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Corprate Office:

Lst 34, Tipo Ar*a, Tipo (xprcssway

Subic 8ay Freeport Zone
&tobe: S917 550 4444
srrarl: $?68 S85 4444 ffi
irrfo. kibotanka$gnrai{. com IrY(l
1,f,.1,,"1,.;:, llI 11:,r ,
wrvw"kibotanka-ph lii:l

July 20, 2023


Ground Floor, The Venue Bldg. Commercial Area
Subic Bay Gateway Park, SBFZ 2222


OIC - Manager

Subject Re: Addressing Shortcomings: A Collaborative Approach to Enhance

our Leased Property.

Dear Ma'am/Sir,

Good day!

I am writing to address some of the shortcomings we have been facing in

running our business at your facility in the Tipo Area. First and foremost, I

would like to express our gratitude for the opportunity to lease this property
and be a part of the vibrant business community it offers.

While we have enjoyed our time at the premises, we have encountered some
challenges that are impacting our operations. We believe it is essential to
communicate openly to maintain a positive working relationship and find
mutually beneficial solutions.

The primary concerns we would like to discuss are as follows:

1. Oversized Boulders located across the property: Please note that
these unevenly shaped boulders have been affecting our vehicular
movements, inconvenience in vehicle display arraignments and causing
inconvenience to our visitors and customers alike. We kindly request your
assistance in resolving this matter promptly.
2. Rear fencing: As we have on multiple occasions in the past
pointed out, the fencing on the rear end of the property have been subject to
eorporate *ffice:
Lot 3A, Tipo Area, Tipo {xpressway
Subic Bay Freeport Zone m

Olobe: S917 55* 4444

t$nrl: sgss 8*5 4444 ai
infc. kibolanka$grnail. com ffiI

www" ,iiN

damage due to High winds and heavy rainfall led to sections of the fence
collapsing and others becoming weakened, posing a security threat to the
premises. The once sturdy and protective barrier is now compromised, leaving
the property vulnerable to unauthorized access and potential intrusions.
Urgent repairs are required to restore the fence's integrity and ensure the
safety and security of the property and its occupants.
3. Water lnfiltration: The constant flow of rainwater from the adjacent
roof finds its way into our property, causing leaks and water infiltration in
galvanized walls and even electrical systems.
a. Structural Damage: Over time, the repeated exposure to water
can weaken the structural integrity of our property, leading to potential
damage to walls, foundations, and other critical components.
b. Mold and Mildew Growth: The damp and moist conditions
resulting from the water ingress create an ideal environment for mold and
mildew growth, which can negatively impact indoor air quality and pose health
c. Property Aesthetics: The water runoff can stain walls and
surfaces, leaving unsightly marks that diminish the property's overall
d.Damage to Personal Belongings: Water leakage can harm
furniture, electronics, documents, and other belongings, leading to additional
costs for repairs or replacements.
Hence, we request you to install gutters in suitable locations on the roof
to avoid further damages and ensure free flow of rain water towards
designated drainage system.

4. As per our commitment during the last meeting, we have promptly

and fully complied with your request by removing all our vehicles from the
exterlor area of our premises. We understand the importance of adhering to
property guidelines to maintain a harmonious environment and uphold the
image of the property. However, it has come to our attention that some other
occupants on the same area have not taken similar steps to address this issue.
Despite our compliance, we still observe other businesses displaying vehicles
outside their designated areas, which could potentially create a non-uniform
appearance and hinder the overall aesthetic appeal of the property.

5" As per our discussion with Madam Elena, we agreed to make a one-
Corp*rate Of{ire:
Lot 3A, Tipo Area, Tipo lxpressrvay ffit
Subic Bay Freeport Zone h."#

Glok: &917 558 4444 d,ffi

Smart: 0968 SS5 4444 tu?
i*fo. kibolanka$gmail. com lr4\I

l.i,r ,: ti' ffi#

time payment of Association fee that should have grant us approval to proceed
with the installation of our business signboard and CCTV system on the
property. We promptly honored our commitment and made the payment
accordingly. However, after making the payment, we were unexpectedly
informed that an additional penalty was required for non-compliance. This
penalty was not mentioned during our initial discussion with Madam Elena,
and it came as a surprise to us. We kindly request clarification on the reason
for this additional penalty and its basis, as it was not communicated to us
beforehand. Our understanding was that the one-time payment would cover
all necessary fees and approvals for the installations.

6. Over time we have noticed an increase in the number of dogs being

bred by some of the tenants on the premises. This has raised concerns among
other occupants as it poses potential health risks and disturbance within the
community. Additionally, there have been incidents of stray dogs wandering
around the property as witnessed by your visiting staff which can be hazardous
and cause discomfort for tenants. We kindly request your intervention in
informing all tenants about the importance of refraining from breeding dogs
within the property premises. Such activities can lead to overcrowding,
unsanitary conditions, and potential health hazards for both hurnans and
animals. Furthermore, I request your" assistance in tal<ing appropriate
measures to remove stray dogs from the vicinity of the property. This will help
ensure the safety and well-being of all residents and reduce the risks
associated with potential dog bites, allergies, and the spread of diseases.

7. We wish to request your assistance regarding the guardroom

structure on the lot 3A. We would greatly appreciate receiving the structural
guidelines for the guardroom toensure full compliance with your

Additionally, I kindly request you to reconsider the penalty that has been
imposed for the existing guardroom structure since at the time of occupancy
we were not communicated your standard expectations for a security
guardroom" Upon your issuance of structural specifications for a guardroom,
we assure you that we will take immediate action to bring the guardroom into
compliance with alt specifications.
forp*rate Office:
Lot 3A, Tipo Area, Tipo Expressrvay
Subic B*y Freeport Zone ffi

Gtobe: 0917 550 4444

sma*: &968 8S3 4444

info. kibolanka0gnrait. com

1.I:;'t;r ;r, ili. '1,.;i'. ii ,iir lrri;1, r

8. As you are aware, our business has been operating on your property
for over a period While we are grateful for the opportunity to be your tenant,
we have encountered challenges in recent months due to the increasing
demand for storage space for our larger vehicles such as trailer heads etc, The
limited space at lot number 5E restricts our ability to maneuver and park our
big vehicles efficiently, leading to delays in sales and operations. This, in turn,
impacts our overall productivity and customer service. To address this
situation, we are interested in leasing the adjacent 900 square meter land,
which would provide us with the necessary space to accommodate our fleet of
larger vehicles comfortably. We kindly request a reasonable rental proposal
for the adjacent land. This proposal will enable us to present the opportunity
to our senior management for further consideration and discussion. We
understand that leasing the additional land involves mutual benefits and
potential opportunities for both parties. Therefore, w€ look forward to
engaging in constructive discussions to find a suitable arrangement that aligns
with both our business needs and your property's objectives.

We kindly request your assistance in ensuring a consistent application

of the property guidelines among all tenants. A unified approach will not only
enhance the property's visual appeal but also contribute to a more orderly and
professional atmosphere for all occupants.

We value our tenancy at both Lot 3A and 5E, Tipo Area and wish to
continue our partnership on a positive note. To address these issues
effectivelV, we propose the following steps:

Schedule a meeting to discuss the concerns in detail and explore
potential solutions.
2. Collaborate with your team to find ways to overcome the
challenges and implement necessary improvements.
3. Establish a regular communication channel to address any future
issues promptly and ensure a seamless working relationship.

We are committed to the success of our business, and we firmly believe

that resolving these shortcomings will benefit both parties. We look forward
to working together towards finding practical solutions.
C*rporate 0ffice:
Lot lA, Tipo Area, Tipo Expressway
Subic 8ay Freeport Zone m

Globe: S917 550 {44't

Smarr: &96S &85 44{4 SI
info. IrY{l

' i1 if;j.'
; r \ iry;i'.'i ffiH
"-,i,;,:tr,;: N:X

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We appreciate your

understanding and cooperation. Please feel free to reach out to us anytime to
arrange a suitable time for a meeting.


KiboLanka Subic Trading Inc.

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