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SNAK Restaurants Limited T/A McDonald’s

Menopause Policy
We are committed to ensuring an inclusive and supportive working environment for all our people.
We’re aware that many of our employees could be undertaking their role while enduring symptoms
of menopause. This policy sets out guidance on the levels of support that we offer our employees who
may be experiencing menopausal symptoms. This policy applies to all our people at all levels in our
restaurants and offices and is regularly reviewed and monitored.

Crucial Bits
Menopause is a natural event in most individuals ’s lives during which they stop having periods and
experience hormonal changes such as a decrease in oestrogen levels. It usually occurs between the
ages of 45 and 55 and typically lasts between four and eight years. However, each person’s experience
will differ, and menopausal symptoms can occasionally begin before the age of 40. Perimenopause,
or menopause transition, begins several years before menopause. People may start to experience
menopausal symptoms during the final two years of perimenopause.

More Info
Symptoms of menopause
May include:
o hot flushes
o night sweats
o anxiety / depression
o dizziness / headaches
o fatigue
o memory loss / reduced concentration
o joint stiffness, aches and pains
o heavy periods

It’s important to remember that the list of symptoms above are not exhaustive, there are up to 34
different symptoms that an individual can face, and these can be physical, emotional or psychological.
Each of these symptoms can affect an employee’s comfort and performance at work. We have a duty
to provide a safe working environment for all our people and we should ensure that adjustments and
additional support is available to those experiencing menopausal symptoms and asking for help. It’s
important to remember that everyone is different and so the support needed may vary dependant on
the needs of the individual. More information is available in our Disability at Work and Reasonable
Adjustments Policy.

Experiencing menopausal symptoms at work

We encourage you to talk to your manager and share with them that you’re experiencing such
symptoms at an early stage to ensure that your symptoms are treated as an ongoing health issue
rather than as individual instances of ill health. Telling them early will also help to determine the most
appropriate course of action to support your needs. If you don’t wish to discuss how you are feeling
with your manager, you may find it helpful to have an initial discussion with a trusted colleague or
another manager instead.
SNAK Restaurants Limited T/A McDonald’s

We have also funded a FREE confidential helpline service for all our people to talk to professionals. All
calls are treated in the strictest confidence and McDonald’s does not have access to any information
that you discuss with EAP. Call 0800 072 7072 - a dedicated 24/7 personal line to provide you with
help, support and advice when you have a medical or personal problem and you need someone to
turn to. We understand that discussing such an important personal matter with anyone is difficult.
You can request that we complete a Risk Assessment to ensure that we have considered all your
needs. We’ll ensure that any personal information shared to help handle any issues arising from
menopausal symptoms is not kept longer than necessary and will be deleted when no longer required.

Reasonable Adjustments Discussion Points

To help start the discussion between yourself and your manager we have pulled together some
discussion points for you and your manager:

• Uniform – Are you comfortable with the fit and feel? Are there any symptoms that are being
exacerbated through wearing uniform?
• Temperature of your workstation – Are you able to adjust the temperature of your
• Noise level of your workstation – Are you comfortable with the noise level at your
• Access to toilet facilities and/or a rest area – Do you have easy access or know how to easily
access the bathroom facilities and/or a rest area?
• Drinking water facilities – Do you have access to drinking water facilities or know where to
go to access drinking water facilities?
• Light level at your workstation – How do you feel the natural light levels are at your
• Manager support – Do you feel you get adequate opportunities to check in with your
manager? And do you feel that you are able to speak to your manager comfortably about
any support you need?

Reasonable adjustments to think about

Based on the discussion points above, if you feel that any of these areas are impacting or
exacerbating any menopausal symptoms you may be having, here are some ideas that are quite easy
for us to adapt for you at work:

If you do a job in McDonald’s that requires you to wear a uniform we are happy to discuss any
adjustments that may make you feel more comfortable whilst at work. For example, you may want us
to provide extra uniform if you feel like you need to change during your shift. It all depends on your
own comfort but avoiding nylon or close-fitting uniforms may help too.

Temperature control
We strive to achieve a comfortable working temperature for all our people. If you work in a restaurant
and find working in the kitchen difficult, speak to your manager. If you work in an office and would
like a desk fan (it doesn’t have to be summer!) contact our Support Services department. No matter
where you’re based, chilled water to drink will always be on hand.
SNAK Restaurants Limited T/A McDonald’s

Increased frequency to visit the toilet and washroom facilities

If you work in a restaurant and need to access toilet and washroom facilities more frequently, this will
not be a problem. Although this may feel embarrassing you will need to make your manager aware
just so they are not worried or concerned about your welfare. You may find it easier to discuss with a
trusted colleague or another manager instead. If you request a Risk Assessment, this can be taken into
consideration and noted, so you are not worried on shift.

Regular Check-Ins
Frequent check-in’s throughout the week could support you in ensuring your manager understands
how you’re doing and how they can support you. You don’t have to share private details with your
manager if you don’t want to, but they’ll be able to provide you with the best support if you check in
with them. Alternatively you may wish to arrange regular check-in’s with HR if you are more
comfortable speaking with someone from the HR team, and requesting their support.

Workstation Location
If you work in a restaurant and feel you don’t receive enough natural light during your shift, speak to
your manager about the possibility of being moved to a new workstation, perhaps working in the
dining area would be more helpful. Where possible we will endeavour to support you in moving
workstations if your role permits. If you work in an office, we’d encourage you to choose a desk that
provides you with the level of natural light you’re looking for, and if you’re unsure about where you
can sit speak to your manager and they’ll help you find an appropriate desk.

Additionally, if you’re struggling with the noise level we recommend you speak to your manager about
how this can be mediated. If you work in a restaurant it may not always be possible to reduce the
noise but your manager can support you in offering additional rest breaks if necessary to take some
time away from the noise, or schedule you in for quieter shifts. See below for information on our
flexible working policy, and how this can work for you.

Flexible working
We recognise that difficulty sleeping can be a common symptom of the menopause. We’ll aim to
facilitate flexible working requests where we can. Requests for flexible working could include asking
o a change to the pattern of hours worked
o permission to perform work from home (where a role permits this)
o a reduction in contracted working hours; or
o more frequent breaks.

You should discuss such requests with your manager.

Managers Guidance for Supporting Employees through Menopause

We understand that supporting an employee whilst they go through the menopause can sometimes
be a daunting task if you’ve never had any experience in this area. If you’re struggling to know how
to support someone you manage, speak to your People Manager , Business Manager or People
Services Helpdesk and they will be able to guide you through this policy and the steps you can take
to support your employee.

Additionally, if you want to do some further reading to find out how you can support your
employees through the menopause, we have gathered some useful resources below for managers
SNAK Restaurants Limited T/A McDonald’s

Inclusive Employers - Menopause Toolkit

CIPD - A guide to managing menopause at work: guidance for line managers (

Menopause in the Workplace - Menopause-guide-for-managers.pdf


Further Support
Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)
You may want some additional support for yourself or to help someone who is struggling with the
effects of the menopause, so remember that we have funded a FREE helpline service for all our people
to talk to professionals on work or home related issues.

All calls are treated in the strictest confidence and McDonald’s does not have access to any
information that you discuss with EAP. Call 0800 072 7072 - a dedicated 24/7 personal line to provide
you with help, support and advice when you have a medical or personal problem and you need
someone to turn to.

It may be difficult to get an appointment with your GP. We operate a service that can allow you a
consultation with a virtual GP. If you are eligible to AXA PPP cover you can access this service.

Check out the FAQ document and poster available via the AXA PPP intranet pages for more
information and to check if you’re eligible to this service.

Intranet Webinar
Our aim is to facilitate an open, understanding working environment for all our people. You can listen
to our Gender Health Webinar on the Intranet to increase your own awareness regarding the
menopause/heath issues of what you or a colleague may be going through.

Useful websites for further information

You may want some additional information for yourself or to help someone who is struggling with
the effects of the menopause.

Provides information about the menopause, menopausal symptoms and treatment options.

A charity which provides support for individuals experiencing premature menopause.

Provides information about events where strangers gather to eat cake, drink tea and discuss the
menopause. Events are staged throughout the UK.

Information about making sense of the menopause.
SNAK Restaurants Limited T/A McDonald’s

Provides a confidential, independent service to advise, reassure and educate people of all ages about
their gynaecological and sexual health, wellbeing and lifestyle concerns. They offer unbiased
information – by telephone, email, printed factsheets and online.

• Executive Women's Mental Health | UK | Women of a Certain Stage

Provide information specialising in resolving the impacts of menopause symptoms by focusing on

improving wellbeing and morale.

People Services Helpdesk

If you’ve got any further questions, speak to your manager or get in touch with our People Services
Helpdesk on 0345 606 0321 or email them at

Please be aware that this policy isn’t contractual and may be amended at any time.

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