Sesi 7 Pembinaan Tahap 2

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Senin, 28 Februari 2011

1. The non-isosceles right triangle ABC has ∠ = 90 . The inscribed circle with centre T
touches the sides AB and AC at U and V, respectively. The tangent through A of the
circumscribed circle meets UV produced in S. Prove that
a) ∥
b) | − | = , where r is the radius of the inscribed circle and , are the
respective distances from S to AC and AB

2. Let M be the centroid of triangle ABC. Prove that if the line AB is tangent to the circumcircle
of the triangle AMC, then
sin ∠ + sin ∠ ≤

3. Let ABC be a triangle. Select points D, E, F outside of ABC such that Δ ,Δ ,Δ are
all isosceles with equal sides meeting at these outside points and with ∠ = ∠ = ∠ .
Prove that the lines AD, BE and CF are concurrent.

4. A circle centered at O is tangent to all sides of the convex quadrilateral ABCD. The rays BA
and CD intersect at K, the ray AD and BC intersect at L. The points X and Y are considered
on the line segments OA, OC, respectively. Prove that ∠ = ∠ if and only if
∠ = ∠

5. Let ABC be a triangle, all of whose angles do not exceed 90 . The points K on side AB, M on
side AC and N on side BC are such that ⊥ and ⊥ . Prove that the area of
triangle ABC is at least 4 times as great as the area of triangle KMN i.e. [ ] ≥ 4[ ].
When does the equality hold?

6. Let Γ be a circle and let P be a point outside of Γ. Tangents from P intersect the circle at A
and B. Let M be the midpoint of AP and let N be the intersection of BM and Γ. Prove that

7. Let I be the incentre of triangle ABC and D be the point of the contact of the inscribed circle
with the side AB. Suppose that ID is the produced outside of the triangle ABC to H so that
the length DH is equal to the semi-perimeter of ABC. Prove that the quadrilateral AHBI is
concyclic if and only if ∠ = 90 .

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