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Assignment- 36

Single Correct Answer Type 5 Q. [3 M (–1)]

1. The arrangement shows a solid cylinder of radius R placed between two planks. There is no slipping
at rough surfaces. The planks are given a horizontal constant velocity as shown. The angular
velocity of the cylinder is:

5V 2V 3V 5V
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4R 3R 4R 2R

2. In the figure shown, mass of ring is m and mass of hanging block is 2m, whereas pulley and string
are massless. Acceleration of centre of mass of the ring is (g = 10 m/s2):

(A) 2 m/s2 (B) 4 m/s2 (C) 6 m/s2 (D) 8 m/s2

3. Three identical uniform rods are hinged on a wall, while their other ends are attached to the wall
by three massless strings as shown in the diagrams :

(A) Tensions in strings (ii) and (iii) are same (B) Tensions in strings (i) and (ii) are same
(C) Tensions in all the strings are same (D) Tensions are different in all the strings

Space for Rough Work

Assignment 1
4. A 3.0 kg bobbin consists of a central cylinder of radius 6.0 cm and two end plates each of radius
7.0 cm. It is placed on a slotted incline, where friction is sufficient to prevent sliding. A block is
suspended from a cord wound around the bobbin and passing through the slot under the incline.
If the bobbin is in static equilibrium, and the angle of tilt of the incline is 37°. What is the mass of
block (in kg).

(A) 21 (B) 7 (C) 9 (D) 14

5. A rod of mass M and length is at rest on plane horizontal smooth surface. A particle of same
mass M strike one end with velocity u perpendicular to rod, elastically. Now just after collision
what is the kinetic energy of upper half part of rod.

Mu2 Mu2 Mu2 Mu2

(A) (B) (C) (D)
25 16 9 4

Multiple Correct Answer Type 6 Q. [4 M (–1)]

6. Rod B sticks to rod A on collision. Collision takes place on horizontal plane. Rod-A is hinged at O.
Friction is absent everywhere.
2v 0
(A) Angular velocity of system just after collision is
(B) Velocity of centre of mass of system just after collision is v
40 0
10 L
(C) Centre of mass of system is at distance of from O
(D) Kinetic energy of system just after collision is mv02 .

Space for Rough Work

Assignment 2
7. A bead is connected with a fixed disc of radius R by an inextensible massless string in a smooth
horizontal plane. If the bead is pushed with a velocity v0 perpendicular to the string, the bead
moves in a curve and consequently collapses on the disc. Then :

v 20
(A) Initial angular acceleration of the particle is 2

v 20R
(B) Initial angular acceleration of the particle is 3

(C) Distance travelled by the particle till it collides with the disc is
(D) Distance travelled by the particle till it collides with the disc is

8. A clockwise torque of 6N-m is applied to the circular solid cylinder as shown in the figure. There
is no friction between the cylinder and the block. Mark the CORRECT statement (s)
(A) The cylinder will slip but the system does not move forward.
(B) The system cannot move forward for any torque applied to the cylinder.
(C) The acceleration of the system will be 1m/s2 forward.
(D) The angular acceleration of the cylinder is 10 rad/s2.

9. A cylinder is observed to be rolling freely at constant speed on a horizontal surface. Which of the
following statements is/are FALSE ?
(A) If friction is present it is not possible for the motion to occur without loss of energy.
(B) If the surface is rough, the cylinder cannot roll without slipping.
(C) If the cylinder is rolling without slipping, there must be a non-zero friction force exerted by
the surface.
(D) Cylinder can roll without slipping if the surface is smooth.

Space for Rough Work

Assignment 3
10. A plank of mass 'm' and sphere of mass '2m' are kept on a smooth inclined plane as shown in the
figure. The coefficient of friction between sphere and plank is 'µ'. If system is released from rest
then choose the CORRECT statement/s at t = 0 :
(A) Friction force between sphere and plank is 2µmg cos 
(B) Friction force between sphere and plank is zero.
(C) Acceleration of plank and sphere is same
5g sin( )
(D) Acceleration of sphere w.r.t. plank is

11. A uniform thin flat isolated disc is floating in gravity free space. It has radius R and mass m.
A force of constant magnitude 'F' is applied to it at a distance d = from the center at point A
which is always perpendicular to line OA as shown in figure. Treat this problem as two dimensional.
Choose the CORRECT statements :-
(A) Magnitude of acceleration of the center of the disc is
(B) Angular acceleration of the disk is
(C) Angular velocity when disc rotate by angle /2 is
(D) Acceleration of point P at shown instant is equals to zero.

Numerical Grid Type (Ranging from 0 to 9) 1 Q. [4 M (0)]

12. A mass m travelling at speed v0 strikes perpendicularly to a stick of mass m and length  = 1.2m,
which is initially at rest as shown in the figure. The mass collides completely inelastically with the
stick at one of its ends, and sticks to it. The location of point from end A (in cm) which is at
instantaneous rest just after collision is x0. Value of x0/10 is:

Space for Rough Work

Assignment 4
Comprehension Type 6 Q. [M 3(–1)]

Paragraph for Question 13 to 15

Two small particles of mass m are attached to the periphery of disc of mass 2m and radius R. The
assembly is free to rotate about the axis passing through hinge and perpendicular to the plane of
disc. An impulse J is applied to one of the particle in a direction tangent to the disc as shown in
the figure.

13. Find the value of change in angular momentum :

3 1
(A) JR (B) JR (C) JR (D) 2JR
2 2

14. Find the value of angular velocity just after the impulse given.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
mR 2mR 3mR 6mR

15. If the centre of the disc just able to reach horizontal level of the hinge, then find the value of J in
terms of m, g and R.
(A) 2m 10gR (B) m 10gR (C) m 2gR (D) m 5gR

Paragraph for Question 16 to 18

Three particles each of mass m can slide on fixed frictionless circular tracks in the same horizontal
plane as shown in figure. Particle A moves with velocity v0 and hits particle B. The coefficient of
restitution being e = ½. Assuming that B and C are initially at rest, lie along the radial line before
impact, the spring initially is un–stretched, and it has a spring constant k.

16. The velocity of B immediately after impact is:

3v 0 v v0
(A) v0 (B) (C) 0 (D)
4 2 4

Space for Rough Work

Assignment 5
17. The maximum velocity of C is:
3v 0 3v 0 3v 0 3v 0
(A) (B) (C) (D)
10 8 5 4

18. The maximum stretch in the spring is:

m v0 m 3v 0 m v0 m
(A) v 0 (B) (C) (D)
5K 2 5K 4 5K 4 5K

Match the Matrix type 1 Q. [M 8 (0)]

(Partial marking → each correct answer contains +2 marks)

19. At the instant shown, the fan is rotating at 2 rad/s (clockwise as seen from the front). It is slowing
down with a constant angular acceleration of 4 rad/s 2. In column-I are referred four physical
quantities and in column-II are referred their possible directions. Suggest suitable matches.

Column – I Column - II
(A) Angular momentum vector (P) Out of the page
(B) Angular acceleration vector (Q) Into the page
(C) Net torque vector (R) In the plane of page
(D) Linear acceleration vector at point X on the (S) Tangential to the circular path of X
tip of the fan blade
(T) Towards center of the fan

________________________THANK YOU_________________________
Space for Rough Work

Assignment 6

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