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SDRR121 - DRR SEM 2 - TERM 3, GR 11

Written by : Stacey Castro - STM 12 April 9, 2024


KEY CONCEPTS: Concept on disaster and disaster risk

Disaster : serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society

involving widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and
impacts, exceeding the ability of the community to cope using its own

Disaster risk : the probability of harmful consequences or expected losses

resulting from interactions between natural or human-induced hazards and
vulnerable conditions.
- Risk: the combination of probability of an event and its negative

Hazard : Phenomenon or situation that causes disruption or damage to people,

their property, services, and their environment.
Vulnerability : a condition that determines the physical, economic, social, and
environmental factors or processes that increases the susceptibility of a
community to the impact of hazards.
Capacity : It is the combination of a community's strengths, characteristics and
resources that can be utilized to achieve certain goals.
→ opposite of vulnerability

Natural disasters : These are also referred to as natural hazards and are
extreme, sudden events caused by environmental factors such as
a. Typhoon - type of tropical cyclone ; known as severe tropical storm
b. Earthquake - shaking of earth caused by waves moving on and below
the earth’s surface
c. Volcanic eruption - when lava and gas are discharge from a volcanic
SDRR121 - DRR SEM 2 - TERM 3, GR 11
What is the difference Environmental disaster : defined as man-made damages to the natural
between Environmental environment that result in disease and death of living beings ; including plants,
disaster and Human - induced animals, and human beings.
disaster if environmental - Nuclear disasters - failures of nuclear plants or usage of atomic bombs
disaster is also defined as a - Chemical disasters - accidents in factories, side effects of mining,
man-made damage? agricultural implementation, careless usage , or military activities.
- Oil spills - consequences of leakages in oil tankers
- Mining disasters - mining tunnels collapsing, burying the miners
working underneath the earth, spillage of hazardous chemicals
Human - induced disasters : they have an element of human intent,
negligence, or error involving a failure of a man-made system as opposed to
natural disasters resulting from natural hazards.

RISK FACTORS OF DISASTER Several factors that make it more likely that someone will have more severe or
longer-lasting stress reactions after disasters.
1. Severity of Exposure - highest risks are those that have gone through
the disaster themselves and have close contact with victims.
- Injury and life threat = mental health problems
2. Gender and family - disaster recovery is more stressful when children
are present and having a family member at home who is extremely
distressed is related to more stress to everyone.
- Conflicts between family members = harder to recover
- Women or girls = suffer more from negative effects
3. Age - higher stress in parents is related to worse recovery of children.
Therefore, children show more severe distress after disasters than the


Primary - disaster that is considered to be the onset of subsequent disasters
Secondary - occur following the destructive earthquake such as flood, fire,
explosion, and diffuse of poison gas. This is also known as the aftereffects it
Tertiary - long-term effects that are set off because of a primary event.
- Loss of habitat caused by flood
- Permanent changes in the position of a river channel
- Crop failure caused by a volcanic eruption
Groups : people, homes, Infrastructure, Economy

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