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The Four Main Components of A Quality

Management System
September 19, 2022

If you want to ensure you are providing consistent products or services throughout your
organization, you must implement an ironclad quality management system, or QMS. Quality control
management ensures that what your company delivers, and the delivery processes it uses are
cohesive and that every business phase of the organization focuses on the same goal.

When broken down, quality control management can be segmented into four key components to be
effective: quality planning, quality control, quality assurance, and quality improvement.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at these four crucial steps, as well as provide insight into how a
QMS software can make the job easier.

Quality Control Planning

The first step of quality management is planning. You need to take the time to identify your goals
and what you want your baseline to be. You should determine what your quality standards are, the
requirements necessary to meet these standards, and what procedures will be used to check that
these criteria are being met. In this planning stage, you will want to consider:

i. What your stakeholder’s expectations and priorities are, if applicable

ii. What your company’s definition of success is
iii. What legal standards or requirements are in place that must be abided by
iv. Who will handle each role in the quality management process (supervision, testing, etc.)
v. How often processes will be evaluated for improvement
Quality Control

Once you have a plan in place, quality control comes into play. This is the process of physically
inspecting and testing what you laid out in the planning stage to make sure it is obtainable. You need
to confirm that all the standards you have put into place are met, and you need to identify any
mishaps or errors that need to be corrected. The sooner you can catch these errors, the better. As
such, you should be paying attention to all aspects of the product, including both the materials used
and the process of putting them together.

Once the inspection data has been collected, it should be displayed in a way that makes it easy to
analyse. You can create histograms, run charts, or cause and effect display, and then easily share
them through your document management software to make sure everyone has access to them.

Quality Assurance

While quality control involves inspecting the actual products or services in the field, quality
assurance is reviewing the delivery process of services or the quality management manufacturing of
goods. By inspecting your goods or services at the source, you can catch mistakes before they reach
the customer. You can also fine tune your processes to prevent errors in the future. When reviewing
your product or service during this stage of quality control management, you will want to follow
these steps:

• Confirm that everything is operating as it was agreed upon during the quality planning stage
• Measure how effective your pre-determined processes are and confirm that all compliance
needs are being met
• Take note of any lessons learned
• Identify areas where there is an opportunity for a smoother process
• To be effective, quality assurance must be completed regularly through independent audits.
For the best results, have the audit completed by a third-party that is not financially or
emotionally invested in the outcome.

Quality Improvement

Finally, after completing the quality control process, you need to thoroughly review your findings
and come up with a way to improve your methods going forward. Quality control management is
fruitless if you are not willing to make changes when they are necessary. The desire for continual
improvement is the goal for every successful company. So, gather all your data, re-evaluate both the
processes and the product—always keeping compliance in mind—and then begin the quality control
management process again. With each cycle, you will end up with a better product, happier
customers, and more profit in your pocket.

What are the Main Components of a Quality Management System?

There are 4 main components of every Quality Management System (QMS). They are:

o Quality Control Planning: Identifying your quality goals and standards, the requirements
necessary to meet these standards, and what procedures will be used to check that these
criteria are being met
o Quality Control: The process of physically inspecting and testing what you laid out in the
planning stage to make sure it is obtainable
o Quality Assurance: Reviewing the delivery process of services or the quality management
manufacturing of goods
o Quality Improvement: Thoroughly review your findings from the last 3 components and
come up with a way to improve your methods going forward

A QMS like ENSUR helps you streamline this process; organizing, accessing, and controlling all of
your important documents.

What are Quality Assurance Components?

Quality assurance is the process of reviewing the delivery process of services or the quality
management manufacturing of goods. By inspecting your goods or services at the source, you can
catch mistakes before they reach the customer. When reviewing your product or service during this
stage of quality control management, you will want to follow these steps:

i. Confirm that everything is operating as it was agreed upon during the quality planning stage
ii. Measure how effective your pre-determined processes are and confirm that all compliance
needs are being met
iii. Take note of any lessons learned
iv. Identify areas where there is an opportunity for a smoother process
STUDENT ID: 2021812702
Based on the article above, I strongly agree that the whole management need the good planning
to ensure it successful. It is very importance to keep a top quality for every management system
that exists in every organization no matter it is a small or big organization. The quality of
management will determine the organization will reach the direction that they have set or not.
The quality of management will be scale by the effectiveness of the whole planning process
that being sketch by the management.
Top management plays an important role to reach a consensus that allows an effective
management system to run smoothly and produce results that are in line with the plan based on
the direction of the organization. They need to make sure that they have choose the right people
to carry out the plan, then the capacity of the planning must be suitable with their direction.
As an owner of an organization, it is a major thing to keep the planning working well first only
then the idea to move forward the direction can be led well by the people in the management
to lead, controlling and lastly to improvise the error that happen or the lacking in the
Improvement needs to be done in order to assure the management is in the good quality for the
whole organization to work in good orders. Every improvement done can be record down for
the future reference so that the management can trace where’s the lacking or weaknesses of
their management system or skills.
Last but least, the main person that do the whole planning need to ensure the sub do their part
well and can improvise every step that they think can be minimise so that they can be more
effective in time without delaying it to improvise in future.

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