The Carbon Footprint of Construction Industry A Re

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The carbon footprint of construction industry: A review of direct and indirect


Article in Journal of Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies · September 2021

DOI: 10.29187/jscmt.2021.66


20 6,851

3 authors:

Vivek Mathur Mahmoud Murtala Farouq

Sharda University Kano University of Science & Technology


Yahaya Hassan Labaran

Gaziantep University


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J Sustain Const Mater Technol, Vol. 6, Issue. 3, pp. 101–115, September 2021

Journal of Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies

Web page info:
Journal of Sustainable Construction
DOI: 10.29187/jscmt.2021.66 Materials and Technologies

Review Article

The carbon footprint of construction industry: A review of direct

and indirect emission
Yahaya Hassan LABARAN1* , Vivek Shankar MATHUR1 , Mahmoud Murtala FAROUQ2
Department of Civil Engineering, Sharda University Greater Noia, India

Department of Civil Engineering, Kano University of Science an Technology, Wudil, Nigeria



Article history
Received: 01 May 2021 The construction industry is considered to be among the major sectors that contribute sig-
Accepted: 13 July 2021 nificantly toward the emission of GHGs in our environment, which have a major effect on
the climate change, and is approximately responsible for about 19 percent of the overall GHG
Key words: emission globally, rendering it a pollution hotspot requiring urgent mitigation measures. Un-
Carbon footprint, construction fortunately, there are few studies on this subject to help construction companies meet their
industry, direct emission, low-carbon targets. As a result, this paper reviewed the contributions of researchers across the
greenhouse gas, indirect globe towards carbon dioxide and other GHGs emissions from the industry. After a systematic
emission, lifecycle assessment, review of some of these studies, it was found that the majority of researchers focused primarily
review on a specific feature of the construction industry, a case study of a particular country/city or
region, using the Life Cycle Assessment approach. And, even those who have studied similar
aspects such as cement or steel, have all used different methodologies, units, and techniques of
reporting. As such, a comparison between the findings of the literature is unrealistic. Despite
this, the scope of the emission from the construction industry is remarkably clear, and the
carbon findings can be found throughout the literature.

Cite this article as: Labaran YH, Mathurb VS, Farouq MM. The carbon footprint of con-
struction industry: A review of direct and indirect emission. J Sustain Const Mater Technol

1. INTRODUCTION in CO2 has become the agreed level above which the con-
sequences of climate change will become dangerous. The
The sudden growth in the greenhouse gas emissions impact of these actions on humankind will be pervasive
within our environment was initiated from the industrial and lead to disruptive weather disasters, agricultural pro-
age till around the end of the eighteenth century [1]. Hu- duction instability, and public health challenges [3]. CO2 is
man activities are the primary contributors to all these one of the dominant compound elements of the greenhouse
emissions by the consumption of fossil fuels and deserti- gases and the principal causal factor of global warming [4].
fication, which increases the amount of greenhouse gasses It accounts for almost 82% of overall global warming, with
in the atmosphere at an immense rate [1, 2]. The increase the remainder coming from active greenhouse gases, meth-

*Corresponding author.
*E-mail address:

Published by Yıldız Technical University Press, İstanbul, Turkey

Copyright 2021, Yıldız Technical University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
102 J Sustain Const Mater Technol, Vol. 6, Issue. 3, pp. 101–115, September 2021

ane, and nitrous oxide [5]. The United States Energy Infor- household and commercial structures by 2016 and 2020
mation and Administration estimated that by 2035, global [13]. These are among the world’s most advanced sustain-
carbon dioxide emissions would grow to around 7 percent able goals for the built environment [13]. The construction
higher than that in 2007 [6]. This suggests a potential rise sector is making a rapid transition toward net-zero carbon
in overall greenhouse gas emissions in many countries [6]. and energy buildings infrastructure. Today, the NZE Build-
In his study, Wei Huang et al. [7] found a percentage rise in ings are more often affordable and widely available across
the annual average growth rate of the carbon footprint from many countries [14]. Unfortunately, there are fewer studies
buildings in the urban areas of Xiamen between 2005 and on this dimension to help companies meet their low-car-
2009. The carbon footprint growth between 2005 and 2007 bon targets. As such this paper focuses on examining the
was low, but it started to leap in 2008 [6]. In general, he numerous contributions of researchers across the globe to-
found that there was an increase in the CO2 emissions from wards carbon emission from the construction industry. To
the onsite construction activities, production of construc- this end, a systematic review of the carbon footprint studies
tion materials, building waste disposal, building use, and of the construction industry were undertaken, highlighting
material transportation [7]. In addition to that, a November the key results and gaps for future research.
2018 study from the United Nations World Meteorological
Organization found that average global CO2 concentration 2. METHODOLOGY
in 2017 exceeded 405.5 ppm, higher than that of 2015 and
2016, in which the concentration was 400.1 ppm and 403.3 A total of 105 research papers were collected origi-
ppm respectively [5]. The increment of these emissions in nally for the study focusing on the carbon footprint of
our atmosphere has caused the average global temperature the construction sector in general, of which only 61 were
to rise over the past 100 years by more than one degree Cel- chosen for the study offering a more detailed overview
sius [1, 8]. However, if left uncontrolled, the average tem- of the construction industry from multiple perspectives
peratures of the earth may increase in the next coming 100 [15]. Two steps were used to improve the quality and re-
years by about 4.5 degrees Celsius or even more [1, 8]. Re- liability of the literature review sources [13]. The first step
lated research studies on economic, social, as well as other was carried out using structured keywords in high-qual-
aspects were undertaken by various governments, organi- ity scientific repositories and journals, including Scopus,
zations, and scholars, attempting to discover a low-carbon ScienceDirect, ResearchGate, Google Scholar, and the rest
opportunity for sustainable development [9]. from other reputable journals such as Hindawi, Academ-
Global warming and several other environmental issues ic Journal of Science, American Journal of Engineering
have stirred up strong international community concerns Research, Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering,
[9]. A series of international treaties have been signed, such Journal of Environment and Earth Science, etc. Most of
as the “Bali Roadmap (2007), the UN Framework Conven- these articles have been published or cited over the last ten
tion on Climate Change (1992), the Copenhagen Agreement years, to ensure reliability. Various keywords were used to
(2009), and the Kyoto Protocol (1997)”, demonstrating the obtain the materials, some of which include, carbon, car-
Government’s commitment to respond to the global warm- bon footprint, green building, sustainable construction,
ing [9, 10]. Countries have made promises on pollution cuts zero carbon, cleaner production, carbon assessment, sus-
and a plan of action according to the consensus has been fi- tainable building materials, rating system, etc. The search
nalized. Thus, the revolutionary ideas of the low-carbon life, found that there were a small number of papers dealing
low-carbon economy, carbon tax, low-carbon environment, specifically with the carbon footprint of the construc-
and carbon trading, etc. have become the world’s primary tion industry and very few major reviews in the field. The
development strategy [9]. The 2015 to 2050 period can be second step consisted of industry and university studies,
considered as an era of transition phase toward net-zero governments and international agencies reports, internet
emissions for both buildings as well as the physical envi- and media publications, etc. most of which are frequently
ronment reflecting the agreement reached by the numerous alluded to by numerous stakeholders in the construction
countries attending the Paris “COP 21” [11] in 2015 [4]. The industry when contemplating concepts related to carbon
conference saw a big milestone with various stakeholders emission aspects. This study includes databases approved
from around the world agreeing that environmental change by well-established sources such as the IPCC report, the
is a shared problem for humanity. They decided that steps World Bank records, and UN studies and reports, etc. Ma-
and measures need to be implemented to keep the average jority of the review studies have some limitations [13], but,
temperature of the earth well below 2 degrees Celsius with in this study, a strong emphasis was placed on discussing
attempts to restrict the warming around 1.5 degrees Celsius the general research results and content analysis by various
[1, 11]. Because of such agreements, Malaysia attempted authors on the carbon footprint of the construction sector,
to minimize about 40% per capita of its carbon and other rather than targeting specific articles, writer, or a specific
GHG emissions by 2020 [12]. Also, the United Kingdom aspect of the industry. The process used in establishing this
has set out big plans for the zero-carbon rating of all new study is demonstrated in the Figure 1 [13].
J Sustain Const Mater Technol, Vol. 6, Issue. 3, pp. 101–115, September 2021 103

Figure 1. Literature review workflow (adopted from Zaid Alwan et al. 2015).

3. DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS emission of GHGs in our environment through the mech-
anism of energy usage, various GHGs emissions associated
3.1 GHG with the energy production, and generation of waste, etc.
Greenhouse gas is a general name for a group of gases And due to its significant contribution to higher GHGs
containing CH4, CO2, N2O, SF6, HFC, and PFC that usually emissions, Mahmure et al. [21] regarded the construction
trap heat from the sunlight in our atmosphere, and they are industry as one of the major drivers toward the persistent
the essential causative factor for the persistent rise in the rise in temperature and global warming in general. Zaid
average temperature of the earth [16]. Alwan et al. [13] added that construction has particular-
3.2 GWP ly impacted the environment through the production of
The potential of retaining sunlight heat by a particular GHG waste, CO2 emissions, change of land use, loss of biodiversi-
based on its absorption capacity in the atmosphere is called the ty, and climate changes. However, these problems appeared
global warming potential of that respective gas, which is de- more in developing countries, for example, 24% of the CO2
termined over a given period. The primary objective of using generated in Malaysia comes from the construction sector
GWPs is to transform a particular GHGs into CO2e, which is [22], in India 130,477 Gg which is equivalent to 53.4% of
the common method of global emission reporting [16]. national CO2 [23], in Nigeria, the emission from the con-
struction and manufacturing industries increased from
3.3 CO2e 2557 to 23714 Gg of CO2 equivalent between 2000 and 2015
CO2 equivalent is a statistical scale that is used for the reflecting approximately 827% increase as observed which
evaluation and measurement of different GHGs emissions on is much above normal [24].
the basis of their GWP. The CO2e of a particular gas can be The “U.S. energy information and administration” re-
obtained by the multiplication of its weight by its related glob- ported that the CO2 emission globally will increase, by the
al warming potential as described in equation 1. Below [16]; year 2035, to about 42.7% higher than that of 2007. Thus,
“kgCO2e=(weight of the gas in kg)×(GWP of the gas).……… (1)” showing an increment of greenhouse gases in many coun-
tries [6]. However, almost 40% of the total amount of these
3.4 CF emissions are from the construction sector [10, 18, 19,
The carbon footprint is the cumulative quantity of GHG
25], in which materials consume 10–20% out of the 40%
emissions generated by a person, firm, company, activities,
from their production to demolition, including all the re-
or items, measured in CO2e, and expressed in tons of car-
lated emissions from their construction, transportation,
bon dioxide emissions per year [17].
and even renovation activities, etc. [19]. The “Sustainable
3.5 LCA Approach Building and Construction Initiative (SCBI) of the United
The Life cycle assessment aims to identify the environ- Nations Environment Program (UNEP)” reported that 30-
mental impact that any services or goods may have from its 40% of global energy demand is from the construction in-
beginning (cradle) to its end (grave). The definition of cradle dustry, which is expected to grow at an average of 1.5% to
to grave concept implies that; the consequences from the ex- 3.4% rate in the next coming 20 years. In practical terms,
traction to final disposal of a product is properly considered the buildings contribute annually to the atmospheric emis-
over its entire life cycle, these, however, include all the activ- sion with about 8.1 Gt of carbon dioxide [4, 26]. Tathagat
ities in between such as production, transportation, packag- D. et al. 2015 have recognized that buildings accounted for
ing, processing, and other associated services [18–20]. 33 percent or 7.85 Gt of all the global CO2 emissions related
to energy, and the emissions are forecasted to rise by 2030
4. CARBON FOOTPRINT OF CONSTRUCTION IN- to about 11 Gt or even much higher value of 15.6 Gt [10]. It
DUSTRY can therefore be identified as a major contributing sector to
carbon emissions that requires urgent mitigation for a sus-
The construction industry is considered to be among tainable future. Several studies on carbon emissions from
the major sectors that contribute significantly toward the the construction of various types of structures have been
104 J Sustain Const Mater Technol, Vol. 6, Issue. 3, pp. 101–115, September 2021

carried out by different researchers globally, some of which turally or artificially in a laboratory or factory. Materials
are presented in Table 1. extracted by the mining process include gemstones, iron,
potash, oil shale, coal rock, chalk, calcareous stone, clay,
4.1 Direct and Indirect Emission salt, and gravel, etc. [53], that are primarily used in the con-
For a given construction project there are two major struction industry.
components of CO2 emissions, Direct emission (operation- The mining sector produces an annual Greenhouse gas
al CO2) and Indirect emission (embodied CO2) [49]. The emission of between 1.9 and 5.1 gigatons of Carbon dioxide
operational (Direct) CO2 emissions are usually generated equivalents (CO2e) [54]. Mineral resources are presently
from the consumption of energy at the site and during other being drawn from the earth more frequently and often fast-
various construction activities, while indirect carbon emis- er than in the last 4 to 5 decades [55]. The world consumes
sions are generated through the extraction of construction over 92b tons of metals, biomass materials, minerals, and
materials, production, transportation, demolition, and oth- fossil fuel every year, and this estimated value is increasing
er non-building activities [9, 7]. The construction industry’s by about 3.2 percentage rate yearly [55]. Nonetheless, many
carbon footprint is a concept that takes into accounts all the countries are not having adequate mining industries, which
environmental impacts of CO2 and other GHGs generated means that they have to import fully or semi-processed
during various construction activities [25]. This includes all products and base metal concentrates to meet their ulti-
the emission impacts related to the materials used during mate demand, however, as they import these materials and
the construction of the projects, as well as other emissions products, they also import and contribute to their related
impacts related to the construction process itself, the service environmental impacts [56]. The mining activities includ-
period of the structure, and even the various emissions as- ing the extraction and processing of the minerals generate
sociated with its demolition [27]. Shihui Cheng et al. 2020 nearly 20 percent of the total air pollution health implica-
[29] reported that direct energy use consists of only 9.8% tions, and 26 percent of the total global carbon emissions
of the construction process of his study with 358.8 kt CO2, [55]. Even with all those massive amounts of carbon emis-
while the emissions from the material production constitute sions, the sector has just begun to set carbon mitigation
90.2 percent, reaching 3310.2 kt. In his study, “Jingke Hong, targets [54]. Theoretically, extraction can be decarbonized
et al. 2014” [27] indicated that the manufacturing of con- completely (except for fugitive methane) [54].
struction materials and the energy usage at the site were the
major sources of CO2 for both embodied and operational 4.1.2 Materials Production
GHG emission, with 97 percent of the total emissions com- As new buildings are becoming more energy-efficient,
ing from indirect sources. He further identified numerous material-related emissions account for a higher percent-
sources of GHG emissions from his research on GHG emis- age of their overall impact on environmental changes. De-
sions during the construction process of a building in Chi- velopers, builders, architects, and planners are becoming
na, in which he categorized the emissions as direct and indi- more mindful of the building material’s impacts on climate
rect, the summary of the categories is presented Table 2 [27]. change and are gradually incorporating considerations of
Environmental impacts in construction projects arise environmental issues while selecting techniques and pro-
from the extraction of raw material to its final disposal, curement of various construction materials [2]. Feifei Fu et
this, however, includes all the related activities in between al. (2014) [28], reported that; 97 percent of the overall car-
including manufacturing, installation, distribution, main- bon emission of his study is from embodied construction
tenance, and demolition, which are based on the LCA pro- materials, with the remaining 3 percent coming from cradle
cess [50]. Using a similar scenario, Wei Huang et al. 2017 to site transportation. He further found that the main con-
[7] used five components to measure the CF of buildings; tributors to these emissions were blocks, steel, and concrete
construction materials production, transportation, the used during the construction, which together contributed
construction process, direct energy usage, demolition, and to more than 60 percent of the total emission [28]. A similar
waste disposal [7]. Apart from that, other studies follow a report by Jingke Hong et al. (2014) found the top 10 major
similar pattern while measuring, estimating, reporting, or construction materials that accounted for about 86.6% of
developing tools related to the CF of the construction sec- all carbon emissions of his study, with steel and concrete as
tor. Some of which include a study by J. Giesekam, et al. the best two [27].
2016 [52], Jennifer Monahan 2013 [3], Institute of Civil En- The construction sector is society’s largest energy user
gineers (ICE) [51], Fei fei Fu et al. 2014 [28] among others. which consumes about 40% of all the generated energy
through the production of building materials such as steel
4.1.1 Extraction and Quarrying and cement [10, 57]. In particular, materials production
It involves the extraction of precious minerals and oth- needs more energy, generates more waste, and pollutes nat-
er natural resources from the earth, typically from the ore, ural resources [58]. The fast expansion and rapid develop-
lode, vein, shale, reef, or deposit [53]. Mining is necessary ment of the manufacturing industry would inevitably lead
to acquire any material that cannot be produced agricul- to an increase in the overall CO2 emissions globally [59].
Table 1. Reviewed studies on various type of civil engineering projects
Reference Country Referenced from Type of structure Main material Floor area Method Quantity of CO2
Jingke Hong et al. China Residential complex Reinforced concrete structure 11508 m LCA Process 8707004 kg CO2e
(2014) [27]
Feifei Fu et al. UK Single story training Masonry wall 180 m2 LCA process 432 kg CO2/m2
(2014) [28] center Timber frame wall 363 kg CO2/m2
Shihui Cheng et al. China High speed railway line Concrete and steel 120 km Hybrid I-O 3669.0 Kt CO2
(2020) [29] LCA
Shashwath Sreedhar India Highway pavement Bituminous concrete Computer 3.09×107 KgCO2e
et al. (2016) [16] construction Portland cement concrete program took lit 3.89×107 KgCO2e
Rossi et al. (2012) [30] Belgian Jingke Hong et al. Residential building Masonry 192 m2 Process LCA 189 kg CO2e/m2
(2014) [27] Steel 164 kg CO2e/m2
Surahman and Kubota Indonesia I. C. Ezema et al. Simple residential house 57 m2 Hybrid LCA 575 kg CO2/m2
(2013) [31] (2016) [4] Medium residential house 127 m2 analysis 721 kg CO2/m2
Luxury residential house 300 m2 942 kg CO2/m2
Konig and Cristofaro Germany Jingke Hong et al. Residential building 970–7292 m2 Process LCA 430 kg CO2e/m2
(2012) [32] (2014) [27] (average value)
Abanda et al. Cameroon I. C. Ezema et al. Houses Mud brick ICE database 228 kg CO2/m2
(2014) [33] (2016) [4] Cement blocks 397 kg CO2/m2
Brunklaus et al. Sweden Jingke Hong et al. Residential building Concrete, wood Process LCA 400 kg CO2e/m2
J Sustain Const Mater Technol, Vol. 6, Issue. 3, pp. 101–115, September 2021

(2010) [34] (2014) [27]

I. C. Ezema et al. Nigeria Residential block Reinforced concrete frame 720 m2 Survey and LCA 2395 kg/m2
(2016) [4] methods
Blengini and Carlo Italy Jingke Hong et al. Residential building Reinforced steel concrete 250 m2 LCA “770 kg CO2e/m2”
(2010) [35] (2014) [27]
“Nassen et al. Jennifer Monahan Detached dwelling LCA Cradle to 264 kg CO2/m2
(2007)” [36] (2013) [3] Multi-occupancy dwelling occupation 360 kg CO2/m2
Ortiz et al. Jingke Hong et al. Residential building Bricks based 125 m2 Process LCA 246 kg CO2e/m2
(2010) [37] (2014) [27] Not mentioned 108 m2 257 kg CO2e/m2
Hacker et al. UK Jennifer Monahan Light weight timber frame Timber LCA Cradle to 492 kg CO2/m2
(2008) [38] (2013) [3] Heavy weight concrete Concrete occupation 569 kg CO2/m2
Williams et al. UK Jingke Hong et al. Construction of office Reinforced steel concrete LCA 467 kg CO2e/m2
(2012) [39] (2014) [27] complex
Jennifer Monahan UK Timber framed house Larch and timber 83 m2 LCA 405 kg CO2/m2

(2013) [3] with larch cladding


Table 1 (cont.). Reviewed studies on various type of civil engineering projects

Reference Country Referenced from Type of structure Main material Floor area Method Quantity of CO2
Timber framed house Brick and timber 535 kg CO2/m2
with brick cladding
Conventional house, Masonry 612 kg CO2/m2
made with masonry
cavity wall
Wallhagen et al. Sweden Jingke Hong et al. Office building Reinforced concrete 3537 m2 Process LCA 160 kg CO2e/m2
(2011) [40] (2014) [27]
Atmaca and Atmaca Turkey I. C. Ezema et al. High-rise 13 floor apartment Reinforced concrete LCA 5222 kg CO2/m2
(2015) [41] (2016) [4] Low-rise 3 floor residency 6485 kg CO2/m2
Wu et al. China Jingke Hong et al. Office building Reinforced concrete 36,500 m Process LCA 803 kg CO2e/m2
(2012) [42] (2014) [27]
Li, et al. China I. C. Ezema et al. Residential building 1460 m2 LCA 1238 kg CO2/m2
(2013) [43] (2016) [4]
“Van Ooteghem and Xu “Canada” Jingke Hong et al. Commercial building Hot-rolled steel 586 m2 LCA 549 kg CO2e/m2
(2012)” [44] (2014) [27] Structure made with a heavy 517 kg CO2e/m2
“Pre-engineered steel” 355 kg CO2e/m2
“Steel-PREDOM” 522 kg CO2e/m2
“Timber-PREDOM” 451 kg CO2e/m2
“Kua and Wong Singapore Jingke Hong et al. Commercial building Reinforced steel concrete 52,094 m2 LCA “121 kg CO2e/m2”
(2012)” [45] (2014) [27]
“Yan et al. (2010)” [46] “Hong Kong” Commercial building Reinforced concrete 43,210 m2 LCA “525 kg CO2e/m2”
Alam and Ahmad Bangladesh I. C. Ezema et al. Residential building Stone 502 m2 LCA 9941 kg/m2
(2013) [47] (2016) [4] Bricks 1274 kg/m2
Filimonau et al. (2011) UK Jingke Hong et al. Hotel 3300 m2 Process LCA 761 kgCO2e/m2
[48], (adjusted) (2014) [27]
J Sustain Const Mater Technol, Vol. 6, Issue. 3, pp. 101–115, September 2021
J Sustain Const Mater Technol, Vol. 6, Issue. 3, pp. 101–115, September 2021 107

Table 2. GHG sources

Direct emission Indirect emission
1) Energy consumption of construction equipment such as; 1. Building materials productions and transportation
• Bulldozers 2. “Transportation of construction equipment”
• Excavator 3. “Offsite staff activities, including;”
• Piling machine etc. • “Offsite electricity use”
2) “Onsite transportation” • “Staff transportation”
3) “Construction electricity use” • “Fugitive discharge from septic”
4) “Assembly and miscellaneous works” such as; • “Water production and discharge”
• “Welding process”
• “Chemical use”
• “Waterproof paint”
• “Reserve holes”
• “Pipe binder etc.”
5) “Onsite worker activities” such as;
• “Cooking oil consumption”
• “Fugitive discharge from septic”
• “Water production and discharge”
Adopted from Jingke Hong et al. 2014 [27].

Figure 2. Process of carbon generation from construction industries [3, 7, 28, 51, 52].

Table 3. CO2 emission coefficient and waste rate for the production of construction materials
Materials Timber Aluminium Glass Cement Steel
CO2 emission coefficient of the material 0.200 9.677 1.582 1.169 3.672
Rate of waste 5% 2.5% 5% 2.5% 5%
Source: [7, 62, 63].

Apart from that, the value-added of the manufacturing sec- The carbon dioxide emissions from the production of
tor was found to be the most significant positive driver of materials including, iron, flat glass, aluminium, timber,
the CO2 emissions growth [60]. Jian Liu et al, 2019 [59] state steel, and cement are generated through the life cycle pro-
that the carbon dioxide emissions from the manufacturing cess of the production [7]. In which the manufacturing pro-
sector in china increased by around “220.77%” from 1995 cess of iron and steel produces the highest volume of the
to 2015 and contributed to about “58.27%” of the country’s total carbon emissions from all these materials [56]. Chen
carbon dioxide emissions. Nigeria is reported as one of the W Q et al. [62], and Zhu Y et al. [63] conducted a research
highest emitters of CO2 from the manufacturing and con- study on the cases of environmental emissions and LC ener-
struction industries in Africa, with a total fuel combustion gy use from the production of materials used in residential
rate of about 12.2 percent in 2014 [61]. Another study by constructions, in which they found the CO2 emission con-
Wei Huang et al. (2017) revealed that the CO2 emissions dition for the production of some of the major construction
from the production of material for construction purposes materials including timber, aluminium, glass, cement, and
are responsible for more than 45 percent of the overall foot- steel as described Table 3.
print of the industry. while on the other hand, the emissions The embodied CO2 of materials used in a particular
from the use of resources accounted for about 40 percent, building is determined by the amount and types of various
and carbon emissions from the transportation of building materials used during the construction process. The choice
materials were just about 1%.[7]. of suitable construction materials therefore directly defines
108 J Sustain Const Mater Technol, Vol. 6, Issue. 3, pp. 101–115, September 2021

the type of the energy source as well as the quantity of CO2 used or the movement of materials and equipment to the job
emission based on material type, material quality, and the site [69, 70]. The research study finally revealed that, based
emission factor of each of the materials [28]. Some of the on the assembly of the work, the movement of workers to
reviewed studies related to the carbon footprints of various and from the work site added between 5 to about 85 percent
construction materials are tabulated Table 4. of the entire Greenhouse gas emission [69, 70]. In addition
In general, the production of construction materials to these studies, other researchers have identified the emis-
contributes significantly to the overall CO2 emissions of sions resulting from the transportation of different building
the industry, with 2/3 of the total emissions mainly com- materials with regard to either fuel consumption, loads, or
ing from the production of concrete and steel. However, distance, some of which include the following Table 5.
the emission from these two materials is connected to their Transportation emissions are rising faster than in oth-
manufacturing processes including cement production and er energy-using industries and are forecasted to increase
steel processing, which are among the economic sectors worldwide by 80% between 2007, and 2030 [66]. Many sci-
that are heavily dependent upon fossil energy usage [27]. entific consensuses exist on the need to drastically mini-
mize our GHG emissions to prevent severe environmental
4.1.3 Transportation changes such as global warming in the upcoming years [68].
Transportation is the movement of people and goods
from a particular location to another. It includes the trans- 4.1.4 Construction Operation
portation of various construction personnel, machinery, Throughout the stages of major construction projects
and materials such as steel, reinforcement, fine and coarse such as foundation works, road construction, site prepa-
aggregates from the original supply source to the project ration, and maintenance activities, etc., diesel-driven
site [28]. Transportation and supply of various materials construction machinery contributes significantly towards
and equipment often affect our environment significant- air pollutions and GHGs in the environments [73]. Pol-
ly by the mechanism of additional energy consumption lutants from equipment such as carbon monoxide (CO),
while moving and conveying them from the production to PM 2.5, PM 10, and Nitrogen oxides endanger our en-
the assembly points and finally to the project site [58]. Due vironment and pose a potential risk to the health of the
to these environmental effects, this transportation activity people and other living species [73]. Different construc-
has drawn considerable attention as it is among the prima- tion activities and processes have different working re-
ry contributors toward higher CO2 emissions globally [66]. quirements and conditions, which affect the equipment’s
“The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)” working period under various engine status and load
reported that the transport industry generates about 13 per- conditions [7]. For construction works such as hauling,
cent of the overall global GHG emissions annually [IPCC digging, compaction, packing, lifting, and backfilling, etc.
Climate Change (2007)] [16]. In his study, Yi Yang, et al. “off-road construction equipment” is usually deployed
(2019) reported that, the carbon footprint of some major for the operation [73]. The off-road equipment’s carbon
megacities including New York, London, Tokyo, and others emissions come from the fuel and energy usage during
are mainly connected to building constructions, and trans- these activities [28]. Carbon dioxide is produced from the
portation activities, with the manufacturing sector not hav- burning of fossil fuel through activities involving power
ing more than 10% proportions [67]. Also, according to the generation, production of various materials such as con-
Asian Development Bank [68], transportation contributes crete, and combustion of solid waste [20].
to about 13% of the total GHGs globally and 23% of CO2 However, it is difficult to quantify and measure the ac-
emission related to energy usage [68], out of which 3/4 of tual emissions from the equipment as they fluctuate with
all the transportation-related emissions is directly related to many impacting factors [73]. Estimating the exact amount
the road freight traffic [68]. Road freight in the UK accounts of emissions is a complex job due to the lack of monitoring
for about 22 percent of the transportation sector’s emissions, data and measurement. The measurement of the emission
or 6 percent of the country’s total CO2 emissions [66]. In nowadays can only be performed based on the time of oper-
the United States, freight transportation accounts for about ation, specified emission rates, deterioration of equipment,
78 percent of the total emission from transportation activi- and load factors. The emission can also be calculated based
ties, and the percentage of the overall transportation’s GHG on the amount of fuel consumed by the engines during a
emissions rose from about 24.9 percent in 1900 to about given time. Pollutants and CO2 emissions from the gaso-
27.3 percent in 2005 [66]. Related figures were also reported line-based construction vehicles are major risks to climate,
in China, where the road freight activities generate about industry, government, and the public in general [73] as they
30% of the total transportation sector’s CO2 emissions [66]. release a substantial volume of GHGs into the environment.
A study by Raymond J. Cole [69, 70] found that employee Hence, the selection of suitable construction management
transportation to and from the construction site typically led techniques in the use of construction equipment, human
to higher CO2 emissions than either the on-site machinery activities, and transportation should be emphasized [27].
Table 4. Reviewed studies on the CO2 emission of 18 construction materials
S/N Material Type of building Reference Country CO2 emission
1 Cement Type of building Jingke Hong et al. (2014) [27] 0.759 kg CO2/kg
Residential complex Shashwath Sreedhar et al. (2016) [16] India 0.8207 kg CO2e/kg
Highway construction Hammond & jones (2008) [64] UK 0.83 kg CO2/kg
Hammond & jones (2011) [45] 0.95 kg CO2e/kg
Mahmure Övül Arıoğlu Akan et al. (2017) [21] Turkey 1.165 kg CO2e/kg
2 Steel Highway tunnel Jingke Hong et al. (2014) [27] 1.45 kg CO2/m3
Residential complex Shashwath Sreedhar et al. (2016) [16] India 4.67 kg CO2e/kg
Highway construction Jennifer Monahan (2013) [3] UK 3.81 kg CO2/kg
Timber frame house Mahmure Övül Arıoğlu Akan et al. (2017) [21] Turkey 0.43 kg CO2e/kg
Highway tunnel Purnell (2013) [43] 0.43 kg CO2e/kg
3 Timber Residential complex Jingke Hong et al. (2014) [27] 583 kg CO2/m3
4 Glass Residential complex Jingke Hong et al. (2014) [27] 1..09 kg CO2/kg
5 Aluminium Residential complex Jingke Hong et al. (2014) [27] 5.9 kg CO2/kg
Timber frame house Jennifer Monahan (2013) [3] UK 8.231 kg CO2/kg
6 Crushed sand Highway tunnel Mahmure Övül Arıoğlu Akan et al. (2017) [21] Turkey 0.005 kg CO2e/kg
7 Concrete Timber frame house Jennifer Monahan (2013) [3] UK 0.1741 kg CO2/kg
J Sustain Const Mater Technol, Vol. 6, Issue. 3, pp. 101–115, September 2021

Residential complex Jingke Hong et al. (2014) [27] 261 kg CO2/m3

8 Bitumen Highway construction Shashwath Sreedhar et al. (2016) [16] India 0.426 kg CO2e/kg
9 Gypsum Timber frame house Jennifer Monahan (2013) [3] UK 0.30615 kg CO2/kg
10 Brick Timber frame house Jennifer Monahan (2013) [3] UK 0.519 kg CO2/kg
11 Ceramics tile Conventional building Judit Nyári (2015) [19] 0.6125 kg CO2e/kg
12 Copper sheet (roof) Conventional building Judit Nyári (2015) [19] 0.9732 kg CO2e/kg
13 Wooden door Conventional building Judit Nyári (2015) [19] 18.450 kg CO2e/piece
14 Wooden window Conventional building Judit Nyári (2015) [19] 42.175 kg CO2e/piece
15 Fly ash Highway tunnel Mahmure Övül Arıoğlu Akan et al. (2017) [21] Turkey 0.01 kg CO2e/kg
Purnell (2013) [43] 0.01 kg CO2e/ton
16 Super plasticizers Highway tunnel Mahmure Övül Arıoğlu Akan et al (2017) [21] Turkey 0.01 kg CO2e/kg
17 Lime Highway construction Shashwath Sreedhar et al. (2016) [16] India 2.81 kg CO2e/kg
18 Aggregates Highway construction Shashwath Sreedhar et al. (2016) [16] India 0.0028 kg CO2e/kg
110 J Sustain Const Mater Technol, Vol. 6, Issue. 3, pp. 101–115, September 2021

Table 5. CO2 emission from transportation activities

Reference Country Materials Load CO2 emission
Ozen & Tuydes (2013) [71] Turkey 2.66 kg CO2/ litre
DEFRA (referenced from Mahmure Övül UK 24 ton 0.918 kg CO2/km
Arıoğlu Akan et al. 2017) [21]
Thomas et al. (2019) [72] 30 ton 33.81g CO2/ton per km
Wei Huang et al. (2017) [7] China Cement 28.57/100 m2
Mahmure Övül Arıoğlu Akan et al. 2017) [21] Turkey 24 ton/round 1.01 kg CO2/km
Wei Huang et al. (2017) [7] China Steel 9.71/100 m2
Mahmure Övül Arıoğlu Akan et al. 2017) [21] Turkey 24 ton/round 0.95 kg CO2/km
Wei Huang et al. (2017) [7] China Sand 57.9/100 m2
Mahmure Övül Arıoğlu Akan et al. 2017) [21] Turkey Natural sand 27 ton/round 0.95 kg CO2/km
Turkey Crushed sand 27 ton/round 1.01 kg CO2/km
Wei Huang et al. (2017) [7] China Gravel 120.48/100 m2
Wei Huang et al. (2017) [7] China Timber 1.3/100 m2
Most of the data are adopted from [7].

Figure 3. Emission from concrete production [74].

The Figure 3 describes some of the processes which emit from the rollers and vibrators’ diesel/energy consump-
carbon during the production of concrete at the site [74]. tion [74].
A large amount of CO2 is released during these process- • And lastly, the emission of the curing phase comes
es through the heavy construction equipment operations mainly from the consumption of fuel by the trucks and
that add to the industry’s overall carbon footprint from equipment used for curing the materials [74].
different activities, including mixing, transporting, placing,
compacting, and curing [73]. As demonstrated in the above 4.1.5 Demolition and Disposal
figure; Building activities can generate a significant amount of
• The CO2 emissions of the mixing phase are derived waste materials that need to be disposed of, besides, it has
mainly from the consumption of energy by the mixing to be deconstructed or demolished at the end of its useful
machines. Also, the mixing cylinder, sieving, control life cycle, producing large quantities of waste [51]. The car-
system, weighting components, and material transfer- bon emission from disposal activities is primarily derived
ring components are all electrically operated [74], which from the initial embodied emissions of the recycled materi-
also contributes to the total CO2 emissions through its als as well as the transfer of materials after the construction
generation. activities to other areas outside the project’s site [28]. The
• The emission of the transportation phase is attributed to construction industry uses 40 percent of the world’s over-
the pollution emitted by vehicle engines, conveyor belts, all raw materials and it produces about “136Mt of waste”
and other transportation equipment [74]. in the US alone per year [19]. In the United Kingdom, the
• In the laying and placing process, the emission is de- industry generates approximately about 70 million tons of
rived from the consumption of energy by various equip- waste annually, out of which 13 million tons are disposed
ment used for laying and fixing materials [74]. of [58]. Although there are alternatives for recycling and
• The GHG emission of the compacting process comes reusing materials for the amount of waste produced in the
J Sustain Const Mater Technol, Vol. 6, Issue. 3, pp. 101–115, September 2021 111

first place, there is still a significant amount of waste being used include input-output analysis, Hybrid LCA, sur-
disposed of in landfill [51]. Energy is consumed to demol- veys, structural decomposition analysis, computer-pro-
ish the construction, recycle certain materials and disposal grammed tools, and simulation [3, 1, 15]. And despite
of others by transporting debris and waste to landfill sites the fact that many of the research findings were based
or incinerators [75]. Hence large quantities of CO2 will be on the LCA techniques, most of these methodologies
generated from activities that are carried out by heavy con- were often largely employed for buildings or regional
struction equipment which, in return, will make a signifi- CF analysis without focusing much on the consump-
cant contribution toward greenhouse gas emissions. tion-based CF of various construction activities taking
into account the unwavering importance of transporta-
5. DISCUSSION tion and construction processes [15, 28]. However, even
though some researchers have recognized the emission
The discussed papers in this review are not an exten- effect from the construction process, it should be noted
sive list of all the research studies conducted in this field, that many other activities in the construction indus-
but it is easy to see proof of so many challenges, for exam- tries such as electrical fittings, waterproofing, thermal
ple, the limits of each case study are often different. Some insulation, and painting, etc. that produce additional
studies use a lifecycle assessment in which they study the greenhouse gases were often omitted in such studies
entire impact of the concerned project or structure. While [27]. As such, there is a need for a thorough study on
others only consider the emission measurement during ex- the greenhouse gas emission of a construction site using
traction, production, or transportation of a particular ma- full system boundaries, including on-site assembly pro-
terial in their study [1]. The literature review found that the cesses and human activities related to the construction,
quantification for the construction sector did not put much among many others.
focus on capturing the sector’s overall potential greenhouse • After analyzing each particular source of emissions and
emissions and reduction potential [15]. Nonetheless, many numerous studies in the literature, it can be seen that
of the reviewed studies concentrated more on the indirect the activity with the greatest potential for GHG emis-
emissions and were mostly restricted owing to the inade- sion reduction were building material production. As
quate comprehensive off-site and on-site process informa- such studies should be focused on addressing various
tion due to limited system boundaries, especially the data sustainable construction material with a lower carbon
related to various miscellaneous works and assembly as well footprint for use.
as human activities associated with the construction. Apart • Lastly, there are very few papers that discussed the es-
from that other observation were made from the analysis of timation of the CO2 emissions pertaining to infrastruc-
the literature as summarized below; tural projects. And, apart from a paper by Jingke Hong,
• The majority of the studies analysed the carbon foot- et al. 2014 [27], there is no other paper found in the
print concerning a particular country, city, or region reviewed studies presenting a systematic, open-access,
of developed countries and were mostly funded by the and functional tool that would enable researchers across
public authorities. While on the contrary, developing the globe to estimate the construction’s CF comprehen-
countries and Africa, in particular, has a very minor sively, and because of that, a comparison between these
share of the studies [15]. Hence, there is a desperate studies is not realistic owing to the wide variability in
exigency for a CF study of other numerous construc- the reported figures and the different assumptions and
tion activities and the industry itself in developing presumption made by the authors [72]. This shows areas
countries where massive amount of CO2 is generat- where steps can be taken to minimize the carbon emis-
ed every year, for example, 24% of CO2 generated in sions not just in the construction sector itself but also in
Malaysia comes from the construction sector [22]. In many other interconnected sectors such as transporta-
India, the transportation sector generates around “161 tion, mining, manufacturing, among others [15].
MMT” of CO2, making it 3rd in the world’s annual CO2
emissions, which is responsible for about 6 percent of 6. CONCLUSION
the total emissions globally as reported in 2016 [53,
15]. Similarly, in Nigeria, the emission from the con- Several researchers have studied the various contribu-
struction and manufacturing industries Increased tions of the construction sector towards GHG emissions.
from 2557 to 23714 Gg of CO2 equivalent between However, from the systematic analysis of some of these stud-
2000 and 2015 reflecting approximately 827% increase ies, it has been found that the majority of researchers are pri-
as observed which is much above normal [24]. marily focused on a case study of a particular country, city, or
• The literature review found that, more than 50 per- region using life cycle assessment methods [3, 1]. In general,
cent of the studies use the process-based LCA as their comparisons between the results of the reviewed papers are
main methodological approach for quantifying the unreasonable as many of the findings were different, some of
construction sector’s CO2 emission. Other approaches the authors examined only one particular aspect of the con-
112 J Sustain Const Mater Technol, Vol. 6, Issue. 3, pp. 101–115, September 2021

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