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Smith’s 8th Grade Social Studies Classroom Rules and Regulations 2024-2025

Hello all and welcome to Miss. Smiths 8th grade Social Studies classroom!

Below you will find our classroom rules, please detach the contract on the last
page, sign it, and hand it in.


Any questions, comments, or concerns can be directed to Miss. Smith.

123-456-7890 ext. 0000

This class will utilize Class Dojo. This is an app that connects teachers, students,
and families together for the purpose of grades and important announcements.
Students are approaching high school soon, so it is important they begin to learn
how to communicate and advocate for themselves. They are expected to take
ownership and accountability regarding their own communication and concerns. I
will send out monthly updates for families, it is up to the students to relay
messages home.

Any concerns about grades or behavior can be directed to my email, as I check

that daily and will respond promptly.

In case of emergency the best way to get in contact with your child is by calling
the school directly.

Grading Policy:

The expectation is that all assignments are handed in on time and fully completed.
Late work is accepted up until the end of the marking period with a 50% deduction.

Point breakdown:

Tests = 100 points

Quizzes = 50 points

Projects = 50 points

Homework = 20 points

Extra Credit:

Extra credit will be offered often throughout the year, students are encouraged
to complete. If a student approaches Miss. Smith with an extra credit idea, she
will take it into consideration.

After School Help:

I stay after school on Mondays, any students who needs additional support is
invited to stay. Additionally, the school has separate tutoring resources that can
be found on the website.


Students should arrive on time for class and be prepared. In the event of a
prolonged excused leave of absence students are to make up any missed work
and/or assessments. They will be given the work they have missed and it is
expected that they will complete it and hand it in.

In the event of a fire drill, shelter in place, or anything similar students are
expected to follow all instructions, and this will be gone over in detail during the
first week.

Technology Policy:

Personal devices are not permitted during school hours. This is a school wide rule
that if broken can result in disciplinary action. Students are each provided a school
Chromebook that is their responsibility. It is not supposed to be taken home, and
they are expected put it on their assigned charger before leaving school.
Chromebooks should be charged and used only when prompted, and in accordance
with the school handbook (students were each given a copy to take home).

Zero Tolerance Policy:

This school has a zero-tolerance policy for any instance of Bullying, Harassment, or
Intimidation. Any instance of such in my classroom will be immediately reported to
the administration.

Miss. Smith’s Social Studies Class Contract
2023 – 2024

I, ________________ the parent/guardian of _________________ have read

the above rules and regulations regarding Miss. Smith’s Social Studies classroom.
By signing this form, I agree to abide by the rules, and ensure that my student
does as well.

Parent/Guardian email: ____________________________________________

Parent/Guardian phone number: ______________________________________

Parent/Guardian signature: _________________________________________

Parent/Guardian printed name: ______________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________

I, ___________________ as a student of Miss. Smith will abide by the above

rules and regulations. I acknowledge that my signature on this form holds me to
those expectations. I understand that if broken, there could be disciplinary

Student signature: _______________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________

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