відповіді граматика1

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My mom told me that my best friend got married last weekend. I was angry
because they didn´t invite me to their wedding.
Look at the cat on the roof! It is going to fall down any minute.
I have never visited France yet but my parents flew there ten years ago.
When did you buy the car? – I don´t remember now but I think it was two years
Oh, I´m starving. – I will cook something quick for you if you want.
Be quiet, please. She is revising vocabulary for her English test.
Imagine the situation that happened yesterday. My friend was working in the
garden while his wife was mopping floors in their house and suddenly they both
heard noise from their neighbour´s house. They were shocked and didn´t know
what to do. After a few minutes, they called the police.
How many times have you watched Friends?
Look! My favourite singer is singing and dancing.
She always attends school on weekdays but this week she is going there on
Saturday as well.
We have written five essays this term so far.
Do you think it will be sunny next week? – I don´t know but I hope so.
Can you see the grey clouds? I guess it is going to snow soon.
What was your father doing at 5 pm last Monday?
– He was playing golf with his friends.
She sometimes reads books when she has a few days off.
The train leaves at 6 am, so make sure you are there in time.


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