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South African Registered Non-Profit
Providing social relief of the distressed, upliftment 2 0
of humanity and care for the most vulnerable.
2 Oceans of Mercy ACTIVITY REPORT

Oceans of Mercy Network is a South African registered non-profit company. The company is registered
with the Department of Social Development as a non-profit organisation and with SARS as a section 18A

The organization’s purpose is to contribute to social relief of the distressed, upliftment of humanity and
care for the most vulnerable. These are all principles enshrined in the Holy Quran and the Prophetic way,
one cannot ignore the numerous time charity is mentioned in the Holy Quran and the virtues of being
caring and compassionate for one’s fellow human beings.

At Oceans of Mercy Network, we have taken our inspiration from the Ottoman Caliph’s on how charity
should be established, were all public services, including infrastructure, education and health care were
provided for through waqf’s. Public officer’s wages were even paid through this practice. All mosques,
schools, dervish lodges, hospitals, bridges, fountains, dams, inns for travellers, bath houses and orphanages
were built with the support of waqfs. Estates, agricultural fields, forests and even care for birds and animals
were established as a means of charity.

This highlights the need to develop an all-encompassing approach to dealing with the wide-ranging
needs of the underprivileged and the environment. At Oceans of Mercy we are addressing these needs
through several initiatives and projects.


Nasser Suffla Esmail Gani

Chairman Treasurer
076 924 2477 082 557 7868

Ahmed Joosub
Projects Coordinator
(Food / Distribution)
082 687 8623

Nargis Gani Akbar Walele

Projects Coordinator Projects Coordinator
(Medical / Frail Care) (Infrastructure)
082 465 8605 082 301 3747
ACTIVITY REPORT Oceans of Mercy 3

Our Infrastructure projects include the building,
maintenance and rehabilitation of township
community centres, masjids, jamaat khanas and
madressahs. In keeping with our wholistic approach
we try and incorporate soup kitchens in these centres
where possible.

We have assisted several such centres in fixing

and replacing roofs, tiling and painting, building
toilet facilities, replacing carpets, and any other
general maintenance requirements. We have further
established subsistance farms in Zanzibar and
Tanzania, in addition to the building of new Centres
MEDICAL ASSISTANCE AND FRAIL CARE SERVICES in Gauteng and Mpumalanga in South Africa and
Knowing that someone cares about you and will be there for you in Dar as Salaam Tanzania. Future plans include
in need is a basic human right and our Islamic duty towards the expanding these current facilities to include space to
elderly and those who are sick. Our objective at Oceans of Mercy is conduct skills development courses.
to provide support services and personalised care for those in need.

Other infrastructure projects include the access to

Over the least 5 years we have assisted many individuals and
safe drinking water by drilling boreholes, building
households with the following services:
water wells and portable water purification plants.
Provision of live-in care givers to aid the elderly with basic health
Such projects have been delivered in Ghana, Zambia,
care. We cover the cost of salaries for these care givers.
Mozambique and Tanzania.
Making doctor and hospital appointments and arranging transport.
Supporting with funding for medical procedures and doctor’s bills
where possible,
Sourcing and purchase the supply of medical apparatus where
possible (wheelchairs, oxygen saturation machines, walkers,
Arranging house visit for medical specialists (physiotherapists,
Regular visits to check on the elderly to provide comfort and moral

We have observed the tremendous impact this makes. It has put

a smile on many faces and given hope to those in despair. Caring
words and giving of one’s time and love creates a homely and
nurturing environment and speeds up recovery and in hospice
cases provides solice and peace.
4 Oceans of Mercy ACTIVITY REPORT


We are committed to uplifting people out of poverty by giving them access to education and
skills. This includes primary & tertiary education, however we strongly believe that this has
to be combined with a strong moral foundation and what better moral foundation is there
then giving the gift of Islam. We make it a priority to establish madrassahs in combination
with our Soup kitchens, we use the opportunity while feeding the kids to give them
lessons about cleanliness, good manners, respect for people and the environment etc. We
have established a number of these centers in outlying areas of Gauteng and Mpumalanga
with the aim of growing this footprint and ultimately contributing towards the creation of
an environment conducive to the improved education of the disadvantaged.

Oceans of Mercy Network also provides financial support to cover the costs of School
uniforms, stationary, books, school and university fees to those in need wherever possible.

Our next objective is to establish a skills development centre to teach unemployed youth
trade skills to become artisan Plumbers, electricians, machanics, carpenters, caregivers etc
and then to provide them with business coaching, marketing platforms, access to tools
and funding and ultimately assisting them to become self-employed and productive
members of society.

We provide assistance for those who need it, helping them move toward self-sufficiency. The
household assistance programme covers assistance with rent, grocery hampers, utilities and
emergency home maintenance and repairs.

The right to an adequate standard of living requires, at a minimum, that everyone shall enjoy the
necessary subsistence rights: adequate food and nutrition, clothing, housing and the necessary
conditions of care when required. The essential point is that everyone shall be able, without shame
and without unreasonable obstacles, to be a full participant in ordinary, everyday interaction with
other people. Thus, people should be able to enjoy their basic needs in conditions of dignity. No
one should have to live in conditions whereby the only way to satisfy their needs is by degrading
themselves or depriving themselves of their dignity.

We are experiencing an influx of requests for assistance as the costs of living has skyrocketed in
the aftermath of the economic crisis created by covid, the rising fuel costs and general inflation
escalations. Even working class people are unable to cover their general monthly expenses and
are sinking deeper into the debt trap. We try and alleviate this debt burden by ensuring that at
least no family goes hungry by providing monthly food parcels. We current distribute +- 2000
food parcels annually. Additionally we support where possible with payments to landlords and
municipalities for arrears and shortfalls to ensure roofs are kept over people heads and the lights
are kept burning. We have also identified the need to provide debt counseling and prevention
of payday and micro loans which keeps individuals trapped in an endless cycle of interest upon
ACTIVITY REPORT Oceans of Mercy 5

The Oceans of Mercy soup kitchen programme ensures that
our most vulnerable members of society are provided with
a hot meal on a daily basis.

Through the support of our founders, donors and

volunteers, we are able to provide this much needed service
in several provinces on a daily basis. We currently feed
between 250 to 300 people directly on a daily basis as well
as providing ingredients to prepare meals to other network
soup kitchens, old age homes and orphanages through
the Mercy Food Bank. In those centres where we provide
Madrassah facilities, we provide the kids in attendance with
meals, to some that may be their only meal for the day.
We are constantly looking to expand this operation and
network to cover more areas which are in need. Until we
can lift people out of poverty and homelessness there will
always be an essential requirement for soup kitchens.

Food wastage is a massive problem across the globe. While
many people go hungry every day, it has been established
that South Africans waste one-third of all food produced
in the country - roughly 10 million tons of food annually.

Food Banks - the economy of nutrition investment. Through

generous sponsorships the organisation has established
The Mercy Food Bank, a state-of-the-art facility which is
equipped to process and store not only dry and canned
foods, but also has cold storage capacity for perishables
such as fruits/vegetables and meat.

Instead of surplus food; near sell-by dated and food in

damaged packaging being dumped, the Mercy Food Bank
collects, processes and stores the food under strict hygiene;
quality control and sanitization standards and re-distributes
this to our soup kitchens and network soup kitchens. Since
inception, the foodbank has processed and distributed over
300 tons of food.
6 Oceans of Mercy ACTIVITY REPORT

At Oceans of Mercy Network, we empower communities to achieve food security and economic stability
through sustainable subsistence farming practices. Our susbsistence farming project is designed to address food
insecurity and poverty by providing individuals with the skills, resources, and support necessary to cultivate their
own sustenance and generate income through agriculture.

Through our project, we work closely with communities to identify individuals who are most in need of
assistance and are eager to engage in agricultural activities. We provide comprehensive training programs that
cover various aspects of subsistence farming, including soil preparation, crop selection, irrigation techniques,
pest management, and post-harvest handling.

Skills Development:
Our training programs are tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of each community, ensuring that
participants acquire practical skills that are relevant to their local environment. By imparting knowledge and
techniques, we empower individuals to become self-reliant farmers capable of producing their own food and
generating surplus for sale in local markets.

Access to Capital and Tooling:

In addition to skills development, we provide participants with access to funding opportunities and essential
farming tools and equipment. This support enables individuals to establish and expand their agricultural
enterprises, breaking down financial barriers and creating pathways to sustainable livelihoods.
ACTIVITY REPORT Oceans of Mercy 7

The impact of our project extends far beyond increased food security and economic stability. By fostering
self-sufficiency and entrepreneurship, we are strengthening the social fabric of communities and promoting
resilience in the face of external challenges. Moreover, the sustainable farming practices promoted through
our project contribute to environmental conservation and long-term food sovereignty.

Empowering Communities through Subsistence Farming exemplifies our commitment to harnessing the
transformative power of agriculture to create positive change. Through collaborative partnerships and holistic
interventions, we are empowering individuals to build brighter futures for themselves and their communities,
one harvest at a time.
8 Oceans of Mercy ACTIVITY REPORT


Imagine a South Africa where farmers, manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers work together for the
greater good of ensuring that not a single person goes hungry.

Youth unemployment is reduced by micro entrepreneurship.

Zakaat recipients become zakaat payers.

The Oceans of Mercy Network needs you to:

Donate financially to maintain our projects and opera-

tional costs
Donate surplus, near expired, shop soiled / bruised,
dented, damaged foods on a large or small scale to our
food bank
Help spread the word about Oceans of Mercy Network
Follow, promote, share and tag us on social media


1 2
Gain the pleasure and blessings of Add value to the lives of the less
Allah SWT fortunate by fulfilling your Islamic

3 4
Your donation can be recognised You company can receive BEE
as tax deductible with a Section recognition for socio economic
18A receipt development spend
ACTIVITY REPORT Oceans of Mercy 9

NPO NUMBER: 214-982
PBO NUMBER: 930072258

General Donations Zakaat Contributions
Bank: First National Bank Bank: First National Bank
Account Number: 6278 9464 361 Account Number: 6251 2405 136
Branch Code: 250655 Branch Code: 250655

Audited Financial Statements are available on request.
Contact our Auditors: Nexia SAB&T
Contact us
Get in touch with us now to find out
how you can help make a difference

4 Roan Crescent, Phone E-mail:

Corporate Park North, +27 84 370 0786
Midrand, 1685

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