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Several Roman emperors persecuted Christians during the early centuries of the Roman
Empire. The most notable of these include:
1. Nero (54-68 AD): Nero is considered the first Roman emperor to persecute
Christians on a large scale. According to tradition, he blamed the Christians for
the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD and used this as an excuse to unleash a wave
of violence against them. Christians were arrested, tortured, and executed in
various ways, including crucifixion, burning, and beheading.

2. Domitian (81-96 AD): Domitian revived the persecution of Christians during his
reign. He demanded that all citizens worship him as a god, and Christians who
refused were subject to arrest, torture, and execution. Domitian also exiled many
Christians to remote parts of the empire.

3. Trajan (98-117 AD): Trajan's policy towards Christians was more ambivalent than
that of his predecessors. He did not actively seek out Christians for persecution,
but he did not hesitate to punish them if they were brought to his attention. Trajan
also issued a rescript to Pliny the Younger, governor of Bithynia, which stated that
Christians should not be actively sought out but should be punished if they were
accused and refused to recant their faith.

4. Marcus Aurelius (161-180 AD): Marcus Aurelius was a philosopher emperor

who is generally considered to be one of the most benevolent rulers in Roman
history. However, he also persecuted Christians during his reign. Aurelius
believed that Christians were a threat to the stability of the empire, and he
authorized their imprisonment, torture, and execution.

5. Diocletian (284-305 AD): Diocletian launched the most severe persecution of

Christians in Roman history. He issued a series of edicts that ordered the
destruction of Christian churches, the burning of Christian scriptures, and the
arrest, torture, and execution of Christians. Diocletian's persecution lasted for ten
years and caused the deaths of thousands of Christians.

The persecution of Christians by Roman emperors ended with the Edict of Milan in 313 AD,
which granted Christians religious freedom. However, the legacy of this persecution
continues to be felt today, as Christians in many parts of the world still face persecution and


In grade school year, having a big eyes and flat nose makes you a valuable target for
bullying. I'm pretty sure most kids are bullied in one way or another it just depends on how it
effects them for them to really remember it. I remember being bullied but I can't tell you what
it was over anymore as children's mean words have nothing to do with me as an adult.

I've been bullied my whole life, some says “mataan” and “pango” to me almost
everyday, maybe not to the point that I eat lunch by myself but I had low self esteem up until
I came to college. You know, you're only human and it makes sense that you'll think it's odd if
someone shows a genuine interest in you. So instead, I told myself, those people are not my
friends, I’m better off without them. My friends would never intentionally bully me over the
way that I look. Ignore those people, now adays even good looking people have huge
personal problems. Internal beauty is much more valuable now adays despite what people
say. You shouldn't give up and keep moving forward, because only you can do it for yourself.
After a long road of being bullied and rejected, I realized we're strong on our own. It took me
years to realize it but it's true. Bullies actually really only hate themselves. They resent
others because they see that they possess something that they, the bullies, lack. And so
they lash out in violent way because they hate being reminded of their own deficiencies and
through bullying they feel they can disguise their inadequacies from others. Which causes
them to hate themselves even more. They really are a sad and pitiful group of people
underneath all their bluster. Very sad and very pitiful.

Bullying because of physical appearance is a serious issue that can have lasting
negative consequences for the victim. It can lead to low self-esteem, depression, anxiety,
and even suicide. It is important to remember that you are not alone if you are being bullied
because of your physical appearance.

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