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Name – Akhil Kholia

Roll No - 20BCS087

Data Warehousing and Data Mining


Ans 1:

Retail Store Data Warehouse Schema

This schema utilizes a star schema design to facilitate analysis of sales data for a retail store
chain in India.


• Fact Table: Sales

• Dimension Tables:
o Product
o Store
o Location (City, State, Region)
o Time (Month, Quarter, Year)
o Promotion

a. Schema Design:

Fact Table: Sales

Column Data Type Description (Dimension/Fact) Key Foreign Key
Unique identifier for a transaction
Transaction_ID Integer (PK) ✓
Product_ID Integer Foreign Key to Product table Product_ID
Store_ID Integer Foreign Key to Store table Store_ID
Location_ID Integer Foreign Key to Location table Location_ID
Time_ID Integer Foreign Key to Time table Time_ID
Integer Foreign Key to Promotion table
Promotion_ID (Nullable) (Optional) Promotion_ID
Sales_Amount Total sales amount for the
(Rupees) Decimal transaction
Number of units sold in the
Quantity_Sold Integer transaction
Dimension Tables:

• Product (De-normalized)
o Product_ID (PK)
o Product_Name
o Product_Category
o Brand
o ... (other product attributes)
• Store (De-normalized)
o Store_ID (PK)
o Store_Name
o Store_Address
o Store_City (redundant - can be linked to Location table)
o ... (other store attributes)
• Location
o Location_ID (PK)
o City
o State
o Region
• Time
o Time_ID (PK)
o Year
o Quarter
o Month
• Promotion (De-normalized)
o Promotion_ID (PK)
o Promotion_Name
o Discount_Percentage
o Start_Date
o End_Date
o ... (other promotion details)

b. Normalization and Fact Type:

• The Sales fact table is in 3NF as it eliminates transitive dependencies and ensures
each column depends solely on the primary key.
• Dimensions are de-normalized for faster querying at the expense of data redundancy.
• Fact table columns Sales_Amount and Quantity_Sold are additive facts. They can
be meaningfully summed across different granularities (transaction, day, month, etc.).
• The Promotion_ID is a semi-additive fact. While it doesn't directly contribute to sales
figures, it provides context for analyzing the impact of promotions. Transactions with
null values in Promotion_ID represent non-promoted sales.
Ans 2.

CLARANS Clustering with Max Neighbors = 2 and Num Local

Searches = 2
Data Points: {2, 5, 8, 10, 11}

Initial Medoids: {2, 5}

Step 1: Calculate Distances

Data Point Distance to Medoid 2 Distance to Medoid 5

2 0 3
5 3 0
8 6 3
10 8 5
11 9 6

Step 2: Assign Data Points to Nearest Medoids

• {2} is closest to itself (distance 0).

• {5} is closest to itself (distance 0).
• {8} is closer to {5} (distance 3) than {2} (distance 6).
• {10} is closer to {5} (distance 5) than {2} (distance 8).
• {11} is closer to {5} (distance 6) than {2} (distance 9).

Current Clusters:

• Cluster 1 (Medoid: 2): {2}

• Cluster 2 (Medoid: 5): {5, 8, 10, 11}

Step 3: Local Search (Num Local Searches = 2)

Iteration 1:

• For Cluster 1 (Medoid: 2), no data points are closer to another medoid.

Iteration 2:

• For Cluster 2 (Medoid: 5):

o Calculate cost of swapping {5} with {8}:
▪ Distance of {8} to remaining points in cluster: {10} (distance 2), {11}
(distance 3) - Total Cost: 5
o Calculate cost of swapping {5} with {10}:
▪ Distance of {10} to remaining points in cluster: {8} (distance 2), {11}
(distance 1) - Total Cost: 3
o Swapping {5} with {10} results in lower cost.
Updated Clusters:

• Cluster 1 (Medoid: 2): {2}

• Cluster 2 (Medoid: 10): {8, 10, 11} (Medoid swapped)

Step 4: Termination Check

• No medoid swaps occurred in the local search phase.

Final Clusters:

• Cluster 1 (Medoid: 2): {2}

• Cluster 2 (Medoid: 10): {8, 10, 11}

Ans 3:

Data mining is a crucial step in the knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) process. It's the
act of uncovering hidden patterns or extracting valuable information from large datasets.
Here are the key functionalities of data mining within KDD:

1. Data Understanding and Preparation:

o This initial phase involves getting familiar with the data and ensuring its
quality for mining. It includes tasks like:
▪ Data Cleaning: Identifying and correcting errors or inconsistencies in
the data.
▪ Data Integration: Combining data from multiple sources into a
unified format.
▪ Data Transformation: Selecting, transforming, and creating new
features from existing data to improve mining effectiveness.
2. Data Mining:
o This core phase applies specific algorithms and techniques to uncover patterns
or trends within the data. Common data mining tasks include:
▪ Classification: Predicting the category of a new data point based on
existing labeled data (e.g., classifying a customer as high-risk or low-
▪ Regression: Modeling the relationship between a dependent variable
(e.g., sales) and one or more independent variables (e.g., advertising
▪ Clustering: Grouping data points into categories (clusters) based on
their similarities. This helps identify customer segments or product
categories with similar characteristics.
▪ Association Rule Learning: Discovering relationships between
variables. This can help identify products that are frequently bought
together or predict customer behavior based on past purchases.
3. Pattern Evaluation and Interpretation:
o Not all discovered patterns are equally valuable. This phase involves assessing
the validity, significance, and usefulness of the identified patterns. Techniques
like statistical analysis are used to determine the strength and credibility of the
4. Knowledge Consolidation and Dissemination:
o The final step focuses on integrating the discovered knowledge into the
existing knowledge base of the organization. This may involve creating
reports, visualizations, or building models that can be used for decision-
making. Additionally, communicating the findings to relevant stakeholders is
essential for action and leveraging the knowledge for business benefits.

By following these functionalities, data mining helps extract valuable insights from data,
empowering organizations to make informed decisions, solve problems, and gain a
competitive edge.

Ans 4

The ETL cycle, standing for Extract, Transform, and Load, plays a vital role in populating
and maintaining a data warehouse with relevant and usable data for analysis. Here's how it
functions in a typical data warehouse environment, along with an illustrative example:

1. Extract:

• In this initial phase, data is retrieved from various source systems that generate or
store information relevant for analysis. These sources can be transactional databases,
operational systems, flat files, log files, web server logs, social media data, and more.
• The specific method of data extraction depends on the source system. Techniques like
full data transfers, incremental updates based on timestamps or change data capture
(CDC) methods can be employed.


Imagine a retail store chain with a data warehouse. The ETL process would first extract data
from the point-of-sale (POS) system, capturing details like transaction ID, product ID,
quantity sold, and sales amount. Additionally, customer information might be extracted from
a separate customer relationship management (CRM) system.

2. Transform:

• The extracted data is seldom ready for analysis in its raw form. It might be
incomplete, inconsistent, or incompatible with the data warehouse schema. The
transformation stage addresses these issues.
• Common transformation tasks include:
o Data Cleaning: Identifying and correcting errors or missing values in the
o Data Standardization: Ensuring consistency in data formats (e.g., date
format, units) across different sources.
o Data Integration: Combining data from multiple sources into a unified
format suitable for the data warehouse.
o Deriving New Attributes: Creating new calculated fields based on existing
data (e.g., total revenue per customer).
o Data Reduction: Selecting relevant data subsets for analysis based on
business needs.


Continuing with the retail example, the extracted data might have missing product categories
or inconsistent date formats. The transformation stage would clean the data, ensuring all
categories are populated and dates are formatted uniformly. Additionally, it might calculate
new attributes like total sales per product category or per store.

3. Load:

• The transformed data is finally loaded into the data warehouse target tables.
Depending on the volume and frequency of data updates, different loading strategies
can be employed. Full refreshes can be used for initial loads, while incremental
updates are more common for ongoing data integration.


The cleaned and transformed data from the retail example, including sales details and derived
attributes, would be loaded into designated tables within the data warehouse. This allows for
efficient analysis of sales trends, customer behavior, and product performance across the
store chain.

By following these ETL stages, data warehouses can be populated with high-quality,
consistent, and relevant data that is ready for business intelligence and advanced analytics
tasks. This empowers data analysts and decision-makers to gain valuable insights from the
organization's data to improve operations, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.

Ans 5:

Naïve Bayes classification is called "naïve" because it makes a simplifying assumption that
can be unrealistic in practice. This assumption is:

• Feature Independence: It assumes that all features used for classification are
independent of each other given the class label. In simpler terms, it believes each
feature contributes to the classification independently, without being influenced by
the presence or absence of other features.

This assumption is often not true in real-world scenarios. Features can be interrelated, and
their influence on the classification can depend on each other. Despite this, Naïve Bayes often
performs well due to other factors:

Major Ideas of Naïve Bayes Classification:

1. Bayes' Theorem: Naïve Bayes relies on Bayes' theorem, a powerful tool for
calculating conditional probabilities. It allows us to calculate the probability of a class
(disease) given a set of symptoms (features).
2. Conditional Independence Assumption: As mentioned earlier, it assumes features
are conditionally independent given the class label. This simplifies calculations
3. Classifier: Based on Bayes' theorem and the independence assumption, a classifier is
built to predict the class label of a new data point. It calculates the probability of each
class given the features of the new data point and assigns the class with the highest
4. Simplicity and Efficiency: Naive Bayes is a relatively simple and computationally
efficient algorithm. It requires less training data compared to some other classification
5. Effectiveness: Despite the independence assumption, Naïve Bayes often performs
surprisingly well in various classification tasks. It can be a good choice for problems
with high-dimensional data (many features).

In summary, Naïve Bayes is a powerful classification technique due to its reliance on

Bayes' theorem. However, it's called "naïve" because of the unrealistic assumption of
feature independence.

Ans 6

a. Data Warehousing vs. Data Mining

• Data Warehousing:
o Focuses on storing and organizing historical data from various sources for
o Acts as a central repository for data relevant to business intelligence.
o Data is typically structured and pre-processed for efficient querying and
• Data Mining:
o Involves extracting knowledge and insights from data stored in data
warehouses or other sources.
o Applies various algorithms and techniques to uncover hidden patterns, trends,
and relationships within the data.
o Helps answer specific business questions and make data-driven decisions.

Analogy: Data warehousing is like organizing your books in a library, while data mining is
like analyzing the content of those books to understand a particular subject.

b. OLAP vs. OLTP

• OLAP (Online Analytical Processing):

o Deals with analyzing large volumes of historical data for trends and
o Supports complex queries involving aggregation (e.g., sum, average) and
multidimensional analysis (e.g., sales by product, region, and year).
o Used for business intelligence and decision-making.
o Often utilizes data warehouses for efficient querying.
• OLTP (Online Transaction Processing):
o Focuses on processing real-time transactions efficiently (e.g., online
purchases, bank transactions).
o Optimizes for fast insertions, updates, and deletions of data.
o Used for day-to-day operational tasks and maintaining data integrity.
o Employs transactional databases with ACID (Atomicity, Consistency,
Isolation, Durability) properties.

Analogy: OLAP is like analyzing historical weather data to understand climate patterns,
while OLTP is like recording real-time weather data from sensors.

c. Star Schema vs. Snowflake Schema

• Star Schema:
o A simpler schema with a central fact table surrounded by dimension tables.
o Fact table holds measures (e.g., sales amount) and foreign keys to dimension
o Dimension tables store descriptive attributes (e.g., product name, customer
o Relationships are modeled as star-like connections between tables.
o Easier to understand and query, but may have data redundancy for some
complex relationships.
• Snowflake Schema:
o A more normalized schema with the central fact table connected to dimension
tables that are further normalized into sub-tables.
o Reduces data redundancy compared to star schema.
o Relationships are modeled as snowflake-like connections.
o Can improve query performance for complex queries, but schema can be more
complex to manage.

Analogy: Star schema is like a simple mind map with central topic and connecting branches,
while snowflake schema is like a more detailed mind map with sub-branches for specific

d. Classification vs. Regression

• Classification:
o Predicts the categorical class to which a new data point belongs.
o Useful for tasks like spam email filtering (spam or not spam) or customer
churn prediction (churn or not churn).
o Examples of classification algorithms include Naive Bayes, Decision Trees,
Support Vector Machines (SVM).
• Regression:
o Predicts the continuous value of a target variable for a new data point.
o Useful for tasks like forecasting sales figures, predicting house prices, or
analyzing stock market trends.
o Examples of regression algorithms include Linear Regression, Polynomial
Regression, Random Forest Regression.

Analogy: Classification is like sorting fruits into different baskets (apple, orange, banana),
while regression is like predicting the weight of a new apple based on its size and color.
Ans 7:

Data mining is the process of extracting knowledge and insights from large datasets. It's like
sifting through a mountain of information to find hidden gems – valuable patterns, trends, and
relationships that can inform better decision-making. Here's a breakdown of its key stages:

1. Business Understanding:

• This initial phase focuses on understanding the business objectives and challenges.
What specific questions are you trying to answer with the data?
• It involves defining the scope of the mining project and ensuring alignment with
business goals.

2. Data Understanding and Preparation:

• This stage involves getting familiar with the data and ensuring its quality for mining.
Key tasks include:
o Data Collection: Gathering data from various sources like databases,
transaction logs, customer surveys, etc.
o Data Cleaning: Identifying and correcting errors or inconsistencies in the
o Data Integration: Combining data from multiple sources into a unified
o Data Transformation: Selecting, transforming, and creating new features
from existing data to improve mining effectiveness.

3. Data Mining:

• This core phase applies specific algorithms and techniques to uncover patterns or
trends within the data. Common data mining tasks include:
o Classification: Predicting the category of a new data point based on existing
labeled data. (e.g., classifying a customer as high-risk or low-risk for loan
o Regression: Modeling the relationship between a dependent variable (e.g.,
sales) and one or more independent variables (e.g., advertising spend).
o Clustering: Grouping data points into categories (clusters) based on their
similarities. This helps identify customer segments or product categories with
similar characteristics.
o Association Rule Learning: Discovering relationships between variables.
This can help identify products that are frequently bought together or predict
customer behavior based on past purchases.

4. Pattern Evaluation and Interpretation:

• Not all discovered patterns are equally valuable. This phase involves assessing the
validity, significance, and usefulness of the identified patterns. Techniques like
statistical analysis are used to determine the strength and credibility of the patterns.

5. Knowledge Consolidation and Dissemination:

• The final step focuses on integrating the discovered knowledge into the existing
knowledge base of the organization. This may involve creating reports, visualizations,
or building models that can be used for decision-making. Additionally,
communicating the findings to relevant stakeholders is essential for action and
leveraging the knowledge for business benefits.

By following these stages, data mining helps organizations unlock the hidden potential within
their data, enabling them to:

• Make data-driven decisions: Data insights can inform strategic planning, marketing
campaigns, product development, and risk management.
• Identify trends and patterns: Data mining helps uncover hidden trends in customer
behavior, market fluctuations, and operational inefficiencies.
• Improve customer segmentation: By understanding customer profiles and
preferences, organizations can personalize marketing campaigns and offer targeted
products or services.
• Reduce costs and optimize operations: Data mining can help identify areas for cost
savings and inefficiencies in processes, leading to improved operational performance.

Ans 8:

Data Warehouse Modeling

a. Classes of Schemas for Data Warehouses:

1. Star Schema: The most common schema, with a central fact table connected to
dimension tables by foreign keys. Easy to understand and query, but may have data
redundancy for complex relationships.
2. Snowflake Schema: A normalized version of the star schema, where dimension
tables are further divided into sub-tables to reduce redundancy. More complex to
manage but improves query performance for complex aggregations.
3. Constellation Schema: A collection of star schemas or snowflakes that share some
dimension tables. Useful for modeling complex relationships between multiple fact

b. Star Schema Diagram:

Here's the star schema diagram for the given data:

| Patient |
| * | (Many-to-Many)
v v
+-----------------+ +----------+ +-----------------+
| Fee | ------>| Doctor | ------>| Time |
+-----------------+ +----------+ +-----------------+
| day | month | year | | doctor_id | | day | month | year |
| doctor_id | patient_id | | name | | |
| count | charge | | ... | | |
+-----------------+ +----------+ +-----------------+

c. OLAP Operations for Total Fee per Doctor (2004):

1. Drill Up: Starting with the base cuboid [day, doctor, patient] (most granular level),
we can drill up on the time dimension to the year level. This aggregates the count and
charge measures across all days within a year for each doctor-patient combination.
2. Roll Up: Since the patient dimension is not relevant to finding total fees per doctor,
we can perform a roll-up on the patient dimension. This aggregates the count and
charge measures further, summing them up for all patients seen by each doctor in a
3. Slice: Finally, we can slice the resulting data cube by year, selecting only data for the
year 2004. This provides the total fee collected by each doctor in 2004.

d. SQL Query for Total Fee per Doctor (2004):

SELECT doctor.doctor_id,, SUM(fee.charge) AS total_fee

FROM fee

INNER JOIN doctor ON fee.doctor_id = doctor.doctor_id

INNER JOIN time ON = AND fee.month = time.month AND fee.year = time.year

WHERE time.year = 2004

GROUP BY doctor.doctor_id,

ORDER BY total_fee DESC;

This query:

• Joins the fee, doctor, and time tables on appropriate foreign keys.
• Filters data for the year 2004 using the time table.
• Groups data by doctor ID and name.
• Calculates the total fee (SUM(fee.charge)) for each doctor.
• Orders the results by total fee in descending order.
Ans 9:
Ans 10:

Ans 11
Ans 12:

Clustering Applications in Data Mining:

a. Major Data Mining Function:

• Customer Segmentation: Clustering plays a central role in customer segmentation, a

crucial task in marketing. By analyzing customer data like purchase history,
demographics, and behavior, clustering algorithms can group customers into distinct
segments with similar characteristics. This allows businesses to tailor marketing
campaigns, product recommendations, and pricing strategies to specific customer
segments, leading to more targeted and effective marketing efforts.

Example: A streaming service clusters its subscribers based on viewing habits (genres, watch
times, device usage). This helps them personalize content recommendations, suggest similar
titles viewers might enjoy, and offer targeted promotions based on segment preferences.

b. Pre-Processing Tool for Data Preparation:

• Anomaly Detection: Clustering can be used as a pre-processing step for anomaly

detection. By identifying data points that fall outside of established clusters (outliers), it
can help flag potential anomalies or fraudulent activities in datasets. This allows for
further investigation and potentially prevents financial losses or security breaches.

Example: A credit card company clusters customer transactions based on spending patterns
and locations. Deviations from a customer's typical spending behavior (amount, location,
time) identified by clustering could indicate potential fraudulent card use, prompting further
investigation and potential account protection measures.

Ans 13We're given information about a data cube C with the following details:

• n dimensions (n = 10)
• p distinct values per dimension (p)
• Base cuboid contains 3 specific cells

a. Maximum Number of Cells in the Base Cuboid:

The base cuboid represents the most granular level, where each cell holds data for a specific
combination of values across all dimensions.

• Each dimension has p distinct values.

• There are n dimensions.
Therefore, the maximum number of cells in the base cuboid is:

Maximum Cells = p^n

Maximum Cells = p^(10) (since n = 10)

b. Minimum Number of Cells in the Base Cuboid:

A base cuboid must have at least one cell for each dimension with its distinct value.

Therefore, the minimum number of cells in the base cuboid is:

Minimum Cells = p (since n = 10 and each dimension needs at least one cell)

In this specific case, however, we are given additional information: the base cuboid contains
3 cells. Since p represents the number of distinct values, it cannot be less than 3.

c. Maximum Number of Cells in Data Cube C:

The data cube C can have various aggregate cells on top of the base cuboid cells.

• Each dimension can be rolled up or drilled down, creating additional aggregate cells.

For the maximum number of cells, consider all possible roll-ups on each dimension. There
are p options for each dimension (including keeping all details). So, the total number of
possible aggregate cells (excluding base cells) formed by rolling up on a single dimension is

Since there are n dimensions, the total number of possible aggregate cells (excluding base
cells) formed by various combinations of roll-ups is:

Total Aggregate Cells (excluding base cells) = n * p^(n-1)

Adding the base cells to this, the maximum number of cells in C becomes:

Maximum Cells in C = p^n + n * p^(n-1) = p^n (1 + n) (since p^n is a common factor)

Maximum Cells in C = p^(10) (1 + 10)

d. Minimum Number of Cells in Data Cube C:

The minimum number of cells in C is simply the number of base cells given, which is:

Minimum Cells in C = 3
Ans 14.

Data Mining Techniques:

a. Clustering Methods:

Clustering is the process of grouping data points into clusters based on their similarities. Here
are some common clustering methods with their characteristics:

Method Description Pros Cons

Partitions data into a
predefined number (k) of Sensitive to initial cluster
clusters. Minimizes the within- centroids, may not
cluster variance (distances handle clusters of
K-Means between points within a Simple, efficient for different
Clustering cluster). large datasets. shapes/densities well.
Flexible, can
Builds a hierarchy of clusters, discover clusters of Can be computationally
Hierarchical either top-down (divisive) or various shapes and expensive for large
Clustering bottom-up (agglomerative). sizes. datasets.
Identifies clusters based on
density of data points. Points
Density-Based are classified as core points
Spatial (dense areas), border points Robust to outliers,
Clustering (on cluster edges), or noise can handle clusters May not be suitable for
(DBSCAN) (outliers). of arbitrary shapes. high-dimensional data.
Handles missing
data, soft clustering More complex to
Useful for clustering data with allows points to implement,
Expectation missing values or belonging to belong to multiple computationally
Maximization multiple clusters (soft clusters with expensive for large
(EM) clustering). probabilities. datasets.


• K-Means and DBSCAN are centroid-based and density-based methods, respectively.

• K-Means needs pre-defined clusters (k), while DBSCAN automatically finds clusters
based on density.
• Hierarchical clustering offers a hierarchy of clusters, while K-Means and DBSCAN
provide a single level of clustering.
• EM is suitable for complex data with missing values or overlapping clusters, while K-
Means and DBSCAN are simpler for well-defined clusters.

b. Data Mart:

A data mart is a subject-oriented, departmentalized collection of data derived from a data

warehouse. It focuses on specific business needs of a particular department or function (e.g.,
sales, marketing, finance).

Data Types in Data Marts:

• Transactional Data: Detailed records of individual business transactions (e.g., sales
records, customer orders).
• Dimensional Data: Descriptive attributes for transactions and entities (e.g., product
information, customer demographics).
• Aggregated Data: Summarized data pre-calculated for faster analysis (e.g., monthly
sales by region).
• Metadata: Information about the data itself, including definitions, relationships, and
access controls.

c. Decision Tree Pruning:

Tree Pruning is a technique used in decision tree induction to reduce the complexity of the
tree and prevent overfitting. It removes unnecessary branches from the tree that do not
significantly contribute to classification accuracy. This helps:

• Improve Generalization: By removing overly specific branches, the tree can better
generalize to unseen data.
• Reduce Model Complexity: Smaller trees are easier to interpret and require less
computational resources.

Drawback of Separate Evaluation Set:

Using a separate set of tuples (data points) to evaluate pruning decisions can be a drawback

• Limited Data: If the separate set is small, it may not accurately reflect the overall
data distribution, leading to suboptimal pruning choices.
• Increased Computational Cost: Maintaining and using a separate set adds
complexity and computational overhead to the learning process.

Alternatives to Separate Set:

• Cross-Validation: Divide the data into folds, use one fold for pruning and the
remaining folds for evaluation, repeat for all folds.
• Cost-Complexity Pruning: Consider both the classification error and the tree
complexity while making pruning decisions.

These techniques can help address the limitations of using a separate set for pruning.
Ans 15

To find all frequent itemsets using Apriori and FP-growth, let's first list the transactions and their

TID Items bought

T1 {N, P, O, L, F, Z}
T2 {E, P, O, L, F, Z}
T3 {N, B, L, F}
T4 {N, V, D, L, Z}
T5 {D, P, L, J, F}
a. Using Apriori Algorithm:

Generate candidate 1-itemsets:

Count the occurrences of each item:
N: 3, P: 2, O: 2, L: 4, F: 4, Z: 2, E: 1, B: 1, V: 1, D: 2, J: 1
Items with support >= min sup:
{N}, {P}, {O}, {L}, {F}, {Z}
Generate candidate 2-itemsets:
Create candidate pairs:
{N, P}, {N, O}, {N, L}, {N, F}, {N, Z}, {P, O}, {P, L}, {P, F}, {P, Z}, {O, L}, {O, F}, {O, Z}, {L,
F}, {L, Z}, {F, Z}
Prune pairs with support < min sup:
{N, L}, {N, F}, {N, Z}, {P, L}, {P, F}, {P, Z}, {O, L}, {O, F}, {O, Z}, {L, F}, {L, Z}, {F, Z}
Generate candidate 3-itemsets:
Create candidate triples:
{N, L, F}, {N, L, Z}, {N, F, Z}, {P, L, F}, {P, L, Z}, {P, F, Z}, {O, L, F}, {O, L, Z}, {O, F, Z}, {L, F,
Prune triples with support < min sup:
The frequent itemsets using Apriori are:
{N}, {P}, {O}, {L}, {F}, {Z}
{N, L}, {N, F}, {N, Z}, {P, L}, {P, F}, {P, Z}, {O, L}, {O, F}, {O, Z}, {L, F}, {L, Z}, {F, Z}
{N, L, F}, {N, L, Z}, {N, F, Z}, {P, L, F}, {P, L, Z}, {P, F, Z}, {O, L, F}, {O, L, Z}, {O, F, Z}, {L, F,
b. Using FP-growth Algorithm:

Construct FP-tree:
Build the FP-tree from the transactions and their items:

/ \

| |

Mine frequent itemsets:

Starting with the least frequent item (V), find its conditional pattern base and construct a conditional
Continue recursively until all frequent itemsets are found.
Frequent itemsets using FP-growth with min support = 3:
{V}, {V, D}, {V, D, L}, {V, D, L, Z}
{B}, {B, L}, {B, L, N}, {B, L, N, F}
{E}, {E, J}, {E, J, L}, {E, J, L, D}
{D}, {D, L}, {D, L, Z}
{J}, {J, L}, {J, L, D}
{Z}, {Z, L}
{P}, {P, L}, {P, L, F}, {P, L, F, N}
{F}, {F, L}
{O}, {O, L}
{N}, {N, L}
c. Comparison of Efficiency:

Requires multiple scans of the dataset, potentially resulting in longer processing times, especially for
large datasets.
Generates candidate itemsets at each iteration and prunes them based on support, which can be
computationally expensive.
Constructs the FP-tree in a single scan of the dataset, which can be faster than multiple scans required
by Apriori.
Uses a divide-and-conquer

Ans 16:

Building Blocks of a Data Warehouse

A data warehouse is a central repository for storing historical and integrated data from
various sources to support data analysis and decision-making. Here are the key building
blocks of a data warehouse:

• Source Data: The raw data that originates from operational systems like transactional
databases, CRM systems, and sensor data.
• Data Staging Area: A temporary storage area where source data is landed, cleansed,
transformed, and prepared before loading into the data warehouse.
• Data Storage: The core of the data warehouse where the cleansed and transformed
data is stored for analysis. This can be relational databases, data lakes, or specialized
data warehouse appliances.
• Data Warehouse Schema: The logical structure that defines how data is organized
within the data storage, including tables, columns, data types, and relationships.
• Data ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Process: The process of extracting data from
source systems, transforming it to a consistent format, and loading it into the data
• Metadata Repository: A central repository that stores information about the data itself.
This includes data definitions, relationships between tables, data lineage (origin and
transformations), and access control information.
• Information Delivery Tools: Tools and techniques used to access, analyze, and
visualize data in the data warehouse. This includes OLAP tools, data mining tools,
reporting tools, and dashboards.
• Data Governance: Processes and policies that ensure the data in the warehouse is
accurate, consistent, secure, and accessible.

Importance of Metadata in Data Warehouses

Metadata plays a crucial role in the effective management and utilization of a data
warehouse. Here's why it's important:

• Understanding Data: Metadata provides a clear understanding of what data is stored in

the warehouse, its meaning, format, and origin. This helps users interpret and analyze
data accurately.
• Data Quality: Metadata assists in ensuring data quality by tracking transformations
performed on data, identifying potential errors, and facilitating data lineage analysis.
• Data Accessibility and Discovery: Metadata helps users discover relevant data in the
warehouse by providing information about tables, columns, and their relationships.
• Improved Security and Governance: Metadata plays a role in data security by defining
access controls and user permissions. It also supports data governance by
documenting data ownership and usage policies.
• Simplified Maintenance: Accurate and well-maintained metadata makes it easier to
maintain the data warehouse schema and processes over time, as changes can be
documented and tracked.

Challenges in Metadata Management

Despite its importance, managing metadata in data warehouses can be challenging:

• Complexity: Data warehouses can contain vast amounts of data, leading to complex
metadata structures that require careful organization and maintenance.
• Data Silos and Inconsistency: Metadata may be fragmented across different systems
and tools, leading to inconsistencies and duplication of information.
• Data Lineage Tracking: Tracking the origin and transformations of data throughout the
ETL process can be complex, especially with evolving data pipelines.
• Standardization: Enforcing consistent metadata standards across different data
sources and tools can be challenging.
• Integration with Data Governance: Maintaining metadata alignment with data
governance policies and access controls requires ongoing coordination.

Effective metadata management practices like establishing clear ownership, adopting

standardized tools, and automating metadata collection can help overcome these challenges.
Ans 17. The data warehousing process can be broken down into several key stages:

1. Data Requirement Analysis & Planning:

• This stage involves defining the business needs and objectives that the data warehouse
will support.
• Business analysts and data warehouse designers work together to identify the data
required, its sources, and how it will be used for analysis.
• This stage also involves defining the data warehouse architecture, including the data
model and technology choices.

2. Data Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (ETL):

• Data is extracted from various source systems like transactional databases, CRM
systems, and flat files.
• The extracted data may need cleaning, transformation (e.g., conversion to a consistent
format, handling missing values), and integration to address inconsistencies across
• The transformed data is then loaded into the data warehouse staging area and
eventually into the main data storage.

3. Data Storage and Management:

• The cleansed and transformed data is stored in the data warehouse. This can be a
relational database, a data lake, or a specialized data warehouse appliance.
• Data storage management includes ensuring data integrity, security, and efficient
access for queries and analysis.

4. Data Modeling and Schema Design:

• The data model defines how data is organized within the data warehouse, including
tables, columns, data types, and relationships between tables.
• Different data modeling techniques like star schema, snowflake schema, and
constellation schema can be used based on the complexity of relationships and
analytical needs.

5. Data Access and Analysis:

• Data warehouse data is accessed and analyzed using various tools and techniques.
• Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) tools allow users to navigate through
multidimensional data, drill down into details, and perform roll-up operations for
• Data mining tools can be used to discover hidden patterns and trends within the data.
• Reporting and visualization tools allow users to create reports, dashboards, and charts
to communicate insights effectively.

6. Data Governance and Maintenance:

• Data governance ensures the data in the warehouse is accurate, consistent, secure, and
accessible. This involves establishing policies, procedures, and roles for data
• Data warehouse maintenance includes ongoing tasks like data quality monitoring,
schema evolution to accommodate new data sources or business needs, and metadata
management (information about the data itself).

7. Deployment and Monitoring:

• The data warehouse is deployed to a production environment where users can access
and analyze data.
• Performance monitoring ensures the data warehouse meets user needs for data access
and analysis.

These stages represent a general framework, and the specific steps or the order may vary
depending on the specific data warehouse project and its requirements.

Ans 18. Data Warehouse Architecture and Implementation

A data warehouse architecture defines the overall structure and flow of data within a data
warehouse system. It encompasses various components and processes that work together to
store, manage, and analyze historical data for business intelligence. Here's a detailed
breakdown of the architecture and implementation of a data warehouse:

1. Data Warehouse Architecture:

• Source Systems: Operational databases, CRM systems, ERP systems, flat files, and
other data sources that provide raw data for the data warehouse.
• Data Staging Area: A temporary storage area where data from source systems is
landed. Data can be cleansed, transformed, and integrated in the staging area before
loading into the data warehouse.
• Data Warehouse: The central repository for storing historical and integrated data. This
can be a relational database, data lake, or a specialized data warehouse appliance.
• Data Mart: A departmentalized subset of the data warehouse focused on a specific
business area (e.g., sales, marketing, finance). Data marts can be derived from the main
data warehouse.
• ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Process: The process of extracting data from source
systems, transforming it to a consistent format, and loading it into the data warehouse.
This can involve data cleaning, integration, and transformation steps.
• Metadata Repository: A central storage for information about the data itself, including
definitions, relationships, data lineage (origin and transformations), and access control
• Data Access & Analysis Tools: Tools and techniques used to access, analyze, and
visualize data in the data warehouse. This includes OLAP tools, data mining tools,
reporting tools, and dashboards.
• Data Governance: Processes and policies that ensure the data in the warehouse is
accurate, consistent, secure, and accessible.

2. Data Warehouse Implementation:

Here's a step-by-step approach to implementing a data warehouse:

1. Requirement Analysis & Planning:

o Define business needs and objectives for the data warehouse.
o Identify data sources and data requirements.
o Choose the data warehouse architecture and technology stack.
2. Data Modeling:
o Design the data model for the data warehouse, including tables, columns, data
types, and relationships.
o Consider using star schema, snowflake schema, or constellation schema based
on data complexity and query patterns.
3. ETL Development:
o Develop the ETL process to extract data from source systems.
o Implement data cleansing, transformation, and integration logic within the ETL
o Ensure data quality and consistency throughout the ETL pipeline.
4. Data Storage & Management:
o Choose and configure the data storage technology (relational database, data
lake, etc.) based on data volume, needs, and budget.
o Implement data security and access control mechanisms.
o Set up data backup and recovery procedures.
5. Metadata Management:
o Implement a metadata repository to store information about the data
(definitions, lineage, etc.).
o Ensure metadata is accurate, consistent, and accessible to users.
6. Data Access & Analysis Tools:
o Select and configure tools for data access (OLAP, reporting, data mining).
o Develop reports, dashboards, and visualizations to present insights from the
data warehouse.
7. Testing & Deployment:
o Thoroughly test the data warehouse functionality, data quality, and performance.
o Deploy the data warehouse to a production environment for user access.
8. Maintenance & Governance:
o Continuously monitor data quality and performance.
o Evolve the data warehouse schema and ETL processes to accommodate new
data sources or business needs.
o Enforce data governance policies and procedures to maintain data integrity and

Additional Considerations:

• Scalability: The data warehouse architecture should be scalable to accommodate

future growth in data volume and user base.
• Security: Implement robust security measures to protect sensitive data within the data
• Performance: Optimize the data warehouse for efficient data access and query
• Data Lineage: Track the origin and transformations of data throughout the ETL process
for better data understanding and troubleshooting.
By following these steps and considering these factors, you can build and implement a robust
data warehouse that effectively supports your business intelligence needs.

Ans 19. Three-Tier Data Warehousing Architecture:

The three-tier data warehousing architecture consists of three layers:

Data Source Layer: This layer represents the various sources of data such as operational databases,
external systems, flat files, etc.
Data Warehouse Layer: This layer comprises the data warehouse itself, including the staging area,
data storage, and access layers as described in the architecture section above.
Data Presentation Layer: This layer provides tools and interfaces for presenting the analyzed data to
users. It includes reporting tools, dashboards, and visualization tools.
Diagrammatically, the architecture can be represented as follows:


| Data Presentation |

| Layer |



| Data Warehouse |

| Layer |



| Data Source |

| Layer |


Ans 20. General Architecture of Data Warehouse:

The general architecture of a data warehouse involves the following components:

Data Sources: These are the various systems and sources from which data is collected.
ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Process: This process involves extracting data from the source
systems, transforming it into a consistent format suitable for analysis, and loading it into the data
Data Warehouse: The data warehouse itself, which stores the integrated, cleaned, and transformed
Data Marts: These are subsets of the data warehouse that are focused on specific business units or
departments. They contain summarized and aggregated data tailored to the needs of the users.
OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) Engine: This engine enables users to interactively analyze
multidimensional data stored in the data warehouse.
Data Presentation Layer: Tools and interfaces for presenting the analyzed data to users, including
reporting tools, dashboards, and visualization tools.
Ans 21. Data Warehouse Architecture with Diagram:


| Data Presentation |

| Layer |



| OLAP Engine |



| Data Marts |



| Data Warehouse |




| ETL Process |



| Data Sources |


This architecture diagram illustrates the flow of data from the source systems through the ETL
process into the data warehouse and data marts, and finally to the presentation layer where users can
access and analyze the data.

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