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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Grade 1 to 12 School Badiang National High School Grade Level Grade-7
DAILY LESSON Teacher RONA MAE R. MERCADER Learning Area Science 7
PLAN Teaching November 3, 2022 Quarter Third Quarter
Date/Time 9:30 am-10:30am

A. Content Standard How is heat transfer?
B. Performance Standard
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Infer the conditions necessary for heat transfer
to occur.
Specific Learning Outcomes Infer the conditions necessary for heat to
transfer takes place.
II. CONTENT Heat transfer
A. References
Teachers Guide pages Pages 34-36
Learners Materials Pages Page 46-255
Textbook Pages
Additional Materials from Learning Resources Drinking cups, container, tap water, hot water,
(LR) portal food coloring, laboratory, thermometer
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer
“Requesting everyone to please rise “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and
for a prayer -_______kindly lead the of the Holy Spirit, Amen…”
2. Greetings
“Good morning Grade 10 Sampaguita.” “Good morning, ma’am.”
“How are you today?” “We’re fine and great ma’am.”
“That’s great!”

3. Classroom management
“Before you sit down, kindly pick up
pieces of papers and trashes, and
arrange your chairs properly”.
4. Checking of Attendance
“Let’s start checking your attendance”.
(The roll call begins.)
C.ELICIT Possible answer:
The teacher will paste a picture of fire on the  Hot
board and and let the students choose among  Destructive
the set of words that the teacher has prepared  Related to temperature
which is related to word fire.

The teacher will present the learning objectives.

D.ENGAGE “Yes we have.

The teacher will show a thermometer to the (answer may vary)
class and ask them if they have any idea about
this instrument. The teacher will explain on how
to use the thermometer properly and how to
read it.
The teacher will ask the class “When will
heat transfer takes place?”. Let the students The students will perform the activity and
perform the Activity 1 Warm Me up, Cool Me record the measurement of the temperature
Down pages 246-247 while some students from their activity.
perform the activity others will track the
temperature measurement of the activity.
1. Label the small and big
containers A and B.
2. Half fill containers 1,2 and A
with hot water.
3. Add few drops of food .
Coloring on the larger
container-A and B.
4. Measure the initial temperature
of water in each of the 4
containers, in degree Celsius.
5. Carefully place container 1
inside container A. This will be
the Setup 1.
6. Place also container 2 inside
container. This will be your
Setup 2.
7. Measure the temperature of
water in all container 2 minutes
after arranging the setups.
Record again your
measurements in the table after
another 2 minutes.

F. EXPLAIN Possible answers:

The teacher will ask the ff. questions to 1.Set up #1
the class based from the activity. 2.Set up #2
Q1. In which setup did you find changes 3. The object must have different temperature.
in the temperature of water inside the 4. When there is no difference in temperature
containers? In which setup did you not anymore.
find changes in the temperature of
water inside the containers?
Q2. In which setup is heat transfer
taking place between the containers?
Q3.What then is the condition
necessary for heat transfer to take place
between objects?
Q3.What then is the condition
necessary for heat transfer to take place
between objects?
Q4. When do you think the heat
transfer will stop?
Heat is an energy that is transferred from one
object to another due to the difference in their
temperature, or simply ‘energy transit’. Heat
transfer continue ls to occur in objects as long
as there is temperature difference.
The teacher will further discuss the three types
of heat transfer by presenting a real life The students keenly observed the activity.
Situation 1.
Let the students slightly touch the spoon that
are being put in a hot water. Ask them what
happen to the temperature of the spoon. “How
do you think this happen?” The students actively participate in discussion.
The energy from the hot water is being
transferred to the part of the spoon that is in
direct contact with the food by conduction.
“Why do you think your hand feels hot?”
When you touched the spoon, the heat transfer
to your hand. Your hand gained thermal energy,
this what we call conduction.

Situation 2.
The teacher will fill one of the glass beaker with
tap water then add a liquid food coloring in it.
Fill the other beaker with hot water. Place the
cardboard over the top of the beaker. Watch
carefully what happens to the food color . This
experiment show another method of heat
transfer, called convection- energy is
transferred by the mass motion of molecules.

Situation 3.
Ask a student to place their hands near the hot
glass of water. “What do you feel?”. Your hand
feels warm because heat coming from the hot ” Ma’am, it helps the reproductive system
water go to your hands even without touching it function well”.
and it is the third type of heat transfer the
radiation which take place even in the absence
of matter.

The teacher will show other example of

conduction, convection, and radiation that can
be seen in real life.
Direction.Choose the letter of the correct
1. A mode of heat transfer that does not
need particles or a medium to take
a. Conduction c.radiation
b. Convection d.heat
2. Change in temperature of the object
a.flow of energy c.thermal equilibrium
b. heat transfer d. hot object
3. A mode of heat transfer that takes
place even in the absence of matter.
a.conduction c. radiation
b. convection d.heat
4. A mode of heat transfer where energy
transferred by the mass motion of molecules.
a.conduction c. radiation
b. convection d.heat
5. It is refers to an energy transferred from
one object to another due to the difference in
their temperature.
a.heat c. temperature
b. radiation d.insulator
6. It is refers to an energy that is
transferred from one object to another due to
the difference in their temperature.
a. heat c.temperature
b. radiation d. insulator
7. When does the heat transfer stop?
a. When the object’s temperature
b. When the object’s temperature
c. When both the object’s temperature
becomes the same.
d.all of the above
8. How does heat travel through the pan?
Heat travels through the pan by ______.
9.Heat transfer by convection
a. only in gases c. only in fluids
b. only in liquids d. in gases, liquids and
10. When you touch a piece of ice with
finger, energy flows________.
a. From your finger to the ice c. both
b. From the ice to the finger
not flow
Ask the students to look at the illustration on
page LM 255 Activity 5 All at Once. The situation
depicts several situations that involve heat
transfer. Identify examples of situations found
in the illustration that involve the different
method of heat transfer.
A. No of learners who require additional
B. No. of learners who require additional
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well. Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Subject Teacher RONA MAE R. MERCADER

Student Teacher
Critic Teacher LEMUEL A. REMOLIN
Head Teacher-I

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