Here Is A Draft Internal Communication Proposing A Market Research Plan To Address The Company

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Here is a draft internal communication proposing a market research plan to address the company's


To: Leadership Team

From: [Your name], Marketing Director

Date: [Date]

Subject: Proposed Market Research to Inform Smartphone Strategy

I understand the leadership team has been weighing options regarding our smartphone strategy and
investment in new features and models. There are valid perspectives on both sides - investing in
incremental improvements to our existing models versus shifting focus to wearables and other new
form factors.

I believe our marketing team is well-positioned to conduct objective market research with end-users
and channel partners to gather data-driven insights into the right product strategy moving forward.
Here is my proposal:


- Gauge customer demand and willingness to pay for various smartphone features like battery life,
camera quality, size options, etc.

- Assess end-user and channel partner interest in wearables and other emerging form factors.

- Identify key purchase criteria and brand perceptions relative to competitors.


- Online survey with 1,000 existing customers and 500 prospective smartphone buyers recruited
through a consumer panel.

- 20 in-depth interviews with key channel partners to understand retailer demands.

- Competitive analysis of marketing claims, pricing, and features offered by 3 main competitors.

Timing: Research to be conducted over next 8 weeks, with findings compiled into report for
leadership review.

Budget: Estimated $50,000 based on previous projects of similar scale.


- Unbiased insights from end-users rather than relying on internal assumptions.

- Channel partner feedback to inform go-to-market strategy.

- Competitive intelligence to benchmark our brand and products.

Our team has strongrelationships with reputable market research firms who can objectively execute
this study. I believe this is the most efficient approach that will provide you with the market insights
needed to finalize our smartphone and wearables strategy. I welcome your input on the proposed
approach and am happy to answer any additional questions.

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