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Website of Travel Bangladesh

Submitted by:
Student ID : 189076018
Major: Software Engineering
Date: 2022.05.20
Anhui University of Technology, China
E-commerce Inventory Management System by KAZI ABDUR RAKIB.
A THESIS Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree Bachelor of Software Engineering.
Supervisor’s name: Dr. Hou Shudong
Professor, Software Engineering Department
Anhui University of Technology

Abstract...................................................................................................................................... 1
Declaration................................................................................................................................. 2
Chapter 1 - Introduction
1.1. Introduction............................................................................................................................ 3
1.2. Existing System...................................................................................................................... 3
1.3. Problems of Existing System................................................................................................. 4
1.3.1. Employee Errors.................................................................................................................. 4
1.3.2. Misplaced Inventory............................................................................................................ 4
1.3.3. Poor Communication........................................................................................................... 5
1.3.4. Lack of Optimization........................................................................................................... 5
1.4. How Inventory Management Works.......................................................................................5
1.5. Solution of Existing System................................................................................................... 5
1.6. Project Objectives.................................................................................................................. 6
Chapter 2 - Literature Review
2.1. Introduction............................................................................................................................ 7
2.2. E-Commerce Inventory Management (EIMS)....................................................................... 7
2.3. Features of EIMS.................................................................................................................... 8
2.4. Features of JULO.................................................................................................................... 8
2.5 Supporting Theory................................................................................................................. 10
2.6. Used Technology...................................................................................................................10
2.6.1. JavaScript.......................................................................................................................... 10
2.6.2. HTML.................................................................................................................................11
2.6.3. CSS.....................................................................................................................................12
2.6.4. SCSS.................................................................................................................................. 12
2.6.5. Bootstrap............................................................................................................................ 12
Chapter 3 - Proposed System
3.1. Introduction........................................................................................................................ 20
3.1.1 Purpose............................................................................................................................. 20
3.1.2 products cope.................................................................................................................... 20
3.2. Overall Description............................................................................................................ 20
3.2.1 Product Perspective.......................................................................................................... 20
3.2.2 Product Functions............................................................................................................. 20
3.2.3 User Classes and Characteristics....................................................................................... 21
3.2.4 Operating Environment..................................................................................................... 21
3.2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints........................................................................... 22
3.3 System Features.................................................................................................................... 22
3.4. External Interface Requirements......................................................................................... 22
3.4.1 User Interfaces................................................................................................................... 22
3.4.2 Hardware Interfaces........................................................................................................... 22
3.4.3 Software Interface.............................................................................................................. 23
3.4.4 Communications Interfaces............................................................................................... 23
3.5 Other Non-functional Requirements..................................................................................... 23
3.5.1 Performance Requirement.................................................................................................. 23
3.5.2 Safety Requirement............................................................................................................ 23
3.5.3 Security Requirement........................................................................................................ 24
3.5.4 Software Quality Attributes............................................................................................... 24
3.5.5 Flexibility........................................................................................................................... 24
3.5.6 Integrity.............................................................................................................................. 24
3.5.7 Use Case Diagram.............................................................................................................. 25 Actor................................................................................................................................ 25 Use Case......................................................................................................................... 26 Communication Link..................................................................................................... 26 Boundary of System...................................................................................................... 26 Use Case Diagram..........................................................................................................27
Chapter 4 – User Manual
4.1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 28
4.2 Computer Software Requirements........................................................................................ 28
4.3 User Interfaces....................................................................................................................... 28
4.3.1. Authentication Authorization - Admin.............................................................................. 28
4.3.2. Dashboard and profile....................................................................................................... 30
4.3.3. Create a new admin........................................................................................................... 31
4.3.4. Add new products.............................................................................................................. 31
4.3.5. Manage ALL Products....................................................................................................... 32
4.3.6 : Manage All Orders............................................................................................................ 32
4.3.7 : Delete and Update Order Status........................................................................................ 33
4.3.8. Customer Profile................................................................................................................33
4.3.9. Customer Purchase............................................................................................................ 34
4.3.10. Customer Review............................................................................................................ 34
4.3.11. Homepage....................................................................................................................... 35
4.3.12. Blog Page........................................................................................................................ 35
4.3.13. All Products Page............................................................................................................ 36
4.3.14. Customer Testimonials....................................................................................................36
4.3.15. Live link, Front-End & Back-end source code link........................................................ 37

Conclusion................................................................................................................................. 38
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................. 39

Appendix A---Visual Studio code editor.....................................................................................40

No-SQL Control Panel............................................................................................................... 40

This thesis project aims to develop a website named "Travel Bangladesh" that serves as a
travel agency for tourists visiting Bangladesh. The tourism industry in Bangladesh has
immense potential to contribute to the country's economic growth and development.
However, the lack of proper infrastructure, information, and facilities for tourists hinders the
growth of the industry. Therefore, this project seeks to bridge the gap by providing a
user-friendly platform that offers a range of services and information to tourists. Tourists can
book tours, travel packages, flights and hotel services. The website allows tourists to leave
feedback, and local guides and travel bloggers can share their experiences, tips, and
recommendations. This website promotes local tourism and generates employment
opportunities in Bangladesh. The project combines research, analysis, design, and
implementation to create a user-friendly platform that offers a range of services and
information to tourists. The "Travel Bangladesh" website is expected to contribute
significantly to the growth of the tourism industry in Bangladesh and help position the
country as a top tourist destination in the region.

I’m, KAZI ABDUR RAKIB, do hereby declare that this research entitled
“E-Commerce Inventory Management System” is my own effort under the
supervision and guidance of Professor Dr. Hou Shudong . I further declare that the
work has not been submitted, in partial or in full, to any other academic institution
for any degree award.

Signature: Date: 2022.05.20


I’m, KAZI ABDUR RAKIB, certify that Anhui University of Technology has the right
to preserve the submitted copies of the paper in photocopy, micro printing and other
forms. The confidential paper can be preserved by Anhui University of Technology in
the same way when it is declassified. It is also certified that Anhui University of
Technology has the right to open the content of the paper, partial or full, to public to read
or borrow.

Date: 2022.05.20
Supervisor’s Signature:

Supervisor’s Name:Dr. Hou Shudong ( 侯书东 )

Chapter 1 - Introduction

1.1. Introduction

Tourism is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world, contributing significantly to economic
growth and development. Bangladesh, a developing country in South Asia, has immense potential to
contribute to the tourism industry's growth. Bangladesh is known for its rich culture, scenic beauty, and
historical significance. However, the lack of proper infrastructure, information, and facilities for
tourists hinders the growth of the industry. In this thesis project, we aim to develop a website called
"Travel Bangladesh" that serves as a travel agency for tourists visiting Bangladesh. The project
combines research, analysis, design, and implementation to create a website that meets the needs and
preferences of tourists. The website provides an interactive map and travel tips. Tourists can book
tours, travel packages, flights and hotels services. The website allows tourists to leave feedback, and
local guides and travel bloggers can share their experiences, tips, and recommendations. The research
phase of this project involved gathering information about the tourism industry in Bangladesh, the
current market trends, and the needs of tourists. We conducted surveys, interviews, and case studies to
gather data and analyze the tourism industry's current state. The analysis phase focused on identifying
the target audience, their preferences, and requirements. Based on the research and analysis, we
developed a website layout, designed graphics, and developed content for the website. The
implementation phase involved the actual development of the website using programming languages
such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The website's features and functionality were tested for usability
and functionality, ensuring that the website met the needs of the target audience. The "Travel
Bangladesh" website's success will be measured based on the website's traffic, user engagement, and
feedback from tourists and local service providers. By promoting local tourism and generating
employment opportunities for the people of Bangladesh, the website will have a positive impact on the
country's economy and society. In conclusion, the "Travel Bangladesh" website is a comprehensive
solution to the challenges faced by the tourism industry in Bangladesh. This thesis project aims to
bridge the gap by providing a user-friendly platform that offers a range of services and information to
tourists. The website is expected to contribute significantly to the growth of the tourism industry in
Bangladesh and help position the country as a top tourist destination in the region.

1.2. Existing System

The tourism industry in Bangladesh is in its nascent stage, and there is a lack of proper infrastructure,
information, and facilities for tourists. Currently, tourists visiting Bangladesh face several challenges,
including limited access to information, language barriers, and a lack of reliable travel services.
Although there are some travel agencies and tour operators that offer travel packages and services, there
is no centralized platform that provides comprehensive information and services for tourists. Most of the
existing websites related to tourism in Bangladesh provide limited information and are not user-friendly.
Many of these websites are outdated and do not offer features that are essential for tourists. For instance,
some of these websites do not provide accurate information about tourist destinations, while others do
not offer the option to book tours or travel packages online. Furthermore, there is a lack of reviews and
ratings from tourists, which makes it difficult for travelers to make informed decisions about their travel
plans. Moreover, some of the existing websites related to tourism in Bangladesh are not optimized for
mobile devices, which is a significant concern as the majority of tourists rely on their mobile devices to
access the internet. Therefore, it is essential to have a website that is responsive and can be accessed
from any device. In summary, the existing system related to tourism in Bangladesh is inadequate, and
there is a need for a comprehensive platform that provides accurate information, reliable services, and a
user-friendly interface. The "Travel Bangladesh" website aims to bridge the gap by providing a
centralized platform that meets the needs and preferences of tourists.

1.3. Problems of Existing System

The tourism industry in Bangladesh faces several challenges due to the existing system's limitations. The
following are some of the key problems with the existing system related to tourism in Bangladesh:

● Limited Information: The existing system lacks comprehensive information about tourist
destinations, accommodation options, transportation services, and local culture. This makes it
difficult for tourists to plan their travel and make informed decisions about their itinerary.
● Language Barriers: Many tourists face language barriers in Bangladesh as most of the information
and services are provided in the local language. This makes it difficult for tourists who do not
speak the language to communicate with locals, book tours or accommodation, and navigate their
way around the country.
● Lack of Reliable Services: The existing system lacks reliable services such as transportation,
accommodation, and tour packages. Tourists often face challenges in finding reliable service
providers, resulting in a poor travel experience.
● Outdated Websites: Many of the existing tourism-related websites in Bangladesh are outdated and
do not offer a user-friendly interface. This makes it challenging for tourists to navigate the website
and find the required information or services.
● Limited Mobile Accessibility: The existing websites related to tourism in Bangladesh are not
optimized for mobile devices. This is a significant concern as the majority of tourists rely on their
mobile devices to access the internet.
● Lack of Reviews and Ratings: The existing system lacks reviews and ratings from tourists, making
it difficult for travelers to make informed decisions about their travel plans. Reviews and ratings
provide insights into the quality of services and help tourists make informed decisions.

1.3.1 Employee Errors

In the travel industry, employee errors can have severe consequences for both the business and the
customer. The following are some of the common employee errors that can occur in a travel agency:
● Incorrect booking information: One of the most common employee errors is incorrect booking
information. This can include mistakes in flight dates, hotel bookings, or other travel-related
arrangements. These errors can lead to significant problems for the customer, including unexpected
expenses, missed flights, and accommodation issues.
● Miscommunication: Miscommunication between the employee and the customer can also lead to
errors. This can occur when employees do not communicate the correct information or
misunderstand the customer's requirements. Miscommunication can lead to dissatisfaction with the
service and, in some cases, result in lost customers.
● Poor customer service: Poor customer service can also be a significant problem for travel agencies.
This can include rudeness, unresponsiveness, or lack of knowledge about the products and services
offered. Poor customer service can lead to negative reviews and damage the agency's reputation.
● Inefficient processes: Inefficient processes can also lead to errors in travel bookings. This can
include delays in processing bookings, long waiting times for customers, or a lack of coordination
between different departments. Inefficient processes can lead to customer frustration and
● Lack of attention to detail: Lack of attention to detail can lead to errors in travel bookings, such as
misspelled names, incorrect passport information, or wrong flight information. These errors can
result in significant problems for the customer, including denied boarding or difficulty in obtaining

1.4. Solutions of Existing System

To address the challenges faced by the existing system related to tourism in Bangladesh, the "Travel
Bangladesh" website offers the following solutions:

● Comprehensive Information: The website provides comprehensive information about tourist

destinations, accommodation options, transportation services, and local culture. This information is
presented in an easy-to-understand format, making it easier for tourists to plan their travel and
make informed decisions about their itinerary.

● Language Accessibility: The website is available in both English and Bengali, making it accessible
to both local and foreign tourists. The website also offers translation services for customers who
need help communicating with locals.

● Reliable Services: The website offers reliable services such as transportation, accommodation, and
tour packages. All service providers are carefully vetted to ensure the quality of services provided.

● User-Friendly Interface: The website has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for tourists to
navigate the website and find the required information or services. The website is optimized for
both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring that tourists can access the information from anywhere.

● Reviews and Ratings: The website features reviews and ratings from tourists who have used the
services. These reviews and ratings provide insights into the quality of services and help tourists
make informed decisions.

● Personalized Recommendations: The website provides personalized recommendations based on

the customer's preferences and interests. This feature helps tourists plan their itinerary based on
their interests and ensures a memorable travel experience.

1.5. Project Objectives

The main objective of the "Travel Bangladesh" website is to promote the tourism industry in
Bangladesh and provide a user-friendly platform for tourists to plan their travel. The following are the
specific objectives of this project:

● To provide comprehensive information about tourist destinations, accommodation options,

transportation services, and local culture in Bangladesh.

● To promote local tourism by offering reliable and high-quality services to tourists.

● To improve the travel experience for tourists by providing personalized recommendations based on
their interests and preferences.

● To promote sustainable tourism practices by highlighting eco-friendly tourism options and

promoting responsible tourism.

● To offer a user-friendly interface that is accessible to both local and foreign tourists, allowing them
to easily plan and book their travel arrangements.

● To provide a platform for local tourism service providers to showcase their services and connect
with potential customers.

● To enhance the image of Bangladesh as a tourist destination by showcasing its diverse culture,
natural beauty, and hospitality.

● To contribute to the economic development of Bangladesh by promoting the tourism industry and
creating job opportunities.
Chapter 2 - Literature Review

2.1. Introduction

The literature review is an essential component of this thesis project. It aims to provide a
comprehensive analysis of the existing literature related to tourism in Bangladesh, including the
challenges and opportunities for the tourism industry, and the role of technology in promoting tourism.
This chapter will provide an overview of the literature review, including the research questions, the
scope of the literature review, and the methodology used to conduct the literature review. The
literature review aims to answer the following research questions:

● What are the challenges and opportunities for the tourism industry in Bangladesh?
● How can technology be used to promote tourism in Bangladesh?
● What are the current trends in the use of technology in the tourism industry?
● How can sustainable tourism practices be promoted in Bangladesh?

To address these research questions, the literature review will examine a broad range of literature
related to tourism in Bangladesh, including academic journals, reports, books, and online sources. The
scope of the literature review will be limited to the period from 2010 to 2021 to ensure that the most
recent and relevant information is included. The methodology used to conduct the literature review
will involve a systematic search of electronic databases such as Google Scholar, JSTOR, and
ScienceDirect. The keywords used for the search will include "tourism in Bangladesh," "tourism
industry," "technology and tourism," "sustainable tourism," and other relevant keywords. The search
results will be screened based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and the selected literature will be
analyzed and synthesized to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of the tourism
industry in Bangladesh. In conclusion, the literature review chapter of this thesis project aims to
provide a comprehensive analysis of the existing literature related to tourism in Bangladesh. The
chapter will examine the challenges and opportunities for the tourism industry, the role of technology
in promoting tourism, and the current trends in the use of technology in the tourism industry. The
literature review will also explore sustainable tourism practices and their potential for promoting
tourism in Bangladesh.

2.2 Website of Travel Bangladesh

The "Travel Bangladesh" website is designed to promote tourism in Bangladesh and offer a
comprehensive and reliable platform for tourists to plan and book their travel arrangements. This
section of the literature review will examine the features and functionalities of the website and the
potential impact of the website on the tourism industry in Bangladesh. The "Travel Bangladesh" website
is designed to offer comprehensive information about tourist destinations, accommodation options,
transportation services, and local culture in Bangladesh. The website is user-friendly and accessible to
both local and foreign tourists, allowing them to easily plan and book their travel arrangements. The
website features a personalized recommendation system based on the user's interests and preferences,
which enhances the user experience and increases customer satisfaction. The website also promotes
sustainable tourism practices by highlighting eco-friendly tourism options and promoting responsible
tourism. The website offers a platform for local tourism service providers to showcase their services and
connect with potential customers, thereby contributing to the economic development of Bangladesh and
creating job opportunities. The "Travel Bangladesh" website has the potential to have a significant
impact on the tourism industry in Bangladesh. The website's comprehensive information about tourist
destinations and local culture can help promote local tourism and increase the number of tourists
visiting Bangladesh. The personalized recommendation system and user-friendly interface can enhance
the user experience, increase customer satisfaction, and promote customer loyalty. The website's
promotion of sustainable tourism practices can help preserve the environment and promote responsible
2.3 Features of the Website

The "Travel Bangladesh" website is designed to offer comprehensive information and services to
tourists planning to visit Bangladesh. This section of the literature review will examine the features of
the website in detail, including the information provided, booking and payment options, and the
personalized recommendation system.

2.3.1 Home: The homepage of the "Travel Bangladesh" website is the first impression visitors have of
the website. This section of the thesis will examine the features of the website's home section, including
its design, content, and functionalities.

● Attractive Design: The homepage of the website features an attractive and visually appealing
design, with high-quality images and engaging content. The website's design is responsive and
user-friendly, ensuring that visitors can easily navigate the website and find the information they

● Comprehensive Information: The homepage of the website provides comprehensive information

about Bangladesh, including its culture, history, tourist destinations, and travel tips. The website
provides a brief overview of the different sections of the website, making it easy for visitors to
navigate to the relevant sections.

● Personalized Recommendations: The homepage of the website features a personalized

recommendation system based on the user's interests and preferences. The system suggests popular
tourist destinations and travel packages that match the user's inputs, enhancing the user experience
and increasing customer satisfaction.

● User Testimonials: The homepage of the website features user testimonials and reviews, providing
social proof of the website's credibility and reliability.

● Call-to-Action Buttons: The homepage of the website features prominent call-to-action buttons,
such as "Book Now" and "Contact Us," encouraging visitors to take action and engage with the
website's services.

● Social Media Integration: The homepage of the website features social media integration, allowing
visitors to connect with the website's social media profiles and share the website's content on their
social media accounts.

2.3.2 Tour: The Tour section of the "Travel Bangladesh" website is the core feature of the website,
where visitors can search and book travel packages to various tourist destinations in Bangladesh. This
section of the thesis will examine the features of the website's Tour section, including its design, content,
and functionalities.

● Search Filters: The Tour section of the website features search filters that allow visitors to
search for travel packages based on their preferences, such as destination, budget, duration,
and type of tour. The search filters make it easy for visitors to find relevant travel packages

● Tour Packages: The Tour section of the website features various tour packages, including
cultural tours, adventure tours, wildlife tours, and beach tours. The tour packages provide
comprehensive information about the itinerary, cost, and inclusions, making it easy for
visitors to make an informed decision.

● Customized Tour Packages: The Tour section of the website also provides visitors with the
option to customize their tour packages based on their preferences and budget. Visitors can
select their preferred destinations, activities, accommodation, and transportation services,
and the website's travel experts will create a customized tour package for them.

● Online Booking: The Tour section of the website allows visitors to book their travel
packages online, making the booking process quick and convenient. The online booking
system is secure and user-friendly, ensuring that visitors can make their bookings with ease.

● Customer Reviews: The Tour section of the website features customer reviews and ratings
of the different tour packages, providing social proof of the website's credibility and

● Tourist Guide: The Tour section of the website also features a tourist guide, providing
visitors with information about the different tourist destinations in Bangladesh, such as
attractions, activities, and local culture.

2.3.3 Hotels: The Hotels section of the "Travel Bangladesh" website is a feature that enables visitors to
search for and book hotel accommodations in different parts of Bangladesh. This section of the thesis
will examine the features of the website's Hotels section, including its design, content, and

● Search Filters: The Hotels section of the website features search filters that allow visitors to search
for hotels based on their preferences, such as location, price range, room type, and amenities. The
search filters make it easy for visitors to find relevant hotel accommodations quickly.

● Hotel Listings: The Hotels section of the website features a wide range of hotel listings from
budget to luxury accommodations, providing visitors with various options to choose from. The
hotel listings provide comprehensive information about the hotel, including the location, room
types, amenities, and pricing.

● Online Booking: The Hotels section of the website allows visitors to book their hotel
accommodations online, making the booking process quick and convenient. The online booking
system is secure and user-friendly, ensuring that visitors can make their bookings with ease.

● Customer Reviews: The Hotels section of the website features customer reviews and ratings of the
different hotels, providing social proof of the website's credibility and reliability.

2.3.4 Blog: The blog section of the "Travel Bangladesh" website is a feature that provides visitors with
informative and engaging content related to travel and tourism in Bangladesh. This section of the thesis
will examine the features of the website's blog section, including its design, content, and functionalities.

● Varied and Informative Content: The blog section of the website offers a wide range of content
covering various topics related to travel and tourism in Bangladesh. The blog features articles on
popular destinations, cultural experiences, travel tips, and current events, providing visitors with
valuable information that can help them plan their trip.

● User-Friendly Design: The blog section of the website is designed to be user-friendly, with a clean
and organized layout that makes it easy to navigate and find the desired content. The blog posts are
categorized by topic and date, and there is a search bar that allows visitors to quickly find specific

● High-Quality Visuals: The blog section of the website features high-quality visuals, including
photos and videos, that help to bring the content to life. The visuals are well-chosen and
well-executed, providing visitors with an immersive and engaging experience.

● Social Sharing Options: The blog section of the website provides visitors with social sharing
options, allowing them to share the blog posts on their social media platforms. This feature helps
to increase the reach of the content and encourages visitors to engage with the website and the
travel agency.

● Commenting System: The blog section of the website features a commenting system that allows
visitors to leave comments and engage in discussions related to the blog posts. This feature creates
a sense of community and encourages visitors to share their own experiences and insights, which
can help to build trust and loyalty.

● Regular Updates: The blog section of the website is regularly updated with new content, ensuring
that visitors have access to fresh and relevant information. The regular updates also help to keep
the website and the travel agency top-of-mind for visitors, which can lead to increased engagement
and bookings.

2.3.4 About: The history section of the "Travel Bangladesh" website provides visitors with a brief
overview of the travel agency's origins and evolution over time. This section of the thesis will examine
the features of the website's history section, including its design, content, and functionalities.

● Chronological Timeline: The history section of the website features a chronological timeline that
highlights key milestones in the travel agency's history, such as when it was founded, significant
events, and milestones. This feature allows visitors to quickly understand the travel agency's
history and evolution.

● Interactive Elements: To enhance the user experience, the history section of the website may also
include interactive elements such as videos, images, and animations that illustrate key moments in
the travel agency's history. This feature can help engage visitors and make the history section more

● Emphasis on Achievements: The history section of the website may also emphasize the travel
agency's achievements, such as awards, accolades, or notable accomplishments. This feature helps
to establish the credibility and legitimacy of the travel agency and builds trust with potential
customers by demonstrating the travel agency's track record of success.

2.3.4 Contact: The contact section of the "Travel Bangladesh" website provides visitors with a way to
get in touch with the travel agency, whether it be to ask questions, make a reservation, or provide
feedback. This section of the thesis will examine the features of the website's contact section, including
its design, content, and functionalities.

● Contact Form: The contact section of the website features a contact form that allows visitors to
input their name, email address, phone number, and a message. This feature makes it easy for
visitors to reach out to the travel agency and provides a convenient way for the travel agency to
collect customer inquiries and feedback.
● Phone and Email: In addition to the contact form, the contact section of the website may also
include the travel agency's phone number and email address. This feature provides visitors with
multiple ways to get in touch with the travel agency, making it easier for them to connect on their
preferred communication channel.

● Google Maps Integration: To help visitors find the travel agency's physical location, the contact
section of the website may include a Google Maps integration. This feature allows visitors to view
the travel agency's location, get directions, and even see street view images of the surrounding

● Social Media Links: To further engage visitors and provide more ways to connect with the travel
agency, the contact section of the website may include links to the travel agency's social media
pages. This feature encourages visitors to follow the travel agency on social media, which can help
build a community and foster brand loyalty.

2.4 Supporting Theory

Supporting theory for the "Travel Bangladesh" website can be divided into several areas that are
relevant to the design and development of the website. These areas include:

● User Experience (UX): The UX theory focuses on creating a website that is easy to use, engaging, and
satisfying for users. This theory suggests that website design should be intuitive and user-friendly,
with a clear hierarchy of information and a consistent visual style. The website should also take into
account the user's needs and preferences to provide a personalized and enjoyable experience.

● Architecture (IA): The IA theory focuses on organizing and structuring information on the website in
a way that is logical and easy to navigate. This theory suggests that the website's content should be
categorized and labeled clearly, with a clear hierarchy of information and a consistent style across the

● Search Engine Optimization (SEO): The SEO theory focuses on optimizing the website's content to
rank higher on search engine results pages. This theory suggests that the website's content should be
written with relevant keywords and structured in a way that is easy for search engines to crawl and

● Responsive Design: The responsive design theory focuses on creating a website that is optimized for
different devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. This theory suggests that the website
should be designed with flexible layouts and font sizes to ensure that it is readable and usable on
different screen sizes.

● Content Strategy: The content strategy theory focuses on creating a website that is designed to meet
the needs of the website's target audience. This theory suggests that the website's content should be
created with a clear purpose and tailored to the user's needs and preferences.

● Branding: The branding theory focuses on creating a consistent and recognizable visual identity for
the website. This theory suggests that the website's design and visual style should be consistent across
all pages and reflect the travel agency's brand values and personality.
2.6. Used Technology

2.6.1 JavaScript
JavaScript is a popular programming language that is widely used for building interactive and dynamic
websites. It is a client-side scripting language that runs in the user's web browser, allowing for the
creation of dynamic web content and user interfaces. The "Travel Bangladesh" website uses JavaScript
in several ways, including:
● DOM Manipulation: JavaScript is used to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM) of the
website, allowing for the dynamic creation, modification, and deletion of HTML elements. This is
useful for creating interactive user interfaces and updating the website content dynamically.
● Event Handling: JavaScript is used to handle user interactions with the website, such as clicks, scrolls,
and form submissions. This is done through event listeners that listen for user actions and trigger
corresponding actions or functions.
● Form Validation: JavaScript is used to validate user input in forms, ensuring that the user enters the
correct type of data and that all required fields are filled out before submitting the form.
● AJAX Requests: JavaScript is used to make asynchronous requests to the server using AJAX
(Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), allowing for the retrieval and display of dynamic content
without requiring a page refresh.
● Third-Party Libraries: JavaScript is used to integrate third-party libraries and frameworks into the
website, such as jQuery and React. These libraries provide additional functionality and simplify the
development process by providing pre-built components and tools.
Figure 2.1: use of JavaScript

2.6.2 HTML
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the standard markup language used for creating web pages
and other types of electronic documents. It is the foundation of web development and is used to
structure and format the content of a website. The "Travel Bangladesh" website uses HTML in several
ways, including:

Document Structure: HTML is used to define the structure of the website, including the layout and
hierarchy of the different pages, sections, and elements.

Content Formatting: HTML is used to format the content of the website, including text, images,
videos, and other multimedia elements. It is used to define headings, paragraphs, lists, tables, and
other types of content.

Links and Navigation: HTML is used to create links between different pages of the website, allowing
visitors to navigate through the different sections and pages. It is also used to create menus, buttons,
and other types of navigation elements.

Forms: HTML is used to create forms that allow visitors to input data, such as contact information or
booking details. Forms can include various types of input fields, such as text fields, checkboxes, radio
buttons, and dropdown menus.
Accessibility: HTML is used to ensure that the website is accessible to all users, including those with
disabilities. This includes the use of semantic markup, alt text for images, and other accessibility
2.6.3 CSS

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a styling language used to define the visual appearance of a website. It
is used in conjunction with HTML to create and style the layout and design of web pages. The "Travel
Bangladesh" website uses CSS in several ways, including:

● Layout and Formatting: CSS is used to define the layout and formatting of the website, including the
size, position, and spacing of different elements on the page. It is used to set the font styles, colors,
and backgrounds of the website, as well as defining the overall look and feel of the website.

● Responsive Design: CSS is used to create a responsive design, which ensures that the website looks
good and functions well on different devices and screen sizes. This includes defining different styles
and layouts for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.

● Animation and Effects: CSS is used to create animations and effects on the website, such as hover
effects, transitions, and animations. This helps to create an engaging and interactive user experience.

● Accessibility: CSS is used to ensure that the website is accessible to all users, including those with
disabilities. This includes defining styles for text and background colors, font sizes, and other
elements that are easy to read and navigate.

2.6.4 SCSS

SCSS (Sassy CSS) is a preprocessor scripting language that is used to generate CSS code. It is a more
powerful and efficient version of CSS, allowing developers to use variables, nesting, and other
programming constructs to create more complex and maintainable stylesheets. The "Travel Bangladesh"
website uses SCSS in several ways, including:
● Code Reusability: SCSS allows developers to define variables and mixins, which can be reused
throughout the stylesheet. This helps to reduce code duplication and make the code more maintainable
and scalable.

● Nesting: SCSS allows developers to nest styles inside one another, making it easier to write and read
code. This helps to reduce the amount of code needed to achieve a desired style, making the stylesheet
more efficient and organized.

● Modularity: SCSS allows developers to split the stylesheet into smaller modules, making it easier to
manage and maintain. This makes it easier to make changes and updates to the codebase, without
affecting other parts of the website.

● Mixins: SCSS allows developers to define mixins, which are reusable blocks of code that can be called
throughout the stylesheet. This helps to simplify the code and make it more reusable and maintainable.

2.6.5 Bootstrap
Bootstrap is a popular open-source front-end framework used for building responsive, mobile-first web
projects. The "Travel Bangladesh" website uses Bootstrap in several ways, including:
● Responsive Design: Bootstrap makes it easy to create a responsive design that looks great on any
device. The framework includes a grid system and responsive utilities, allowing developers to easily
create layouts that adapt to different screen sizes.
● Pre-built Components: Bootstrap includes a large library of pre-built components such as navigation
bars, forms, buttons, and more. This makes it easy to add common UI elements to the website, without
having to write custom CSS or JavaScript.
● Customizable: Bootstrap is highly customizable, allowing developers to customize the framework to
meet the needs of the project. This includes changing colors, fonts, and other design elements, as well
as adding or removing components.
● Browser Compatibility: Bootstrap is designed to work across all modern browsers, ensuring that the
website looks and functions the same regardless of the browser being used.
Chapter 3 - Proposed System
3.1. Introduction:
The proposed system for the "Travel Bangladesh" website aims to address the problems identified in
the existing system and provide a better experience for users. The proposed system will include new
features and functionality, as well as improvements to existing features. One of the main objectives of
the proposed system is to make the website more user-friendly and easier to navigate. This will be
achieved through the use of a more intuitive and modern design, as well as improvements to the search
and booking processes. Additionally, the proposed system will include new features such as user
accounts, personalized recommendations, and a more robust blog section. Another objective of the
proposed system is to reduce the occurrence of errors and improve the accuracy of information on the
website. This will be achieved through the use of automated processes for data entry and validation, as
well as improvements to the content management system.

3.1.1 Purpose:
The proposed system aims to achieve this purpose through the following: Improve User
Experience: The proposed system will be designed to provide a more user-friendly and
engaging experience for website visitors. It will include a modern and intuitive design,
easy-to-use navigation, and an improved search function that allows users to find what they are
looking for quickly and easily. Additionally, the system will provide personalized
recommendations and suggestions based on the user's search history and preferences. Reduce
Errors: The proposed system will reduce errors and inconsistencies in the website's content by
automating data entry and validation processes. This will ensure that information is accurate,
up-to-date, and consistent across all pages of the website. By reducing errors, the proposed
system will increase the credibility of the website and improve the user's trust in the information
provided. Increase Efficiency: The proposed system will improve the efficiency of the booking
process by streamlining the payment and confirmation process. This will save time for both
users and employees, reducing the likelihood of errors and improving the overall experience.
Enhance Functionality: The proposed system will provide new features and functionality that
are not currently available in the existing system. For example, it will include a user account
system that allows users to save their travel preferences and booking history. The system will
also feature a more robust blog section that provides users with valuable travel advice and

3.1.2 products cope

The scope of the project includes developing a user-friendly website with multiple features such
as browsing and searching for tour packages, booking hotels, transportation, and other
travel-related services. The website will also include a blog section with travel guides, tips, and
stories to inspire and guide tourists. The proposed system will also enable users to contact the
travel agency directly and request custom travel itineraries.
3.1.3 Product Perspective

From a product perspective, Travel Bangladesh will be a one-stop-shop for all travel-related
needs for tourists. It will provide a user-friendly and interactive interface to enable users to find
the information they need quickly and easily. The website will be designed with a responsive
layout, making it accessible from any device, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and
smartphones. The system's design will be based on modern web development technologies such
as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and SCSS. The proposed system will also have a blog
section with travel guides, tips, and stories to inspire and guide tourists. This section will not
only provide valuable information but will also engage users and encourage them to plan their
travels using the website. Furthermore, the system will enable users to contact the travel agency
directly and request custom travel itineraries.

3.1.4 Product Functions

The product functions of this system can be categorized into three main sections: User
Management: The system will have a registration and login functionality that allows users to
create their profiles, save their preferences and booking history, and receive personalized
recommendations. The user will be able to update their profile, view their booking details, and
cancel or modify their bookings. Tour Package Management: The system will offer a variety of
tour packages that users can browse, filter, and book. Users can view the details of each
package, such as the itinerary, pricing, and availability. The system will also have a search
functionality that allows users to filter packages based on their preferred location, duration, and
budget. Hotel and Service Management: The system will have a list of hotels and services that
users can browse, filter, and book. Users can view the details of each hotel, such as the room
types, pricing, and availability. The system will also offer additional services such as car rental,
airport transfers, and local guides. Users can select and book the services they need during their
stay in Bangladesh.

3.1.5 User Classes and Characteristics

The features that are available to the customers are:-

➢ can book flight
➢ can book hotel room
➢ can rent a car
➢ can book cruises
➢ can give reviews
➢ can post a blog

3.1.6 Operating Environment

The proposed system, Travel Bangladesh website, will operate in a web-based environment that
will be accessible through the internet. The website will be developed using client-side
technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap, and it will be hosted on a web
server. The website will be designed to be responsive, which means it will adjust its layout
based on the screen size of the device used to access it, whether it is a desktop computer, laptop,
tablet, or smartphone. Users of the website will need to have access to the internet and a web
browser to access the website. The website will be compatible with the latest versions of
popular web browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari. The website will be
developed using open-source software and will be hosted on a web server that supports the
required technologies and meets the necessary performance and security standards. The website
will be regularly monitored and maintained to ensure it is operating smoothly and securely, and
any necessary updates or upgrades will be applied in a timely manner to improve the user
experience and protect the website from potential security threats.
3.1.7 Design and Implementation Constraints
Design and implementation constraints refer to the limitations or restrictions that affect the
development of the proposed system. These constraints can be in the form of technical, time, or
budgetary limitations. In the case of the Travel Bangladesh website, the following design and
implementation constraints were identified: Technical limitations: The website's design and
development must be compatible with multiple devices and web browsers. This requires
ensuring that the website's design is responsive, and it must be developed using compatible
technologies that can work on different devices and web browsers. Time constraints: The
proposed system development must be completed within a specified timeframe, considering the
deadline for the thesis submission. Budgetary constraints: There is a limit to the resources
available for the development of the website. Therefore, the website's design and development
must be cost-effective and completed within the allocated budget. Language barrier: As
Bangladesh is a country where the primary language is Bengali, the website's content must be
presented in a language that caters to the international audience. Therefore, the website's
content must be in English to accommodate travelers from different countries. Security: As the
website deals with personal and financial information, the security of the system is of utmost
importance. The system must be designed with security measures in place to ensure the privacy
and safety of users' data. The above constraints must be considered when designing and
implementing the proposed system to ensure that the project is completed within the allocated
time frame, budget, and to meet the necessary technical requirements.

3.3 System Features

The users of the system should be provided the surety that their account is secure. This is possible
by providing:-
》User authentication and validation of customers using their unique email ID.
》Proper monitoring by the admin which includes updating account status, showing all orders
details, make a new admin, add new products, manage all orders, update order status.
》Proper accountability which includes not allowing a customer to see other customer 's account.
Only administrator will see and manage all customer accounts.

3.4. External Interface Requirements

3.4.1 User Interfaces

User interfaces play a crucial role in the success of any website or application. The user interface
(UI) of a website is the design and layout of the website, which makes it easy for the user to
interact with the website. A good user interface will not only make the website visually appealing
but will also enhance the user experience. The proposed system "Travel Bangladesh" has a
user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate. The website has been designed to cater to different
types of users, including those who are not tech-savvy. The user interface has been designed to be
responsive, which means that it will adjust automatically to the size of the screen of the device
that the user is accessing it from. This is particularly important because users access websites
from different types of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and laptops. The homepage of the
website has a simple and clean design, with a prominent banner that showcases the best travel
destinations in Bangladesh. The main menu is located at the top of the website, which provides
easy access to the different sections of the website, such as "Find Tour," "Hotels," "Services,"
"Blog," "About," and "Contact." The main menu is designed to be user-friendly and easily
accessible, with large and clear text, and a clean and simple design. The "Find Tour" section of
the website has been designed to be user-friendly, with a search bar that enables users to search
for tours by destination, budget, and duration. The search results are displayed in a clear and
easy-to-read format, with relevant information such as the tour itinerary, cost, and duration
displayed prominently. The "Hotels" section of the website has a simple and easy-to-use interface
that enables users to search for hotels by destination, budget, and duration. The search results are
displayed in a clear and easy-to-read format, with relevant information such as the hotel name,
location, and cost displayed prominently. The "Services" section of the website has been designed
to be user-friendly, with clear and easy-to-read information about the different services that the
website offers, such as transportation, visa processing, and travel insurance. The "Blog" section of
the website has a clean and simple design, with a user-friendly interface that enables users to
browse through different blog posts easily. The blog posts are displayed in a clear and
easy-to-read format, with relevant information such as the post title, author, and date displayed
prominently. The "About" section of the website has been designed to provide users with
information about the website, its history, and its team. The section has a clean and simple design,
with relevant information displayed in a clear and easy-to-read format. The "Contact" section of
the website has a user-friendly interface that enables users to get in touch with the website's team
easily. The section has a simple form that users can fill out to send a message to the website's
team. The contact details of the website's team are also displayed prominently, including the
physical address, phone number, and email address.

3.4.2 Hardware Interfaces

The proposed travel agency website, "Travel Bangladesh," does not require any specific hardware interface. The
website is accessible from any device with an internet connection and a web browser. Users can access the
website from their desktop computers, laptops, tablets, or smartphones. The website is designed to be responsive,
which means it automatically adjusts to fit the screen size of the user's device. However, users may need to have
certain hardware components to access some of the website's features. For example, to make a hotel reservation,
users will need to have a device with a keyboard and mouse or touch screen interface to fill out the required
information accurately. Additionally, users may need to have a printer to print out travel itineraries or
confirmation emails. Overall, the hardware interface for the "Travel Bangladesh" website is minimal, and users
can access it from most devices with an internet connection.
3.4.3 Software Interface
The software interfaces of the system will include:
● Database interface: The proposed system will have a database interface to store and retrieve data.
The system will use MySQL as the database management system.
● Google Maps interface: The system will integrate with the Google Maps API to provide
location-based services to customers.
● Email interface: The system will have an email interface to communicate with customers and
employees. The system will use Gmail as the email service provider.
● Social media interface: The system will have social media interfaces to share travel-related
information with customers. The system will use Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram APIs.

3.4.4 Communications Interfaces

The communication interfaces include email, social media platforms such as Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter, and online payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe. Email
communication interface will allow users to send inquiries, bookings, and complaints to the
travel agency. The website will have a designated email address for this purpose, which will be
displayed on the website's contact page. Social media communication interfaces will enable
users to share their experiences, feedback, and reviews on social media platforms. Travel
Bangladesh will create business accounts on different social media platforms and link them to
the website, allowing users to follow the travel agency's activities and engage with its posts.
Online payment gateways will provide users with a secure and convenient way to pay for their
bookings. Travel Bangladesh will integrate PayPal and Stripe payment gateways to the website
to enable users to make payments through credit/debit cards, online banking, and other payment
methods. The communication interfaces will enhance the user experience by providing seamless
interactions and enabling users to access the travel agency's services from various platforms.
They will also facilitate efficient communication and feedback between the users and the travel

3.5 Other Non-functional Requirements

3.5.1 Performance Requirement

The following are the performance requirements of the system:

● Response time: The website must load quickly to provide a seamless browsing experience to
the users. The website must have a response time of less than 3 seconds.
● Concurrent users: The website should be able to handle a large number of concurrent users.
The system must be able to accommodate at least 100 users at a time.
● Scalability: The system should be scalable to accommodate future growth. As the number of
users grows, the system should be able to handle the increased load without any performance
● Reliability: The system must be reliable and available 24/7. Any downtime should be
minimal and scheduled during off-peak hours.
● Security: The system must be secure and protect user data from unauthorized access. The
website should use SSL encryption to secure all communications between the user and the
● Error handling: The system must be able to handle errors gracefully and provide appropriate
feedback to the user. The error messages should be clear and easy to understand.
● Compatibility: The website must be compatible with different web browsers, operating
systems, and devices. The website should be optimized for both desktop and mobile devices.
These performance requirements ensure that the website provides a smooth and efficient user
experience, while also maintaining security and reliability.

3.5.2 Safety Requirement

As a travel agency website, there are no safety requirements that need to be fulfilled. However,
the website must ensure that the user's personal information is kept safe and secure. Therefore,
the website will implement appropriate security measures to protect users' information from
unauthorized access, theft, or hacking. The website will use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
encryption to secure all communication between the server and user's browser. It will also use
firewalls to prevent unauthorized access to the server and regularly perform backups to prevent
data loss in case of any unforeseen circumstances. Additionally, the website will comply with
all applicable data protection laws and regulations, such as the General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), to ensure that users'
privacy rights are protected. This includes obtaining user consent before collecting any personal
data and providing users with the option to delete their data upon request. Overall, the safety
requirements for this website primarily focus on protecting users' personal information and
complying with applicable data protection laws and regulations.
3.5.3 Security Requirement
The following security requirements are necessary for the system: Authentication and Authorization:
The system must have a robust authentication and authorization mechanism to prevent unauthorized
access to the system and its resources. Users should be required to provide their credentials to access
the system, and only authorized users should be granted access to specific features and functionalities.
Encryption: All sensitive information stored in the system's database should be encrypted to prevent
unauthorized access or data theft. Secure Communication: The system should use secure
communication protocols, such as HTTPS, to ensure that all communication between the server and
clients is encrypted and secure. Password Policy: The system should enforce a strong password policy
to ensure that users' passwords are complex, secure, and not easily guessable. Backup and Recovery:
The system should have a backup and recovery mechanism to ensure that data can be recovered in
case of a system failure, disaster, or other unforeseen events. Access Controls: The system should
have access controls to ensure that only authorized personnel can access the system's administrative
functions, including configuration and maintenance. Logging and Auditing: The system should have a
logging and auditing mechanism to track and record all system activities, including user login, data
access, and system changes. Virus and Malware Protection: The system should have appropriate virus
and malware protection measures in place to protect against malicious software that can compromise
the system's security. System Updates and Patches: The system should be regularly updated with the
latest security patches and updates to address any security vulnerabilities and ensure that the system is
up-to-date with the latest security standards.

3.5.4 Software Quality Attributes

The following software quality attributes are considered: Usability: The proposed system should be
easy to use, intuitive, and provide a good user experience. This includes features such as clear
navigation, easy-to-understand interfaces, and consistency in design. Reliability: The proposed system
should be dependable and function without failure. This includes features such as error handling, fault
tolerance, and backup and recovery mechanisms. Performance: The proposed system should be
responsive and have good performance even under high load conditions. This includes features such
as fast response times, efficient data processing, and scalability. Maintainability: The proposed system
should be easy to maintain and modify over time. This includes features such as well-structured code,
good documentation, and clear architecture. Security: The proposed system should be secure and
protect user data from unauthorized access or malicious attacks. This includes features such as secure
authentication and authorization mechanisms, data encryption, and protection against common
security threats. Compatibility: The proposed system should be compatible with various devices,
operating systems, and web browsers. This includes features such as cross-platform compatibility and
support for multiple languages. Portability: The proposed system should be easy to deploy and run on
different platforms and environments. This includes features such as platform independence, easy
installation and configuration, and support for various database management systems.

3.5.5 Flexibility
Flexibility is an important software quality attribute that refers to the ability of the software
system to be easily modified or adapted to accommodate changes or new requirements without
significant effort. The proposed system for the travel agency should be flexible to meet the
needs of various users with different preferences and requirements. One aspect of flexibility is
the ability to customize the user interface to suit the specific needs of each user. For example,
users may want to customize the color scheme, font size, or layout of the web pages to better
suit their individual preferences. The proposed system should allow users to make these
customizations easily without requiring advanced technical skills. Another aspect of flexibility
is the ability to integrate with other software systems. For example, the proposed system should
be able to integrate with third-party booking systems, payment gateways, and social media
platforms to provide a seamless user experience. This can be achieved through the use of
standard interfaces and protocols that allow for easy integration. Finally, the proposed system
should be flexible enough to accommodate changes in business requirements or user needs.
This can be achieved through the use of modular architecture and design patterns that allow for
easy modifications and updates without affecting other parts of the system. In addition, the
system should be well-documented and easy to maintain to ensure that future modifications can
be made efficiently and effectively.

3.5.6 Integrity
Integrity is a software quality attribute that ensures that data and information are not altered,
deleted, or accessed without authorization. It is important for systems that handle sensitive data,
such as personal information, financial records, and medical records. In the proposed system,
integrity will be ensured through various measures. Access control mechanisms will be put in
place to restrict access to sensitive data only to authorized personnel. Data validation and
verification will also be implemented to ensure that the data entered into the system is accurate
and consistent. Furthermore, the system will use encryption techniques to protect sensitive data
in transit and at rest. This will prevent unauthorized access or tampering of data. Regular
backups of the data will also be taken to ensure that in case of any data loss, the system can be
easily restored to its previous state. To maintain integrity, the system will also implement audit
trails that record all user activities and transactions. This will allow administrators to track any
unauthorized access or modifications made to the system. The system will also have a robust
error handling mechanism that detects and alerts administrators of any potential integrity issues.
Overall, the proposed system will have robust integrity measures to ensure that the data remains
accurate, consistent, and secure.
3.5.7 Use Case Diagram Use Case Diagram
A use case diagram is a visual representation of the interactions between users and a system. It
shows the different actions that users can perform and the corresponding responses from the
system. In the context of the proposed travel website, the use case diagram may include the
following actors and use cases:
● Actors:
1. Guest: A user who visits the website without logging in.
2. Registered User: A user who has signed up and logged into the website.

● Use Cases:
1. View Home Page: Both guest and registered users can view the home page of the website.
2. Search for Tour: Guests and registered users can search for available tours based on different
criteria such as location, price, and duration.
3. View Tour Details: Users can view the details of a specific tour, such as itinerary, pricing, and
4. Book Tour: Registered users can book a tour by selecting the desired tour and providing the
necessary information such as the number of participants and payment details.
5. View Booked Tours: Registered users can view the tours they have booked and the corresponding
6. Cancel Booked Tour: Registered users can cancel a booked tour if necessary.
7. View Hotel Listings: Guests and registered users can view the available hotels and their
corresponding details such as location, amenities, and pricing.
8. Book Hotel: Registered users can book a hotel by selecting the desired hotel and providing the
necessary information such as the number of guests and payment details.
9. View Booked Hotels: Registered users can view the hotels they have booked and the
corresponding details.
10. Cancel Booked Hotel: Registered users can cancel a booked hotel if necessary.
11. View Services: Guests and registered users can view the available services such as car rental and
tour guides.
12. Contact Customer Support: Users can contact the customer support team if they have any inquiries
or issues.
13. View Blog: Both guests and registered users can view the travel-related blog posts on the website.

The use case diagram shows the different interactions that users can have with the website and the
various actions that they can perform. It helps to identify the key features and functionalities of the
website and serves as a basis for further development and testing.
Chapter 4 - User Manual

4.1. Introduction
The user manual is a crucial component of any software system as it provides a comprehensive guide to users on
how to operate the system. In this section, we will provide a detailed introduction to the user manual for the
proposed travel website system. The user manual is designed to assist users in using the system effectively and
efficiently. It contains step-by-step instructions on how to use each feature of the system and provides helpful tips
to users. The user manual is intended for both new and experienced users of the system. In this introduction, we
will provide an overview of what users can expect to find in the user manual. We will describe the different
sections of the manual, including how to navigate through the manual and the purpose of each section. We will
also explain the benefits of using the user manual and how it can improve the overall user experience. Overall,
this introduction will provide users with a clear understanding of what to expect from the user manual and how it
can help them use the system effectively.

4.2 Computer Software Requirements

● In order to use the proposed system, the following computer software requirements need to be met:
Operating System: The system should be able to run on any modern operating system such as
Windows, macOS, or Linux.
● Web Browser: The system is a web-based application and requires a modern web browser such as
Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.
● Internet Connection: The system requires a stable internet connection with reasonable speed for
seamless operation.
● JavaScript: The web browser must have JavaScript enabled in order to fully utilize the features of
the system.
● Cookies: The web browser must have cookies enabled to store and retrieve user preferences and
data. Screen Resolution: The system is designed to be responsive and should work well on various
screen sizes. However, a minimum screen resolution of 1024x768 is recommended for optimal
viewing experience.
● Disk Space: The system does not require any significant disk space as all the data is stored on the

4.3 User Interfaces

The user interface for the proposed system is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly. The homepage
will have a simple and clean layout with easy-to-navigate menus and a search bar to allow users to
quickly find what they are looking for. The "Find Tour" section will have a filter option to allow users to
search for tours based on location, duration, price, and other preferences. The results will be displayed in
a list with a brief description, price, and an image. Users can click on each tour to see more detailed
information such as itinerary, accommodations, and activities included. The "Hotels" section will have a
similar layout, with the option to filter hotels based on location, price, and rating. Each hotel will have a
brief description, price, and an image. Users can click on each hotel to see more detailed information
such as room types, amenities, and reviews. The "Services" section will provide information on
additional services such as transportation, guides, and activities. Users can browse through the options
and select the ones they want to add to their tour or hotel booking. The "Blog" section will have a list of
articles on various topics related to travel in Bangladesh, including tips, recommendations, and cultural
insights. Users can browse through the articles and share them on social media.
4.3.1. Home Page
Figure 4.1: Home Page

4.3.2. Tour Page:

Figure 4.4: Find Tours
4.3.3. Hotel Page

Figure 4.5: Hotel Page

4.3.4. Services
Figure 4.6: Services
4.3.5. Blog

Figure 4.7: Blog Page

4.3.6 : About Page

Figure 4.8: About Page

4.3.7 : Contact Page

Figure 4.9: Contact Page

4.3.8. Footer
Figure 4.10: Footer
4.3.9. Tour-Place Page

Figure 4.11: Tour-Place Page

4.3.10. Hotel-Room Page

Figure 4.12: Hotel-Room Page

4.3.11. Live link, Front-End & Back-end source code link:

Live Link:

Front-End Source Code Link:


In conclusion, the proposed website for Travel Bangladesh aims to provide a comprehensive platform
for travelers to explore and plan their trips to Bangladesh. Through the integration of various features
such as finding tours, booking hotels, and accessing travel-related services, the website aims to
enhance the overall travel experience for users. The project objectives focused on improving the
existing system by addressing its limitations and providing solutions to enhance user experience. The
proposed system includes various features such as an easy-to-use interface, a blog section to share
travel experiences, and an about section to provide information about Bangladesh's history and
culture. To achieve these objectives, the proposed system utilizes various technologies such as
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SCSS, and Bootstrap. The system is designed to be flexible, secure, and
high-performing, ensuring that users have a seamless experience when accessing the website.
Furthermore, the use case diagram provides an overview of the different users and their interactions
with the website. This diagram provides an essential visual representation of the system and how it
operates, ensuring that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of the proposed system. Overall, the
proposed website for Travel Bangladesh has the potential to improve the travel experience for users
and promote tourism in Bangladesh. With its user-friendly interface, informative content, and
comprehensive features, the website is a valuable addition to the travel industry.
Appendix A---Visual Studio code editor

Figure A.1: Visual Studio Code Editor


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