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Circuit design and arduino programming :

Here is a step-by-step guide for the circuit design and connection of our single-axis solar tracker

To begin with, we gathered all the necessary components for the solar tracker prototype, which
included the solar panel, Arduino Uno microcontroller, LDR sensor, resistors, servo motor,
Bluetooth module, LED lights, wires, and breadboard.

Next, we focused on establishing the connections between the solar panel and the Arduino. We
connected the positive (+) terminal of the solar panel to the Vin pin of the Arduino Uno and the
negative (-) terminal to the GND (ground) pin.

Afterward, we proceeded to connect the LDR sensor. One leg of the LDR sensor was connected
to the A0 analog input pin of the Arduino Uno, while the other leg was connected to the GND
pin. To create a voltage divider, we placed a resistor (e.g., 10k ohms) between the A0 pin and the
5V pin.

For the servo motor, we connected the signal wire to a digital PWM (Pulse-Width Modulation)
pin of the Arduino Uno, such as pin 9. The power and ground wires of the servo motor were
connected to the 5V and GND pins of the Arduino Uno, respectively.

Moving on to the Bluetooth module, we connected the TX (transmit) pin of the module to the
RX (receive) pin of the Arduino Uno, and the RX pin of the module to the TX pin of the Arduino
Uno. The VCC and GND pins of the Bluetooth module were connected to the 5V and GND pins
of the Arduino Uno, respectively.

Regarding the LED lights, we connected the positive (+) terminal to a digital output pin of the
Arduino Uno, such as pin 13, and the negative (-) terminal to the GND pin.
To ensure proper power distribution, we connected the 5V and GND pins of the Arduino Uno to
the respective power and ground rails of the breadboard. All components requiring power were
appropriately connected to these rails.

We then uploaded the Arduino code responsible for reading sensor values, controlling the servo
motor, and managing the overall operation of the system using the Arduino software.

Finally, we set up all the circuit connections and proceeded to test the system. We powered up
the circuit by connecting the Arduino Uno to a suitable power source, such as a USB cable or a
battery. We ensured that all the connections were secure and checked for any loose wires or
incorrect connections. The functionality of the system was verified by observing the servo
motor's movement based on the sensor readings and checking the performance of the LED lights.

Construction of structure :

Simultaneously with the design of the circuit, we proceeded with the construction of the
physical structure for the prototype. In terms of material selection, we opted for grey boards,
which are commonly utilized for their lightweight nature, ease of manipulation, and adequate
strength for the prototype. Additionally, we chose a robust adhesive that is suitable for securely
bonding the grey boards together.

To shape the grey boards according to the design specifications, we utilized appropriate tools
such as a cutter, ensuring precise cuts and smooth edges to facilitate assembly. We then initiated
the assembly process by constructing the framework of the structure, allowing ample time for the
adhesive to set and establish a durable bond between the boards.

Incorporated within the structure was a mounting mechanism intended to securely hold the solar
panel. This mechanism was designed to enable adjustments in both position and angle, allowing
for effective tracking of the sun's movement. Subsequently, a calibration process was conducted
to ensure accurate alignment and tracking precision. The mounting mechanism and angles of the
solar panel were fine-tuned to optimize exposure to sunlight.

Integration and app development :

We initiated the process by setting up a new Flutter project using a suitable integrated
development environment (IDE) such as Android Studio or Visual Studio Code. Following that,
we proceeded to install all the necessary Flutter SDK and dependencies required for the project.
Subsequently, we focused on designing the user interface (UI) for the application, incorporating
buttons or switches to facilitate control over the servo motor and LED street lights. Flutter's
widget library was utilized to create and arrange the UI elements according to specific

Furthermore, we implemented the Bluetooth functionality to establish seamless communication

between the Flutter application and the Bluetooth module connected to the Arduino. To ensure
the reliability and effectiveness of the application, extensive testing was conducted by running it
on a connected device or emulator. During this testing phase, we thoroughly verified the
functionality of the servo control and LED control features, ensuring their smooth operation.


When discussing the practicality of a single-axis solar tracker project, consider the following

1. Efficiency Improvement: Highlight how a single-axis solar tracker can significantly

enhance the efficiency of a solar panel system. By continuously adjusting the panel's
angle to face the sun throughout the day, more sunlight can be captured, resulting in
increased energy production compared to fixed solar panels.

2. Energy Output Enhancement: Emphasize the potential energy output improvement of the
solar panel system with a single-axis solar tracker. Provide data or studies that
demonstrate the increased energy generation achieved by utilizing tracking technology.

3. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: Conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis, comparing the

additional expenses incurred in implementing a single-axis solar tracker against the
potential gains in energy production. Consider factors such as the size of the solar panel
system, the local solar radiation profile, and the cost of electricity. This analysis will help
determine the viability and economic benefits of utilizing a solar tracker.
4. Adaptability to Geographic Locations: Discuss how a single-axis solar tracker can adapt
to different geographic locations. Highlight the advantage of maximizing energy
production in areas with varying sun positions throughout the year. This adaptability can
be particularly beneficial for regions with significant seasonal changes or locations far
from the equator.

5. Maintenance Considerations: Address the practicality of maintaining a single-axis solar

tracker. Discuss the maintenance requirements, such as periodic cleaning, lubrication of
moving parts, and inspection of electronic components. Consider the additional effort and
costs associated with maintenance but also emphasize the long-term benefits of increased
energy production.

6. Scalability and Flexibility: Highlight the scalability and flexibility of a single-axis solar
tracker system. Discuss how it can be implemented in different project sizes, ranging
from small residential installations to large-scale solar farms. Emphasize the system's
ability to accommodate various panel sizes, configurations, and orientations.

7. Reliability and Durability: Discuss the reliability and durability of the single-axis solar
tracker system. Address the robustness of the mechanical components, such as the motor
and tracking mechanism, to withstand harsh weather conditions. Highlight any safety
features, such as automatic tracking disablement during extreme weather events.

8. Environmental Impact: Emphasize the positive environmental impact of a single-axis

solar tracker. As it increases energy production from the same solar panel area, it reduces
the need for additional panels and land use. Discuss how this can contribute to the overall
sustainability and carbon footprint reduction of the solar energy system.

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