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Loading Week II 6 weeks Week 3/6

Keep track of load used

Monday If you miss, add an additional 2 sets 5% below
No Foot No Hook Snatch build to max single then 3*3 at 80% of that
Back Squat 75%/(5) * 5 Unbroken sets full depth
Weighted plank 5*:30
Parired w/ Standing Single arm side crunch (same weight) 5*20 each arm


No Contact Power Clean and Jerk Build to maximum 2+1 then 3*3 at 80%
RDL 80%(5)*5
Paired w/ Depth Jumps for height 5*5 Stand on 12-24" box, step off the box, and maximal vertical jump immediately on landing = 1 rep
Back extensions (no pause but get height) 5*10 (same weight)
Kettlebell Swing 5*10 heavy


Muscle Snatch + OHS Build to heavy 1+3

Back Squat 75%/(5) *3 Unbroken sets full depth

No acessory


"Touch and go" split jerks Build to a heavy 3 then do 3*3 "touch and go" Power Jerks at 80% of that
Push Press 75%/(5)*5
Strict Press Find maximum then 5*5 at 75%


Snatch 85%/(1)*5

Clean and Jerk 85%/(1)*5

No Acessory


Back Squat Find 5 rep max

Back Squat 85% of 5rm for 5*5
Clean dead 120%/(2)*5
Back extensions (no pause but get height) 5*10 (same weight)

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