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Sharlyn Mae E.

Pangan BSIT 2-1AA

1. What does equiprobable mean?

- Equiprobable means equally probable. It has the same degree of mathematical or logical

2. What is the title of the published paper in 1948 that changed people's understanding of
- The title of the published paper in 1948 that changed people's understanding of information is
A Mathematical Theory of Communication.

3. Where is the word bit derived from?

- The word bit comes from binary digit, but they are fundamentally different types of quantities.

4. Where can entropy be observed?

- Entropy can be observed during a coin flip, where a coin flip's outcome can be represented as
the random variable x.

5. What is the full name of the mathematician who constructed the groundwork for electronic
communication networks today?
- Claude Elwood Shannon is the full name of the mathematician who constructed the
groundwork for electronic communication networks today.

6. How was information perceive before the information theory?

- Before the information theory, information was perceived as a "poorly defined smelly fluid."

7. What is the unit measurement for Shannon's information?

- The unit measurement for Shannon's information is

8. What was considered the second law based on the theorems of information theory?
- Noise Reduces Channel Capacity was considered as the second law based on the theorems
of information theory.

9. How is the entropy of noise symbolized?

- The entropy of noise is symbolized as H(n)

10. What is the formula for input entropy if the number of equiprobable input states is?
- The formula for input entropy is H(x) = log2mx bits

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