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Biomass Resource and Technology

(A) Biomass Resources for Energy

 Biomass is the term used to describe all biologically produced matter.

 The technology of deriving bio-energy and other value-added products from renewable
bio-resources has been receiving much attention globally

 This is due to the key factors such as

 environmentally benign.
 optimal utilization of bio-resources.
 enhancement of rural economy.
 employment generation at the grass roots level.

 World production of biomass is estimated at 146 billion metric tons a year, mostly wild
plant growth.

 Some farm crops and trees can produce up to 20 metric tons per acre of biomass a year.

 Types of algae and grasses may produce 50 metric tons per year.

 Dried biomass has a heating value of 5000-8000 Btu/lb. with virtually no ash or sulfur
produced during combustion.

(B) Biomass Conversion Technology

 Biomass conversion may be conducted on two broad pathways:

 Thermo-chemical decomposition and

 Bio-chemical method.

B.1 Thermo-chemical Decomposition

 There are three main thermo-chemical processes under which biomass can be converted
into energy, fuels and other commercial products:

- Combustion
- Gasification
- Pyrolysis
 The decisive parameter which favors one process from another is the air supply to
biomass feedstock.

 When oxygen is in excess compared to biomass supply, then complete combustion takes

 When the amount of oxygen supply is not sufficient (less than combustion stoichiometric
demands) then gasification occurs.

 Finally, pyrolysis is a process which takes place with the absolute absence of oxygen.

 So, gasification can be characterized actually as an intermediate alternative between

combustion and pyrolysis; between the over-sufficient oxygen supply to biomass and its
absolute absence from the process.

(B.1.1) Gasification versus Combustion


 During combustion, due to the high oxygen supply, all biomass carbon is converted to
carbon dioxide, hydrogen to water and sulfur to sulfur dioxide.

 This means that biomass combustion air product is basically a mixture of carbon dioxide,
water, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide.

 None of these substances can be characterized as combustible, thus the only way to
produce energy through combustion is via steam cycle turbine (or its more efficient
Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) alternative).


 In gasification, the gas produced from the process (syngas) is a mixture which among
others contains carbon monoxide, hydrogen, methane and other hydrocarbons; substances
which are flammable and combustible.

 As a result, syngas can be fed to gas engines or turbines after it has been firstly cleaned
of any possible contaminants.
 The typical electrical efficiency of steam turbine systems varies between 15-25%, while
syngas fired gas engines and turbines can achieve much higher system electrical
efficiencies (between 30-40%).

 Since gas engines achieve higher electrical efficiencies than steam turbines, gasification
seems to be more attractive than combustion in terms of efficient energy production.

(B.1.2) Gasification versus Pyrolysis

 As it has been already mentioned, gasification occurs when the oxygen supplied to
biomass is less than required in order to fulfill complete combustion;

 But when referring to pyrolysis, it is essential to maintain absolute oxygen-free

conditions during the thermal conversion of biomass.

 During pyrolysis biomass is heated until it is liquefied and the contained volatile gases
are driven off the solid mass.

 The volatile gases are then condensed in order to eventually produce a combustible liquid
biofuel, called bio-oil.

 Probably the most promising alternative of biomass pyrolysis is biomass fast pyrolysis.
This takes place at a medium temperature range (450-500°C) with extremely small
retention time of biomass inside the reactor (about 2-3 seconds).

 The conditions under which fast pyrolysis takes place result to the production of a low
char and water content bio-oil, with increased energy value.
 Both gasification and pyrolysis produce fluid fuels; the first gaseous fuel and the last

 Even though syngas and bio-oil have certain similarities (utilization in engines and
turbines, transportation through piping network, use as feedstock for the production of
other fuels or chemicals).

 There are important issues that need to be solved in pyrolysis. One of the highest concern
is the quality of bio-oil produced which is considered corrosive and its constant supply to
power engines needs to be regulated.

 Also bio-oil storage and transportation is problematic.

Biomass conversion process Air (or steam) supply Temperature range (°C) Products
Gasification Less than 800-1200 Heat
oxygen required
Combustion In excess 800-1200 Heat, Syngas fuel,
Pyrolysis Total absence 300-600 Heat, Bio-oil,
gas. char

B.2 Bio-chemical Method

Two main processes are used, fermentation and anaerobic digestion.


 The biochemical conversion involves breaking down of biomass into its component
sugars, which can be fermented or otherwise converted to valuable fuels & chemicals.

 This process can deal with the agricultural residues, energy crops and to some extent pulp
& paper mill residues thus presenting a good potential for producing biofuels on large

 Fermentation is used commercially on a large scale in various countries to produce

ethanol from sugar crops (e.g. sugar cane, sugar beet) and starch crops (e.g.

 The biomass is ground down and the starch converted by enzymes to sugars, with yeast
then converting the sugars to ethanol.
 The solid residue from the fermentation process can be used as cattle-feed

 in the case of sugar cane, the bagasse can be used as a fuel for boilers or for subsequent

 The conversion of lignocellulosic biomass (such as wood and grasses) is more complex,
due to the presence of longer-chain polysaccharide molecules and requires acid or
enzymatic hydrolysis before the resulting sugars can be fermented to ethanol.

(B.2.2) Aerobic digestion

 Aerobic digestion is the conversion of organic material directly to a gas, termed biogas, a
mixture of mainly methane and carbon dioxide with small quantities of other gases such
as hydrogen sulphide .

 The biomass is converted by bacteria in an anaerobic environment, producing a gas with

an energy content of about 20–40% of the lower heating value of the feedstock.

 Aerobic digestion is a commercially proven technology and is widely used for treating
high moisture content organic wastes

 Biogas can be used directly in spark ignition gas engines and in gas turbines and can be
upgraded to higher quality i.e. natural gas quality, by the removal of CO2. Used as a fuel
in spark ignition gas engines to produce electricity only, the overall

(C) Energy Farming

 According to a 1984 report by the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, of the clean
renewable energy alternatives, "only biomass energy holds promise to provide liquid
fuels for transportation in the near future.

 The Hawaii Natural Energy Institute worked with the University's Department of
Agricultural Engineering to determine the most suitable plants and sites for "growing

 Researchers began work in 1978 to demonstrate the commercial viability of biomass

energy plantations and methanol-from-biomass fuel production under Hawaii Integrated
Biofuels Research Program."

 Several types of eucalyptus trees and indigenous nitrogen fixing trees were studied, as
well as sugar cane and other napier grasses.
 Tree farming (sylvaculture) presented several problems and produced disappointing

 Production costs are high. Trees must be transplanted as clones or selected vigorous
seedlings. Eucalyptus is a heavy nitrogen feeder, which is one of the reasons nitrogen

 The tree crop takes four to seven years to be ready for harvest. In addition to cultivating
expenses. Not only is chipping wood expensive, the noise pollution chipping creates
presents problems, especially on a small island.

 Compare this to hemp. Hemp is planted inexpensively from seed sown directly in the
field; hemp actually improves the soil in which it is grown, without chemical fertilizers;

 hemp chokes out weeds by virtue of its fast dense growth; hemp biomass harvesters
(modified hay cubers) are cheaper to operate and are much quieter than wood chippers.

 According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, over a twenty year period one acre
planted in hemp produces as much pulp as 4.1 acres of trees.

 One species of nitrogen fixing tree (Leucaena leucephala) yielded 15 dry tons per acre the
first year and nearly 40 tons from regrowth the second year.

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