The Resource Managers Handbook A Comprehensive Guide by PPM Express

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The Resource Manager's Handbook:

A Comprehensive Guide

Resource managers are the linchpins of successful

project execution, ensuring the right resources align
with the right projects.

This handbook, brought to you by PPM Express, a leader in

project and portfolio management, blends expert insights with
real-world applications.

Whether you're an experienced manager or just starting out, this

guide promises to hone your resource management skills, driving
project success.
So, let’s start with the fundamentals of resource management:
its definition.

The Resource Manager's Handbook

What is resource management?
Resource management often
At its core, resource involves making tough decisions.
management is the art Why is it important?
and science of planning, There's a need to balance the
requirements of different projects,
organizing, allocating,
Efficiency: Optimization: Forecasting: ensure that no team member is
and monitoring resources
overburdened or underutilized, and
to ensure optimal Properly managed It ensures that every Resource management
resources lead to resource is used to its allows organizations to predict future needs while staying
efficiency and
smoother operations, maximum potential, anticipate future resource within budget constraints. It's a
effectiveness in project eliminating wasted reducing idle time needs and challenges, juggling act that requires keen insight,
completion. time, effort, and and over-exertion. facilitating proactive
foresight, and adaptability.
money. solutions.
Resources can It's about ensuring that every piece of
encompass anything from Cost control: Enhanced team morale: a project puzzle fits seamlessly into
human capital (like skilled place, creating a cohesive, efficient,
With a clear overview of When resources are allocated
workers) to tangible resource allocation, managers judiciously, teams feel supported and harmonious workflow.
assets such as materials, can make informed decisions and less overwhelmed, leading
tools, equipment, or even to stay within budgets. to greater productivity and job Having gained an understanding of
intangible assets like time resource management, it's essential
and information. to delve into the various resource
types available.

The Resource Manager's Handbook

What are the resource types available?

The term "resource" encompasses a variety of elements, each contributing uniquely

to the successful execution of tasks and projects. Let’s dive into the primary categories:

People Material resources Equipment & technology Money Time

Definition: Refers to the human Definition: Tangible items or Definition: Machines, tools, Definition: Refers to the budget Definition: The number of hours,
capital involved in a project, ranging supplies required for a project, software (like PPM Express), or or financial resources allocated days or weeks available for the
from project managers and team such as raw materials, office technological platforms used in to the project. completion of the project, broken
members to consultants and supplies, or software licenses. project execution. Importance: Money fuels all down into phases, milestones, and
stakeholders. Importance: Material resources Importance: They can enhance other resources, ensuring the tasks.
Importance: People bring skills, provide a foundational support, efficiency, precision, and speed, project can be executed without Importance: Time is a finite
expertise, and creativity, driving the ensuring processes run smoothly. especially in tech-driven financial hiccups. resource, making effective
project towards its objectives. Challenges: Procurement projects. Challenges: Budget overruns, management pivotal for timely
Challenges: Different personalities, delays, wastage, or Challenges: Breakdowns, misallocation, or unexpected project completion.
skill sets, and working styles can mismanagement can hinder obsolescence, or lack of costs can strain financial Challenges: Delays, scope changes,
sometimes lead to conflicts or project progress. technical knowledge can pose resources. or poor time management can push
inefficiencies. Optimal utilization: Inventory challenges. Optimal utilization: Detailed projects off track.
Optimal utilization: Tailored management systems and timely Optimal utilization: Regular financial planning, regular Optimal utilization: Time-tracking
training, team-building activities procurement strategies can maintenance, upgrades, and budget reviews, and tools, Gantt charts, and agile
and clear role definitions can ensure support effective management. training sessions can ensure contingency funds can aid methodologies can assist in optimal
people are used most effectively. peak performance. financial stability. time management.

Now that we have identified the available resource types, it's crucial to recognize the benefits of implementing resource management.

The Resource Manager's Handbook

What are the benefits of implementing
resource management?
Effective resource management is not just a logistical necessity; it's a strategic move that offers many advantages to organizations and project teams.
By diligently planning, allocating, and monitoring resources, businesses can experience a transformation in how they execute projects.
Let's explore the multifaceted benefits of resource management:

Optimized utilization Enhanced project Reduced Improved

of resources: visibility: costs: team morale:

Insight: Ensuring resources are used to Insight: With resource management Insight: Proper allocation and tracking Insight: When resources, especially
their fullest potential reduces waste and tools, managers gain a bird's eye view of mean fewer overruns, reduced wastage, human, are managed well, workloads are
elevates efficiency. who's doing what, where, and when. and improved budget adherence. balanced, and burnout is avoided.
Impact: Projects are executed more Impact: Potential bottlenecks can be Impact: This leads to higher profitability Impact: Teams feel valued, leading to
cost-effectively, and teams can achieve identified early, and proactive steps can and a better return on investment (ROI) increased productivity and reduced
more with less. be taken to address them. for projects. turnover.

Higher project Informed Enhanced flexibility Future-proofing

success rates: decision-making: and adaptability: projects:

Insight: With the right resources in the Insight: Resource management offers Insight: With a clear understanding of Insight: Lessons from resource
right place and time, project objectives data-driven insights into project performance, resource availability and constraints, it’s management can be applied to future
will likely be met. resource availability, and future needs. easier to adapt to changes or unexpected projects, predicting needs and potential
Impact: This results in a higher project Impact: Managers can make informed challenges. challenges.
success rate, boosting an organization's decisions, aligning actions with strategic Impact: Projects can pivot more smoothly due Impact: Future endeavors are better
reputation and credibility. goals. to changing requirements or external factors. planned and more resilient.

The Resource Manager's Handbook Understanding the benefits of resource management naturally leads us to explore its various phases.
What are the phases of resource management?
Resource management isn't just a one-time action; it's a cycle with multiple phases that ensures all resources are optimized throughout a project's life.
Each phase is pivotal in ensuring that resources are used efficiently and effectively:

High level | Long range Detail level | Near term

Capacity planning Resource planning Resource scheduling

1 Resource forecasting 2 Resource planning 5 Resource scheduling

Predicting future resource needs based on Strategically planning types and quantities of Organizing resources’ time and schedules
upcoming projects and business demands. resources needed for future projects. to ensure project timelines are met.

3 Resource acquisition 6 Resource utilization

Procuring or hiring the necessary resources,
Maximizing the effective use of resources to
such as staff or materials, for projects.
increase productivity and reduce waste.

4 Resource allocation 7 Resource smoothing

Distributing available resources to various Modifying project plans to optimize resource
projects or departments within an organization. usage without changing the project timeline.

8 Resource tracking and reporting

Monitoring resource usage, and reporting this
information for management review.

Each phase intertwines, forming a cohesive system that ensures resources are used
most efficiently, and the project is completed successfully and on time. Let’s start 9 Resource releasing
Releasing resources back into the pool upon
from the beginning with resource forecasting. project completion or at certain stages.

The Resource Manager's Handbook

What is resource forecasting?
Resource forecasting is the foundation stone for successful resource management. Let's dive deeper into this pivotal phase.

Key components:
Definition: Resource forecasting estimates the
type, quantity, and timeframe of resources required Historical analysis Demand analysis Supply analysis Trend analysis
for future tasks or projects. This estimation is based Previous projects offer This involves assessing the Here, the focus is on External factors, such as
on a combination of historical data, current invaluable insights. Resource scope and requirements of available resources, market trends, technological
usage patterns, successes, and upcoming projects to including personnel, advancements, or economic
organizational needs, and external market trends. pitfalls from past projects can determine the resources equipment, and fluctuations, can influence
guide future forecasting. they will require. financial assets. resource needs.

Importance Challenges Tips for effective resource

Budgeting Changing requirements forecasting
Projects often evolve, and their resource needs
Accurate forecasting allows for the creation of realistic budgets,
can change. Regularly update data
ensuring projects don’t stall due to financial constraints.
Ensure your forecasting tools or systems are updated
with the latest project data.
Strategic planning Data accuracy
Knowing resource needs in advance aids in strategic decisions, like Forecasting is only as good as the data it relies on. Collaborate
whether to hire new talent, invest in equipment, or outsource certain Inaccurate or outdated data can lead to faulty forecasts.
Involve team leads, project managers, and other stakeholders in
the forecasting process for a holistic view.

Risk mitigation External factors

Use technology
By anticipating resource shortages or surpluses, organizations Unpredictable events, such as economic downturns,
can proactively devise solutions, reducing project delays or natural disasters, or global crises, can significantly Implement resource management software like PPM
hiccups. impact resource requirements. Express that can automate and enhance forecasting

The Resource Manager's Handbook

How to conduct resource forecasting with PPM Express?
Accurate resource forecasting ensures you have the right resources in the right place at the right time.
With PPM Express, the complexities of forecasting are simplified, ensuring your projects run seamlessly.

01 Understand your current 02 Integrate project 03 Predict resource

resource allocation timelines demands

Before forecasting future resource needs, Sync your project timelines with PPM Express. Using historical data and current project
use PPM Express to gain a clear overview The tool's integration with Azure DevOps requirements, estimate future resource
of current allocations. Who's working on Boards, Jira Software, Microsoft Project, needs. PPM Express's analytics can
what? What are their capacities? Such Microsoft Planner, Smartsheet, and help identify patterns and trends in
insights can provide a foundation for future allows you to visualize how resource usage.
predictions. overlapping projects affect resource availability.

04 Match skills 05 Continuous 06 Communicate 07 Review

to tasks monitoring with teams and refine

Not all resources are interchangeable. PPM Resource needs can change as projects evolve. Forecasting isn't just a managerial task. Engage The goal isn't just to forecast but to improve
Express allows you to categorize resources Regularly review and adjust your forecasts in with your teams. Their ground-level insights can the accuracy of those forecasts over time.
based on skills, expertise, and experience. PPM Express to reflect these changes. The be invaluable in predicting resource needs. PPM Regularly compare predicted resource needs
When forecasting, ensure that the right platform's real-time analytics ensure you're Express facilitates effective team communication with actual usage in PPM Express, refining
expertise is matched to upcoming tasks. always working with up-to-date information. with its MS Teams integration, ensuring your approach based on the insights you
everyone's on the same page. gather.

The Resource Manager's Handbook

What is resource planning?
Resource planning serves as a roadmap guiding how, when, and where resources will be deployed. Let’s dive deeper.

Key components:
Definition: Resource planning is the systematic
process of defining, organizing, and setting out how Resource Breakdown Constraints
resources will be utilized throughout the lifecycle of a Structure (RBS) Resource calendars Priority setting analysis
project. It involves matching available resources with This hierarchical These detail when specific Deciding which tasks or Recognizing limitations,
project needs, ensuring every aspect of a project is representation categorizes resources, especially projects get precedence can whether they're budgetary,
resources, making identifying personnel, are available, help you allocate resources temporal, or material, is
sufficiently backed. aiding in effective scheduling. where they are needed most. crucial for realistic planning.
and allocating them easier.

Importance Challenges Tips for effective resource

Strategic alignment Dynamic changes
Proper planning ensures that resources align with organizational As projects progress, their requirements can shift,
Continuous monitoring
objectives and project goals. necessitating continual adjustments in resource plans. Regularly revisit and adjust the resource plan to align
with changing project needs.
Cost efficiency Resource conflicts
By effectively planning, organizations can avoid overuse or underuse Multiple projects might vie for the same resources, leading
Stakeholder engagement
of resources, leading to cost savings. to allocation dilemmas. Maintain open communication with all project stakeholders to
ensure their needs and constraints are factored in.
Timely project delivery Unforeseen circumstances
With resources readily available and well-organized, projects are Unexpected events or obstacles can disrupt even the Leverage technology
more likely to stay on track and meet deadlines. most meticulous plans.
Modern resource management tools like PPM Express can
provide insights, analytics, and automation, greatly
assisting resource planning.

The Resource Manager's Handbook

How to conduct resource planning with PPM Express?
Once you've forecasted your resource needs, the next step is to plan how to allocate those resources to ensure project success. PPM Express streamlines
this process, ensuring your projects stay on track and your teams remain productive.

01 Define project 02 Identify available 03 Match resources 04 Avoid resource

requirements resources to tasks over-allocation

Begin by detailing the specific tasks and Take stock of all available resources – from Allocate your resources based on project needs Over-allocating resources can lead to
deliverables for your upcoming projects. personnel to tools and equipment. Consider and resource capabilities. PPM Express's burnout and decreased productivity.
With PPM Express, you can outline every experience, expertise, and past performance. Use Roadmap intuitive interface makes assigning Use PPM Express's visualization
phase, determining the skills, man-hours, PPM Express to maintain a dynamic list of all your resources to specific tasks easy, ensuring a good features to identify instances of
and tools required. resources, ensuring you clearly understand what's fit every time. over-allocation and redistribute tasks as
available. needed.

05 Plan for 06 Monitor 07 Foster 08 Review

contingencies and adjust communication and optimize

Unexpected changes are a part of every As projects progress, the initial resource Ensure team members and stakeholders are kept After the project's conclusion, use PPM
project. Have a plan in place for how you'll allocations might need tweaking. Use PPM in the loop about resource allocations. With PPM Express to review resource allocations.
reallocate resources should a team Express's real-time tracking features to monitor Express, communication is seamless. Team What went well? Where were there
member fall ill, equipment break down, or resource utilization, making adjustments as members can access their resource schedules challenges? Use these insights to improve
other unforeseen events occur. necessary. within MS Teams, ensuring everyone knows their resource planning for future projects.

The Resource Manager's Handbook

What is resource acquisition?
Transitioning from planning to action, resource acquisition transforms the vision of a project into a tangible reality. Let's dive deeper.

Key components:
Definition: Resource acquisition refers to sourcing,
obtaining, and onboarding the resources necessary Vendor Recruitment Licensing Contract
for a project. This can encompass hiring personnel, management and onboarding and compliance negotiation
procuring equipment, licensing software, renting For resources that are When human resources are Especially relevant for software Establishing terms and
outsourced or purchased, needed, this involves attracting, and patented equipment, conditions, pricing, and
facilities, or securing other required assets.
managing supplier hiring, and integrating new obtaining proper licenses and deliverables when engaging
relationships is essential. team members. adhering to regulations is crucial. with third parties.

Importance Challenges Tips for effective resource

Budgetary control Resource availability
Proper acquisition procedures can lead to cost savings, ensuring The desired resources might not always be available Due diligence
resources are procured at optimal prices. in the market or within the expected timeframe.
Research potential vendors or candidates thoroughly

Quality assurance Budgetary constraints before acquisition to ensure quality and reliability.

Acquiring the best-fit and highest-quality resources boosts Financial limitations can hinder the acquisition of the most Negotiation skills
projects' overall quality and success rate. suitable resources.
Effective negotiation can lead to better prices, terms, and quality
Project feasibility Quality variance of resources.
Even the best-laid plans falter without the right resources, so The procured resources might not always meet the
effective acquisition ensures the project moves from the planning Utilize technology
expected standards or specifications.
phase to the execution phase. Procurement (tools like SAP Ariba, Coupa, and Precoro) and
HR software (tools like Bob, Factorial, and KENJO) can
streamline the acquisition process, ensuring transparency
and efficiency.
The Resource Manager's Handbook
How to conduct resource acquisition with PPM Express?
After forecasting and planning your resource needs, the next critical stage is resource acquisition. PPM Express assists in making this process efficient,
ensuring you gather the best resources in a timely and cost-effective manner.

01 Identify 02 Set clear 03 Explore multiple 04 Assess and

gaps acquisition criteria sources evaluate

Begin by assessing your current resources Determine the qualifications, expertise, Whether you're hiring new personnel, leasing equipment, or Once potential resources have been
against your project needs. With PPM and other attributes you're seeking. Set purchasing software, always explore multiple options. PPM identified, assess them to ensure they
Express, you can quickly spot areas you and filter these criteria, ensuring you Express can integrate with major project management systems meet your project's needs. Rank and
lack, whether specific skill sets, tools, or acquire resources that fit your project like Azure DevOps Boards, Jira Software, Microsoft Project, score resources based on set criteria,
equipment. perfectly. Microsoft Planner, Smartsheet, and, ensuring you providing an objective evaluation.
have a wide range of choices at your fingertips in this area.

05 Onboard 06 Monitor resource 07 Manage 08 Review acquisition

efficiently integration costs processes

After acquiring new resources, bring them on Ensure that new resources integrate Keep an eye on your acquisition expenses to ensure you Post-project, assess the effectiveness of your
board swiftly. Try not to streamline the well into your project. Use PPM remain within budget. PPM Express offers financial tracking resource acquisition strategies. Did you get
onboarding process, whether by training new Express's tracking tools to monitor tools that give you real-time insights into your expenditure, the best resources? Were there any delays?
staff or installing new software, to assess their performance and ensure they helping you make informed decisions. PPM Express's reporting features allow you to
technology better and educate personnel. contribute effectively to the project. analyze this data, helping you refine your
acquisition processes for future projects.

The Resource Manager's Handbook

What is resource allocation?
Once resources have been acquired, the next crucial step is determining where and how they will be used. Let's dive into the intricacies of this process.

Key components:
Definition: Resource allocation involves assigning
and distributing available resources to different Needs Conflict
projects based on their requirements. It ensures that assessment Resource pool resolution Feedback loop
each project has the necessary resources to proceed Evaluating the specific An organized inventory of Addressing situations Continuous communication
without hindrances. requirements of each all available resources, where multiple projects with teams to adjust
project to understand its making allocating them require the same allocations based on
resource needs. easier. resource. real-time requirements.

Importance Challenges Tips for effective resource

Optimized workflow Dynamic project needs
Efficient allocation ensures projects don't wait for resources, As projects evolve, resource requirements might Stay agile
leading to smoother project execution. change, leading to reallocation challenges.
Adopt a flexible approach to allocation. This makes it
Priority management Resource scarcity easier to adapt to changing project needs.
Proper allocation ensures critical projects receive the necessary Limited resources can lead to allocation dilemmas,
Utilize allocation tools
resources on time. especially when multiple projects vie for the same resource.
Modern resource management tools like PPM Express can
Cost efficiency Communication barriers assist in visualizing and optimizing resource distribution.

By preventing over-allocation or under-allocation, organizations can Ineffective communication can result in misallocation
avoid unnecessary expenses and ensure resources are used to their or resource hoarding.
Regular review
maximum potential. Periodically assess the allocation strategy to identify areas
of improvement or potential resource shifts.

The Resource Manager's Handbook

How to conduct resource allocation with PPM Express?
Once you've acquired the necessary resources, the crucial next step is their effective allocation. Assigning the right resources to the right projects can be
the difference between project success and project failure. PPM Express streamlines this process, ensuring optimal utilization of resources throughout
your project's duration.

01 Visualize the 02 Match skillsets 03 Prioritize 04 Balance 05 Account for

“big picture” with projects assignments workloads resource availability

Start with a holistic view of all your Identify the expertise required for Determine which projects are Prevent resource burnout by ensuring Consider vacations, leaves, and other
available resources and project each project. Using PPM Express, critical and which can wait. With no individual or team is overwhelmed. out-of-office scenarios. PPM Express
tasks. PPM Express's dashboard match projects with resources PPM Express, you can assign PPM Express's workload visualization helps track resource availability,
offers a comprehensive snapshot, possessing the requisite skills, priorities, ensuring that vital features help evenly distribute projects, ensuring you don't allocate projects to
helping you gauge where each ensuring projects are executed project components are ensuring everyone works optimally. unavailable personnel.
resource would be most effective. efficiently and correctly. addressed first.

06 Adjust in 07 Monitor 08 Facilitate 09 Facilitate

real time resource utilization collaboration collaboration

Projects evolve and needs can Keep track of how efficiently Ensure resources can work effectively Ensure resources can work effectively
change. PPM Express offers resources are being utilized. With together. PPM Express integrates together. PPM Express integrates
real-time monitoring, allowing for PPM Express's reporting tools, with collaboration tools, which helps with collaboration tools, which helps
instant resource reallocation assess if resources are being teams communicate, share teams communicate, share
when necessary. underutilized or overextended and documents, and keep everyone in documents, and keep everyone in
adjust accordingly. sync. sync.

The Resource Manager's Handbook

What is resource scheduling?
While allocation assigns resources to tasks, resource scheduling determines the 'when'. Let's explore this pivotal phase.

Key components:
Definition: Resource scheduling is the process of
setting timelines for when and how long a resource Resource Dependency
will be used for specific tasks or projects. This Gantt charts calendars mapping Buffer time
encompasses plotting out the sequence, duration, A visual tool to depict the duration These detail the availability of Understanding which tasks Factoring in extra
and intervals of resource usage. and sequence of tasks, showing resources, aiding in aligning depend on others can help time for unforeseen
when each resource is needed. resources with task timelines. sequence resource usage. delays or challenges.

Importance Challenges Tips for effective resource

Project continuity Overlapping demands
Efficient scheduling ensures no downtime waiting for resources, Multiple tasks might require the same resource Stay adaptable
leading to uninterrupted project execution. simultaneously, causing scheduling conflicts. It's vital to remain flexible and open to revising schedules
based on real-time project dynamics.
Avoid resource burnout Unpredictable delays Use scheduling software
By scheduling resources judiciously, organizations can prevent Unexpected events or task extensions can disrupt
schedules, necessitating rescheduling. Modern tools like PPM Express can automate scheduling, factor
overworking them, especially human resources.
in constraints, and offer visual representations for better
Cost management Resource limitations
Timely usage of resources, especially rented or outsourced ones, Limited availability of key resources can pose Frequent communication
can lead to cost savings. scheduling challenges. Ensuring all team members are aware of the schedule and
any changes helps make execution smoother.

The Resource Manager's Handbook

How to conduct resource scheduling with PPM Express?
After you've allocated resources, ensuring they're scheduled effectively is your next imperative. Effective scheduling optimizes time, reduces clashes, and
maximizes productivity. With PPM Express, resource scheduling becomes an effortless, precision-guided process.

01 Consolidate 02 Minimize 03 Allow 04 Access anytime,

resource availability overlaps buffer time anywhere

Begin by gathering all available times and Avoid scheduling resources for multiple tasks Insert buffers between tasks to account for Remote and on-the-go teams need
dates for each resource. PPM Express simultaneously. PPM Express's resource potential delays or unforeseen challenges. access to their schedules no matter
provides a centralized calendar, ensuring allocation dashboard will alert you of any Add buffer periods to provide flexibility for where they are. The cloud-based nature
you have a clear picture of when each potential scheduling overlaps, ensuring resources resources and keep schedules realistic. of PPM Express ensures that schedules
resource is available. aren’t spread thin. are accessible and adjustable from any

05 Facilitate 06 Integration 07 Monitor 08 Review

easy rescheduling with other tools adherence and optimize

Plans change, and schedules need adjusting. Your team might use other scheduling or project It's essential to track whether resources Post-project, review the efficiency of the
PPM Express's drag-and-drop functionality management tools. PPM Express integrates are sticking to their schedules. PPM scheduling process. PPM Express’s analytics
ensures that if a task needs rescheduling, it seamlessly with popular platforms like Azure DevOps Express's monitoring tools provide will help you identify areas for improvement,
can be done in seconds without disrupting Boards, Jira Software, Microsoft Project, Microsoft insights into schedule adherence, helping ensuring even more effective scheduling in
the entire plan. Planner, Smartsheet, and, ensuring no managers make necessary interventions. future projects.
disconnect in scheduling information.

The Resource Manager's Handbook

What is resource utilization?
Resource utilization transcends mere allocation and scheduling; it ensures resources are employed effectively and efficiently. Let's dive into its components.

Key components:
Definition: Resource utilization measures the
degree to which the capacity of available resources Capacity Performance Feedback
is used. Often expressed as a percentage, it provides Utilization rate analysis benchmarks mechanisms
insights into whether resources are overworked, The ratio of actual hours worked Assessing a resource's Setting target utilization rates Systems to receive insights
underutilized, or optimally employed. to the total available hours, often maximum output or service based on industry standards from resource handlers,
used for human resources. level. or organizational goals. especially team members,
about resource workload.

Importance Challenges Tips for effective resource

Efficiency metrics Changing dynamics
Proper utilization ensures maximum productivity from each As projects evolve, the utilization needs and rates can shift, Regular monitoring
resource, optimizing return on investment. demanding constant monitoring.
Using tools like PPM Express with Power BI dashboards
to monitor real-time utilization rates ensures prompt
Operational insight Resource variability adjustments.
Monitoring utilization provides valuable data on operational Different resources might have distinct utilization
efficiencies and areas of potential improvement. metrics, requiring a flexible approach to monitoring. Feedback integration
Listening to team members or resource handlers can provide
Cost management Balancing act valuable insights for utilization tweaks.

Effective utilization can prevent financial wastage from underused Striking a balance between overutilization (leading to
Future forecasting
resources or the added costs of overburdening them. burnout or wear) and underutilization (leading to
wastage) can be challenging. Using historical data to predict future utilization needs and
adjusting accordingly.

The Resource Manager's Handbook

How to conduct resource utilization with PPM Express?
The next aspect of resource management is ensuring the resources you've planned, acquired, allocated, and scheduled are utilized optimally. PPM
Express simplifies resource utilization, ensuring maximum efficiency without overburdening your team or assets.

01 Real-time 02 Historical 03 Optimize 04 Periodic 05 Flexibility

monitoring data analysis skill-based utilization resource audits in allocation

PPM Express provides live Analyze past projects to understand Some resources excel in specific Conduct regular checks to see if Should a resource suddenly become
dashboards, giving managers an utilization trends. PPM Express areas. PPM Express's skills fields resources are being utilized as planned. unavailable or overburdened, PPM
immediate overview of resource archives past data, offering insights let you match the best-suited PPM Express's reporting tools make Express facilitates quick reallocation,
utilization. This helps in quick into periods of under-utilization or resources to tasks they're most these audits straightforward and ensuring no drop in overall utilization
adjustments if a resource is under- peak demand, allowing for better proficient in, ensuring peak data-driven. rates.
or over-utilized. future planning. utilization.

06 Optimize 07 Forecast 08 Collaborative 09 Scalability

for efficiency and adjust feedback loop considerations

Beyond mere allocation, focus on Utilize PPM Express’s predictive Create a culture of continuous As projects grow or shrink, resource
maximizing output. PPM Express analytics to forecast future feedback. PPM Express's ideation needs shift. PPM Express offers
offers efficiency metrics, allowing utilization needs based on current and innovation management tools scalable solutions, ensuring resource
managers to optimize processes trends. This proactive approach allow team members to provide input utilization adapts to project
for better resource output. ensures resources are always on their utilization, leading to more dynamics.
aligned with project requirements. informed decision-making.

The Resource Manager's Handbook

What is resource smoothing?
Not all project periods experience equal resource demand. At times, resources might be overloaded, while at others, they remain underutilized.
Let's understand how resource smoothing addresses this imbalance.

Key components:
Definition: Resource smoothing is a technique in
project management that adjusts resource allocation Resource Constraint Iterative
to ensure that resource usage doesn't exceed set thresholds Task flexibility analysis adjustments
limits while still adhering to the original project Defining the maximum Identifying tasks with flexible Recognizing constraints Continually fine-tuning
timeline. limit or capacity of each start and end dates to adjust that dictate resource allocations based on
resource. resource allocation without availability or workload project progression and
affecting the project timeline. limits. real-time challenges.

Importance Challenges Tips for effective resource

Maintain resource limits Fixed deadlines
Smoothing ensures resources are used within their maximum Smoothing within strict deadlines can be challenging, Clear guidelines
available capacity, preventing over-exertion. especially if resources are limited.
Establish clear capacity limits and constraints at the
onset to guide the smoothing process.
Optimized performance Resource variability
By distributing workloads evenly, smoothing leads to more consistent Different resources might have distinct capacity thresholds, Utilize smoothing tools
performance and output. making uniform smoothing intricate.
Leveraging modern project management tools like PPM Express
can simplify the smoothing process, offering real-time insights
Respect project deadlines Unexpected changes and adjustments.
Unlike leveling, smoothing doesn’t change the project’s end date, Any unplanned adjustments in project requirements
ensuring timely deliverables. can offset smoothing efforts. Regular check-ins
Constantly assess the resource allocation state to ensure it
remains within set parameters without overloading.

The Resource Manager's Handbook

How to conduct resource smoothing with PPM Express?
Resource smoothing is a refinement technique in resource management aimed at optimizing the
distribution of work among team members without altering the project's end date. PPM Express gives you
the tools and insights needed to allocate resources and ensure even workloads.

01 Overview of visual 02 Task shifting without 03 Adjust

workload project extension recommendations

With PPM Express's intuitive dashboards, Resource smoothing doesn't mean delaying Receive automatic suggestions from
get a bird's eye view of everyone's the project. PPM Express ensures that while PPM Express when it detects
workload. Easily identify peaks and valleys tasks might be shifted between team imbalances in resource allocation. This
in resource allocations in order to members, the project end date remains can guide decisions on where and when
redistribute tasks for a more balanced unchanged. to smooth workloads.

04 Resource profiles 05 Collaborative 06 Track 07 Automated

and skill matching smoothing decisions your progress notifications

Resource smoothing is not just about workload; Engage with your team through PPM Monitor the effects of resource smoothing on Keep team members in the loop. When
it's about matching the right task to the right Express's collaboration features. Gather project milestones and deliverables. PPM resource allocations are smoothed, and tasks
skill set. PPM Express's detailed resource input and insights from team members to Express's tracking tools ensure that are reassigned, PPM Express sends
profiles ensure that tasks are assigned based make informed, smooth decisions everyone smoothing doesn't adversely impact project automated notifications, ensuring everyone is
on expertise, not just availability. can agree with. outcomes. updated promptly.

The Resource Manager's Handbook

What is resource tracking and reporting?
Ensuring the effective employment of resources requires a vigilant eye on their usage and performance. Let's dive deeper.

Key components:
Definition: Resource tracking and reporting involve
monitoring the real-time utilization of resources, Real-time Comparative Performance Automated
comparing them against planned allocations, and monitoring tools analysis metrics reporting
generating detailed reports to provide insights into Systems or software like PPM Matching real-time data Key indicators measuring Tools like Power BI that can
resource performance and project progression. Express with Power BI against initial plans to resource efficiency, generate detailed, structured
integration that provide live spot deviations. utilization rates, and output reports at predefined
data on resource usage. quality. intervals.

Importance Challenges Tips for effective resource

tracking and reporting:
Informed decision-making Tool integration
Regular tracking and reporting provide data-driven insights that Ensuring that tracking and reporting tools integrate
Use comprehensive tools
can guide crucial project decisions. seamlessly with other project management software (PPM
Invest in tools like PPM Express with its 200+ pre-built
Express can help).
Power BI reports offering streamlined operations
Predicting bottlenecks Data overload tracking and reporting functionalities.
By monitoring resource usage, potential challenges or shortages can With a plethora of generated data, filtering out critical
be identified and addressed proactively. information can be challenging. Set regular intervals
Define specific times for reviews, whether daily, weekly, or
Stakeholder communication Staying updated monthly, to maintain consistency.
Detailed reports serve as communication tools to inform As projects evolve, the tracking parameters and
stakeholders about project status and resource health. metrics might need constant updates.
Customize reports
Tailor reports to suit the audience, team leads, stakeholders,
or clients, ensuring clarity and relevance.

The Resource Manager's Handbook

How to conduct resource tracking and reporting with PPM Express?
Accurate tracking and comprehensive reporting are the cornerstones of effective resource management. PPM Express, integrated with Power BI, offers
a robust suite of 200+ project and portfolio management reports designed to provide real-time insights and detailed analytics on resource utilization,
ensuring projects stay on course.

01 Utilize dynamic 02 Track 03 Automate 04 Get real-time 05 Control

dashboards your time reporting notifications performance metrics

Leverage PPM Express’s customizable Understand precisely how much Say goodbye to manually compiling Be instantly alerted to any resource Evaluate team performance with
dashboards to visualize resource time is spent on specific tasks. reports. With just a few clicks, discrepancies, over-allocations, or various metrics, from task completion
allocations, monitor workload distributions, PPM Express’s time tracking generate detailed resource utilization underutilizations. PPM Express's rates to hours worked. It’s not just about
and spot potential bottlenecks at a glance. feature gives managers the data reports, burn-down charts, and proactive notifications ensure tracking; it’s about understanding how
It's a real-time snapshot of where to optimize allocations and more, keeping stakeholders informed managers can take timely to improve.
resources are being spent. streamline work processes. and projects transparent. corrective actions.

06 Use the resource 07 Generate 08 Integrate 09 Gather

availability calendar custom reports with other tools feedback

Easily view when resources are Every project is unique, and so Synchronize data from other tools Use the insights from PPM
available or overbooked. With PPM are its reporting needs. into PPM Express, ensuring your Express’s tracking and reporting
Express’s calendar feature, planning Customize your reports in PPM resource tracking and reporting are tools to refine resource strategies,
and reallocating becomes a breeze. Express to focus on the metrics comprehensive and unified. ensuring iterative improvement and
that matter most to you. enhanced efficiency.

The Resource Manager's Handbook

What is resource releasing?
As projects approach their conclusion, the systematic release of resources becomes crucial. This ensures efficient redeployment and optimal utilization in
future endeavors. Let's dive into its intricacies.

Key components:
Definition: Resource release refers to the formal
process of freeing up resources from their current Resource
assignments after the completion of tasks or Debrief sessions health check Documentation Transition plans
projects. It involves evaluating performance,
Meetings to discuss and Ensuring that physical Creating records of resource Guidelines or processes that
documenting lessons learned, and preparing document resource resources are in good engagement, challenges, aid resources, especially
resources for their next engagement. performance, challenges faced, condition and ready for achievements, and human, to transition smoothly
and lessons learned. subsequent use. feedback. to their next task or project.

Importance Challenges Tips for effective resource

Operational efficiency Emotional factors
Systematic resource release helps quickly redirect resources to For long-term projects, team members might have Structured process
where they're needed next. emotional ties, making the transition challenging. Establish a formalized process for resource release to
ensure consistency across projects.
Performance evaluation Resource maintenance
Physical resources may need maintenance or upgrades
It's an opportunity to assess resource performance, leading to better
Feedback mechanism
future allocations. before redeployment.
Encourage open feedback during debrief sessions to gain
Cost management Administrative delays insights for future improvements.
Prompt release of rented or outsourced resources can lead to Bureaucratic or administrative processes can
significant cost savings. sometimes delay the release, especially in large Continuous learning
Utilize the release phase as a learning opportunity, refining
resource management strategies based on past

The Resource Manager's Handbook

How to conduct resource releasing with PPM Express?
Resource releasing is a crucial final step in the resource management process. PPM Express streamlines this process, ensuring optimal resource rotations
and readiness for future assignments.

01 Get automated 02 Oversee 03 Collect 04 Control the 05 Analyze skills

release alerts the portfolio view feedback calendar updates and performance

Never over-extend a resource Seamlessly move resources between After releasing a resource, gather As soon as a resource is released, Post-project, evaluate a resource's
again. Notify the manager when a projects with PPM Express’s portfolio feedback about their experience on PPM Express automatically performance and any new skills
resource is nearing the end of its view. This ensures that all relevant the project. This can provide valuable updates the availability calendar, acquired. Update profiles to reflect their
task or project, ensuring timely information about a resource’s recent insights for future assignments and providing a real-time view of progression, ensuring they're matched
releases. project involvement is recorded, overall resource optimization. resource availability for managers. with suitable future projects.
aiding in smooth transitions.

06 Check resource 07 Maintain and 08 Update resource 09 Utilize future 10 Release

wellbeing update assets repositories recommendations reports

Especially important for human For non-human resources, such As resources complete projects and Based on a resource's recent Generate comprehensive reports on
resources – conduct wellbeing as tools or equipment, track acquire new experiences or skills, assignments and performance, released resources detailing their
checks, ensuring that team members maintenance schedules or PPM Express helps update a central PPM Express can offer project involvements, achievements,
aren’t burned out and are ready for update requirements, ensuring repository. This ensures that the most recommendations for future and feedback. This aids in continuous
their next assignment. they're in top shape for the recent and accurate data is always projects or training, ensuring improvement and strategy refinement.
next project. available for planning and allocation. continuous growth and Having explored the phases of resource
development. management, let's look ahead at the
future trends in this field.
The Resource Manager's Handbook
What are the future trends in resource management?
As businesses evolve and the world becomes increasingly interconnected, resource management is set to undergo a series of transformative shifts.
Let's explore the emerging trends that will shape the future of resource management:

Integration of Artificial
Holistic resource Focus on remote work Sustainable resource
Intelligence & Machine
management platforms: & distributed teams: management:
Insight: Advanced algorithms will predict Insight: Integrated platforms will offer Insight: The rise of remote work necessitates Insight: There will be a heightened emphasis
resource needs, optimize allocations, and end-to-end resource management solutions, tools and strategies tailored to manage on sustainability, considering the
forecast potential bottlenecks. from planning to tracking and analytics. distributed resources. environmental and social impacts of resource
Impact: Enhanced efficiency, reduced Impact: Simplified workflows, centralized Impact: Flexibility in resource allocation, decisions.
wastage, and improved project outcomes data, and a unified view of resources across tapping into global talent pools, and increased Impact: Projects that are profitable, socially
through data-driven insights. projects. adaptability to changing circumstances. responsible, and environmentally friendly.

Increased emphasis on
Real-time resource Personalized resource Blockchain in resource
skill development
analytics: experiences: allocation & tracking:
& upgradation:
Insight: The need for instant data will provide Insight: Tools will evolve to offer personalized Insight: As the business landscape changes, Insight: Blockchain technology will offer
systems with real-time insights into resource experiences based on user roles, preferences, continuous learning will be focused, ensuring transparent, immutable, and decentralized
usage, availability, and performance. and past behaviors. resources (especially human) remain relevant. tracking of resource allocations and
Impact: Instantaneous decision-making, Impact: Improved user engagement, quicker Impact: Teams that are adaptable, transactions.
proactive problem-solving, and timely project tool adaptation, and enhanced productivity. up-to-date, and ready to tackle future Impact: Enhanced trust, reduced fraud, and
adjustments. challenges. improved collaboration between stakeholders.

While it's vital to recognize future trends in resource management, let's discover how to maximize efficiency today with PPM Express in three simple steps.

The Resource Manager's Handbook

Maximizing your resource management efficiency
with PPM Express: 3 simple steps
PPM Express is an AI-powered project portfolio and resource management tool integrated with various project management platforms (including
Azure DevOps Boards, Jira Software, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Planner, Smartsheet, and to enha on, reporting, and cloud project
visibility in your resource management.

Here are the steps to get PPM Express:

01 02 Choose a pricing plan 03

Resource managemenet plan
Visit the PPM Optimize team and asset allocation Use PPM Express
Express website and as your resource
book a discovery call Portfolio management plan management
Align projects with your business goals
by entering your efficiently.
email address. solution.
Product management plan
Streamline your product development
and launch process.

By following these steps, project managers can access PPM Express and unlock the full potential of AI-powered resource management by exploring the
range of features and tools PPM Express offers, empowering organizations to achieve peak team efficiency, strategic decision-making, and collaborative

The Resource Manager's Handbook

Supercharge your project portfolio management
with PPM Express integration

PPM Express equips organizations with:

Portfolio management Resource planning Ideation/ initiative intake

Program management Roadmapping Advanced reporting with Microsoft Power BI

Project management Prioritization, strategic themes, strategic Integration with multiple platforms
Task management Automation and API
OKR (Objectives and Key Results)

Schedule your free consultation

with our PPM Transformation Team today to discuss your goals,
objectives, and the current state of your processes

The Resource Manager's Handbook


Resource management is the heart of successful projects,

melding art and science. This guide, the Handbook, has laid out
its core principles, challenges, and the path forward.

As the world of business changes, so will our tools and

approaches, but the essence of resource management remains:
diligent planning, proactive action, and constant optimization.

With the insights from this Handbook, you can confidently

navigate this direction with success.

Thank you for joining us on this exploration!
Sincerely, PPM Express team.

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