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Important Questions for Class 6

Chapter 1 – Food: where does it come from

Very Short Answer Questions 1 Mark

Fill in the blanks

1. Green plants are known as –
Ans: Producers

2. Plants synthesizes food through-

Ans: Photosynthesis

3. Milk is rich source of –

Ans: Protein and calcium

4. Process of making cheese is known as-

Ans: Curdling

5. Anything that an animal, plant or human eat to nourish their body for
proper growth and maintenance is called-
Ans: Food

Short Answer Question 2 Marks

1. What are the different sources of food?

Ans: Different sources of food are mainly plants and animals. Plant parts, plant
products like vegetables, fruits, and animal products like meat, milk are also
sources of food.

2. What are different components of food?

Ans: Essential nutrients like Carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and
fats are the different components of food.

3. Why do we need food?

Class VI Science 1

Ans: To fulfill the nutritional requirements of the body we need food. For
growth, to get energy and for keeping the immune system healthy we need
food. Essential nutrients provide strength to fight against diseases.

4. What are different edible parts of the plants?

Ans: Different edible parts of plants are leaves, flowers, roots, stems and seeds.

5. Name three products that are given by plants and animals individually?
Ans: Three products given by plants are fruits, vegetables and cereals. Three
products given by animals were milk, meat and egg.

6. Define food?
Ans: Food is an edible substance which provides energy and growth for
continued existence when consumed by living organisms like humans and

7. Define herbivores?
Ans: Herbivores are animals that eat plants. Examples of herbivore animals are
rabbits, deer, elephants and cows.

8. Define carnivores?
Ans: Carnivorous animals feed on other animals. Examples of carnivorous
animals are lions, cats, dogs and tigers.

9. Define omnivores?
Ans: Omnivorous animals eat both plants and animals. Examples of
omnivorous animals are squirrels, dogs and pigs. Humans are also omnivores.

10. Why we should prefer cooked food?

Ans: Cooked food is good in taste and provides more nutrients instead of raw
food. Cooking kills the harmful bacteria present in the raw food. Cooked food
is easy to chew and easy to digest. We should always prefer cooked food.

11. What are scavengers?

Ans: Animals that eat the flash of dead animals are known as scavengers.
Examples of scavengers are raccoons, hyena and leopard.

12. Define crop?

Class VI Science 2
Ans: When a plant of cereal, fruit or vegetable of the same type cultivated and
grown on a large scale, known as crops.

Long Answer Questions 5 Marks

1. Differentiate between herbivores, carnivores and omnivores with

example for each of them?
Ans: The difference between herbivores, carnivores and omnivores are-
Herbivores Carnivores Omnivores
Herbivorous Carnivorous Omnivores eat
animals eat animals feed on both plants and
plants. other animals. animals.
Examples- Examples- lions, Examples-
rabbits, deer, cats, dogs and squirrels, dogs
elephants and tigers. and pigs.
cows. Humans are also
an example of

2. What is food and its significance?

Ans: Food is defined as an edible substance which provides energy and growth
for continued existence when consumed by living organisms like humans and
animals. Essential nutrients like Carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals
and fats are contained in food. For growth of our body, to get energy to do day
to day work and for keeping the immune system healthy and strong we need
food. Essential nutrients of food provide strength to fight against diseases and
help to repair the damaged body parts.

3. Explain the preparation of honey and ghee?

Ans: Preparation of honey – Bees gather nectar extant in the flowers. This
collected nectar is stored in beehives and converted into honey. The honey can
be extracted from the beehives and used for various purposes.
Preparation of ghee – Ghee is prepared from the butter. First milk is obtained
from the cow. After boiling and cooling the milk cream is extracted from it.
Cream is then churned into butter. By boiling the butter ghee is formed.

Class VI Science 3

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