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Developing Bai The Beach Infrastructures

Bonawon-Zamboanguita Negros Oriental, Philippines

Company Name: Bai The Beach

April 1, 2024

Owner: Iris Kadile Bendijo


Brief Overview:

The project aims to enhance the resort's physical facilities, including building new cottages and
restaurants. By expanding its infrastructure, the resort intends to offer more accommodations and
dining options to guests. This development effort solely concentrates on improving the resort's buildings
and amenities, ensuring a more enjoyable experience for visitors.


The primary objective of the beach resort infrastructure improvement project is to enhance the
overall guest experience by focusing on two key areas: expanding accommodation options and
enhancing dining facilities. Firstly, the project aims to increase the resort's capacity by constructing 10
new beachfront cottages within the next six months. This expansion will provide guests with a wider
range of accommodation options, catering to various preferences and budgets, thereby improving guest
comfort and satisfaction. Secondly, the project seeks to develop and open new dining establishments, a
beachside cafe and a seafood restaurant, within the next nine months. These new dining facilities will
elevate the culinary experience for guests, offering diverse menus that showcase local flavors and
ingredients. By enhancing both accommodation and dining facilities, the resort aims to increase its
revenue potential, attract more guests, and establish itself as a premier destination for leisure and

Expected Outcomes:

The beach resort infrastructure improvement project is expected to bring positive outcomes. Firstly,
with expanded accommodations and better dining, guests will enjoy higher satisfaction and more repeat
visits. Secondly, new cottages and dining options will increase revenue by attracting more guests and
boosting sales. Thirdly, the project will enhance the resort's reputation as a top leisure destination.
Fourthly, upgraded facilities will give the resort a competitive edge, attracting a wider range of guests.
Lastly, the project will create jobs and boost local business, contributing to economic growth in the area.

Key Benefits:

1. Enhanced Guest Experience: Expanded accommodations and improved dining facilities will ensure
guests enjoy a more satisfying stay, boosting guest loyalty and positive feedback.
2. Increased Revenue: New beachfront cottages and dining options will drive higher revenue through
increased bookings and food sales, contributing to the resort's financial success.

3. Improved Reputation: Successful implementation of the project will elevate the resort's status as a
premier leisure destination, attracting more visitors and enhancing competitiveness.

4. Competitive Advantage: Upgraded infrastructure and expanded offerings will set the resort apart
from competitors, making it a top choice for travelers seeking beachfront experiences.

5. Economic Growth: Job creation and increased tourist spending will stimulate economic growth in the
community, benefiting local businesses and residents.

Summary of Project Scope and Approach:

The beach resort infrastructure improvement project aims to enhance guest experiences by focusing
on expanding accommodations and improving dining facilities. The scope includes the construction of
new beachfront cottages and dining establishments, with a focus on environmental sustainability. The
approach involves careful planning, collaboration with local stakeholders, and prioritization of guest
satisfaction. By upgrading infrastructure and offering diverse amenities, the project aims to elevate the
resort's reputation and attract more visitors. Throughout the project, attention will be paid to cost-
effectiveness and timely completion to ensure successful implementation.

Background information on the project

The beach resort infrastructure improvement project emerged from a need to enhance the overall guest
experience and remain competitive in the hospitality industry. Recognizing the growing demand for
high-quality accommodations and dining options, the resort management identified an opportunity to
invest in upgrading its infrastructure. Market research revealed increasing visitor expectations for
modern amenities and sustainable practices, prompting the resort to undertake a comprehensive
redevelopment initiative. Additionally, feedback from guests and stakeholders highlighted the
importance of environmental conservation and community involvement in the project. With a
commitment to meeting these evolving needs and aspirations, the resort embarked on a journey to
revitalize its facilities and create a more enjoyable and sustainable destination for leisure travelers.

Context and relevance:

In today's competitive hospitality industry, beach resorts strive to meet the evolving needs and
expectations of travelers. With increasing demand for memorable experiences and sustainable
practices, the context for the beach resort infrastructure improvement project is highly relevant. As
travelers seek unique and eco-friendly accommodations, resorts must adapt to remain competitive and
attract visitors. Additionally, the project's relevance extends beyond guest satisfaction, encompassing
environmental conservation and community engagement. By enhancing its infrastructure and adopting
sustainable practices, the resort not only improves its appeal to guests but also demonstrates its
commitment to environmental stewardship and local collaboration. In this context, the project holds
significant relevance for both the resort's long-term success and its broader impact on the environment
and local community.

Purpose of the proposal:

The purpose of the proposal is to outline a comprehensive plan for the beach resort infrastructure
improvement project, aimed at enhancing guest experiences, promoting environmental sustainability,
and fostering community involvement. By detailing the scope, approach, and expected outcomes of the
project, the proposal seeks to secure approval and funding from stakeholders. Additionally, the proposal
aims to demonstrate the resort's commitment to meeting evolving guest expectations, maintaining
competitiveness in the hospitality industry, and contributing positively to the local community and
environment. Through clear objectives and strategies, the proposal endeavors to pave the way for the
successful implementation of the project, ultimately ensuring the resort's long-term viability and
reputation as a premier leisure destination.


SMART Objectives:

Specific: Construct 10 new beachfront cottages and two dining establishments within nine months.

Measurable: Increase annual resort revenue by 20% within one year of project completion.

Achievable: Enhance guest satisfaction ratings by at least 15% within six months post-project

Relevant: Improve the resort's reputation as a premier leisure destination, as evidenced by a 25%
increase in positive online reviews within one year.

Time-bound: Complete all project milestones, including infrastructure upgrades and community
engagement initiatives, within the designated nine-month timeline.

Clear Statements of Project Aims:

1. Increase the resort's capacity and revenue by constructing new cottages and dining establishments.

2. Enhance guest satisfaction levels and improve the resort's reputation as a premier leisure destination.

3. Implement environmentally sustainable practices and foster community involvement in project


4. Achieve measurable improvements in guest satisfaction ratings and online reviews within specific

5. Ensure timely completion of all project objectives and milestones within the designated nine-month

Detailed Description of Project Scope:

The beach resort infrastructure improvement project is a comprehensive initiative designed to enhance
various aspects of the resort's operations and facilities. The project scope includes the construction of
15 new beachfront cottages, each equipped with modern amenities to ensure comfortable and
enjoyable stays for guests. Additionally, two new dining establishments—a beachside café and a seafood
restaurant—will be developed to offer diverse culinary experiences. Community engagement is also
prioritized, with efforts to involve local suppliers, contractors, and community members in project
planning and execution. Furthermore, the project aims to enhance guest services through staff training,
technology integration, and personalized amenities. Quality assurance measures will be implemented
throughout the project to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and guest expectations. Overall,
the project scope encompasses a holistic approach to improving the beach resort's infrastructure while
emphasizing guest satisfaction, environmental responsibility, and community collaboration.

Inclusions for the Project:

 Construction of 15 new beachfront cottages.

 Development of two new dining establishments—a beachside café and a seafood restaurant.
 Implementation of sustainable practices, including solar energy utilization and waste management.
 Community engagement initiatives, such as involving local suppliers and contractors.
 Enhancement of guest services through staff training and technology integration.
 Quality assurance measures to ensure compliance with standards and guest expectations.

Exclusions for the Project:

 Major renovations or expansions beyond the designated new construction areas.

 Development of additional recreational facilities or amenities unrelated to accommodation or dining.
 Infrastructure improvements not directly related to enhancing guest experiences or environmental
 Large-scale landscaping projects or alterations to natural habitats.
 Acquisition of adjacent properties or land for future development.
 Implementation of costly technology upgrades or installations unrelated to guest services or
sustainability efforts.
Boundaries and Limitations

 Budget constraints: The project must adhere to the allocated budget without exceeding approved
 Timeframe: All project activities and milestones must be completed within the designated timeline to
avoid delays.
 Environmental regulations: All construction and development activities must comply with local
environmental regulations and minimize ecological impact.
 Resource availability: The project must work within the constraints of available resources, including
manpower, materials, and equipment.
 Stakeholder expectations: The project must meet the expectations of key stakeholders, including
guests, community members, and investors, to ensure overall success and satisfaction.


Planning and





The project execution will follow the Waterfall project management methodology for its
structure. This way of doing things is good for projects that have a clear plan, like this one, because it
lets us plan carefully and stops sudden changes from happening too much. Here's the breakdown:
Planning and Coordination: This phase involves defining objectives, establish timelines, and allocate
resources effectively. A project manager will oversee all activities and coordinate with various
stakeholders, including resort management, contractors, and local authorities.

Purchasing: We will select and purchase all necessary materials (concrete, gravel, etc.) and equipment
for construction.

Construction: The chosen contractor, will execute the construction activities as per the approved plans.

Quality Assurance: Strict quality assurance measures will be implemented to maintain high standards
throughout the project. Regular inspections and quality checks will be conducted to ensure that
construction work meets regulatory requirements and guest expectations.

Project Completion: Once construction is complete, final inspections will be conducted.


1. Ten new beachfront cottages: Construction and completion of 10 new cottages with modern
amenities and comfortable accommodations.

2. Two new dining establishments: Development and opening of a beachside café and a seafood
restaurant, offering diverse culinary experiences.

3. Solar energy implementation: Installation of solar panels to harness renewable energy for powering
resort facilities and reducing environmental impact.

4. Waste management system: Implementation of a waste management system to minimize

environmental impact and promote sustainability.

5. Enhanced guest services: Improvement of guest services through staff training, technology
integration, and personalized amenities to enhance guest satisfaction.

6. Completed infrastructure upgrades: Implementation of all planned infrastructure upgrades, including

construction, renovations, and installations, within the designated timeline and budget.

7. Quality assurance documentation: Documentation of all quality assurance activities, including

inspections, audits, and compliance checks, to ensure adherence to regulatory standards and guest
1-2 WEEK Finalize project proposal and obtain approvals.
Hire project manager and key personnel. Initiate
stakeholder communication and engagement.
3-5 WEEK Conduct detailed design and planning. Procure
necessary permits and approvals. Begin site
preparation and mobilization
6-14 WEEK Continue construction progress. Conduct
stakeholder communication and engagement

14-20 WEEK Continue construction activities. Address any

issues or delays. Conduct regular progress
20-25 WEEK Monitor construction progress. Conduct quality
inspections. Begin interior design planning and
25-30 WEEK Continue with construction activities. Finalize
interior design and furnishings.

31-34 WEEK Progress with construction. Coordinate with

subcontractors and suppliers. Ensure timely
delivery of materials.
34-36 WEEK Progress with construction. Coordinate with
subcontractors and suppliers. Ensure timely
delivery of materials.

Human Resources:

 Project Manager: Oversees project planning, coordination, stakeholder communication, risk

management, and progress monitoring.
 Construction Team: Executes construction activities, ensuring adherence to plans, quality
standards, timelines, and safety regulations.
 Design and Architectural Team: Creates blueprints, collaborates with construction, and
integrates sustainable design principles.
 Environmental Specialist: Assesses environmental impact, implements waste management,
ensures compliance, and identifies improvement opportunities.
 Guest Services Team: Enhances guest experiences through improved services, staff training,
technology integration, and personalized interactions.
 Community Liaison: Facilitates communication, engages local stakeholders, addresses concerns,
and fosters positive community relations.


- Excavators

- Bulldozers

- Cranes

- Concrete mixers


- Power drills

- Hammers

- Saws

- Nail guns

Solar Energy Equipment:

- Solar panels

- Inverters

Sustainable Building Materials:

- Eco-friendly insulation

- Low VOC paint

Budget Allocation

A total budget of PHP 1.9 million has been allocated for this project.


The following are potential challenges that may arise during construction:

 Construction Delays: Unforeseen weather conditions, labor shortages, or supply chain disruptions
could lead to delays in construction activities, requiring proactive monitoring and contingency
planning to minimize their impact.
 Cost Overruns: Fluctuations in material prices, unexpected expenses, or changes in project scope
may result in budget overruns, necessitating rigorous cost estimation and budget control measures
to stay within financial constraints.
 Regulatory Compliance: Failure to comply with local building codes, environmental regulations, or
zoning requirements could lead to fines, project delays, or legal issues, highlighting the importance of
early engagement with regulatory authorities and adherence to standards.
 Stakeholder Resistance: Local residents, environmental groups, or other stakeholders may oppose
the project due to concerns about noise, traffic, or environmental degradation, emphasizing the need
for proactive stakeholder engagement and transparent communication to address their concerns.
 Economic Uncertainty: Economic downturns, fluctuations in currency exchange rates, or changes in
market conditions may affect project financing, revenue projections, or investor confidence,
necessitating careful financial planning and risk mitigation strategies to adapt to changing economic

1. Quality Standards:

Adherence to Specifications: All project activities will adhere strictly to the approved specifications
and plans to ensure that the final deliverables meet the intended requirements.

Compliance with Regulations: Construction activities will comply with relevant local, state, and
national regulations, including building codes and environmental standards, to ensure legal compliance
and safety.

Use of High-Quality Materials: Only approved, high-quality materials from reputable suppliers will be
used to ensure the durability, reliability, and longevity of the project infrastructure.

Service Excellence: Service delivery will prioritize guest satisfaction and exceed industry standards,
ensuring that guests have a positive experience throughout their interaction with the project.

2. Quality Assurance Metrics:

Inspection and Testing: Regular inspections and testing will be conducted at various stages of the
project to identify any defects, deviations from standards, or non-compliance issues promptly.

Quality Audits: Independent audits will be conducted periodically to assess the overall quality of
workmanship, adherence to standards, and effectiveness of quality control measures.

Customer Feedback: Feedback mechanisms, such as surveys, reviews, and direct communication
channels, will be utilized to gauge customer satisfaction levels and identify areas for improvement.

3. Documentation and Assurance:

Detailed Records: We will maintain detailed records of all inspections, test results, and any corrective
actions taken if necessary. This transparency ensures accountability and allows for tracing any quality

Regular Meetings: We will hold regular quality control meetings to review inspection reports and
address any identified issues. This promotes continuous improvement throughout the project.


Stakeholder Communication Strategy:

Effective communication with stakeholders is crucial for project success. The communication strategy
will focus on transparency, clarity, and timely dissemination of information to keep stakeholders
informed and engaged throughout the project lifecycle.

 Stakeholder Identification: Identify all stakeholders, including project sponsors, investors, regulatory
authorities, local communities, contractors, and end-users, to determine their communication needs
and preferences.
 Tailored Messaging: Develop tailored communication messages for each stakeholder group to
address their specific interests, concerns, and expectations related to the project.
 Two-Way Communication: Encourage open dialogue and feedback from stakeholders to foster
collaboration, address concerns, and ensure their voices are heard throughout the project.

Frequency and Mode of Communication:

Communication will occur at regular intervals using a combination of synchronous and asynchronous
communication channels to accommodate diverse stakeholder preferences and ensure timely
information dissemination.

 Regular Updates: Weekly or bi-weekly project updates will be sent to stakeholders via email,
newsletters, or project management software to provide updates on project progress, milestones
achieved, and upcoming activities.
 Meetings and Workshops: Monthly or quarterly stakeholder meetings and workshops will be held to
facilitate face-to-face interactions, discuss project updates, address concerns, and gather feedback
from stakeholders.
 Online Platforms: A dedicated project website or portal will be created to serve as a centralized hub
for project information, documents, and updates. Discussion forums or chat groups will be available
for stakeholders to engage in discussions and ask questions.

Responsible Parties:

Clear roles and responsibilities will be assigned to ensure effective communication management and
accountability throughout the project.
 Project Manager: The project manager will oversee all communication activities, develop
communication plans, and ensure that communication is aligned with project objectives and
stakeholder needs.
 Communication Coordinator: A dedicated communication coordinator or team will be responsible
for drafting communication messages, managing communication channels, and coordinating
stakeholder engagement activities.
 Stakeholder Liaisons: Designated stakeholder liaisons within the project team will serve as primary
points of contact for specific stakeholder groups, facilitating communication, addressing concerns,
and ensuring stakeholder satisfaction.



Initial Proposal Review and Feedback and

Submission Evaluation Revision

Document Notification Final Approval

Retention and Decision Decision

Initial Proposal Submission: The project manager or team lead submits the project proposal to the
designated approving authority, typically the project sponsor or steering committee.

Review and Evaluation: The approving authority examines the proposal, considering factors such as
alignment with organizational goals, feasibility, potential benefits, risks, and resource requirements.
Feedback and Revisions: If needed, the approving authority provides feedback and requests revisions to
address gaps or concerns. The project manager or team then revises the proposal accordingly.

Final Approval Decision: Once the proposal meets expectations, the approving authority makes a final
decision to approve it. This decision is communicated formally, authorizing the project's initiation.

Notification and Communication: Relevant stakeholders, including the project team and sponsors, are
notified of the approval decision. Communication may include formal announcements or meetings to
discuss next steps.

Document Retention: A copy of the approved proposal and related documentation is retained for
record-keeping. This approved proposal serves as the basis for project planning and execution.


1. [Name of Project Sponsor/Authorized Representative] - [Title/Position]

Signature: _____________________________ Date: ____________

2. [Name of Project Manager] - [Title/Position]

Signature: _____________________________ Date: ____________

3. [Name of Architect/Engineer] - [Title/Position]

Signature: _____________________________ Date: ____________

4. [Name of Construction Contractor] - [Title/Position]

Signature: _____________________________ Date: ____________

5. [Name of Local Government Official] - [Title/Position]

Signature: _____________________________ Date: ____________

6. [Name of Stakeholder Representative] - [Title/Position]

Signature: _____________________________ Date: ____________

By signing above, each stakeholder affirms their support for the project proposal and their
commitment to its successful implementation.


Russell Arthur Smith (2011, April) The Development and Management of Beach Resorts: Boracay Island,
The Philippines.
O. J. Ediae et al (2022) Adoption of Sustainable Site Planning Strategies by Beach Resorts in Lagos,

Mazlina M., Fatin Z. Z. and Khairil W. A (2020, January 1) ENHANCING SUSTAINABILITY THROUGH

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