Group-4 Techno 07 Task-Performance

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myCourse App

Chart your Course, Spark your Passion!

Task Performance

In Partial Fulfilment To The Course


Agduma, Jorist Dave

Deocampo, Kelly Jake

Divina, Angela Dianne

Servancia, Jomart


Benjamin I. Gutierrez Jr. MBA

Date of Submission

April 13, 2024

A. Marketing Objectives

1. Increase Brand Awareness and App Downloads (Short-Term - 6 Months)

Specific: Increase MyCourse App downloads by 10,000 within the Philippines

by August 30th of next year.

Measurable: Track app downloads through app store analytics and internal

tracking mechanisms.

Attainable: Considering the potential market size and marketing efforts, a 10,000

download target within 6 months is achievable.

Relevant: Growing brand awareness and downloads is crucial for establishing

MyCourse App in the Philippine market.

Time-bound: This objective has a clear deadline of August 30th of next year.

2. Enhance User Engagement and Retention (Short-Term - 3 Months)

Specific: Increase the average monthly active users of MyCourse App in the

Philippines by 20% within the first 3 months of launch.

Measurable: Track monthly active users through app analytics tools.

Attainable: A 20% increase in active users within the first 3 months is achievable

through targeted in-app engagement strategies.

Relevant: User engagement and retention are essential for long-term success.
Time-bound: This objective focuses on the first 3 months after launch.

3. Establish MyCourse App as a Trusted Resource for College Guidance

(Long-Term - 2 Years)

Specific: Achieve a 4.5-star average rating on the Philippine app store within 2


Measurable: Track average app store rating through app store analytics.

Attainable: Building a positive reputation and high ratings takes time, but

achievable through continuous improvement and user satisfaction focus.

Relevant: Being a trusted resource is critical for long-term user loyalty and


Time-bound: This is a long-term objective with a target timeframe of 2 years.

B Marketing Efforts and Responsibilities

Focus of Marketing Efforts

The primary focus of our marketing efforts in the National Market is to increase

awareness and adoption of MyCourse App among high school students in the

Philippines, providing them with valuable guidance and support in their academic

journey, with potential for future international expansion.

Short-Term Results

 Increased brand awareness through social media marketing, influencer

partnerships, and local media collaborations.

 Increase app downloads by 30% through targeted app store optimization

(ASO) and in-app incentives for downloads and registration.

 Improve user engagement metrics within six months through personalized

recommendations, interactive content, and gamification elements within

the app.

Long-Term Results

 Building a strong brand reputation through positive user reviews,

testimonials, and establishing partnerships with educational institutions.

 Continuously improving the app's features and content based on user

feedback and market trends.

 Establish MyCourse App as the go-to platform for academic exploration

and course selection among high school students in the Philippines,

leading to sustained growth and user satisfaction.


MyCourse App aims to achieve the stated objectives within the first 6 months of

launching our marketing campaign, with ongoing efforts to maintain and further

improve results in the long term that will be continuously pursued over a 2-year



The marketing team, led by the marketing manager, will be responsible for

attaining the objectives. This includes planning and executing marketing

strategies, monitoring performance metrics, and making necessary adjustments

based on feedback and analysis. The product development team will also

collaborate with marketing to ensure the app features align with user needs and

marketing goals.

How to Achieve Results

1.Implement the marketing strategies outlined in the previous section (VI. Target

Market Profile and Marketing Strategy).

 Develop tailored content and features within the app to address the

specific needs of high school students in the Philippines.

 Partner with local media outlets, schools, universities, and businesses to

increase visibility and promote the app.

 Utilize social media platforms and community events for targeted

marketing campaigns.

 Offer the app in the local language (Tagalog) to enhance accessibility and

appeal to the target audience.

2.Regularly monitor and analyze marketing campaign performance to optimize

strategies and maximize results.

3.Gather user feedback through surveys, app reviews, and in-app

communication channels to refine the app and user experience.

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