Insight Paper - Pba - SF22 - Miras, Maevel - Bsed-Fil

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Name: Miras Maevel T.

SF22- BSEd- Filipino

The Alteration of Performance Based-Assessment: The Form of Change

I. Introduction
When a time change innovation also improve, advance and power of
people strive in many aspect technology, transportation, and social norms. A
performance base assessment is an innovation to improve education system.
A performance based assessment is a contemporary educational setting, that
makes practice and plan that advocate education in creating and have high
innovation performance of student learning outcomes. It revolutionize the
growing recognition of the high nature of learning that is rarely need in for
assessment for students to capture new abilities and skills. According to
Abraham Gyamfi, Abraham Yeboah, Patiente Langee, and Isaac Aboagye they
explore the nature of performance base assessment or PBA, It requires
student to have deeper understanding in education reforms this PBA enhance
teacher collaboration for student learning ability that this performance base
assessment is an hierarchy that education wants to aim. According to the
article it value the teaching and learning to see whats the potential of the
reality, in this article it involves the application of knowledge that that
represent the real life experiences that fucos on OBA or outcome-based

II. Summary of the Research Article

According to the research article I’ve read Performance based Assessment
in contemporary classroom assessement is a form nature for education that
investigate the advantages and dis advantages that challenges the
relationship of OBA and PBA to execute the effectiveness in assessing student
learning. It is the bridge to know whats the gap of theretical knowledge and
practical application not like of trsditionsl assessment they focus on practical
application for students to solve realworld task just to maintain the success
of education in modern world. Through the exploration of PBA it offers
diverse learning to integrated classroom practices. In PBA it is to determine
that students bild there skill development. It hold the potencial to prepare
student to face challenges to adopt traditional assessment.

III. Insight and Analysis

A performance based assessment it requires a complex of thinking reasoning
skills according to Adeyime it is essential components and process in education.
Performance based assessment is like an authenthic assessment that foucos on
student using applying knowledge and skills in real world setting the reflect on
student learning achievement. PBA is a form of assessment that occur on how should
material used when examining and testing like paper and pencil task it is an
exercices to control over all communities. It require prior knowledge for developing
hands on activities PBA is a long term project the enhance elaboration of a teacher
an a learners. Aside from the project it also useful in terms of having techniques in
making project, we can also use the material in experiments and to conduct research
study to produce scientific explinations. PBA is also known as oral presentation and
dramatizations just like role play. PBA is a product to assess the process to
contribute proficiency in easy application of a task. Therefor PBA od Performance
Based Assessment is encouraging us to use PBA and move students knowledge from
inside to outside real world. For instance, studentsmight be asked to research both
sides of theissue and to deliver persuasive speeches on the issue. Performance-
based assessment (PBA) is one of the contemporary forms of assessment that is
being advocated for by many assessment experts. This is because it has proven to
bridge the gap between knowing and doing. It allows students to apply learned
concepts in solving real life situational problems. It has advantage over the
traditional assessment which only requires student to choose rather than creating
responses. It also allows students to think differently in creating a solution to a real-
life problem. However, most teachers have little knowledge of the forms and nature
of performance-based assessment even though some have taken at least a course in
classroom assessment.

IV. Conclusion

In this article a PBA has a big potencial in terms of challenges that encourage for
student learning outcome it demonstrate the creation of PBA. There are some
definition of PBA is a type of alternative assessment that caters the task
requirements fof students engagement in order to create and novate the
education. Performance based Assessment had a weakness a dis-advantages such
as using potfolios in assessing PBA Faculty time required to prepare the portfolio
assignment and assist students as they prepare them. Logistics are challenging.
Students must retain and compile their own work, usually outside of class. Motivating
students to take the portfolio seriously may be difficult.Transfer students may have
difficulties meeting program-portfolio requirements. Storage demands can overwhelm.

V. Referencess
Asian Research Journal of Arts & Social Sciences 2023-04-18 | Journal e
articlDOI: 10.9734/arjass/2023/v19i4431CONTRIBUTORS: Abraham
Gyamfi; Patience Langee; Abraham Yeboah; Isaac Aboagye Adu

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