Issue October 2006

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Meann (center) The new HHM bus, possible Claire and Gerlie, well on her Claire with the

Claire with the kids in the

and Caleb,(right) because of your support way to recovery Childrens Recovery Unit
God is good all the brought two Doctors sorts of fun. And of
slightly suspicious of someone to take care sight with his wee Bank Account:
time! I know that’s with us. Doctora Cacho course he made
Helping Hands
why we wanted to of the kids on your drumsticks! Gerlie Bank: Northern Bank Ltd quite a cliché to some is the Assistant Chief doubly sure that
help for free and they behalf? A caregiver goes to school at Account Number: 61239074
but I tell you it’s been of James L Gordon Me- they all heard the
Sort Code: 95-03-61
were also very nerv- receives approx £55 a P.O.C, (Chrissy a reality to me and to morial Hospital and yet gospel. Grace, Leo,
ous about what the month and a nurse Perillo’s work in Cheques payable to:
my team especially in she came with us to do Emma and I assisted
Helping Hands Ministries
tests would reveal. approx £85. We can- nearby Subic) and Philippines the last year. We a medical mission! It the Doctors with the
not operate without she loves it too. She have undergone tri- was her first mission patients and medi-
Postal Address:
As I write this today good staff as our has matured a lot in 73 Main Street als, tribulations and trip since she came to cines and coun-
we have 18 patients name and the chil- the Lord this year and Moira
felt the heat of the know the Lord last seling. All in all it
County Armagh
in the CRU, some in dren depend on it. God continues to heal BT67 0LZ fight, but no matter year in our bible study. was amazing! Eve-
each of the 5 rooms. We only hire those her heart of all its Northern Ireland
what circumstances She and Doctora Mi- ryone ended up
We already have 28 who love the Lord and wounds. We are hop- Tel: we’ve faced (either randa, who also ac- worn out by night-
staff for the hospital want to see the work ing to get home early 028-92612701
from the devil or man companied us, were time but in usual
and recovery unit and of the Lord done with next year to update Email: made), we have had both moved by the Helping Hands style
we still need more. excellence. Please you all personally on
the privilege of the presence of the Lord we still had enough
At the minute we es- pray about helping the work. It will be so Website: assurance that God is while we worked. It energy to eat plenty
pecially need caregiv- us. nice to see you all
indeed good all the was tangible! The lo- and crack jokes till
ers and nurses for again. I miss the time! Phew!! I’m glad cal pastor there, put we finally fell asleep!
CRU. Can you help? Thanks to all who Irish hospitality and The medical mission team from
He never changes! us up in his church Who says ministry
Helping Hands
Perhaps you are a have kept me, and craic! (craic means again and treated us can’t be fun!
qualified nurse or the children, in your banter, humour) for I want to focus on like royalty throughout
child care worker, prayers throughout all our non Irish read- the good, the lovely our stay! I should One evening, I, Leo,
love the Lord, come the last year. We are ers. My health has and the praisewor- clarify though; we our volunteer psy-
with good references doing ok. Meann is been a little suspect thy! Let me tell you slept on the floor and chologist, and Em-
and want to take time now in school and recently between low how your giving, once again shared the ma, the social
out to serve Him? loving it. She got blood counts, low prayers and support bathroom with about worker from our
You could apply for a 80/80 in her first ex- blood pressure and Claire and HHM staff Richard have been blessing 30 other people!! In hospital in Olongapo
volunteer position am. Smart and gor- various lumps and distribute medicines
the lives of children return we filled his had the opportunity
here at helping geous like her mum. bumps that showed and their families church with many to counsel some of
hands. Just contact She turned four on up on ultrasounds so here in the Philip- newcomers and helped the actual mud sur-
my dad at the North- August 25th. But also, I would appreciate pines. him start numerous bi- vivors. No other
ern Ireland address just like her mum, your prayers for that. ble study groups medical mission
for more details. she’s a wee granny My guess is there’s See page 3 for full story Since the last news- throughout the evac- teams had been al-
Maybe you know of and knows everything nothing that a good letter we were able to uee camps. We all lowed to meet with
someone who may be about everything!! rest wouldn’t cure ...He has now been here
for about 6 weeks and go back to Leyte worked well as a team! them up to that
interested? Perhaps Caleb turned one this though!! Anyway, gets better everyday. Evangelism meeting at the
again to minister to Dang and Pastor Badi point as they were
medical mission in Leyte
you can mention our July and he was dedi- once again, thanks So far he has learned to
the landslide victims evangelized the adults being sheltered from
need to them? Or cated to the Lord this for being a great sup- say NO, GO, WOW and
MAM. He laughs, for a second time. It through bible studies, the media and on-
maybe you are tied September. He’s a port! shouts, plays and loves was marvelous! We (and have since fallen lookers. We had the
into commitments darling boy who is to greet me with a big
experienced even in love so watch this privilege of helping
there at home but adored by all. Just kiss every time I arrive
home. I praise the Lord more divine favour space). Ferns made two of the girls open
you still feel you want like his uncle Jason for the miracle He has everywhere we went sure that the kids were up and receive much
to help? Could you he aspires to be a done in that wee boys
and we were able to all kept entertained needed counsel.
life. It really is a great
help provide a salary
so we can employ
drummer! He blat-
ters everything in
God bless, Claire. inspiration to us all. A boy receives treatment at the
medical mission
reach even more
souls. This time we
with puppet shows,
dances, singing and all
They had been
struggling to release

Helping Hands Healing Hearts Ministries Philippines Incorporated - Helping Hands Healing Hearts Ministries Philippines Incorporated -
Claire with the kids of Leyte - Keeping the kids entertained A girl gets a checkup at the Children hear the gospel at a A boy gets a dental check at A child receives treatment HHM worker Ferns shares HHM worker Grace distrib-
landslide survivors. and sharing the Gospel medical mission HHM medical mission the medical mission with her mother with kids on medical mission utes much needed supplies

Helping Hands Ministries

Northern Ireland Address: their hurts until that when no words come to treated (around 15 cow so they could af- Doctors who had been day night Hospital Bi- Philippines –
Helping Hands Ministries
point. One young mind and all you can do at a time) aban- ford his treatment. treating him heard ble study is going well Children’s Recovery Unit
C/O Moira Pentecostal
6 Harris Street,
Church, teen had been is listen in silence, doned babies, mal- His health went pro- about it they all came too. There are usually East Bajac Bajac,
73 Main Street, Moira,
trapped in the mud weep when she wept nourished babies and gressively downhill to visit! It was really between 15 and 25 in Olongapo City,
County Armagh, BT67 0LZ,
Philippines 2200
Northern Ireland for three hours. She and smile when she infants, kids with and he ended up in a miracle right before attendance and every
spoke of how the peo- smiled. Until now she chest problems, intensive care for a our eyes. He has now week I can see each Helping Hands Ministries
Tel: 028-92612701
Philippines -
ple ran like hoards of keeps in touch with us brain tumours, ma- whole month. By the been here for about 6 of them mature in the Visitor’s Residence
rats when the moun- via text. Her ears are laria, meningitis, time he got back on weeks and gets better Lord. 17 Foster Street,
Advisory Board:
New Banicain,
Pastor David Goudy tain collapsed and the still bleeding and she cerebral palsy, Hy- the ward, Dominic everyday. So far he Olongapo City,
Sally Goudy
mud flowed. She had still faints regularly and drocephalic babies was being fed through has learned to say Just two weeks ago Philippines 2200
Pastor David Calvert
Jonathan Brady been running with her displays all the signs of and even a Micro ce- a tube in his nose and NO, GO, WOW and we had a medical mis-
Gillian McPherson
dad but he told her to post traumatic stress phalic 3yr old! It has his weight had plum- MAM. He laughs, sion in Baseco. Ma-
run ahead. When she so please do keep her been a real challenge meted to that of a 3 shouts, plays and nila. We were invited
Praise Reports: looked around he was in your prayers. to take care of all year old. He was not loves to greet me with to go there by Hope Prayer points:
gone, swallowed up these children and be in good shape. He was a big kiss every time I Worldwide another
by the mud. The next Here at CRU, Kenneth able to financially irritable all the time arrive home. I praise Christian mission who
- For the many chil- - For more dedicated,
thing she knew she is still doing well. He cover their medical and could no longer the Lord for the mira- work there, near the godly, and profes-
dren and parents
was stuck in the mud. continues to get and nutritional needs speak or properly cle He has done in harbour, with some of sional staff to join
who come to the
Bible study on Tues- It burst her ear- stronger everyday fol- and pay the staff communicate with his that wee boys life. It Manila’s poorest peo- the team at HHM.
days at C.R.U. drums, temporarily lowing his heart sur- that we need to em- parents. He was weak really is a great inspi- ple. We joined forces
blinded her and left gery last year. In fact ploy to take care of and bedridden. The ration to us all. to provide healthcare - For continued
- For the successful health and strength
her with fears that he did so well that we them. But God is doctors referred him and evangelism to for everyone in the
fostering of M-Jay.
she feels will never were inspired to help faithful to provide to us for nutritional Our Tuesday bible more than 200 chil- ministry.
The 1st from the
C.R.U. leave her. When she another boy! So we and you have contin- build up and some study here at CRU dren and their fami-
was dug out, the first took another step of ued to bless us so TLC while the parents continues to thrive. lies. What a day! - For the extra fi-
- For the new Jeep- thing she asked was if faith, and successfully thank you so much were trying to work We now have at lest Again, days like this nances to cover this
ney to transport kids growing ministry; as
her family had sur- put John Mark, a 12 once again! You out the payment for 64 kids every Tuesday are made possible be- well as medical mis-
to the Bible study.
vived. The tears year old through his have saved lives and their hospital bill. It afternoon and at least cause of your giving. sions, there are cur-
- For the successful rolled down her much needed surgery. changed lives with had accumulated to 30 parents. It amazes We were able to pro- rently 28 staff at
medical missions cheeks as she de- It really is a big step as us! more than a £1000. me how well this has vide much-needed HHM.
that touch so many scribed the feeling of it costs around £2500 Dad earns around two gone and how steady antibiotics, vitamins
lives. - For wisdom, cour-
realizing that she was and is performed only One such life is Do- pounds a day on a those who attend and even cover ex- age and compassion
the only one who sur- in Manila, which is a minic! Just last year good day! You can see have become. The penses for x-rays and when making life and
- For the souls
saved, bodies healed vived. She wished four-hour drive from Dominic was the the problem!! So Do- teachers and helpers other tests that were death decisions about
and lives trans- she were dead! Later here! He too has done valedictorian of his minic came to CRU are good and dedi- needed. One of the very sick children.
formed. she found out that so well and is a testi- class. He was a nor- weak, tube fed and cated to their work, Doctors was able to This is often the
hardest part of minis-
her big sister had also mony to God’s healing mal, smart healthy 6 not in great shape. which helps a lot. I discover a potentially try.
- For the generous
survived but she was power working through year old until he was Within three weeks of believe God honours serious illness in one
support of those
churches and individ- still heartbroken as the doctors who have struck with meningi- TLC and prayer he their efforts. So little boy and ordered - For Reuben, who is
uals who give to both her parents and treated him. Continue tis. Suddenly his learned to walk again thanks to Marissa, more tests to be done. going blind. For Ari
HHM, a big thank all her younger sib- to pray for his health whole family’s life and dribble a basket- Ferns, Dang, Mazi, Pray that he does not who needs 24/7 care.
you to the unstinting Her mother suddenly
lings were dead. That and long-term recov- was thrown into tur- ball with his better Lolit, Robert, Leo and have hepatitis or any died and the father
work of Compassion
night as I listened to ery. moil. The child was hand. He began to Tony for all their hard other liver disease can’t cope with Ari’s
Charity Shop in
N.Ireland. You ac- her I was over- confined for months eat normally again work and effort! and that his family will constant care. She is
complish more than whelmed. You know In the last few months in the hospital and and really gain We’re blessed to have continue to allow us to now back with us in
you’ll ever know. one of those times we have housed and they had to sell their weight. When the them all. Our Tues- help him. They were the C.R.U.
Helping Hands Healing Hearts Ministries Philippines Incorporated -

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