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Chicago Interface Group

Cloud 9 for
CA-Endevor ™

User Guide

Release 1.1
Chicago Interface Group, Inc.
368 West Huron St.
Suite 2N
Chicago, Illinois 60610

PHONE: 312.337.3709
FAX: 312.255.0124

Canadian Office:
Softek Excellence, Inc.
21 River St., Studio One
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5A 3P1

PHONE: 416-366-9410
FAX: 416-366-9411

Cloud 9 is a registered trademark of Chicago Interface Group, Inc.

CA-Endevor is a registered trademark of Computer Associates, Inc.
Netscape Navigator is a registered trademark of Netscape, Inc.
Internet Explorer, Notepad, and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
Visual Age and WebSphere is a registered trademark of IBM.
Visual Café is a registered trademark of Symantec.

All rights reserved.  Copyright by Chicago Interface Group, 2000.

Doc Version 12/23/2000
Chapter 1: Overview 3
What is Cloud 9? ........................................................................................................... 3
Chapter Overview................................................................................................ 3
Launching Cloud 9 .............................................................................................. 4
The Cloud 9 Main Screen..................................................................................... 5
Setting Your Profile ............................................................................................. 5
How to Add Your Picture (Optional).................................................................... 6
Accessing Elements ............................................................................................. 7
Accessing PDS Members..................................................................................... 7
Accessing Unix Files ........................................................................................... 8
Chapter Summary ................................................................................................ 8

Chapter 2: Viewing and Editing Cloud 9 Objects 9

Chapter Overview................................................................................................ 9
Drive a List of Elements ...................................................................................... 9
Element Signout Status ...................................................................................... 10
Viewing an Element........................................................................................... 10
Edit an Element in a Web Browser..................................................................... 11
Transmitting an Edited Element Back to CA-Endevor........................................ 13
Viewing a PDS Member .................................................................................... 14
Editing a PDS Member in a Browser.................................................................. 16
Viewing Unix Files............................................................................................ 17
Editing Unix Files.............................................................................................. 19
Editing a Non-Text File ..................................................................................... 21
File Extensions that are Recognized by Cloud 9................................................. 23
File Extensions that are not Recognized by Cloud 9........................................... 23
Additional Resources for Cross Platform Type Support ..................................... 24
Chapter Summary .............................................................................................. 24

Chapter 3 – Usage Scenarios 25

Overview ...................................................................................................................... 25
Usage #1 Adding to Endevor from a PDS List ........................................................... 26
Usage #2 Adding to Endevor from a PC/WS file........................................................ 27
Usage #3 Adding to Endevor from a List of Unix Files.............................................. 28
Usage #4 Impact Analysis............................................................................................ 30
Access the Advance Query Panel ....................................................................... 30

CIG Cloud 9 User Guide Contents • i

Menu Navigation for Element Lists ................................................................... 31
Usage #5: Identifying Changes Based on a Date Range............................................ 32
Drive a List of Elements .................................................................................... 32
Retrieve Listed Programs................................................................................... 33
Usage #6: Release Management Using CCID's ......................................................... 35
Access the FILTERS Panel ................................................................................ 35
Usage #7 Migrating Changes Using Packages............................................................ 37
Enter Package Mode, and Select the Move Action ............................................. 37
Select Package Move Options ............................................................................ 37
Select Package Processing Options .................................................................... 38
Confirm Batch Job Submission .......................................................................... 39
Breeze Interface................................................................................................. 39
Cross Platform (e-business) Packages ................................................................ 39

Appendix A - Creating and Adding .jpg Images to the User Profile 40

Overview ...................................................................................................................... 40
Creating the File ................................................................................................ 40
Adding the File .................................................................................................. 41

ii • Contents CIG Cloud 9 User Guide

Chapter 1: Overview

What is Cloud 9?
Cloud 9™ is a powerful application that provides CA-Endevor™
users with a platform-transparent change management tool. Cloud
9 can perform all CA-Endevor actions, including impact analysis
and editing – all from a familiar and easy-to-use web based
interface. Cloud 9 can manage both legacy elements and cross
platform, distributed elements, such as e-business objects. Thus
providing a single, powerful, secure repository for all legacy, cross
platform, and e-business objects.

Cloud 9 connects remote or intranet users to their OS/390 SCM

tool via the industry-standard web browsers: Microsoft Internet
Explorer™ or Netscape Navigator™. Utilizing existing web
technology, the WebSphere™ Server, and the source management
capabilities of CA-Endevor, Cloud 9 allows developers distributed
access to the programmer functions of CA-Endevor without having
to log on to ISPF™. Programmers can now access controlled
inventory regardless of location or host based licensing
restrictions. Cloud 9 allows organizations to take advantage of the
security and stability of CA-Endevor and the OS/390™ platform
from their Internet browser.

Chapter Overview This chapter will describe how to get started using Cloud 9,
including how to:

• Logon
• Set up your profile
• List objects
• Navigate Menus

CIG Cloud 9 User Guide Chapter 1: Overview • 3

You will need to have the following:

• URL for Cloud 9 • Either:

(web address) -Netscape 4.5 or higher
• User ID for -Internet Explorer 5.0 or
mainframe access higher
• Password for • Your email address and
mainframe phone number
• Dataset name to • Digitized photograph of
view files on the yourself in .jpg format
mainframe (optional)

Launching Cloud 9 1. To access Cloud 9, open a browser (Internet Explorer or

2. Type the URL for Cloud 9 in the location/address field and
press ENTER. Figure 1.1 appears before the next browser
window opens.

Figure 1.1 Password Dialog Screen

1. Type in your User Name and Password.

2. Click OK.

+ If the password screen does not appear, you may not have the
correct web address (URL). Check with the system programmer to
ensure you have the correct address.

4 • Chapter 1: Overview CIG Cloud 9 User Guide

The Cloud 9 Main The next screen you see will be Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2 Cloud 9 Main Menu

Setting Your Profile It is important that you set your profile before you begin using the
system. Setting your profile:
• Creates a job card; without one you cannot run batch actions
• Improves communication with other users by providing your
phone and email contacts
• Automatically launches browsers and editors

To set your profile:

1. Select Profile from the Cloud 9 Main Menu. The Profile panel
will appear (Figure 1.3 on following page).

CIG Cloud 9 User Guide Chapter 1: Overview • 5

Figure 1.3 The Profile Page

2. Type your name, email address, and phone number in the

appropriate boxes.

How to Add Your The first field in the Profile panel asks you for the location of a
Picture (Optional) photograph. If you already have a digital version of a photograph,
find that file on your hard drive by pressing the Browse button.
Select the picture file and click the Update profile button.
(If you do not have a digital photograph, please see Appendix A
for suggestions for getting one.)

Note: The picture must be in a file with a .jpg extension.

6 • Chapter 1: Overview CIG Cloud 9 User Guide

From the Cloud 9 Main Menu, select LIST ELEMENTS. The
Accessing Elements
screen in Figure 1.4 will appear.

Figure 1.4 List Elements Screen

From the Cloud 9 Main Menu, select LIST MEMBERS. The

Accessing PDS screen below will appear (Figure 1.5).

Figure 1.5 List Members Screen

CIG Cloud 9 User Guide Chapter 1: Overview • 7

Accessing Unix From the Cloud 9 Main Menu, select LIST UNIX FILES. The
Files screen below will appear (Figure 1.6).

Figure 1.6 List Unix Files Screen

Chapter Summary At this point, you know what Cloud 9 is, how to log on to the
system, how to create your profile, how to navigate within the
program, and you've become familiar with the basic screens.

8 • Chapter 1: Overview CIG Cloud 9 User Guide

Chapter 2: Viewing and Editing
Cloud 9 Objects

Chapter Overview In this chapter, you will learn how to:

• View and edit elements

• View and edit PDS members
• View and edit Unix files
• Edit non-text data, such as a Word™ document or
• Transfer edited files back to CA-Endevor

Drive a List of 1. In the List Elements screen, you will see the Basic Search and
Elements Advanced Search dialog boxes (see Figure 1.4).
2. If you know the names of the inventory locations you want to
search, enter them in the corresponding fields on the Basic
Search panel, and go to step five. If you do not know the
names of the inventory locations you want to search, click the
question mark button next to the location field, and go to step
3. Select the appropriate inventory location from the drop-down
panel (Figure 2.1).

Figure 2.1 Inventory Location Drop-down Panel

CIG Cloud 9 User Guide Chapter 2: Viewing and Editing Cloud 9 Objects • 9
4. Repeat steps two and three for additional unknown inventory

Note: The wildcard search character (*) is available for use in the
Basic and Advanced Search dialog boxes.

5. Click Submit. The next screen will display a list of elements

(Figure 2.2 ).

Figure 2.2 Element List

Element Signout If an element is not signed out, and therefore available for editing,
Status it will have no entry under the heading "Owner." If an element is
signed out, and therefore available only for viewing, the ID of the
user to whom it is signed out will appear under the heading
"Owner" (see Figure 2.2).

Viewing an Element To view an element:

1. Click in the box next to the element you wish to view.
2. Select VIEW from the Cloud 9 Main Menu to perform any of
the view options (Figure 2.3 on the following page).
3. Click in the circle called Master, for example.
4. Click Submit. Cloud 9 will launch a new browser window and
display the element information, including to whom the
element is signed out, and any relevant contact information.

10 • Chapter 2: Viewing and Editing Cloud 9 Objects CIG Cloud 9 User Guide
Figure 2.3 View Options

Note: This is not an editable window. This action allows you to

view the contents of the member only.

+ User profiles are an important feature of Cloud 9. If the person

who signed out the element completed his or her user profile, that
person's phone number and email address will be contained in the
Master file. You can then call or email the element owner to
inquire about the element's availability, or to give an alert that you
also need to make changes to it.

Edit an Element in a Once you have determined that the element is available for editing:
Web Browser
1. Use the Back button on your browser to return to the list of
2. Select EDIT from the Cloud 9 Main Menu. The next screen
will display standard CA-Endevor editing options (Figure 2.4
on following page).
3. Verify that Yes is selected as the "Edit in Browser" option.

Note: You may also edit the file by downloading it into the
program associated with the file's extension. This option is covered
later in chapter two, under the heading "Editing a Non-Text File."

4. Enter the name of the PDS file to use as a staging dataset. If

you don't specify a staging dataset name, Cloud 9 will generate
temporary workfiles for the transaction.
5. Enter any CCID or comment information you wish to have
associated with the change you are making.

CIG Cloud 9 User Guide Chapter 2: Viewing and Editing Cloud 9 Objects • 11
Figure 2.4 Edit Options

6. Click Submit. Cloud 9 launches a new browser window and

displays the element for editing (Figure 2.5).

12 • Chapter 2: Viewing and Editing Cloud 9 Objects CIG Cloud 9 User Guide
Figure 2.5 Element Edit

Transmitting an When you are finished making changes to the element:

Edited Element Back
to CA-Endevor 1. Click Submit.
2. The Add-back panel will appear (Figure 2.6). Determine
whether element is being added back to the appropriate
location in CA-Endevor.
3. Click Submit.
4. You will receive a confirmation that the element has been
successfully written to CA-Endevor.

CIG Cloud 9 User Guide Chapter 2: Viewing and Editing Cloud 9 Objects • 13
Figure 2.6 Add-Back Panel

Viewing a PDS
Member From the List Members screen :

1. Type in a dataset name that contains files on the mainframe.

Note: You can use the wildcard search character (*) in the
Member field only.

2. Click Submit. The next screen will display a list of members,

as seen below (Figure 2.7).

Figure 2.7 List of PDS Members

3. Click the checkbox next to the member you wish to view.

4. Click VIEW in the Actions section of the Cloud 9 Main Menu.

14 • Chapter 2: Viewing and Editing Cloud 9 Objects CIG Cloud 9 User Guide
5. The Browse menu will appear (Figure 2.8). You may display
the member in the browser or download it as a file.

Figure 2.8 Browse Menu

6. Click Submit.
7. Cloud 9 will launch a new browser window, displaying the
contents of the member (Figure 2.9).

Figure 2.9 Results of View Action

CIG Cloud 9 User Guide Chapter 2: Viewing and Editing Cloud 9 Objects • 15
Note: This is not an editable window. This action allows you to
view the contents of the member only.

Editing a PDS At this point you should have two browser windows open: one
Member in a Browser with Cloud 9 active, and one displaying the file you wanted to
1. Return to the Cloud 9 Main Menu screen and click Back on the
browser window to view the list of files again.
2. Click on the box next to the file you wish to edit.
3. Select EDIT under the actions section of the Cloud 9 Main
4. The Edit panel will appear (Figure 2.10). You can edit the
member in the browser, or download it as a file.

Figure 2.10 Edit Panel

5. Click Submit.
6. The browser will launch a new window (Figure 2.11).

16 • Chapter 2: Viewing and Editing Cloud 9 Objects CIG Cloud 9 User Guide
Figure 2.11 The Edit Window

7. After you have finished making changes to the member, and

decided whether to add the member to Endevor, PDS, Unix, or
submit it as a batch job, click Submit.
8. The Confirmation screen will appear.

Viewing Unix Files

To view Unix files:

1. In the List Unix Files screen, type in the name of the directory
you wish to view.

CIG Cloud 9 User Guide Chapter 2: Viewing and Editing Cloud 9 Objects • 17
2. Click Submit.
3. Cloud 9 will retrieve the list of Unix files in the directory
(Figure 2.12).

Figure 2.12 Unix File List

4. Click in the box next to the name of the file you wish to view.
5. Select VIEW from the Cloud 9 Main Menu.
6. The Browse panel will appear (Figure 2.13).

Figure 2.13 Browse Panel

7. Click "Yes" in the "Display in Browser" option.
8. Click Submit.
9. Cloud 9 will launch a new browser window, displaying the file
you selected (Figure 2.14).

18 • Chapter 2: Viewing and Editing Cloud 9 Objects CIG Cloud 9 User Guide
Figure 2.14 Viewing a Unix File

Note: This is not an editable window. This action allows you to

view the contents of the member only.

Editing Unix Files You now know how to view the Unix files. To edit a Unix file:

1. Click the Back button on your browser until you reach the list
of Unix files.
2. Click the box next to the name of the file you want to edit.
3. Select EDIT from the Cloud 9 Main Menu. The Edit panel
will appear (Figure 2.14).

Figure 2.14 Edit Panel

4. Select "Yes" for "Edit in Browser" option.
5. Click Submit.
6. Cloud 9 will launch a new browser window, displaying the
selected file (Figure 2.15).
7. Select the target location to which you wish to send the edited

CIG Cloud 9 User Guide Chapter 2: Viewing and Editing Cloud 9 Objects • 19
8. Click Submit.
9. You will receive a confirmation when the action completes

Figure 2.15 Edit Window

20 • Chapter 2: Viewing and Editing Cloud 9 Objects CIG Cloud 9 User Guide
Thus far, you have learned how to edit files in the browser only.
Editing a Non-Text
File But Cloud 9's versatility allows users to download any file stored
in CA-Endevor to the PC/workstation, and edit it using another
program. This is especially important when editing binary files
such as Word or Power Point files, or files associated with a
development environment such as Visual Age™ or Visual Café™.
Cloud 9 accomplishes the application launch by using the file's
extension to determine the appropriate program to open.
To download a file to a PC/workstation:

1. Retrieve the file list using the method previously described,

corresponding with the type of object you wish to access.
2. Click in the box next to the name of the file you wish to
3. Select EDIT from the Cloud 9 Main Menu.
4. The corresponding query function's Edit panel will appear.
Although the three query functions' Edit panels differ slightly,
each contains an "Edit in Browser" option. Be sure to select
"No, download as a File" (Figure 2.16).
5. Click Submit.

6. The File Download dialog box will appear (Figure 2.18). Select
whether to open the file from the current location or save the
file to disk.

CIG Cloud 9 User Guide Chapter 2: Viewing and Editing Cloud 9 Objects • 21
Figure 2.18 File Download Dialog Box

22 • Chapter 2: Viewing and Editing Cloud 9 Objects CIG Cloud 9 User Guide
File Extensions that If Cloud 9 recognizes the file's extension, it will automatically
are Recognized by launch the appropriate application. For example, if the user wants
Cloud 9 to edit a .doc file, Cloud 9 will launch Word instantly.

File Extensions that If Cloud 9 does not recognize the file's extension (this may happen
are not Recognized with more obscure program files), it will prompt you with the
by Cloud 9 "Open With" dialog box (Figure 2.19). This will allow you to
associate the file's extension with the program of your choice.

Note: Once you associate a file extension with a specific program,

Cloud 9 will use that program to open all subsequent files with that
particular extension.

Figure 2.19 "Open With" Dialog Box

When the "Open With" dialog box appears:

1. Select an editing program of your choice.
2. Select OK.
3. Cloud 9 will launch the editing tool you chose (Figure 2.20 on
following page).

Note: The Notepad™ program was used in this example.

CIG Cloud 9 User Guide Chapter 2: Viewing and Editing Cloud 9 Objects • 23
Figure 2.20 HTML File Edited in Notepad

Additional Resources The topic of cross platform/e-business object support will be of

for Cross Platform varied interest from customer to customer. There are two
Type Support additional resources available for review and planning on this
topic. If you will be supporting distributed objects through Cloud
9, please read the Cloud 9-SOLEI Cross Platform Guidelines and
the Cloud 9-SOLEI Reference Guide for more information and
ideas of how to setup these objects.

Chapter Summary You are now able to view and edit CA-Endevor elements, PDS
members, and Unix files. In addition, you know how to edit non-
text files, even in the rare instances that Cloud 9 does not
recognize the file type. Chapter three covers various usage
scenarios demonstrating some of the innovative capabilities of
Cloud 9.

24 • Chapter 2: Viewing and Editing Cloud 9 Objects CIG Cloud 9 User Guide
Chapter 3 – Usage Scenarios


This chapter describes how to use Cloud 9 to manage your life

cycle and development process, including how to:

• Add OS/390, Unix and Work Station files into CA-Endevor

• Retrieve elements based on delta CCID's
• Perform advanced query functions
• Use package processing to migrate changes into production

CIG Cloud 9 User Guide Chapter 3 – Usage Scenarios • 25

Usage #1 Adding to Endevor from a
PDS List

If you want to add a member to Endevor, follow these steps:

1. Drive a list of PDS members
2. Select one or more of the members on the list
3. Select ADD FROM LIST on the Cloud 9 Main menu.
4. Type in the appropriate details in the fields of the Add panel
(Figure 3.1).

Figure 3.1 Add a Member

5. Click Submit.

26 • Chapter 3 – Usage Scenarios CIG Cloud 9 User Guide

Usage #2 Adding to Endevor from a
PC/WS file

If you want to add a workstation file to Endevor, follow these

1. Select Add PC/WS File menu option.
2. Type in the appropriate details in the fields of the Add panel
(Figure 3.2). You will need to press the Browse button to fill
in the PC/WS File.

Figure 3.2 Add a PC File

3. Press the Submit button. The add will take place, including
long name translation.

CIG Cloud 9 User Guide Chapter 3 – Usage Scenarios • 27

Usage #3 Adding to Endevor from a
List of Unix Files

If you want to add a list of Unix Files into Endevor, follow these

1. Select LIST UNIX FILES option and create the List.

2. Select one or more ( or all!) of the files by clicking on the box
next to the Unix File name or use the SELECT ALL menu
option. The following is an example of selected Unix files.

Figure 3.3 Example of selected Unix Files

3. After file selection has been done, select the ADD FROM
LIST menu option.
4. Type in the appropriate details in the fields of the Add panel
(Figure 3.4).

28 • Chapter 3 – Usage Scenarios CIG Cloud 9 User Guide

Figure 3.4 Add from Unix List Panel

5. Press the Submit button. The files will added, including all
long name translation.

CIG Cloud 9 User Guide Chapter 3 – Usage Scenarios • 29

Usage #4 Impact Analysis
In this scenario, you can identify the elements effected by a change
to macro CUSTREC. Once the impacted element is displayed, all
actions shown on the menu are available for selection.
Access the Advance 1. Click on LIST ELEMENTS on the Cloud 9 Main Menu. The
Query Panel next screen will display the Basic Search and the Advanced
Search screens (Figure 3.5).

Figure 3.5 Basic Search and Advanced Search Screen

2. Enter component name of CUSTREC and then click on

3. Select the element you want to move (Figure 3.6 on the
following page). In this example, the user clicked on the
"SELECT ALL" menu option.

30 • Chapter 3 – Usage Scenarios CIG Cloud 9 User Guide

Figure 3.6 List of Impacted Elements

Menu Navigation for Note: The menu on the left hand side of the screen has changed
Element Lists since requesting the element list. This menu will always reflect the
actions available to object list type – in this case Endevor elements.

CIG Cloud 9 User Guide Chapter 3 – Usage Scenarios • 31

Usage #5: Identifying Changes
Based on a Date Range
In this scenario, you can identify all elements that have changed
during the range June 1 through August 1. In this example you
would want to retrieve those elements into a partitioned dataset to
be shipped for release distribution.

Drive a List of 1. Click on LIST ELEMENTS on the Cloud 9 Main Menu. The
Elements next screen will display the Basic Search and Advanced Search
panels. For this usage scenario, you will utilize the Advanced
Search panel (Figure 3.7).

Note: Even though you will enter your date range on the Advanced
Search panel, the Submit button is located on the Basic Search

Figure 3.7 Advanced Search Panel

2. Specify the Begin Date (and Time, if necessary).

3. Specify the End Date (and Time, if necessary).

32 • Chapter 3 – Usage Scenarios CIG Cloud 9 User Guide

4. Click Submit. The next screen will display your query results
(Figure 3.8).

Figure 3.8 Date Range Query Results

Retrieve Listed To retrieve the listed elements into a dataset, you:

1. Click in the box next to each element, or use the Select All
function (Figure 3.9).

Figure 3.9 Select All Elements

2. Select RETRIEVE from the Cloud 9 Main Menu. The next

screen will display your retrieve options (Figure 3.10 on
following page).

CIG Cloud 9 User Guide Chapter 3 – Usage Scenarios • 33

Figure 3.10 Retrieve Options

3. Click Submit. The next screen will confirm that your job has
been submitted (Figure 3.11).

Figure 3.11 Batch Job Confirmation

34 • Chapter 3 – Usage Scenarios CIG Cloud 9 User Guide

Usage #6: Release Management
Using CCID's
In this scenario, code was edited in several programs earlier in the
year and the CCID 'cig01' was assigned to those programs. As part
of an auditing process, you now need to identify all programs that
were assigned this particular CCID—even if additional changes
(using different CCID's) have been made.
Access the FILTERS
Panel 1. Click on LIST ELEMENTS on the Cloud 9 Main Menu.
The next screen will display the Basic Search and
Advanced Search panels. For this usage scenario, you will
utilize the Advanced Search panel (Figure 3.12).

Note: Even though you will enter your filter criteria on the
Advanced Search panel, the Submit button is located on the Basic
Search panel.

Figure 3.12 CA-Endevor Filter Settings

CIG Cloud 9 User Guide Chapter 3 – Usage Scenarios • 35

2. Fill in the required CCID and a select the CCID Type of
3. Click Submit. The next screen (Figure 3.13) will display a
list of programs that meet your CCID search criteria of
CCID type = DELTA and CCID value = CIG01.

Figure 3.13 CCID Query Results

36 • Chapter 3 – Usage Scenarios CIG Cloud 9 User Guide

Usage #7 Migrating Changes Using

Enter Package Mode, 1. Drive a list based on the appropriate query.

and Select the Move 2. Once the elements have been selected, click the Package Mode
Action function on the Cloud 9 Main Menu (Figure 3.14) so that it
says "Package Mode – On."
3. Select MOVE from the Cloud 9 Main Menu.

Figure 3.14 Selecting Package Mode

Select Package Move The next screen will be the Move panel (Figure 3.15).

Figure 3.15 Move Panel

CIG Cloud 9 User Guide Chapter 3 – Usage Scenarios • 37

Select Package 1. Enter the appropriate CCID, comments information, and
Processing Options appropriate selections.
2. Click ADD TO PACKAGE. The next screen will be the
Package Processing Options panel (Figure 3.16).
3. Fill out the appropriate package information, options, and
4. Click Submit.

Figure 3.16 Package Processing Options

Required Fields:
Package ID and Description are required fields.

Optional Fields:
If no execution windows provided, then Cloud 9 will default to
today's date and Dec. 31, 2001 as the execution window range.
The extent of processing performed is determined by the Package
Processing option check boxes. If none are checked, then the
default is to perform a Define Package Function.

38 • Chapter 3 – Usage Scenarios CIG Cloud 9 User Guide

Confirm Batch Job Cloud 9 will return a confirmation that the batch job has been
Submission submitted (Figure 3.17).

Batch job submitted

JCL follows:
//OHU001A JOB (ACCT#),C9,
//* -------------------------------------------------------------
//* NAME....: CIGC9CA
//* -------------------------------------------------------------
//* * * * N O T I C E * * *
//* -------------------------------------------------------------
( more)
Figure 3.17 Batch Job Confirmation

Breeze Interface If Breeze for Endevor is implemented, approvers will be assigned

and emailed at various points in the promotion process. The email
will contain the URL to the Breeze Applet. Once approvers are
assigned to a package, it cannot be promoted unless the package
has been approved by the assigned quorum of voters. For more
information on the Breeze product, see your Cloud 9 administrator.

Cross Platform (e-

business) Packages If the SLR has been configured to support cross platform/e-
business objects, packages can be built using the Cloud 9 interface
that contain traditional host objects, non-host objects or both.
Through the use of Endevor processors, objects can be distributed
out to the network or to USS.

CIG Cloud 9 User Guide Chapter 3 – Usage Scenarios • 39

Appendix A - Creating and
Adding .jpg Images to the User

This appendix covers how to create, scan, and add .jpg images to
your user profile.

Creating the File To create a .jpg or picture file, you need to capture your image and
save it. There are many ways to capture images:

• Take a picture with a digital camera

• Scan an existing photograph into a PC
• Take a photograph with a film camera but have the
developer provide a disk version rather than (or in addition
to) a printed photograph
• Take an existing photograph to a copy or office supply
store and have them scan it into a .jpg file

40 • Appendix A - Creating and Adding .jpg Images to the User Profile CIG Cloud 9 User Guide
Some photo development companies will develop your pictures
and post the files on the web. To retrieve the file:

1. Go to the web site address with which they provide you.

2. Right-click on your picture.
3. Select “Save Image As . . .” A Save dialog box will
4. Enter a name for the file.
5. Click Save.

Note: Check to make sure the file is stored with a .jpg extension.
Other file formats are not supported.

Adding the File To add the .jpg file to your profile:

1. Select PROFILE from the Cloud 9 Main Menu on the
Cloud 9 main screen.
2. Type in the location of the .jpg file.
3. If the file location is on the A: drive, select Browse.
4. Move to the A: drive.
5. Highlight the file.
6. Select Open.
7. The file directory path will auto-fill on the Profile panel.
8. Click the Update profile button to submit the new picture.

CIG Cloud 9 User Guide Appendix A - Creating and Adding .jpg Images to the User Profile • 41

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