Shared Parental Leave Policy - Snak

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SNAK Restaurants Limited T/A McDonald’s

Shared Parental Leave Policy

We know that having a baby or adopting a child is an important and exciting time and we want to
support you. Shared Parental Leave gives parents flexibility to share the care of their child in the first
year. There are some important things that you need to know and do to help us make all the
arrangements for your Shared Parental Leave.

Crucial Bits

Qualifying for Shared Parental Leave

If you qualify and choose to take Shared Parental Leave, you or your partner will need to end your
Maternity or Adoption Leave. You have to take at least two weeks Maternity Leave after your baby’s
born or two weeks Adoption Leave, but then you can share the remaining 50 weeks leave and 37
weeks’ pay between you.

You need to take all Shared Parental Leave by your child’s first birthday or within 52 weeks of your
child being placed for adoption.

You can take Shared Parental Leave if you’ve already taken Paternity Leave, but once you’ve started
taking Shared Parental Leave you won’t then be able to take Paternity Leave.

To qualify for Shared Parental Leave you must:

• have worked for us for 26 weeks by the end of the 15th week before your baby’s due, or the
week you’re told that you’ve been matched with a child for adoption, and;
• be employed by us in the week before you take your Shared Parental Leave

Also, your partner must:

• have been employed for 26 weeks out of the 66 weeks (not necessarily continuously) before
the week your baby’s due to be born, or the week you’re told that you’ve been matched with
a child for adoption, and;
• have earned at least £30 a week on average during any 13 of those weeks (not necessarily

If your partner hasn’t been working or is self-employed they won’t be entitled to take Shared Parental
Leave. They might still meet the qualifying criteria to let you take it though.

If you’re not sure if you or your partner qualify for leave or pay, check the online tool on GOV.UK.
SNAK Restaurants Limited T/A McDonald’s

Taking Shared Parental Leave

If you want to take Shared Parental Leave, here are the steps you’ll need to follow:

Ending Maternity or Adoption Leave

If you’re the mother or the main adopter of the child, you’ll need to tell us that you want to end your
Maternity or Adoption Leave early. You can do this by completing SPL1 (A) form and send it to your
manager. You must give us at least eight weeks’ notice, but you can tell us earlier than this if you like.

Just so you’re aware, once you’ve ended your Maternity or Adoption Leave you can’t change your
mind and restart it, other than in exceptional circumstances.

If your partner’s taken Maternity or Adoption Leave and you want to opt-in to Shared Parental Leave,
they’ll need to give their employer notice to end their leave. They’ll then need to make a declaration
to us that they’ve done that, before you can tell us that you’re entitled and intend to take Shared
Parental Leave.

Completing a SPL1 form

To opt-in to Shared Parental Leave, you need to tell your manager that you’re entitled to Shared
Parental Leave and that you intend to take this leave.

There are different versions of this form, so make sure you use the right one for your circumstances.
If you’ve not given us the information we need, you might not be able to take Shared Parental Leave
when you want. Speak to your manager or contact People Services Helpdesk on 0345 606 0321 if
you’re not sure which is the right form for you. The following are the SPL forms available to complete:

• SPL1 (A) Maternity curtailment and entitlement to SPL form

• SPL1 (B) Entitlement to SPL Paternity form
• SPL1 (C) Adoption curtailment and entitlement to SPL form
• SPL2 Application to book SPL

The form has a section that your partner needs to fill in to confirm that they’re eligible to take Shared
Parental Leave and are happy to share the leave with you. If your partner doesn’t do this, we won’t
be able to process your application.

Completing an SPL2 form

Next, you need to request leave by completing an SPL2 form and sending it to our Payroll Helpdesk.
Make sure you tick the box to say that this is your first request for leave. You must submit this form
at least eight weeks before the date of the first block of Shared Parental Leave that you want to take.

You can ask to take Shared Parental Leave as one single continuous block of leave, as long as you’ve
given your manager eight weeks’ notice.

You can also ask to take Shared Parental Leave as more than one discontinuous blocks of leave – for
example, take four weeks leave then return to work for four weeks and then take another four weeks
leave. Your manager will need to think about how this might impact your restaurant or department
and may talk to you about it. They’ll let you know whether or not they’ve approved your request.
SNAK Restaurants Limited T/A McDonald’s

If they can’t approve it, you’ll have the option to withdraw your request. If you want to do this it needs
to be within 14 days of getting their decision. If you don’t do it within this time, you’ll just be given the
total amount of leave you’ve asked for in one block.

Once your request has been approved, we’ll send you a letter confirming the details of your leave and
pay. We will ask you to show us a copy of your child’s birth certificate or matching certificate.

Submitting further requests for leave

You can submit up to three separate requests for blocks of Shared Parental Leave. After this you can’t
make any further requests or change your Shared Parental Leave. Any discontinuous leave requests
that haven’t been approved and you’ve withdrawn won’t count towards these three requests.

If you want to make a further request for Shared Parental Leave, complete another SPL2 form and
give it to your manager. You should tick the box to say whether it’s your second or third request for

Changing your approved leave

Once we’ve agreed your request for Shared Parental Leave, it becomes binding. You can only change
your leave dates by making another request, which will count towards your three leave requests.
You’ll need to complete an SPL2 form again and tick the box to say that it’s a change to a previous
leave request.

If you want to change your agreed leave you must give your manager at least eight weeks’ notice. This
includes if you want to cancel your leave or return to work earlier than originally agreed. If you don’t
give eight weeks’ notice, you might not be able to make the change.

Shared Parental Leave Pay

To qualify for Statutory Shared Parental Leave Pay (SSPLP), you and your partner both need to meet
the eligibility criteria for Shared Parental Leave detailed above.

You also need to have earned at least £120 a week in the eight weeks before the 15th week before
your baby’s due, or the week you’re notified that you’ve been matched with a child for adoption.

If you qualify for SSPLP, you’ll still be paid in the normal way for the period that you’re entitled to. If
you don’t qualify, the Payroll Helpdesk will let you know.

Things to think about

Your holiday entitlement will continue to accrue while you’re on Shared Parental Leave. Talk to your
manager before you start your Shared Parental Leave about taking your holidays either before or at
the end of your leave and agree dates. If you return to work too close to the end of the holiday year
to take all your holidays, speak to your manager about carrying forward any remaining days.
Keeping in touch
It’s good to stay in touch with your colleagues and your manager during your Shared Parental Leave.
We’ll try to keep you updated about any important changes or other things you need to know while
you’re away from work. Agree with your manager the best way of keeping in touch.
SNAK Restaurants Limited T/A McDonald’s

You can have up to 20 ‘Shared Parental Leave in Touch’ (SPLIT) days during your Shared Parental
Leave, which let you work without losing your entitlement to SSPLP. SPLIT days need to be agreed
with your manager first and can be used for anything that would normally be part of your job such as
training courses and meetings. You can take them at any point during your Shared Parental Leave.
You don’t have to arrange any SPLIT days, and we’ll never insist that you take a SPLIT day.
On a SPLIT day you’ll get paid your full contractual rate of pay for the hours you work. If you’re
receiving SSPLP, your pay will be your normal hourly rate. Just so you’re aware, even if you don’t
work a full day, this will still count as one of your 20 SPLIT days.
SPLIT days are in addition to any KIT days you may have taken during Maternity or Adoption Leave.

Returning to work after Shared Parental Leave

Unless there’s a business re-organisation – in which case we’d consult with you about what this
means for you – you’ll usually be able to come back to the same role and with the same terms and
conditions of employment that you had before your Shared Parental Leave.

Further Support
We know that it can be challenging to balance having a new child with your work. Flexible working
might help; there is a useful policy which might help called the Flexible Working Policy.
Having a child can mean big changes in your personal life and you may need extra support and
guidance in adapting to these.
Remember we have an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) who can provide you with support.
You can contact the EAP on 0800 072 7072 or visit:, it’s independent and
totally confidential.

If you’ve got any questions, speak to your manager or get in touch with our People Services
Helpdesk on 0345 606 0321 or

Please be aware that this policy isn’t contractual and may be amended at any time.

Maternity Curtailment and Entitlement to

Shared Parental Leave Form (SPL1A)
SNAK Restaurants Limited T/A McDonald’s
You should use this form if you want to bring to an end your Maternity Leave and take a period of
Shared Parental Leave. There are alternative forms available on the Intranet to use if you want to
take Shared Parental Leave and haven’t been on Maternity Leave.
Employee details (to be completed by the mother):
Rest. / Dept. name
Rest. / Dept. Number

Maternity curtailment and notification of entitlement (to be completed by the mother):

I give notice that I wish to bring to an end my Maternity Leave and confirm that I meet the criteria
• I have the main caring responsibility for my child (along with my partner/my child’s father)
and I will inform you immediately if this changes
• I am entitled to Statutory Maternity Leave
• I will have worked for you for at least 26 weeks at the end of the 15th week before the week
in which my child is due to be born
• I am aware that I must still be employed in the week before any Shared Parental leave is to be

I declare that the information I have given is accurate. I understand that, if requested by my
partner’s employer, we may confirm in writing to them that I meet the eligibility criteria for Shared
Parental Leave and tell them how much Maternity Leave I intend to take up until I end it.
Employee signature

Date of Maternity Leave

Date of Maternity Leave end
Expected due date
Actual birth date

Intended time to be taken as Shared Parental Leave (to be completed by the employee):

Please note this is not a request for leave, but an indication of your intention to take Shared Parental
Total Maternity Leave Taken
Remaining SPL available per
couple (weeks)
SNAK Restaurants Limited T/A McDonald’s
Please detail below how you
intend to take Shared
Parental Leave/share the
Shared Parental Leave
between you. The maximum
amount of leave that can be
shared is 50 weeks
Employee signature

Please note: You do not have to take Shared Parental Leave as detailed above, you will be able to
confirm your requested dates on SPL2 - Shared Parental Leave Application.
Employee’s partner details (to be completed by the child’s father / mother’s partner)
National Insurance No.
Name and Address of

Notification of entitlement (to be completed by the child’s father/mother’s partner):

I declare that I meet the criteria below:

• I am the child’s father / mother’s partner
• I will have the main caring responsibility for the child (along with my partner/ my child’s
• I have worked in Great Britain for at least 26 weeks out of the 66 weeks up to expected
week of childbirth and have earned £30 per week in 13 of those weeks.

I confirm that I agree to my partner/ my child’s mother taking the amount of Shared Parental Leave
she/he has detailed above.
I confirm that I agree to you processing the information about myself which I have given in this form.
Partner’s signature

Please return this form to:

Payroll Helpdesk
McDonald’s Head Office
11-59 High Road
East Finchley
N2 8AW
SNAK Restaurants Limited T/A McDonald’s

Email :

Entitlement to Shared Parental Leave Form –

Paternity (SPL1B)
You should use this form if you want to take Shared Parental Leave following a period of Paternity
Leave. There are alternative forms available on the Intranet to use if you want to take Shared
Parental Leave and haven’t been on Paternity Leave.
Employee details (to be completed by the employee):
Rest. / Dept. name
SNAK Restaurants Limited T/A McDonald’s
Rest. / Dept. Number

Notification of entitlement (to be completed by the employee):

I confirm that I meet the criteria below:

• I have the main caring responsibility for my child (along with my partner/my child’s mother)
and I will inform you immediately if this changes
• I am the child’s father/spouse, civil partner or partner of the child’s mother
• I will have worked for you for at least 26 weeks at the end of the 15th week before the week
in which my child is due to be born
• I am aware that I must still be employed in the week before any Shared Parental leave is to be

I declare that the information I have given is accurate. I understand that, if requested by my
partner’s employer, we may confirm in writing to them that I meet the eligibility criteria for Shared
Parental Leave.
Employee signature

Expected due date

Actual birth date (if known)

Intended time to be taken as Shared Parental Leave (to be completed by the


Please note this is not a request for leave, but an indication of your intention to take Shared Parental

Total Maternity Leave Taken

Remaining SPL available per
couple (weeks)
Please detail below how you
intend to take Shared
Parental Leave/share the
Shared Parental Leave
between you. The maximum
amount of leave that can be
shared is 50 weeks
Employee signature
SNAK Restaurants Limited T/A McDonald’s
Please note: You do not have to take Shared Parental Leave as detailed above, you will be able to
confirm your requested dates on SPL2 - Shared Parental Leave Application.
Employee’s partner details (to be completed by the child’s father / mother’s partner)
National Insurance No.
Name and Address of

Notification of entitlement (to be completed by the child’s mother/partner):

I confirm that I have ended my Maternity Leave by either returning to work, or informing my
employer that I wish to end my Maternity Leave/Statutory Maternity Pay/Maternity Allowance.
I declare that I meet the criteria below:
• I will have the main caring responsibility for the child (along with my partner/my child’s father)
• I have worked in Great Britain for at least 26 weeks out of the 66 weeks up to expected week
of childbirth and have earned £30 per week in 13 of those weeks
• I am entitled to Statutory Maternity Leave, Statutory Maternity Pay or Maternity Allowance

I confirm that I will inform my partner/my child’s father immediately if I withdraw my curtailment of
Maternity Leave/Pay/Allowance.
I confirm that I agree to my partner/my child’s father taking the amount of Shared Parental Leave
s/he has detailed above.
I confirm that I agree to you processing the information about myself which I have given in this form:
Date of Maternity Leave
Date of Maternity Leave end
Partner’s signature

Please return this form to your People Manager or Business Manager.

SNAK Restaurants Limited T/A McDonald’s

Adoption Curtailment and entitlement to Shared

Parental Leave Form (SPL1C)
You should use this form if you want to bring your Adoption Leave to an end and take a period of
Shared Parental Leave. There are alternative forms available on the Intranet to use if you want to
take Shared Parental Leave and haven’t been on Adoption Leave.
Employee details (to be completed by the employee as the main adopter):
Rest. / Dept. name
Rest. / Dept. Number

Curtailment of adoption and notification of entitlement (to be completed by the employee):

I give notice that I wish to end my Adoption Leave and confirm that I meet the criteria below:

• I have the main caring responsibility for my child (along with my partner/co-adopter) and I will
inform you immediately if this changes
• I am entitled to Statutory Adoption Leave
SNAK Restaurants Limited T/A McDonald’s
• I will have worked for you for at least 26 weeks at the point of being matched with my child
for adoption
• I am aware that I must still be employed in the first week that Shared Parental Leave is to be

I declare that the information I have given is accurate. I understand that, if requested by my
partner’s employer, we may confirm in writing to them that I meet the eligibility criteria for Shared
Parental Leave and tell them how much adoption leave I intend to take up until I end it.
Employee signature

Matching date
Placement date (if known)
Date of Adoption leave start
Date of Adoption leave end

Intended time to be taken as Shared Parental Leave (to be completed by the


Please note this is not a request for leave, but an indication of your intention to take Shared Parental

Total Adoption Leave Taken

Remaining SPL available per
couple (weeks)
Please detail below how you
intend to take Shared
Parental Leave/share the
Shared Parental Leave
between you. The maximum
amount of leave that can be
shared is 50 weeks
Employee signature

Please note: You do not have to take Shared Parental Leave as detailed above, you will be able to
confirm your requested dates on SPL2 - Shared Parental Leave Application.
Employee’s partner details (to be completed by your partner, the co-adopter):
SNAK Restaurants Limited T/A McDonald’s
National Insurance No.
Name and Address of

Notification of entitlement (to be completed by your partner/the co-adopter):

I confirm that I have ended my Maternity Leave by either returning to work, or informing my
employer that I wish to end my Maternity Leave/Statutory Maternity Pay/Maternity Allowance.

I declare that I meet the criteria below:

• I am the partner, civil partner or spouse of the Main Adopter
• I have worked in Great Britain for at least 26 weeks out of the 66 weeks before the date of
placement of my child for adoption and have earned £30 per week in 13 of those weeks
• I will have the main caring responsibility for the child (along with my partner/Main Adopter)

I confirm that I agree to my partner/Main Adopter taking the amount of Shared Parental Leave s/he
has detailed above.
I confirm that I agree to you processing the information about myself which I have given in this form:
Co-adopters signature

Please return this form to your People Manager or Business Manager.

SNAK Restaurants Limited T/A McDonald’s

Application to Book Shared Parental Leave (SPL2)

You should use this form if you want to request periods of Shared Parental Leave, or if you want to
change any periods of leave which have already been approved.
Remember, you must give at least eight weeks’ notice of any leave you want to take. Once you’ve
completed the form, give it to your manager who’ll consider your request.
Before requesting any periods of Shared Parental Leave, make sure you’ve submitted the right SPL
Form 1 (there are three different versions of this depending on your circumstances), which confirms
that you’re eligible to take Shared Parental Leave.
It’s also helpful to talk to your manager informally first about what types of request could be
accommodated, before you fill in this formal request form.

Employee details

Employee No.
Rest. / Dept. name
Rest. / Dept. Number

Shared parental leave request (to be completed by the employee):

Date of request

This is my (circle as appropriate) 1st request 2nd request 3rd request

SNAK Restaurants Limited T/A McDonald’s
I would like to take shared parental Single continuous period
Multiple blocks of leave
leave as (tick as appropriate) of leave
Please provide the dates when you
would like to take Shared Parental
Leave. If you’re requesting multiple
blocks of leave, please clearly state the
start and end dates of each block of
leave requested

Employee name
Employee signature

Manager’s response (to be completed by the authorising manager):

Please note, if the request is for one continuous period of leave, it can’t be declined.

I can confirm that your request to take Shared Parental Leave on the above dates has been
agreed/declined (circle as applicable).

If declined, please detail

other options considered

If alternative dates can be

approved, please detail

Manager name
Manager signature

Withdrawal of request (to be completed by the employee where applicable):

If you make a request to take Shared Parental Leave in discontinuous blocks and this is declined, you
can withdraw it at any time up to 14 days after you submitted the request. This will then not count
towards your three requests.

I can confirm that I would like to withdraw the above request.

Employee name
Employee signature

Manager’s Declaration (to be completed by the authorising manager for appropriate declined
SNAK Restaurants Limited T/A McDonald’s

I declare that 14 days after the above request was submitted the colleague has not withdrawn this
request, and after 19 days the colleague has not advised that they wish to alter the start date of
their Shared Parental leave.

Manager name
Manager signature

Please return this form to your People Manager or Business Manager.

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