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Experiment 4

Projectile Motion

Name :


1- Experiment Objectives

To study the kinematics of projectile motion .

2- Apparatus:

 Projectile launcher
 Projectiles
 carbon papers
 ruler

3- Brief Theoretical Introduction:

If the projectile is fired horizontally with initial angle (Өo =0), as in figure, then,
when it reaches the ground (y=0), the relation between the instantaneous height
of the projectile, y, and the horizontal distance it travels, x, is given by:


Where v0 is the initial velocity and g is the gravity


On the other hand, if the projectile is fired from the ground level (yo=0) and
returns to ground, it gives the range, R, as:


Part I : Horizontal firing
1-Set the projectile launcher in a horizontal position at an initial height y o above
the table level.
2-Place a piece of paper with a sheet of carbon underneath it on the table.
3-Place the projectile in the launcher at position 1 (short range) and fire it towards
the white paper.
4- Measure x and yo and record them in a suitable table.
5- Change yo and repeat step 3 for five times at least.
6- Plot yo vs. x and describe the variation
7- Plot yo vs. x2 and find vo

Part II : Range of the projectile

1- Set the projectile launcher at the level of the table and tilt it by Өo.
2- Fire the projectile from position 1 .
3- Record x and Өo in a table.
4- Change the angle by 10o and repeat steps 2 and 3 until you reach 75o.
5- Plot the points x vs. Өo and describe the variation
6- plot the points x vs. sin2 Өo

Setup image

5.Data and Data Analysis:

5.1 (Part 1) Horizontal firing: ( )

y0±0.001 (m) x1 ±0.001 (m) x2 ±0.001 (m) x(m) x2.. ( m2 )

 Plot a proper graph to find the initial velocity (vo).


 describe the variation

find the

 slope of the graph =

 slope represent =
 vo =

 Use the fact that the known value for the initial speed of the ball (v0=3.1 m/s) and find the
percentage error in vo.

5.2 (Part II) Range of a projectile: ( )

0 (deg.) x1±0.001 (m) x2±0.001 (m) x (m ) sin(20)


Plot a proper graph to find the initial velocity (vo).


 describe the variation

find the

 slope of the graph =

 slope represent =
 vo =

 Use the fact that the known value for the initial speed of the ball (v0=3.1 m/s) and find the
percentage error in vo.
6- Conclusions: (Hint: you must describe the graphs and the results with the types
of errors occurred and how could they be corrected)
Questions: y(m)

x2 (m2)

The slope of the graph shown represents: …………………..

1-What will be the variation if you plot x vs. 0?

plot a graph for x vs. 0 by using your data in part 2, then find the maximum range (Xmax).

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