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3.1 Risiko dan Perlindungan Insurans Buku Teks: m.s.

87 – 90

• Jumlah insurans yang harus dibeli = Peratusan ko-insurans × Nilai boleh insurans harta
Amount of required insurance = Percentage of co-insurance × Insurable value of property

Jawab soalan berikut.

Answer the following questions. SP3.1.3 TP4 TP5
1. Asmadi, Nazim, David dan Rajan telah membeli insurans kebakaran daripada syarikat insurans yang
sama. Nilai boleh insurans rumah mereka adalah sama, iaitu RM500 000. Polisi insurans kebakaran
yang ditawarkan mempunyai peruntukan ko-insurans untuk menginsuranskan 90% daripada nilai boleh
insurans harta dan deduktibel sebanyak RM3 000.
Asmadi, Nazim, David and Rajan bought fire insurances from the same insurance company. The insurable value of their
houses is the same, which is RM500 000. The fire insurance policy offered has a co-insurance provision to insure 90% of
its insurable value and a deductible of RM3 000. a) Amount of required insurance
(a) Hitung jumlah insurans yang harus dibeli untuk setiap rumah. =
x 500000
Calculate the amount of insurance required for each house. =
Rm 450 000
(b) Keempat-empat rumah itu telah mengalami kebakaran. Jadual di bawah menunjukkan amaun insurans
yang dibeli dan kerugian yang dialami oleh empat buah rumah itu.
All the four houses caught on fire. The table shows the amount of insurances purchased and the losses suffered
by the four houses.

Pemegang polisi Asmadi Nazim David Rajan


Jumlah insurans Jumlah insurans

yang dibeli yang harus dibeli RM300 000 RM400 000 RMp
Amount of insurance Amount of insurance
purchased required

Kerugian Kerugian menyeluruh

RM200 000 RM60 000 RM120 000
Loss Total loss

(i) Hitung bayaran pampasan yang diterima oleh Asmadi, Nazim dan David.
Calculate the amount of compensation received by Asmadi, Nazim and David.
(ii) Hitung penalti ko-insurans Nazim.
try to do
Calculate the co-insurance penalty of Nazim.
(iii) Rajan menerima bayaran pampasan sebanyak RM93 000. Hitung nilai p.
Rajan received a compensation of RM93 000. Calculate the value of p.
3 yourself first
in class we discuss
× RM500 amount of
000 = RM450 000 compensation received
(b) (i)=Asmadi : RM200 000 – RM3 3000
000 = RM197 000

= RM300
Rm197000 000
Nazim : × RM60 000 – RM3 000 = RM37 000
RM450 000
The David :amount
RM400 000 – RM3 000 = RM397 000
of compensation received by Nazim
RM300 000
(ii) RM60
= 300000
000 – × RM60 000 = RM20 000
RM450 000 x 60000
- 3000 -

p 450000
(iii) = × 120 000 – 3 000 = 93 000
Rm 37000
450 000
The amount × 120 000 = 96 000
450 000 of compensation received
by David
p = 360 000
= 400000 -
47 =
Rm 397000
© Sasbadi Sdn. Bhd.

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