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Subject: Writing

Name: Nin Soman Vearakreach

Grade: 7th
Date of Submission: 20/2/2024 Elon Tusk

In the year 1971, on June 28 Elon Musk and Elon Tusk were born in South Africa in Pretoria.
When Elon Tusk was born 3 min and 23 seconds faster the doctor examined him and saw a very tiny
thing on each side of his mouth above. The doctor examined more and it was made from ivory after that
examination the doctor asked his parent about radiation his father told about when he was Japan in
Tokyo he was accidentally fed elephant meat which was contaminated with radiation so now Elon Tusk
and his twin brother arrive at their house Elon Tusk father was afraid of the hates of social media and
other rich family members that know him so he finds Elon Tusk disgraceful even though he was wrong
for eating the elephant as childhoods grew Elon Musk was the favorite child he aces all his academics he
was very smart and funny which got him popularity as Elon Musk has friends Elon Tusk doesn’t he was
seen as an outcast to the world and his school because of his growing tusk which make him look like a
freak Musk also bully Tusk of being a freak throughout their childhood his parent and Musk saw him
getting bullied but did nothing to help him.
When the twins reach 18 Elon Musk got so much money from his parent which enables him to
make a company called Tesla but Elon Tusk on the other hand got disowned with nothing to fend for
himself so his friend offer him a place to stay at his house after that traumatizing event of being
disowned by his own flesh and blood he start working hard in online business with the will of showing
his parent he is not a freak and not needing them to help him Tusk make his own company Tuskla which
grew not quiet much but Tusk discover that he had 28 bitcoins in his laptop so Tusk saw the value for
one is 27.6k dollar in the United States so which was the equivalent to 756168 dollar and Tusk invest all
of it to Tuskla making a risky move of it might failing due to Tesla being the more popular brand but
that risky move paid off tremendously his company grew so fast it become a billion dollar company over
the years with money so much he can’t even comprehend it himself so Tusk make another company
Space Tusk which was to discover the wonder of spaces the beauty that lies within the cosmos Space
Tusk launch it first rocket and it was a success landing on the moon they took pictures that show how
big things really is. They launched a rocket to Mars which was more successful than any rocket that was
launched to Mars it had 3 moving bots in it which landed on the surface of Mars it started taking pictures
of Mars then it launched a space probe into space which took many wonderful pictures of the solar
system and it was the best space probe that taken the clearest picture of every planets as Tusk invention
and company grew Elon Musk was the richest in the world but soon it took a dark turn for Elon Tusk his
company Tesla and Space X start failing real badly he wasn’t even on the top 10 richest people anymore
it start failing so hard Musk is got Bankrupted he was sent to a multi-millionaire in a couple of months
then he became poor in another couple of months Elon Musk is now homeless and was nickname as
“Richest person in the world become a broke homeless freak.” Musk was in despair and now living off
the streets of New York.
Elon Tusk was now the richest person in the world and was nicknamed “The Tusk Fortune or The
Money Tusk.” Elon Tusk got a call for a 20 billion dollar deal in New York at a famous building called
Empire State As Tusk walked down the cold streets of New York many people were trying to get an
autograph of Elon Tusk but were brushed off by his 7 Body Guards as a cold breeze land on Tusk he
saw a homeless person and a feeling make Elon Tusk check out that person which was Musk his twin
brother Tusk heard the news of Elon Musk being poor and been trying to locate Musk location Tusk ran
and hugged his brother and wanted to help Musk but Musk ask, “Why do you still want to help me after
I treated you horribly.” and Tusk replied “No matter the pain you cause me your still my twin brother.”
Musk realized how bad a person he was to his brother and his brother forgave him Musk cried into his
brother's arms Tusk told Musk he would help Musk grow back his company. Many years later Elon
Tusk became a billionaire and with the help of his brother they sat on the edge of the Empire State
Building at night gazing into the sky waiting for an adventure in space of happiness Musk said, “Let's
explore the Solar System and uncover the mystery of space together.” “I agree brother,” Tusk replied,
The End.

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