimistic outlook for

everything (e.g., acceptance, retention, and a growth-oriented perspective) that supplies

defensive mechanisms regarding psychological distress and sustaining one’s well-being.

This research area investigates the behavioral tendencies of the students, and clarifies

why some students likely use certain types of coping mechanisms.

With coping mechanisms, it's easier for a person who deals with any psychological

distress to manage the difficult situations in their lives, especially for the students who

are experiencing this scenario. It's much more challenging for grade 11 students since

their mental health can be triggered by the stress coming from their workload. However,

if the students practice proper time management and prioritize urgent tasks, then the

student’s output will be enhanced. Additionally, students can boost their productivity,

which can also improve their own ability to handle academic struggles. And that will

lead to higher academic self-efficacy; with a decent coping mechanism, students can

actually set their desired academic goals.

According to Kessler, Bassler, Colpe et al. (2009), students use coping mechanisms to

regulate emotions to reduce distress. Nevertheless, the influence of coping mechanisms

varies among students. Based on the studies of Aysan, Thompson, Hamarat (2001),

younger students were more anxious than older students. Yet, pupils discovered that the

impacts of coping mechanisms on test anxiety levels vary across students of different

ages. According to Aysan, Thompson, Hamarat, (2001), younger children have higher

levels of anxiety than older students. However, this stress was associated with how well

younger people handled coping mechanisms.

To deal with anxiety, try recognizing your habits, coming up with new strategies to

manage stress, and challenging negative beliefs to reduce anxiety brought by coping

mechanisms. People may overcome anxiety and discover more healthful coping

mechanisms for life's obstacles if patience and self-care is being practiced. This level of

anxiety can be more effective to the other students. So in this study, the researchers will

learn what these different learning techniques students’ used, and how well they work

for them. The importance of this study lies in the relationship between a student's mental

and physical health and their overall functioning. Being mentally unstable could have an

impact on their studies as well because it influences how they take in the information

around them. Additionally, the researchers will look at the particular learning strategies

that students use to control their anxiety and assess how well they work. The researchers

hope to obtain an in-depth understanding of how students manage anxiety and determine

which coping mechanisms work best for them by analyzing the strategies described,
such as identifying routines, creating new coping mechanisms, and confronting negative


Statement of the Problem

Unhealthy coping mechanisms can have significant impacts on students' mental and

physical health if not properly managed. Furthermore, this could also affect the students'

learning techniques, leading to negative academic outcomes. Additionally, unhealthy

coping mechanisms cause stress, which can have detrimental effects on students' overall

well-being. Therefore, educators and support systems should offer guidance and

resources for appropriate coping techniques to ensure students' academic and personal


Specifically, this study will answer the following questions:

● What are the distinct advantages of each learning technique that may enhance the

abilities of students?

● Why should students practice healthy learning techniques in their academic life?

● How do healthy coping mechanisms affect the learning strategies of the

Significance of the Study

This study aims to guide Grade 11 students of St. Mary's Academy of Guagua,

Pampanga, towards excellent and effective coping strategies. This research can aid

students in achieving mental clarity and advancing in their written assignments. These

coping strategies help students effectively handle the stress and pressure they are


Specifically, this study will benefit the following:

Students- It is the students who stand to gain from this research. Since this coping

mechanism or approach has influenced them, they are the ones who are disrupted.

Parents- This study can benefit parents by influencing their children's coping abilities

based on the way they manage their emotions under supervision.

Future Researchers- This study provides a foundation for future researchers to expand

their understanding of the coping mechanisms being utilized by students in academics.

Teachers- This research can be helpful for teachers in guiding their students. Teachers

can provide emotional support to students, especially understanding that each student

undergoes stress, and their coping strategies may affect their performance in school.
Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study focus will be narrowed down to the population of Grade 11 students. The

study will be conducted in St. Mary’s Academy of Guagua, Pampanga.


Buizza, Cela, Costa et al. (2022), Coping strategies and mental health in a sample of

students accessing a university counselling service

Aysan, Thompson, Hamarat (2001), Test anxiety, coping strategies, and perceived health

in a group of high school students: A Turkish sample

Kessler, Bassler, Colpe et al. (2009),Screening for Serious Mental Illness in the General


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