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Name: Cindy Arisbeth chew Sánchez

Date: Guatemala, 07 de October 2023
Days of classes: Monday and Wednesday

PART 1: Make a list of the Vocabulary 1: Manners and Etiquette. Page 8

• Etiquette
• Cultural Literacy
• Table Manners
• Punctuality
• Impolite
• Offensive
• Customary
• Taboo

PART 2: Read the complete article “GLOBAL CULTURE” (Page 10)

and answer the following questions with complete answers:

2.1 How old do you estimate Ms. Hartley to be today?

I estimate that Mrs. Hartley is around 70 years old today.

2.2 Does Ms. Hartley prefer the culture of the past or the culture of
the present?

Mrs. Hartley prefers the culture of the past because, according to her, many things have
changed, such as today there are no longer family dinners, parents work too much and do
not have the time to do many things.

2.3 What is Ms. Hartley’s opinion of the change in the role of


Her opinion is that mothers today work a lot and don't have the time to prepare proper snacks,
now everything is fast food, and with so many activities it seems that no one has time.

2.4 Does Ms. Hartley approve of the differences in child and teen
behaviour that have taken place?

No, she does not approve because according to her, in her time, children were more respectful
and silent. Before, at the table at mealtime, children did not speak unless the adults spoke, they
did not put their elbows on the table, no one came. to the table with shorts like they do today
Part 3: Answer the following questions according to your Culture in

3.1 How do people greet each other when they meet for the first

They introduce themselves by name, in some cases they shake hands, that means nice to meet

3.2 What are some appropriate manners and inappropriate

manners at the table when you have a meal?

Appropriate manners:
* Remain well seated at all times.
*Eat with cutlery and not with your hands.
*Eat with your mouth closed.

Inappropriate manners:
* Do not eat with your mouth full.
* Do not rest your elbows on the table.
* Do not mix drinks and food in a single bite.

3.3 What are some “taboo” conversation topics?

I think that the main topic is religion, followed by the topic of drugs. I consider that these are
the topics that are most talked about today when we refer to Taboo.
3.4 Are people punctual in your culture? Why or why not?

I think that it is not punctual in Guatemala, people are very trusting and do
everything against time, some are responsible and like to do everything on time.

3.5 Is it customary to bring a gift or some food or dessert on a visit

to someone’s home in your city or country?

Personally, when I go to visit another house, if I usually bring some detail, I think that this
generates a better coexistence during my visit.

3.6 Are certain foods or beverages taboo in Guatemala?

Yes, food and drinks are taboo in Guatemala since some do not consume them because their
religion does not allow them.

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