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THE Lndian Counil Atot 1909

Minto Morlez feorms.
Synobas . Circumstanes leadng to pasnn °
he Act
Obectiyes og the Aet
" Major frovi Gions
o} the Act

4gnihcan ce gthe Act.

the Act:
4. ehcwnalanes leadny to the pasg
Queen Viceria prodamatan Indians
" Deaptte " Yerytew Inians
were not eaully treated
opportunity to become part ylauo
got the hem
makng. &ritebh hwere hesitant to accept
Lord cwrz n Caried t parttion g 8ergl
1905 heswted matsive wpring by Inians
Brihsty wnderstood the heed of o me vet
6yernane of Inoians,
Lndinnathonal congres w
. Ex hencm was
agitatug dor
abo t ie ise,
Gopad Krithn Goblae met Morley seesetasy

Muen leadeor Aga Khan aemand ed Cepat

etetorutes tr Moli
J n Morley hembe Libesal
bwanted to mahe potihiye hange tn govelnanee
oy Inda. He piloted the Bol ttyaug rihe
Paesed on (2 Mareh
1q09 get the Roy al Aicent o btEk farleamet
1. To wàcreaie the hiye o Legrr atut Conil.
2. Enlarge the fanehon oyCegiilatie Council
3: neease preyortion o4 Gleeted memben i the LC.
? T6 Aecwse aup port e Macdeate lertn.
Maln Roviions ot
oy e Ac 1q07
4 Expanion ojCoun cilu-:ey Center and Provinces
Dhe legìclate council
wee mereadeel n ize.
leg (ative conil 16-6o member.
central membess
Cowncil g Rrovinces -So
Legos latie Unibed þro vìnB)
(Bengal, Madrau, mbay and
late council g Puab, Burma and Aecam
" Legie membe 'in t.
to hane 30

OPFieIAt mayori ty iyLegiclatve council

2, oetahed:
talwe Counil o Center ad fre
Legil (4) cafegoieo g nembexi
wene fo tour
’ G4,x Membez of
Ex- ejticjo MemerA (9 Mewber)
tficia noeated
.Nominat ad otwal ’ Gevenment
oyernvrG(CNil Sevent)
MembeK. (28 Menlan) by
Non- 14caL> Nominate by GG but
Nloinat ed on Goven ment
nembers (5Membe
Publie ueiol
(Men og
Eleeted by duytuent categortto
Plentcd Membet : Idain
(at Mennbex) `'ke chambex of
Cemmve/Manicipaltieo, Distrìet Boands
Land orde
3: klected Membev wes to be eledtd wee
hem the LoLal bo dies
Eletet membes wee eleted m the 0e
bodier lke chombes b Comme rce,
Sinater/ hand lord1/2amirdas/ Traders/ptit
BoAvd muhi cipalites (Eecto Cullege
the mtmbt pvi rcial tegslature)')he
membez ntn eleeted thc memben the
Cenlral Legisl ati ve Zeureil.
4. The Noá nated efticial mm bec And nomihaed
Cunfod and provineial legislate councii
Jhey cutnumbered the eleted memben tn
hence oovinci al and eenoal Legiulatr had
ho diltoty n passage any govenien
5, Lndioh wure to be giveh membershit n
Tnpeial lagirlative co uncil.

MJ im Some consti tueniel wert earmarked

oy Muwliny ad mulim eowl my vote
toy thei 6ptsentative
7. Lnerease in Fre eutlve ouncil in froyinees
Jhe Act saise t1e nmber Member
Crive Council tn bsidencier o Be
Madras and Bombey m 2to 4 Lt alo
eyJeneled tli Geven mest to contihute Aott
Cpueil ' t Gerna prevince
9. Enlargemtnt y fumhon oy legirlaud
Mewtbe Cond d cuec budget
move esoluion

Cetd aau dlplenent ary quutend

Cowil was not pesitted to dicu! mattes
tunder adjudiceition ui the Court y Laa,
Debt, Ece lesiaoth cod nperd tue foti g
policy relation wrts prinly atotes )
Evehy memes were ven ight to mene
any Aeclatian selating ay atealion
hero Loan, ay aditonal
gsant tt Cocal "ouesntpped'or mettutd
tale nent ar eaplanatoy Menerandem,
Exeute Cenil

Lnd Nit appnJed Satyedia f- lukhe as

diret tndan mell in V'cncya exeentu
Coel'. Two membs (Inouan) noni naled
to c e i l 4tale
adyid Husean

tDesigo wdevly the


The Aet dld not estabislhed liameutovy

rm y Goven ment
eleetorene was
uieot jeture wes seperaE /Comal
due to othes
dommwnities to as prolleges
Induet deeti on was anothes ettoe
Lmited pouers quanted to Leglslate
Counci eleet (
anothe Aemainco
the delletue bodit)
the At:

Tt mahed rot repreaet atue

First tine seeegnihen g n to eleetue
priniple. te baai com petton
Logslatie counil.
Eleton g lndons yn, council.
It in creased
eKparded the Legslatue coneil
The rmembees get chance to ctdze
the execute ad make Sugeston
bede ad mintoin te

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