Nandha Yoga

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Yoga is originated from Veda, oldest scripture of India (4000 B.C.) and systematically presented by Sage Patanjali in
Yogasutra in around 150 B.C.

Hiranyagarbha is the founder of yoga.

Sage Patanjali:
Patanjali, an Indian sage is the compiler of Yoga Science. He wrote 'Yogasutra' containing 195 verses divided in four
chapters. It is believed that he was an incarnation of Adishesha, a mythological God. Scholars such as S. N. Dasgupta,
claims this is the same Patanjali who authored the Mahabhasya, a treatise on Sanskrit grammar.

Yoga Definitions
According to Yogasutra of Patanjali:
'Yoga is restraint of the activities of the mind.'
According to Bhagavad-Gita Yoga :
'Evenness (of mind) is Yoga" (2/48).
'Yoga is Skillfulness in Action'. (2/50)

Kinds of Yoga
There are basically four paths which all lead to the same goal, the attainment of the ultimate Reality. These paths are:

 Karma-Yoga - The Yoga of Action

 Bhakti-Yoga - The Yoga of Devotion

 Gyana-Yoga - The Yoga of Knowledge

 Raja-Yoga - The Royal yoga Path

 Hatha-Yoga - The Physical Yoga

Eightfold path of Patanjali (Ashtanga yoga)
External Parts

1. Yama (Restraints)

2. Niyama (Observances)

3. Asana (Body Postures)

4. Pranayama (Regulation of Breath)

5. Pratyahara (Abstraction of senses)

Internal Parts

6. Dharana (Concentration)

7. Dhyana (Meditation)

8. Samadhi (Self-realization)
Pranayama (Regulation of breath)

Pranayama means, 'a pause in the movement of breath'. For getting success in Pranayama, perfection in practice of asana is

Some important practices of Pranayam are-

1. Ujjayi

2. Bhramari

3. Bhastrika

4. Sheetali

The regulation of breath(pranayama) gives to body lightness and turning away of the senses from material objects. It
increases the spiritual power and confers cheerfulness and inner peace.
Dhyana (Meditation)
'Dhyanam nirvishayam manah' - That state of the mind, wherein there are no Vishayas or sensory thoughts, is meditation.

 Sthuladhyana: Contemplation of the image

 Sukshmadhyana: Contemplation of the Serpent power

 Jyotirdhyana: Contemplation of the internally aroused light in the higher stage of meditation


It is meditation whereby practitioner realize his self. Though meditation is usually recognized as a largely spiritual practice,
it also has many health benefits.

It Leads to a deeper level of relaxation, reduces anxiety, decreases muscle tension and headaches.

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