Political Science

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meznw q^l5iT-2022
-::ITS5E «il^oll: ■-
(3f) 31^-41vJiHI :-

WT ^
^ W -HHM WM cTSTT 50 200 01 ■ET^
^ sfmr^ wm
■fBtfhr 'ET?^ 150 600 03 ET^
#T 200 800
^3^ 3i^
o 900

(^) im ^ ':-

1. 3TRT^ ^ I
2. Tim ^ ^ ^ ^ 3imrf^ w w wtp^
^ 3TT£TR^ ^ ^ 50 Tm #ft I %dk
"RWT^r A 150 1 ^ M0K "^Ffr. cg^—200 TR^ bW I 04
^ 1 ^ WN ^ ^jyrfe 800 ^Wt ^ ^ 1
3. ^ cjv^f^t^ (irgfW^) WK ^ TR^ ^ W? ftWT
(A,BjC,D) 1 ^ wr ftwff ^ ^ ^ ^ 1%WT ^ t\ ^cP^FT WFW
I 3F^sft 1^ ^ srlifcp fcjcj^c^l tFH cp^ iR \dx\^ I
4. TR^ ^ 8Rrf^ 01 ^^ I TRn "q^ 50 TR^ cJ>i^P|td WR ^ ^ I
^R^ 04 3fcF^ cpT I ftcftq TR^ q^ 4^ 03 ^ I q^ q^
fcjqij ^150 qqq y0K Bht. tr^ qqq 04 ^fcpt qq Btqr
qqiR Mk^ q^^ q?t qqq q^ ^ qiRwr q^ wn^ i
5. ^ qqq q^ 40 qfcRRr stqr qM q^ sri^fq^f wqt?T ^
^qrf^ (SC), 3]^>JjRjd vjIHvjIIRi (ST) ?MT 3Fq TF?Br q^ (OBC),
3TTf^ ^ ^ q^qqflq q^f (EWS) qq f^cZTFjxqq (PH) #ifr ^ sntqq^ q^ q^STT ^f ^3^
^ 10-10 qfcRlcT 3T^ q?r W ^ qqqq "^q^ ^ ^ aTRlqqff q^ qffaTT ^
^5^ ^ q^ TRq-q^ ^ w^Hdq so qfcRRr ^rq^ qrqr q^qqr 3iPiqi4
Btqr 1

6. qjqr qfqtft qqq-q^ q^ Wq^ ^frb qqq-q^ fl^ qq 3tMr qiqi ^ ^ i

7. 7TM ^ 3ff^ fM^T Rmffer m qftsrr ^ mcrto ^rw
3fjtRW ^ 31^ ^ ^fsffer Tpft tim 1%^ vsn^ ^an c^ striRW
cpt ^arra^R tg stftRrt ^rit ^Jnw-^ 3tR[^^ c^ -^ct^ 3t# ^ i
3il^ RrgfR^r srraW 5RT arfSr^ ^!-41*i4^ w^i
8. ^SIIRPR :-

TnafTRPR 100 3RTf WJ #TT I TTTSnRfJR ^^RJWT Riarffer^f I

(^) ^^RRT-ylstRIT :-

1) ^RRf-^ri^ ^ TfSRr ^f Tfefte ^l?r SITOen^ (OMR Sheet 3TTEnf^)

q^$lT/3WRT^ ^atr W\ STRtXiRf ftRTT viTTW I
2) qffaiT X3w^ Tt^arr ijd ^nr cjfr mcfte ^tifr fhjR ^fR strI^ c[5t 4sRn^
www.mppsc.mp.Rov.in ^ y+iRid ^ or arcri^ ^[ 3tr1%4t sir ^?fr

I ^ 31c[Rr C^ M^dld tnR f^Rft 3TKTt4^ tR fcRfR TR trrtr ^

wiRT I amil^ tg w f^Rfr if crrRi ii# f^Ri rtwi tfra
3TR%4f TR aiRfiT IfRT it1%?T TTf^rfrT ^ aHMlrfilf iR f^RlR c|R PlHl'f^hd
chl4c(l^ ^ ^STi?ifr :-

1. ^ W^d fuldcfI y|c|Rl0 Cgufl if ipi fc|cf)<>M"l 'lelcl l3xR f^ITf 'I'M! t' aff?
f4chc4f ^f SIR fcfwT^t, tncrfSfip 1RR ig^ ifjf 14rt wprr i
2. tr?iT w if arjcfR ifff irm ^ I^irr ifff if arjciR ^ iitr ^i
■ ft-ifFifr tRiT-iRff iR ?fFj)
3. TTR f^RTcCT IT7 f4cPe4f if iR? ^ Sfte Tiff ^3TR t,^^^3tT^ cf^ ifTR

4. ^ TTR fbRTcCT f^ IR f4wff ^ w 'ft ^ ^3^ IT tRT Ifft TTR-W ift

Reilfllcl f^lTT TJirtiiTT I

5. fftM-fftftw TTffti^ gM ifTW STRlft^ iR fft^TR cfRft c^ M^^ld affftiT T3xR ^Tiff
eRif tmxiift ^an anftfiT gRi ftwTn^ www.mppsc.mp.Rov.in iR y^hiRid ifft
TsntpftI affftiT vjxiT tgyfl MtDiaid ^ 1RWRT arRrWift ift 0!^ ift 3inRi/ir rci?r
ITRT IT^ fftRT ullli'll I fcmn-fftftw lafirfft cR fipftT afi^ ^rn |
6. ^ ^ ^ im ^ sttetr
3ff^ ^ ST^^rfW ^ ^c^l'cbH ^

3) ^r wcft^ ^ ^ ^ wft R^iiRd Rf^ijl" ^ GTRrwFf 3

■5^ cTSTT 3T^ ^ STRtRW ^
"mcri^ ^Tw "Errft^ ww 1
4) Tf arjqRarrt xrr c^ fM sh# ttht ^nw I ^
3TT^^ 4^ fRT^ ^ ^2T ^r 3TFfrn" ^ RfRt 3tf^ #fTTi ^ RpjRr 3n^ ^
www.mppsc.mp.gov.in v3He1«T 1 3R2T9ff "^FRT—"^FRT 3inVi 4^ "^WF^
STcrato^ cjR^ ^1
5) RrwH ^ cpl^cpi-w-^^T^ yfjfRFT (i) sTRfsft ^imchlii
^ WW W^nw ^ ^ 3rf^ ra-^clM ■ c^ WT ^ t ?it ^
3t1^ Rc^cih ^ ^ Trq ^ ^ 3TmR ^ ^ Rf^^fRcr
^ *0" ^ ^ STRTR tr ^ I

6) STRT^T 4?r OTTcfr ^ 4,H^c«iJ|ci5H/LJ^HjfuHl ^ TfTW^ ^ 11 ^ 1^ W^

3R5n^^ TR chl4c||^ ^ ^ TJfRnfri

T^flSTT Rl4^cb
wrdEEfl UlUimch xr#l?lT-2022


Huiu^^i, sra^f^ gsT Bmpy iTpr cmr wzg? m anrErreigr itpt

^frTFRT ^ yriHiiJ, >!Nc|'!^||

^d^dl 3)l'<leH ^ ■Ef?T iJ^KH I
WWt?r ^ WT W-c|if?l I
^ yg<a XS^TvlTfcPTT sfrfeTZTT I
^ ciffeN, Ticf cJk^ I
Trg^ vHifBc-ijct^K 1^4 wrrg i

^ ng^ <^Rd<^ I

TTEnn^ ^ ^ ^arr i
TlBcnT^ c[?t uieiqig I
TiHzm^ c^ yicijRich ^iRn?Hi
^3^ ^^WTEPT : 4>iM>!Hld TJcf ik ^Vq^lHlct I

^ 'iiui'TlRi grajijii'^

TIE^y^^l c[?r xiM'Tlfclch ■sjcRSTT (WPTM, Tff^FT^^, f^tarpRmr)

wmt?r waitfRixiT sTcRsrri

^ WTTf^ ^W«TT I

WT5r^ Cf?t 'Jl'llfchcfl vjU'I^MI I

TIKmt?! W 3TTlafe fitorai
^ ■s#T I
^ ^ TJcf C^ 3TMTf^ WPTI
• wmprto? dedi^ i
• t?T Mt?T ^ ^flfMPRTR T?^ cTSTT^ Wns
cf?r ypT chci||U|ch|^l ijluUli^ I
i; xff% ciif^ixirt TfEf w^i

5. ^j?eRT iJlalRlct?! I
• ct,'L^e>tj, T?y tiMfMr 1
• 3TTfSfMIPTeT Tjy ww Rn+qRil I
• ^-Jlci^^H I
• TTerr #?M ^ricll^'Jl >Hl^rivH I
• ^-WRfl (&^


General knowledge of Madhya Pradesh, National and International level

and basic knowledge of computer

1. History culture and literature of M.P.

Important Historical events and Major dynasties of M.P.

Contribution of Madhya Pradesh in the Independence movements.
Art, Architecture and culture of M.P.

Main Tribes and Dialects of M.P.

Main festivals, folk music and folk art of M.P.

Important literary figures of M.P. and their literature.

Main Tourist places of M.P.
Important personalities of M.P.

2. Geography of the Madhya Pradesh

Forest, Mountain and Rivers of M.P.

Climate of M.P.

Natural and mineral resources of M.P.

Energy Resources: Conventional and Non- conventional.

Main irrigation and Power projects of M.P.
3. Politics and Economy of M.P.
Political system of M.P.(Governor, Cabinet, Legislative Assembly).
Panchayati Raj in M.P.
Social system of M.P.
Demography and census of M.P.
Economic development of M.P.
Main industries of M.P.

Agriculture and Agri based industries in M.P.

4. Current events of International, National and M.P.
• Important Contemporaneous events.
• Famous sports competitions; awards and sports institution ofthe State and

• Welfare schemes of M.P. state.

• Famous personalities and Places.

5. Information and Communication Technology

• Electronics, computers, information and comniunication technology.
• Robotics, artificial intelligence and cyber security.
• B- Governance.

• Internet and Social networking site.

• E- Commerce.

MlvJl'Tlfrl ^11^

• w^ : cffrf^ sfk^ 1
• angf^ iTT?^ %TR ; T:pT."q^. -Efti^, ^^rawm,
• ^j^Tpfr yivji'ilRicf? fcTcfR: ^c) afR" 3R^ 1
• Ri^k —I II 1 I— ^R3ijN<?il, 5i®<i, cilcf aft^ II — ^.T^. Rci,
afk I
• sn^f^ vlN-^llrlcb fcpElK- I T^ II ; I- efRpT, 'H\^, ill^Jll, II- "^T^, mIRici? 3ff^
>H!^<|RjcbcJK I

• ar^Kuii^ -q^cf ^-i : Tfezfcf^T^ ajk ^ oeictKl ^

• 3T^l>iUl|ii T^ ^-11 : ciJcJ^WcJIci cfaiT ^3^-cqq5Kqiq, >iMqllacr> Ricgia WT afN'

• ^vjiio'ci, >tqaotai ^ ^^iiai 1

• ^-qlxpcfj 3ff^ I
• R^^KtlKl ^ 1;lpiq>l TJcf qRqd^ ^ CiPlI, "'TTaTt', Tjtsfr I

• ^el'llrMcf ^ aT^^TRH WT sfl? 1

• • ^d'ilcHcb ■^TvT^frfci ^ ars^T^R vciMHH : MK^Rq^, xFRtHTR^—WRkw, RcR9JT aff^
H|cK?cjlcri I
• YTRR aR : Cbl4mfe1chl, RcRailRcf?!, -qiqqiRiqji— ^e1-1HrHcp ^ af^

• >!i^Ji4lRi't' Rmro afR >!M41R|cb an^Pic4)cb'ju| |

• -^M^lfclc^ ^'■^^Ri, >^N4lRlcti vHHiv41cb>iu| "CR ^ivJiqlRq^ ^fRR, aiRf^mcT afR
otttr cjTf arPRncT

anRteH. >H'^£^lPlcb Rr^ 3ff^ -iTRcfR ^flRRR ^ WTT, t^R^ aiRR H-Wiq^l,
RyltjcjR, 41Ri4) arRr^ afR qjjoq, "^tRr-Rf^Wfj Ri^gia i
>HiHiRicb afR ariMcj) mR^cIh ^ ^ w ^ rPrh,. afR
^i^iqoiWi 1
WcRT afR 1?RrT--^RK, R^qfcT, RcRSTT ^ 1


"fe^KT 3fk ci|ci5K, >Miq-aai ^ ^aTcFj^TM^
W^Rit ^ ^r»7^ mRIHM 1 "^^WnfeT^: ^^WFT ^3^ -iJWIeiq,
"MiRlcb ^'-iMNeil«^-i, '^iRjcio '^if^ci ^l^a, l
yiM^frlcb -^m yPTO, WR ^ fmi 3?fcfreR I ^^R^-cijqSK,
^gRcr 3trR sfk ^^RcT ^gsTR, ^iTif^, t^, TR ^ #? Mr "3^,
R^f^rW 3fh? ^ RTRRR 1

cM OTRR ^ ^ ei^yiKHH ^ ^ ^ fclcRH, cM 3T£WT ^ v3MMH:

l^rM-fMWr, m^Icj>!U|i<^4> sfh? Tm^ \
^ 1
vH'^IdH ^ IMh :^3jk ^ RtRR, IMoPi cfTT M
ci^^ch>!U| M ^ WR-^frwf^ M MrwR^f>, >H"j|dd ^ RWT,
I^RR, IMfT M 1
3^ cbi44idcb : wm, wf M 31^ 1

cblWcb M^II^HH : Mt, ^rftm, McilHlcl, 3T3?TRFr, MTrlTr-cRhl^ RRR I

3f[cf>^^TT^ : ^STT 3p10l, aTMR^, eft^ M^-Mr

Mf^iii ^ 3pichi, Mr, "ff fcicRR rTvRT sfN' irtrh,

f^cfjRT ^ ^-^IRl^l, vJRIMrR ^ ell-^ OTRFT ^ JRR I
fcR^R OTRR ; e|\JlC, d<£ll I
^!j||vH^, OTRTte) WMR RWTR, MK^f^lcll, vTRwMt M "3^ 3TfSf^ 1
l^lcbRd RcIKUI MTR : sfn^^Mr, MrTM 3fR elWl^Tp I

RRRT ^ 3T£IRH ^ fclf^H IMRT M WTFFf: RSfTafMt, RcRSTT,

M,Mr M f^rM-f^RW i
gfcRf^t^ RR^ ^rfM HcT M Mre[R, ^ I ?rf^ ^ WTR
3jk Mtr, ^mRRT, Ri^- IM ^ 1^rW M dH-m, ^ IMrrrt
^ M, M WlMlcbdl I
■?RR M 3^^ : yTKfR Mnfi 3^/M^ ^ w^fa, cf^Rur 3fk w^iy rMM,
rIMR/M v!i>hrPic^ 3^, "q^R, ^r^ wrf, ?Rq fM^pr, f^rMt qq
M '^, 3M^srt, Mr 3^ qq 3r, 1
rMt ^ srf^rqR? sfk Mr, wM, Mr-1Mi 3^^ ir M sfR
\3^3^R 'd'HiRi 1


ci5T 3i2kTT^. ^ 3ia>iI^iJ 3TtM^ ^TcRSTT,
TTclT^, oMiMK WT^, ^-viHpiq^iqic^ sfK f^T^feTT I
#? WT^ fcT^to: ^fTT^, STT^OH, 3^^, 20
>iH"^xt5 ■^- "^3^, "^5^, WcRT 3ik cjiFf-W^MQll ^ ^li'Id 3fk
^fecbVi. mim, ^^ ^ fM^ sfR

sfcRfi^ ^ '»TR?r ^ ^ Hvsi'di ^ ^Pf^, g^, "g^aTT

^fKTw, ^ I
gR^ ^ f^m sff^ ^N-i^ 1


^ (1956) ^ TTe2mt?r ^ i ^ f^mr^ (2000), i7S2?y^ cf^

^ 1%#?^ ^ 3f|?
viivi^nM- f%^, "d^, gwf^ xTcf Tf^ irf^ : ^TRR, ^ gto i
Wmt?r ^ fci^TFRmr: g^r "^rfctw. sre^iaT ^ gpi^, f^w ^ gpf^ 1
TTE^M^yi gwT, ^l^ilticfK gpr^ 1
TTtijy^^i ^ cic^ii cz^cR^^■ g^ yi^Ji^TlRicp ■^, ^ g-iii ^M^ilfn 3fk
ciici^K 1

^ OTRH : -dRlcllcHil, g^^RTfer, 'dRiq cTSTT 3TTg^, fuMT OTRH,
f^Ten^ ^ gPRf^ I
TTb^y^ijl Tf i][i^u| -^arr^ "^f^RTRR : '^cRTRH : W\^ ^
^|Rrl4l, ^PcRTRH ^ f^, "^R^^TTfr "Ml^tll ^ I
c[^ x!M^fclch : vRRmcfl^, 1^1^ ^ ^ ^fWO"

T^ >iM'^lfrl ^ Rf^ellSff ^ iTl-iKM I

^ fcTWT g?r ^ivji-Tlla 1





Ancient Indian Political Thought: Kautilya & Shanti Parva.

Modem Indian Thought-Gandhi, M.N. Roy, Aurobindo Ghosh, Jai Prakash,
Ambedkar, Savarkar.
Greek Political Thought: Plato & Aristotle
European Thought-I and II : I-Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, II -
Bentham, J.S. Mill, Hegel, Marx & Green.
Contemporary Political Thought I and II : Lenin, Mao, Gramsci, II- Rawals,
Nozic anad Communitarians.


Concepts and Issue'-1: Medieval Political Thought: Church State Relationship

and Theory ofTwo Swords.
Concepts and Issue-II : Behaviouralism and Post-Behaviouralism, Decline and
Resurgence of Political Theory.
Democracy,Liberty and Equality.
Individual and Social Justice.
Role ofIdeology & Theories of change: Lenin, Mao,Gandhi.


Evolution of comparative polities as a discipline, nature and scope.

Approaches to the study of comparative politics; Traditional, Stmctural,
Functional, Systems and Marxist.
Organs of Government: Executive, Legislature, Judiciary - Their
interrelationship in comparative perspective.
Political Development and Political modemization.
Political Culture, Political socialization and political Communication. Political
Elite; Elitist theory ofDemocracy.



• National Movement, Constitutional Developments and the Making of Indian

Constitution. Ideological Bases, Preamble, Characteristics, Fundamental Rights
and Duties and Directive Principles.
• Constitution as Instrumental, of Socio-Economic Constitutional Change,
Amendments and Review.
• Structure and Process- Parliament, President, Prime Minister, Council of
Ministers, Working ofthe Parliamentary System.
• Federalism: Theory and Practice in India; Demands of Autonomy and Separatist
Movements; Emerging trends in Centre-State Relations. Judiciary : Supreme
Court, High Courts, Judicial Review, Judicial Activism including Public Interest
Litigation cases. Judicial Reforms.
• Political Parties, Pressure Groups, Public Opinion, Media, Peasant Movements.
Elections, Electoral Behaviour, Election Commission and Electoral Reforms,
Class, Caste, Gender, Dalit and Regional Issues, Problems of National-Building
and Integration.


• Development of Public Administration as a discipline : Approaches to the study

of Public Administration : Decision-making, Ecological and Systems;
Development Administration.
• Theories of organization.
• Principles of organization; Line and staff, unity of command, hierarchy, span of

• centralization and decentralization, Types or organization - formal and informal;

Forms of organization; Department,Public Corporation and Council.
• ChiefExecutive : Types, Functions and roles.


• Personnel Administration : Recruitment, Training, Promotion, Discipline,

Morale; Employee-Employer Relations.
• Bureaucracy: Theories, Types and Roles, Max Weber and his critics. Civil
servant-Minister relationship.
• Leadership, its role in decision-making; Communication, Development
Planning, Administration in India, Bureaucracy and Challenges of Development
and Impact ofLiberalization on Public Administration.


Financial Administration: Budget, Audit.
Good Governance; Problems of Administration Corruption; Transparency and
Accountability, Right to Information. Grievance Redressal Institutions:
Ombudsman,Lokpal and Lokayukta.


Contending Theories and Approaches to the study of international relations:

idealist, Systems game communication and Decision- making.
Power, interest and ideology in international relations: Element of power:
Acquisition, use and limitations of power, Perception formulation and
promotion of National interest. Meaning Rale and Relevance of Ideology in
international Relations.

Arms and wars: Nature, Causes and types of wars/ conflicts including ethnic
disputes; Nuclear/biochemical wars, deterrence. Arms race. Arms control and
Disarmament. Peacetime settlement of disputes, Diplomacy.

Cold war, Alliances, Non-Alignment, end of cold war. Globalization.

Right and Duties of status in international Law, Intervention, Treaty law,
Prevention and absolution of war.


Political Economy of International Relations, New International Economic

Order, North-South Dialogue, South-South Cooperation, WTO, Neo
colonialism and Dependency.
Regional and Sub-regional organisations especially SAARC, ASEAN, OPEC,
OAS and G-20.
United Nations - Aims, Objectives, Structure and Evaluation of the working of
UNO : Peace and Development perspectives, Charter Revision, Power-struggle
and Diplomacy within, UNO,Financing and Peace-keeping operations.
India's Role in International affairs: India's relations with its neighbours, wards,
security concerns and pacts. Mediatory Role,
Distinguishing features ofIndian Foreign Policy and Diplomacy.



• Reorganization of states (1956) and Formation of Madhya Pradesh. Division of

Madhya Pradesh (2000), determinents and charactistics of Madhya Pradesh.
• Govemer - Appointment, Power, Position, Chief Minister and Council of
Ministers : Organization, Power and Role.
• Madhya Pradesh Lageslative Assembly : Organazation and powers. Role of
Speaker. Role of apposition.
• Madhya Pradesh High Court: Organization, Jurisidiction and Role.
• Party system of Madhya Pradesh and main Political Parties Electrol Politics in
Madhya Pradesh and Voting behaviour.

• Administration in Madhya Pradesh : Secretariat, Chif Secretary, Secretary and
Commissioner, District Administration in Madhya Pradesh, Role of Collector.
• Rural Local self Government in Madhya Pradesh : Organisation and Powers,
Urban Local self Government. Organization and Powers, Importance of
Finance, Bureaucracy and Autonmy in local self Goverment.
• Political scenario of Madhya Pradesh : Empowerment of Tribal, backward,
Deprived classes and issues related to Naxalite problem.
• Contribution of Women in Madhya Pradesh Politics.
• Politics of Development in Madhya Pradesh.



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