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University of Gondar

College of Informatics
Department of Information Technology,
Event Driven Programming Individual Assignment
“Deadline 05-10-2015E.C”
Weight 25%
1. Create a table Login (with UserName (Primary key), Password, and Role attributes,
RegistrationDate) and Student with attributes as shown below in the diagram and with
UserName (Foreign key)? Hint: Either student or admin should be selected under Role in GUI.
2. Create Stored procedure for insert, update, select and delete for both table information.
3. Design the following interface using VB (C#) and connect with your database to perform
commands such as insert, update, select and delete operations.
4. Create at list required field validator, Regular expression validation and other appropriate
validation format for Text Boxes as shown below.

5. After creating the aforementioned user interface, add a Grading Management System that
includes Mid Exams (25%), Assignments (25%), and Final Exams (50%) and calculates the
student's total out of 100%, grades for 5 distinct courses, and calculates CGPA in the end.
6. After that, the administrator will fill out the students' assessments, and the students should verify
their grades and CGPA using either their username or session (session is preferable).
7. It is preferable to incorporate the native Amharic language (optional).
1) Username should be unique. For Example: If you Type Abebe as UserName if Abebe
Exist in your database, then check Availability (link Button) alerts as User Name Already
Exists use another User Name...! Else it alerts as User Name Not Exists...!
2) 2) The Age TextBox was automatically filled based on DOB (for example, if you entered
2000GC for your DOB, the Age TextBox would be filled (display) by 22).
3) Students will use web or Windows Form application.
4) reate two separate master pages (site masters), one for the admin page and the other for the
student page.
5) Add Home, About Us, Register, Fill Assessment, Modify the Students detail or mark (first
select the information under textbox then modify it), Delete, and other related Menus on
Admin master page.
6) Add Home, About Us, View the detail using UserName (Session), View Assessment, and
display the result using literal, and other related Menus on Student master page.
7) Design one login page, and Based on their roles, when students log in, they must be
directed to the student master page, and when administrators log in, and they must be
directed to the Admin master page.
8) The project will be performed in pairs (by a pair of two students).

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