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Tax is a mandatory contribution from a person or entity to the state, which is coercive in accordance

with the law without any direct imbalance. The main purpose of tax collection is to increase state
revenue as much as possible because tax collection is one of the most important sources of state
income that comes from the people. In essence, the future can never be understood with certainty.
Even the most advanced risk management can only minimize movement, never eliminate it. So is the
potential for a global recession, saving so many reserves for the country, including Indonesia. The
role of taxes in maintaining economic stability, taxes are collected as much as possible in accordance
with relevant laws and regulations as Expenditure to carry out government tasks, to encourage and
control community activities to run according to plans set by the government, to utilize effective and
efficient taxes to controlling the movement of money in society, creating jobs aims to increase the
income of the Indonesian people. Taxes are very important to maintain Indonesia’s economic
stability, as a means to achieve people’s welfare because it is a source of state treasury revenue. One
of the ways the state can benefit is by collecting taxes from its citizens. Taxes also play an important
role in dealing with future recessions. Several preparations are needed, one of which is increasing
and distributing national income.

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