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▪ Topic 1: Introduction
▪ Topic 2: Basic Elements of Computer Program
▪ Topic 3 : Selection Control Structure
▪ Topic 4 : Repetition Control Structure
▪ Topic 5: Function
▪ Topic 6: Array
▪ Topic 7 : File Input / Output
▪ A Brief History of Computer and Programming Language
▪ Introduction to Programming
Topic 1 : ▪ Program Development Life Cycle
▪ Problem Solving Process
▪ Identifier, variable, constant
▪ Data variables, basic data types , reserved word and
rules for naming and declaring data variables

▪ Basic data types

▪ Five Arithmetic operators
▪ Assignment statement
Topic 2 :
Basic Elements of Computer ▪ Predefined functions
▪ Input statement
▪ Output statement
▪ C++ program structure
▪ Programming process, debugging and error handling
▪ Boolean values
▪ Condition
▪ One-way selection
Topic 3 : ▪ Two-way selection
Selection Control Structure
▪ Multiway selection
▪ Nested-if
▪ switch – case structure
▪ Introduction
▪ Relational operators
▪ Logical operators
▪ Requirement – Loop Control Variable & Loop Condition
• while loops
Topic 4 : • Counter-controlled loop
Repetition Control Structure
• Sentinel-controlled loop

▪ for loops
▪ do…while loops
▪ Nested loop
▪ Introduction to function
▪ Predefined function
▪ User defined function
▪ Function Call
Topic 5 : ▪ Function Definition
Function ▪ Function Prototype
▪ Value-Returning Function
▪ Void Function
▪ Value and Reference Parameter
• Definition of an array
• Declare and initialize an array
• Accessing individual elements of an array
• Input/output of an array
Topic 6 : • Array operations – summation, minimum, maximum etc
• Some restrictions in array operations
• Searching element in an array
• Passing array to function
• Character arrays
• Introduction to File Input/Output
Topic 7 : ● Processing using File – read from file and write on file
File Input / Output
● Debug and execute sample program that used file
● Solve a problem by using file
▪ Malik, D.S., C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis
to Program Design, 7th Edition, Course Technology,
2014, ISBN-13: 978-1285852744.

Recommended Textbook
▪ Y. Daniel Liang, Introduction to Programming with C++,
3rd Edition, Pearson Higher Education, 2013, ISBN-13:

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