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Name: Cindy Arisbeth chew Sánchez

Date: Guatemala 30/10/2023

UNIT 1: Write a 3-LINE paragraph about a GUATEMALAN TRADITION or

HOLIDAY. Include at least 1 TAG QUESTION and 1 sentence using PAST

In Guatemala, Christmas is always celebrated, it is a

wonderful time, where a wide variety of dishes are
made to be enjoyed with the family. Have you
celebrated Christmas? If you haven't done it, I'll tell
you, it's the best because it allows you to have this
celebration with your loved ones and the best thing is
that you can share in a big way. I think we're all waiting
for that time without a doubt.

UNIT 2: Write a short conversation giving some advice or recommendation

for a person who is sick using sentences with the modals MUST, MAY and
A. Daniel hello how are you?
B. Hello, I'm a little sick and I have to visit the doctor to
check me out.
but I'm not well,
A. I can take you to the doctor, I don't have any problem,
oh really
B. I would really appreciate it.

UNIT 3: Write 5 sentences using the Passive Causative “HAVE” and the
verbs: 1) dry-clean 2) frame 3) Print 4) send 5) shorten.
Example: She’d like to have her shoes repaired by tomorrow morning.

1. Dry-clean: Would you like to dry clean your house


2. Frame: She wants a brown frame for her photos.

3. Print: I should print my final university project
4. Send: You want me to send you your purchase invoice by
5. Shorten: He has to shorten this paragraph so that it is better
UNIT 4: Answer the following questions about yourself with “COMPLETE

1. What topics do you like to read about on Internet?

I like to read a lot everything related to cultural activities

2. What content on Internet do you think is “Trash”?

All content that has words in double meanings and that causes harm to people

3. What websites do you visit regularly?

The websites I visit the most are Intagram, Facebook, Telegram, Scrib, Evaluanet,

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