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observing that a specific

Problem Solving method worked for a certain
Problem type of problem. Such
● A statement requiring a solution, conclusion is called conjecture.
usually by means of mathematical
operation/geometric construction. Conjecture
● It is a situation that confronts the ● is an educated guess based on
learner, that requires resolution, and repeated observations of a particular
for which the path to the answer is not process or pattern.
immediately known. ● It should be carefully noted that a
conjecture is an idea that may or may
Method not be correct.
● The ways or techniques used to get
answer which will usually involve one DEDUCTIVE REASONING
or more problem solving strategies. ● Deductive reasoning is the process of
solving problems by applying
Problem Solving premises, syllogisms, and
● Is a process conclusions.
● An ongoing activity in which we take ● It goes from a general case to a
what we know to discover what we specific case.
don’t know.
Key Terms:
Drill/Exercise ● Argument
● a situation that requires resolution but ○ is the reason or reasons
the method is clear and the way to the offered for or against
answer is easily seen. something
● Premises
Inductive Reasoning ○ minor or major propositions
● Process of reaching a general or assertions that serve as the
conclusion by examining specific bases for an argument.
examples. ○ It can be an assumption, law,
● Specific to general rule, widely held idea or
● Example: observation.
○ What is the next number in ● Syllogism
the sequence 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, …? ○ an argument composed of two
○ Answer: 21 statements or premises
○ Solution: The numbers are followed by a conclusion.
increasing by 4 starting with ● Conclusion
number 1. By applying ○ the last step in a reasoning
inductive reasoning, the next process
number in the series is 21. ● Example:
● Egyptian's and Babylonian's approach ○ "Today is Thursday.
in solving problems was an example of Tomorrow is Friday."
"do thus and so" method, that is, to ○ Solution:
solve a problem or perform an ■ There is only one premise in this
statement, "Today is Thursday".
operation, cookbook-like recipe was The other statement "Tomorrow
given, and it was performed over and is Friday" is called a conclusion.
Following the days in a week, the
over to solve similar problems. fact that Friday is the day after
○ They concluded the same Thursday is not explicitly stated.
Since the conclusion comes from
method would work for any general facts that apply to this
similar type of problem by case, deductive reasoning was

Sir George Polya (December 13,1887 - September 7,1985) 6. Guess and check. Trial and
● He was regarded as the father of error. Guess and test.
modern emphasis in math education (Guessing is OK.)
on problem solving 7. Look for a pattern or patterns.
● A leading research mathematician of 8. Work backwards. Guess at a
his time, Dr. Polya made seminal solution and check your
contributions to probability, result.
combinatorial theory and conflict Tip:
analysis. Once you understand what the
● His work on random walk and his problem is, if you are stumped or
famous enumeration theorem widely stuck, set
applied. the problem aside for a while. Your
subconscious mind may keep working

● named after George Polya (1887 - 3) Insight: Carry out the plan
1985), is a four-step problem solving ● Work out an idea or a new
strategy that are deceptively simple. approach carefully and see if it
leads to a solution.
Polya's four-step approach to problem ● If the plan does not seem to be
solving working, then start over and
1) Preparation: Understand the problem try another approach.
● Learn the necessary ● Often the first approach does
underlying mathematical not work. Do not worry, just
concepts Consider the because an approach does not
terminology and notation work, it does not mean you
used in the problem: did it wrong. You actually
1. What sort of a problem is it? accomplished something,
2. What is being asked? knowing a way does not work
3. What do the terms mean? is part of the process of
4. Are the information given enough? elimination. Remember to
5. What is known or unknown? keep an accurate and neat
Rephrase the problem in words. record of all your attempts.
6. Note specific examples of the ● The key is to keep trying until
conditions given in the problem. something works.

2) Thinking Time: Devise a plan

● You must start somewhere so 4) Verification: Look back and review your
try something. How are you solution
going to attack the problem? ● Check to see if your potential solution
Possible strategies: (i. e. reach into your it works.
bag of tricks.) 1.Did you answer the question?
1. Make a list of the known and 2.Is your result reasonable?
unknown information. 3. Double check to make sure that all
2. Use a variable for unknowns. of the conditions related to the
3. Draw pictures, diagrams or problem are satisfied.
even tables. 4. Review your computations in
4. Be systematic. finding the solution.
5. Solve a simpler version of the If your solution does not work, there
problem. may only be a simple mistake. Try to
modify your current attempt before
scrapping it. Though you have to

remember likely that at least part of it
will end up being
Is there a simpler way to solve the problem?
(You need to become flexible in your thinking.
There could be another way.)
Can the problem or method be generalized so
as to be useful for future problems?

● a numerical characteristic or attribute
associated with the population being
"A great discovery solves a great problem but
there is a grain of discovery in the solution of any
● They are further classified as
problem. Your problem may be modest; but if it
categorical or qualitative and numerical
challenges your curiosity and brings into play
or quantitative
your inventive faculties, and if you solve it by
your own means, you may experience the tension
and enjoy the triumph of discovery."
- George Polya

● itself came from the Latin word
“status” which means state. Discrete variables
Data ● values obtained by counting.
● In statistics, it is always a result of
experiment, observation, investigation Continuous variables
and other means and often appears as a ● values obtained by measuring, all of
numerical figure and then evaluated which cannot be put into a list because
to make it into useful knowledge. they can have any value in some
interval of real numbers.
Descriptive Statistics
● deals with the collection and
presentation of data and collection of
summarizing values to describe its
group characteristics.
● The most common summarizing values
are the measure of central tendency and

Inferential Statistics
● deals with the predictions and
inferences based on the analysis and ● Nominal
interpretation of the results of the ○ classifies elements into two or
information gathered by the more categories or classes, the
statistician. numbers indicating that the
● Some of the common statistical tools elements are different but not
of inferential statistics are the t-test, according to order or
z-test, analysis of variance, chi-square, magnitude
and Pearson r.

● Ordinal
○ a scale that ranks individual in
terms of the degree to which
they possess a characteristic POPULATION AND SAMPLE
of interest. Population
● defined as groups of people, animals,
places, things or ideas to which any
conclusions based on characteristics
of a sample will be applied.
● a subgroup of the population.


● a numerical measure that describes a
characteristic of the population.
● Interval
○ in addition to ordering scores
● numerical measure that is used to
from high to low, it also
describe a characteristic of a sample.
establishes a uniform unit in
the scale so that any equal
distance between two scores is
of equal magnitude. There is no
absolute zero in this scale.

● Ratio
○ in addition to being an
interval scale, it also has an MEASURES OF CENTRAL TENDENCY: MEAN,
absolute zero. MEDIAN AND MODE

Measures of Central Tendency

● To describe a whole set of data with a
single value that represents the middle
or center of its distribution is the
purpose of measure of central

tendency (measures of center or position when the values are arranged
central location). in ascending or descending order, which
● To put in other words, it is a way to in turn divides the distribution in half
describe the center of a data set. (there are 50% of observations on either
● It lets us know what is normal or side of the median value).
'average' for a set of data. ● If a distribution has an odd number of
● It also condenses the data set down to observations, the median value is the
one representative value, which is middle value.
useful when you are working with ● If it is an even number, the median
large amounts of data. value is the mean or average of the two
middle values.
● Widely used in ordinal type of

Mean (Balance Point)

● Known as the average or norm
● The mean by definition is the sum of
all the values in the observation or a
dataset divided by the total number of
● This is also known as the arithmetic
● The mean can be used for both
continuous and discrete numeric data as Mode
well as for categorical data, as the ● The mode can be found for both
values cannot be summed. numerical and categorical
● As the mean includes every value in (non-numerical) data.
the distribution the mean is influenced ● It is the most commonly occurring
by outliers (which are numbers that are value in a distribution.
much higher or much lower than the rest ● There can be more than one mode for
of the data set) and skewed the same distribution of data,
(asymmetric) distributions. (bi-modal, or multi-modal), thus
● This measurement is applicable to use limiting the ability of the mode in
for ratio and interval data. describing the center of the
● In some particular cases, the
distribution may have no mode at all
(i.e. if all values are different).
● In such case, it may be better to
consider using the median or mean, or
group the data in to appropriate
intervals, and find the modal class
Median (Physical Middle point)
● The median is considered as the
physical middle point in a distribution MEASURES OF OTHER POSITION
because it is located at the center

● are cut points in a score distribution Qk= [(k*n ) / 4]th
where the scores are divided into
different equal parts.
● There are three kinds of quantiles Dk= [(k*n ) / 10]th
○ Quartiles ● PERCENTILE
○ Deciles
Pk= [(k*n ) / 100]th
○ Percentiles
NOTE: Always Round Up for the position
● A measure of position that divides the
ordered observations or score 
distribution into 4 equal parts.

Mean absolute deviation is the average of how much

the data values differ from the mean.

A small MAD value indicates a clustered data values.

A big MAD value indicates a spread out data values
● A measure of position that divides the
ordered observations or score
distribution into 10 equal parts.

Percentiles 1. Find and interpret the mean absolute

deviation of the test scores obtained by these
● A measure of position that divides the two students.
ordered observations or score
distribution into 100 equal parts.

Q2 = D5 =P50 = MEDIAN



Measures of Variation
● enable you to know how varied the
observations are, whether there are
extremes values in the distribution, or
whether the values are very close to
each other. ○ Sample Variance
● If the measure of variation is zero, it
means that there is no variation at all
and that the observations are all alike,
or homogeneous. Otherwise, they are
● The common measures of variations
○ range
○ Variance Sample Problem:
○ standard deviation
● other measures of variation: Note:
○ mean absolute deviation ● Except when specified that the
○ interquartile range population variance is to be used, you
○ quartile deviation will always use the sample variance
formula in the examples and
Range exercises.
● is the simplest form of measuring the
variation of a distribution
● The range is simple to compute and is
useful when you wish to evaluate the
whole of a dataset.
● The range is useful for showing the
spread within a dataset and for
comparing the spread between similar
○ Range (R) = HIGHEST

● is another measure of variation which
can be used instead of the range.
● The variance considers the deviation
of each observation from the mean.
● To obtain the variance of a
distribution, first square the deviation
from the mean of each row score and
add them together.
● Then, divide the resulting sum by N or
the total number of cases
● Formulas:
○ Population Variance

Standard Deviation
● The standard deviation, (σ) for a
population and (s) for a sample, is the
square root of the value of the
● In symbols and formula for grouped
and ungrouped data:

Ungrouped Data:
● If the Population Variance is
σ^2=86.7, therefore, the value of
population standard deviation is σ=
√(σ^2 )= √(86.7)=9.31

Ungrouped Data:
● If the Sample Variance is s^2=101.14,
therefore, the value of sample
standard deviation is s= √(s^2 )=

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