Used To Anh 7

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Circle the correct answer

1. Peter (used to/ use to) drive to work but now he doesn’t.
2. I didn’t (used to/ use to) eat with chopsticks when I lived in America.
3. Did they (used to/ use to) work in a big factory before their retirement?
4. Mr Lam (used to/ use to) work in Japan for 3 years.
5. My classmates didn’t (used to/ use to) like me.
6. There (used to/ use to) be a lot of trees along this street.
II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of “used to” and the verb in bracket.
1. I _______________ (not like) flying, but I love it now.
2. We _______________ (be) friends, but we don’t get on now.
3. _______________ (John/ work) for IBM before he came here?
4. Winters _______________(not/ be) as cold as they are now.
5. She _______________ (live) with her mother, but now she lives with her father.
6. He _______________ (not fish) every weekend, but now does
7. He _______________ (play) with his toys every day when he was a kid
8. When he was a famous director, he _______________ (shoot) threee movies
9. He _______________(not fall) in love so often when he was younger, but now he
falls in love every month.
10. When he was famous, he _______________ (play) the guitar in our club every
Saturday night.
11. I don’t know what has happened to him. He sleeps at classes every day and he
_______________ (be) such a brilliant student.
III. Rewrite each sentence or question so it has the same meaning. Use “Used to”
1. Ricardo got up at 6.00 when he was training for the Olympics.
2. What did you usually do on Saturday evenings?
3. Sophie was afraid of dogs when she was a little girl.
4. We always gave our teachers presents at the end of term.
5. Did you live next door to Mrs. Harrison?
IV. Make an affirmative sentence, negative sentence or question using “used to + infinitive”
1. She/ be able to speak French, but she has forgetten it all
2. He/ play golf every weekend?
3. They both/ have short hair.
4. Julie/ study Portuguese.
5. I/ not/ hate school.
V. Choose the correct answer
1. I ___________ skinny when I was young.
A. used to be
B. used be
C. used to
2. We ___________ in New Jersey.
A. used to living
B. used live
C. used to live
3. Lisa speaks English now, but she ___________ it when she was young.
A. didn’t used to speak
B. not used to speak
C. didn’t use to speak
4. People ___________ to the radio more in the old days.
A. used to listening
B. used listen
C. used to listen
5. Can you believe that Grandpa ___________ tennis when he was young?
A. used to play
B. used play
C. used to be playing
Rewrite sentences by using “used to” or “didn’t use to”
1. I had a lot of money but I lost it all when my business failed.
2. I quite like classical music now, although I wasn’t keen on it when I was younger.
3. I eat ice-cream now, but I disliked eating it when I was a child.
4. When he was younger, my uncle was a national swimming champion.
5. Jim was my best friend, but we aren’t friends any more.
6. My parents lived in the USA when they were young.

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